Name | Description | Type | Package | Framework |
AnchorPosition | enum AnchorPositionextends EnumEnumeration of possible anchor positions that a Widget can use. | Class | com.androidplot.ui | Android Plot |
AxisValueLabelFormatter | | Class | com.androidplot.xy | Android Plot |
BarFormatter | | Class | com.androidplot.xy | Android Plot |
BarRenderer | | Class | com.androidplot.xy | Android Plot |
BezierLineAndPointFormatter | This is an experimental class and should not currently be used in production apps. | Class | com.androidplot.xy | Android Plot |
BezierLineAndPointRenderer | WARNING: This is an unfinished class. | Class | com.androidplot.xy | Android Plot |
BoundaryMode | enum BoundaryModeextends EnumEnum Constant SummaryAUTO | Class | com.androidplot.xy | Android Plot |
BoxModel | Convenience implementation of BoxModelable. | Class | com.androidplot.ui | Android Plot |
BoxModelable | Encapsulates the functionality of a BoxModel. | Interface | com.androidplot.ui | Android Plot |
Configurator | Utility class for "configuring" objects via XML config files. | Class | com.androidplot.util | Android Plot |
DisplayDimensions | | Class | com.androidplot.util | Android Plot |
DynamicTableModel | Encapsulates the visual aspects of a table; number of rows and columns and the height and width in pixels of each element within the table. | Class | com.androidplot.ui | Android Plot |
EmptyWidget | | Class | com.androidplot.ui.widget | Android Plot |
FillDirection | enum FillDirectionextends EnumDefines which edge is used to close a fill path for drawing lines. | Class | com.androidplot.xy | Android Plot |
FixedTableModel | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from class com. | Class | com.androidplot.ui | Android Plot |
FontUtils | | Class | com.androidplot.util | Android Plot |
Formatter | Base class of all Formatters. | Class | com.androidplot.ui | Android Plot |
LayoutManager | See Also:Serialized FormConstructor SummaryLayoutManager() | Class | com.androidplot.ui | Android Plot |
LineAndPointFormatter | Defines the visual aesthetics of an XYSeries; outline color and width, fill style, vertex size and color, shadowing, etc. | Class | com.androidplot.xy | Android Plot |
LineAndPointRenderer | Renders a point as a line with the vertices marked. | Class | com.androidplot.xy | Android Plot |
LineRegion | A one dimensional region represented by a starting and ending value. | Class | com.androidplot | Android Plot |
ListOrganizer | Utility class providing additional element organization operations. | Class | com.androidplot.util | Android Plot |
MultiSynch | Utility class for obtaining synch lock across multiple objects. | Class | com.androidplot.util | Android Plot |
PaintUtils | Convenience methods that operate on Paint instances. | Class | com.androidplot.util | Android Plot |
PieChart | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from class com. | Class | com.androidplot.pie | Android Plot |
PieRenderer | | Class | com.androidplot.pie | Android Plot |
PieWidget | Visualizes data as a pie chart. | Class | com.androidplot.pie | Android Plot |
PixelUtils | | Class | com.androidplot.util | Android Plot |
Plot | Base class for all other Plot implementations. | Class | com.androidplot | Android Plot |
PlotListener | Defines methods used for monitoring events generated by a Plot. | Interface | com.androidplot | Android Plot |
PlotRenderException | | Class | com.androidplot.exception | Android Plot |
PlotStatistics | !!! THIS CLASS IS STILL UNDER DEVELOPMENT AND MAY CONTAIN BUGS !!! Gathers performance statistics from a Plot. | Class | com.androidplot.util | Android Plot |
PointLabeler | | Interface | com.androidplot.xy | Android Plot |
PointLabelFormatter | | Class | com.androidplot.xy | Android Plot |
PositionMetric | | Class | com.androidplot.ui | Android Plot |
PositionMetrics | | Class | com.androidplot.ui | Android Plot |
RectRegion | RectRegion is just a rectangle with additional methods for determining intersections with other RectRegion instances. | Class | com.androidplot.xy | Android Plot |
Redrawer | Utility class for invoking Plot. | Class | com.androidplot.util | Android Plot |
RenderBundle | | Class | com.androidplot.ui | Android Plot |
Resizable | Used by classes that depend on dimensional values to lay themselves out and draw. | Interface | com.androidplot.ui | Android Plot |
Segment | | Class | com.androidplot.pie | Android Plot |
SegmentFormatter | | Class | com.androidplot.pie | Android Plot |
Series | Base interface for all Series implementationsReturns:The title of this Series. | Interface | com.androidplot | Android Plot |
