Name | Description | Type | Package | Framework |
ActionCheckerService | The Action Checker Service queue ActionCheckCommands to check the status of running actions and CoordActionCheckCommands to check the status of | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
ActionCheckXCommand | Executes the check command for ActionHandlers. | Class | | Apache Oozie |
ActionDependency | | Class | org.apache.oozie.dependency | Apache Oozie |
ActionEndXCommand | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from class org. | Class | | Apache Oozie |
ActionExecutor | Base action executor class. | Class | org.apache.oozie.action | Apache Oozie |
ActionExecutorException | ActionExecutor exception. | Class | org.apache.oozie.action | Apache Oozie |
ActionKillXCommand | Kill workflow action and invoke action executor to kill the underlying context. | Class | | Apache Oozie |
ActionNodeDef | Node definition for workflow action. | Class | org.apache.oozie.workflow.lite | Apache Oozie |
ActionNodeHandler | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.workflow.lite | Apache Oozie |
ActionService | | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
ActionStartXCommand | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from class org. | Class | | Apache Oozie |
ActionXCommand | Base class for Action execution commands. | Class | | Apache Oozie |
AuthFilter | Authentication filter that extends Hadoop-auth AuthenticationFilter to override the configuration loading. | Class | org.apache.oozie.servlet | Apache Oozie |
AuthorizationException | | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
AuthorizationService | The authorization service provides all authorization checks. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
BaseAdminServlet | | Class | org.apache.oozie.servlet | Apache Oozie |
BaseEngine | | Class | org.apache.oozie | Apache Oozie |
BaseEngineException | Exception thrown by the DagEngine. | Class | org.apache.oozie | Apache Oozie |
BaseJobServlet | | Class | org.apache.oozie.servlet | Apache Oozie |
BaseJobsServlet | | Class | org.apache.oozie.servlet | Apache Oozie |
BulkJobsXCommand | The command to get a job info for a list of bundle jobs by given filters. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command | Apache Oozie |
BulkJPAExecutor | The query executor class for bulk monitoring queries i. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
BulkResponseImpl | Server-side implementation class of the client interface BulkResponse Declares all the bulk request specific user parameters and handling as JSON object | Class | | Apache Oozie |
BulkResponseInfo | Class that stores the entire retrieved info from the bulk request command along with params for pagination of the results | Class | org.apache.oozie | Apache Oozie |
BulkUpdateDeleteJPAExecutor | Class for updating and deleting beans in bulkConstructor SummaryBulkUpdateDeleteJPAExecutor() | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
BulkUpdateInsertForCoordActionStartJPAExecutor | Class for inserting and updating beans in bulkConstructor SummaryBulkUpdateInsertForCoordActionStartJPAExecutor() | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
BulkUpdateInsertForCoordActionStatusJPAExecutor | Class for inserting and updating beans in bulkConstructor SummaryBulkUpdateInsertForCoordActionStatusJPAExecutor() | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
BulkUpdateInsertJPAExecutor | Class for inserting and updating beans in bulkConstructor SummaryBulkUpdateInsertJPAExecutor() | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
BundleActionBean | | Class | org.apache.oozie | Apache Oozie |
BundleActionGetJPAExecutor | Load the BundleAction into a Bean and return it. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
BundleActionInsertJPAExecutor | Persist the BundleAction bean. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
BundleActionsCountForJobGetJPAExecutor | Load the number of actions for a bundle job. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
BundleActionsGetByLastModifiedTimeJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
BundleActionsGetJPAExecutor | Load the list of BundleAction return it. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
BundleActionsGetStatusPendingJPAExecutor | Load the list of BundleAction return it. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
BundleActionsGetWaitingOlderJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
BundleActionUpdateJPAExecutor | Update the given bundle action bean to DB. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
BundleEngine | Fields inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie | Apache Oozie |
BundleEngineException | Exception thrown by the BundleEngine. | Class | org.apache.oozie | Apache Oozie |
BundleEngineService | Service that return a bundle engine for a user. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
BundleJobBean | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org. | Class | org.apache.oozie | Apache Oozie |
BundleJobChangeXCommand | Fields inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.bundle | Apache Oozie |
BundleJobEvent | Class implementing JobEvent for events generated by Bundle JobsSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.apache.oozie.event | Apache Oozie |
BundleJobException | Exception thrown by BundleJob . | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.bundle | Apache Oozie |
BundleJobGetCoordinatorsJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
BundleJobGetForUserJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
BundleJobGetJPAExecutor | Load the BundleJob into a Bean and return it. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
BundleJobInfo | | Class | org.apache.oozie | Apache Oozie |
BundleJobInfoGetJPAExecutor | Load the BundleInfo and return it. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
