Math.round method rounds the decimal to an integer by stripping off the decimal places. How can we use the same method to keep only 2 decimal places<br /> <br /> For example -<br /> <br /> Math.round(12.3456) will return 12. What should we do to get 12.34 without using any other class or method.

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 Q1. Math.round method rounds the decimal to an integer by stripping off the decimal places. How can we use the same method to keep only 2 decimal places

For example -

Math.round(12.3456) will return 12. What should we do to get 12.34 without using any other class or method.
Core Java
Ans. We can multiply the value by 100 and then use Math.round on that and then divide the result by 100

For example -

(Math.round(12.3456 * 100)) / 100

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