SeriesAndFormatterList | Associates a Series with a Formatter. | Class | com.androidplot.ui | Android Plot |
SeriesRenderer | | Class | com.androidplot.ui | Android Plot |
SimpleXYSeries | A convenience class used to create instances of XYPlot generated from Lists of Numbers. | Class | com.androidplot.xy | Android Plot |
SizeLayoutType | enum SizeLayoutTypeextends EnumSizeLayoutType is an enumeration of algorithms available for calculating an arbitrary dimension of a widget. | Class | com.androidplot.ui | Android Plot |
SizeMetric | Encapsulates a sizing algorithm and an associated value. | Class | com.androidplot.ui | Android Plot |
SizeMetrics | Encapsulates sizing preferences associated with a Widget; how/if it scales etc. | Class | com.androidplot.ui | Android Plot |
StepFormatter | | Class | com.androidplot.xy | Android Plot |
StepRenderer | Renders a point as a line with the vertices marked. | Class | com.androidplot.xy | Android Plot |
TableModel | | Class | com.androidplot.ui | Android Plot |
TableOrder | enum TableOrderextends EnumEnum Constant SummaryCOLUMN_MAJOR | Class | com.androidplot.ui | Android Plot |
TableSizingMethod | enum TableSizingMethodextends EnumThe sizing methods available to a table. | Class | com.androidplot.ui | Android Plot |
TextLabelWidget | | Class | com.androidplot.ui.widget | Android Plot |
TextOrientationType | enum TextOrientationTypeextends EnumEnum Constant SummaryHORIZONTAL | Class | com.androidplot.ui | Android Plot |
ValPixConverter | Utility methods for converting pixel coordinates into real values and vice versa. | Class | com.androidplot.util | Android Plot |
ValueMarker | Encapsulates a single axis line marker drawn onto an XYPlot at a specified value. | Class | com.androidplot.xy | Android Plot |
Widget | A Widget is a graphical sub-element of a Plot that can be positioned relative to the bounds of the Plot. | Class | com.androidplot.ui.widget | Android Plot |
XLayoutStyle | enum XLayoutStyleextends EnumEnum Constant SummaryABSOLUTE_FROM_CENTER | Class | com.androidplot.ui | Android Plot |
XPositionMetric | | Class | com.androidplot.ui | Android Plot |
XValueMarker | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from class com. | Class | com.androidplot.xy | Android Plot |
XYAxisType | enum XYAxisTypeextends EnumEnum Constant SummaryDOMAIN | Class | com.androidplot.xy | Android Plot |
XYFramingModel | enum XYFramingModelextends EnumEnum Constant SummaryEDGE | Class | com.androidplot.xy | Android Plot |
XYGraphBounds | Constructor SummaryXYGraphBounds()Methods inherited from class java. | Class | com.androidplot.xy | Android Plot |
XYGraphWidget | Displays graphical data annotated with domain and range tick markers. | Class | com.androidplot.xy | Android Plot |
XYLegendWidget | | Class | com.androidplot.xy | Android Plot |
XYPlot | A View to graphically display x/y coordinates. | Class | com.androidplot.xy | Android Plot |
XYPlotZoomPan | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from class com. | Class | com.androidplot.xy | Android Plot |
XYRegionFormatter | Base class of all XYRegionFormatters. | Class | com.androidplot.xy | Android Plot |
XYSeries | Represents a two dimensional series of data represented as xy values. | Interface | com.androidplot.xy | Android Plot |
XYSeriesFormatter | | Class | com.androidplot.xy | Android Plot |
XYSeriesRenderer | | Class | com.androidplot.xy | Android Plot |
XYStep | An immutable object generated by XYStepCalculator representing a stepping model to be used by an XYPlot. | Class | com.androidplot.xy | Android Plot |
XYStepCalculator | Calculates "stepping" values for a plot. | Class | com.androidplot.xy | Android Plot |
XYStepMode | enum XYStepModeextends EnumINCREMENTAL_VALUE - (default) draw a tick every n values. | Class | com.androidplot.xy | Android Plot |
YLayoutStyle | enum YLayoutStyleextends EnumEnum Constant SummaryABSOLUTE_FROM_BOTTOM | Class | com.androidplot.ui | Android Plot |
YPositionMetric | | Class | com.androidplot.ui | Android Plot |
YValueMarker | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from class com. | Class | com.androidplot.xy | Android Plot |
ZHash | Concrete implementation of ZIndexable. | Class | com.androidplot.util | Android Plot |
ZIndexable | Encapsulates the concept of z-indexable objects; Each object is stored above or below each other object and may be moved up and down in the queue relative to other elements in the hash or absolutely to the front or back of the queue. | Interface | com.androidplot.util | Android Plot |
ZLinkedList | See Also:Serialized FormConstructor SummaryZLinkedList() | Class | com.androidplot.util | Android Plot |