BundleJobInsertJPAExecutor | Persist the BundleJob bean. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
BundleJobResumeXCommand | Fields inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.bundle | Apache Oozie |
BundleJobsDeleteJPAExecutor | Delete Bundle job, its list of actions and return the number of actions that were deleted. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
BundleJobsGetForPurgeJPAExecutor | Load the list of completed BundleJob for purge ready. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
BundleJobsGetNeedStartJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
BundleJobsGetPausedJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
BundleJobsGetRunningOrPendingJPAExecutor | Get a list of Bundle Jobs that are are RUNNING or RUNNINGWITHERROR status or the pending flag is 1. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
BundleJobsGetUnpausedJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
BundleJobSuspendXCommand | Fields inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.bundle | Apache Oozie |
BundleJobsXCommand | The command to get a job info for a list of bundle jobs by given filters. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.bundle | Apache Oozie |
BundleJobUpdateJPAExecutor | Update the given bundle job bean to DB. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
BundleJobXCommand | Command for Getting the Bundle job bean it also gets coordinators information in the Bundle job. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.bundle | Apache Oozie |
BundleKillXCommand | Fields inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.bundle | Apache Oozie |
BundlePauseXCommand | Fields inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.bundle | Apache Oozie |
BundleRerunXCommand | Rerun bundle coordinator jobs by a list of coordinator names or dates. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.bundle | Apache Oozie |
BundleStartXCommand | The command to start Bundle jobFields inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.bundle | Apache Oozie |
BundleStatusUpdateXCommand | The command to update Bundle statusFields inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.bundle | Apache Oozie |
BundleSubmitXCommand | This Command will submit the bundle. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.bundle | Apache Oozie |
BundleUnpauseXCommand | Fields inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.bundle | Apache Oozie |
CallableQueueService | The callable queue service queues XCallables for asynchronous execution. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
CallbackService | Service that generates and parses callback URLs. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
CallbackServlet | | Class | org.apache.oozie.servlet | Apache Oozie |
ClassUtils | | Class | org.apache.oozie.util | Apache Oozie |
Command | Base class for all synchronous and asynchronous DagEngine commands. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command | Apache Oozie |
CommandException | Exception thrown by Commands. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command | Apache Oozie |
CompletedActionXCommand | This command is executed once the Workflow command is finished. | Class | | Apache Oozie |
ConfigurationService | Built in service that initializes the services configuration. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
ConfigUtils | | Class | org.apache.oozie.util | Apache Oozie |
ConnectionContext | | Interface | org.apache.oozie.jms | Apache Oozie |
ControlNodeActionExecutor | Base action executor for control nodes: START/END/KILL/FORK/JOIN This action executor, similar to FsActionExecutor, is completed during the | Class | org.apache.oozie.action.control | Apache Oozie |
ControlNodeDef | Node definition for control nodes: START/END/KILL/FORK/JOIN. | Class | org.apache.oozie.workflow.lite | Apache Oozie |
ControlNodeHandler | Node handler that provides the necessary workflow logic for control nodes: START/END/KILL/FORK/JOIN. | Class | org.apache.oozie.workflow.lite | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionCheckXCommand | The command checks workflow status for coordinator action. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.coord | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionGetForCheckJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionGetForExternalIdJPAExecutor | Load coordinator action by externalId. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionGetForInfoJPAExecutor | Load the CoordinatorAction into a Bean and return it. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionGetForInputCheckJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionGetForSLAJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionGetForStartJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionGetForTimeoutJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionGetJPAExecutor | Load the CoordinatorAction into a Bean and return it. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionInfoXCommand | Fields inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.coord | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionInputCheckXCommand | The command to check if an action's data input paths exist in the file system. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.coord | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionInsertJPAExecutor | Persist the CoordinatorAction bean. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionMaterializeCommand | | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.coord | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionNotificationXCommand | This class will send the notification for the coordinator actionFields inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.coord | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionReadyXCommand | Fields inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.coord | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionRemoveJPAExecutor | Deletes the coordinator action if its in WAITING or READY state. