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Server - Interview Questions and Answers for 'Manual scaling' - 1 question(s) found - Order By Rating

 Q1. What is the difference between "Manual Scaling" and "Auto Scaling" ? Server
Ans. Manual scaling is the process of scaling instances up and down in a an enviornment manually by observing the scaling trigger whereas Auto scaling is the process wherein a Trigger condition specified as a scaling trigger will trigger scaling up and down of instances.

for example - If an organization has a policy of scaling up if requests / sec / instance exceeds 10000, Operations team will have to manually monitor the metric and they can request scaling up and down as the need arise. Manual scaling offers flexibility as team can scale on the basis of combination of factors and can take decision on flyby requires continuous monitoring.

The same trigger can be fed as triggering policy to the environment and can be taken care by the system. This requires availability of such triggering policy within the environment configuration but as it's automatically handled, requires no supervision.

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