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionsActiveCountJPAExecutor | Load the number of running actions for a coordinator job. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionsCountForJobIdJPAExecutor | Load the number of running actions for a coordinator job. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionsGetByLastModifiedTimeJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionsGetForRecoveryJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionsGetReadyGroupbyJobIDJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionsInDateRange | This class provides the utility of listing coordinator actions that were executed between a certain | Class | org.apache.oozie.util | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionsPendingFalseCountGetJPAExecutor | Load the number of pending actions for a coordinator job. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionsPendingFalseStatusCountGetJPAExecutor | Load the number of pending actions for a status for a coordinator job. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionsRunningGetJPAExecutor | Load the list of running CoordinatorAction and return the list. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionStartXCommand | | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.coord | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionTimeOutXCommand | This class updates the Time out in the action beanFields inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.coord | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionUpdateForInputCheckJPAExecutor | Updates the action status, pending status, last modified time, actionXml and missingDependencies of CoordinatorAction and persists it. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionUpdateForModifiedTimeJPAExecutor | Updates the last modified time of CoordinatorAction and persists it. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionUpdateJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionUpdatePushInputCheckJPAExecutor | Updates the action status, pending status, last modified time, push missingDependencies of CoordinatorAction and persists it. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionUpdatePushMissingDependency | Fields inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.coord | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionUpdateStatusJPAExecutor | Updates the action status, pending status and last modified time of CoordinatorAction and persists it. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordActionUpdateXCommand | Fields inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.coord | Apache Oozie |
CoordChangeXCommand | Fields inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.coord | Apache Oozie |
CoordCommandUtils | | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.coord | Apache Oozie |
CoordELConstants | | Class | org.apache.oozie.coord | Apache Oozie |
CoordELEvaluator | | Class | org.apache.oozie.coord | Apache Oozie |
CoordELFunctions | | Class | org.apache.oozie.coord | Apache Oozie |
CoordinatorActionBean | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org. | Class | org.apache.oozie | Apache Oozie |
CoordinatorActionEvent | Class implementing JobEvent for events generated by Coordinator ActionsSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.apache.oozie.event | Apache Oozie |
CoordinatorActionInfo | | Class | org.apache.oozie | Apache Oozie |
CoordinatorCommand | Fields inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.coord | Apache Oozie |
CoordinatorEngine | Fields inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie | Apache Oozie |
CoordinatorEngineException | Exception thrown by the CoordinatorEngine. | Class | org.apache.oozie | Apache Oozie |
CoordinatorEngineService | Service that return a coordinator engine for a user. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
CoordinatorJobBean | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org. | Class | org.apache.oozie | Apache Oozie |
CoordinatorJobEvent | Class implementing JobEvent for events generated by Coordinator JobsSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.apache.oozie.event | Apache Oozie |
CoordinatorJobException | Exception thrown by org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.coord | Apache Oozie |
CoordinatorJobGetForUserAppnameJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordinatorJobGetForUserJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordinatorJobInfo | | Class | org.apache.oozie | Apache Oozie |
CoordinatorStore | | Class | | Apache Oozie |
CoordinatorStoreService | Base service for persistency of jobs and actions. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
CoordinatorXCommand | Abstract coordinator command class derived from XCommandFields inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.coord | Apache Oozie |
CoordJobDeleteJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordJobGetActionByActionNumberJPAExecutor | Load the CoordinatorJob into a Bean and return it. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordJobGetActionForNominalTimeJPAExecutor | Load coordinator action by nominal time. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordJobGetActionIdsForDateRangeJPAExecutor | Load coordinator action ids by date range. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordJobGetActionsForDatesJPAExecutor | Load coordinator actions by dates. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordJobGetActionsJPAExecutor | Load coordinator actions for a coordinator job. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordJobGetActionsNotCompletedJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordJobGetActionsRunningJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordJobGetActionsStatusJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordJobGetActionsSubsetJPAExecutor | Load coordinator actions by start and len (a subset) for a coordinator job. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordJobGetActionsSuspendedJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordJobGetJPAExecutor | Load the CoordinatorJob into a Bean and return it. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordJobGetPendingActionsCountJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordJobGetReadyActionsJPAExecutor | Load coordinator actions in READY state for a coordinator job. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordJobGetRunningActionsCountJPAExecutor | Load the number of running actions for a coordinator job. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordJobInfoGetJPAExecutor | Load the CoordinatorInfo and return it. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordJobInsertJPAExecutor | Persist the CoordinatorJob bean. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordJobsCountNotForPurgeFromParentIdJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordJobsDeleteJPAExecutor | Delete Coord job, its list of actions and return the number of actions that were deleted. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordJobsGetForPurgeJPAExecutor | Load the list of completed CoordinatorJob for purge ready. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordJobsGetFromParentIdJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordJobsGetPausedJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordJobsGetPendingJPAExecutor | Get a list of Coordinator Jobs that are in pending. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordJobsGetUnpausedJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordJobsToBeMaterializedJPAExecutor | JPA command to get coordinator jobs which are qualify for Materialization. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordJobsXCommand | The command to get a job info for a list of coordinator jobs by given filters. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.coord | Apache Oozie |
CoordJobUpdateJPAExecutor | Update the CoordinatorJob into a Bean and persist it. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
CoordJobXCommand | Command for loading a coordinator job informationFields inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.coord | Apache Oozie |
CoordKillXCommand | Fields inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.coord | Apache Oozie |
CoordMaterializeTransitionXCommand | Materialize actions for specified start and end time for coordinator job. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.coord | Apache Oozie |
CoordMaterializeTriggerService | The coordinator Materialization Lookup trigger service schedule lookup trigger command for every interval (default is 5 minutes ). | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
CoordPauseXCommand | Fields inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.coord | Apache Oozie |
CoordPushDependencyCheckXCommand | | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.coord | Apache Oozie |
CoordRerunXCommand | Rerun coordinator actions by a list of dates or ids. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.coord | Apache Oozie |
CoordResumeXCommand | Resume coordinator job and actions. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.coord | Apache Oozie |
CoordSubmitXCommand | This class provides the functionalities to resolve a coordinator job XML and write the job information into a DB Specifically it performs the following functions: 1. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.coord | Apache Oozie |
CoordSuspendXCommand | Suspend coordinator job and actions. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.coord | Apache Oozie |
CoordUnpauseXCommand | Fields inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.coord | Apache Oozie |
CoordUtils | | Class | org.apache.oozie.coord | Apache Oozie |
CredentialException | | Class | org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop | Apache Oozie |
Credentials | | Class | org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop | Apache Oozie |
CredentialsProperties | | Class | org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop | Apache Oozie |
CredentialsProvider | | Class | org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop | Apache Oozie |
DagELFunctions | | Class | org.apache.oozie | Apache Oozie |
DagEngine | The DagEngine provides all the DAG engine functionality for WS calls. | Class | org.apache.oozie | Apache Oozie |
DagEngineException | Exception thrown by the DagEngine. | Class | org.apache.oozie | Apache Oozie |
DagEngineService | Service that return a dag engine for a user. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
DagXLogInfoService | Set Dag specific log info parameters. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
DateUtils | Date utility classes to parse and format datetimes in Oozie expected datetime formats. | Class | org.apache.oozie.util | Apache Oozie |
DBLiteWorkflowLib | | Class | org.apache.oozie.workflow.lite | Apache Oozie |
DBLiteWorkflowStoreService | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
DecisionActionExecutor | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.action.decision | Apache Oozie |
DecisionNodeDef | | Class | org.apache.oozie.workflow.lite | Apache Oozie |
DecisionNodeHandler | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.workflow.lite | Apache Oozie |
DefaultConnectionContext | | Class | org.apache.oozie.jms | Apache Oozie |
DefinitionXCommand | Fields inherited from class org. | Class | | Apache Oozie |
DependencyChecker | | Class | org.apache.oozie.dependency | Apache Oozie |
DistcpActionExecutor | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop | Apache Oozie |
EhcacheHCatDependencyCache | | Class | org.apache.oozie.dependency.hcat | Apache Oozie |
ELConstantsFunctions | Base EL constants and functions. | Class | org.apache.oozie.util | Apache Oozie |
ELEvaluationException | Exception thrown by EL functions when they find a transient error. | Class | org.apache.oozie.util | Apache Oozie |
ELEvaluator | JSP Expression Language Evaluator. | Class | org.apache.oozie.util | Apache Oozie |
ELService | The ELService creates ELEvaluator instances preconfigured with constants and functions defined in the configuration. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
ELUtils | | Class | org.apache.oozie.util | Apache Oozie |
EmailActionExecutor | Email action executor. | Class | | Apache Oozie |
EmbeddedServletContainer | An embedded servlet container for testing purposes. | Class | org.apache.oozie.test | Apache Oozie |
EndActionExecutor | Action executor for END control node. | Class | org.apache.oozie.action.control | Apache Oozie |
EndNodeDef | Node definition for END control node. | Class | org.apache.oozie.workflow.lite | Apache Oozie |
ErrorCode | enum ErrorCodeextends EnumEnum Constant SummaryE0000 | Class | org.apache.oozie | Apache Oozie |
EventHandlerService | Service class that handles the events system - creating events queue, managing configured properties and managing and invoking various event | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
EventQueue | | Interface | org.apache.oozie.event | Apache Oozie |
ExternalIdXCommand | Fields inherited from class org. | Class | | Apache Oozie |
FaultInjection | Fault Injection support class. | Class | org.apache.oozie | Apache Oozie |
ForkActionExecutor | Action executor for FORK control node. | Class | org.apache.oozie.action.control | Apache Oozie |
ForkNodeDef | Node definition for FORK control node. | Class | org.apache.oozie.workflow.lite | Apache Oozie |
FsActionExecutor | File system action executor. | Class | org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop | Apache Oozie |
FsELFunctions | EL function for fs action executor. | Class | org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop | Apache Oozie |
FSURIHandler | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.dependency | Apache Oozie |
GraphGenerator | | Class | org.apache.oozie.util | Apache Oozie |
GroupsService | The GroupsService class delegates to the Hadoop's org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
HadoopAccessorException | | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
HadoopAccessorService | The HadoopAccessorService returns HadoopAccessor instances configured to work on behalf of a user-group. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
HadoopELFunctions | Hadoop EL functions. | Class | org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop | Apache Oozie |
HbaseCredentials | Hbase Credentials implementation to store in jobConf The jobConf is used further to pass credentials to the tasks while running | Class | org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop | Apache Oozie |
HCatAccessorException | | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
HCatAccessorService | | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
HCatCredentialHelper | Helper class to handle the HCat credentials Performs internally the heavy-lifting of fetching delegation tokens from Hive Metastore, abstracted from the user | Class | org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop | Apache Oozie |
HCatCredentials | Credentials implementation to store in jobConf, HCat-specific properties such as Principal and Uri User specifies these credential properties along with the action configuration | Class | org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop | Apache Oozie |
HCatDependencyCache | | Interface | org.apache.oozie.dependency.hcat | Apache Oozie |
HCatELFunctions | This class implements the EL function for HCat datasets in coordinatorConstructor SummaryHCatELFunctions() | Class | org.apache.oozie.coord | Apache Oozie |
HCatMessageHandler | | Class | org.apache.oozie.dependency.hcat | Apache Oozie |
HCatURIHandler | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.dependency | Apache Oozie |
HiveActionExecutor | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop | Apache Oozie |
HostnameFilter | Filter that resolves the requester hostname. | Class | org.apache.oozie.servlet | Apache Oozie |
Instrumentable | | Interface | org.apache.oozie.util | Apache Oozie |
Instrumentation | Instrumentation framework that supports Timers, Counters, Variables and Sampler instrumentation elements. | Class | org.apache.oozie.util | Apache Oozie |
InstrumentationService | This service provides an Instrumentation instance configured to support samplers. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
InstrumentedBasicDataSource | | Class | org.apache.oozie.util.db | Apache Oozie |
InstrumentUtils | Instrument utilities. | Class | org.apache.oozie.util | Apache Oozie |
IOUtils | | Class | org.apache.oozie.util | Apache Oozie |
JavaActionExecutor | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop | Apache Oozie |
JMSAccessorService | This class will Create/Manage JMS connections using user configured JNDI properties. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
JMSConnectionInfo | | Class | org.apache.oozie.jms | Apache Oozie |
JMSConnectionInfoBean | JMS connection info bean representing the JMS related information for a jobConstructor SummaryJMSConnectionInfoBean() | Class | | Apache Oozie |
JMSExceptionListener | | Class | org.apache.oozie.jms | Apache Oozie |
JMSJobEventListener | Class to send JMS notifications related to job events. | Class | org.apache.oozie.jms | Apache Oozie |
JMSSLAEventListener | | Class | org.apache.oozie.jms | Apache Oozie |
JMSTopicService | | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
JobEventListener | Event listener for Job notification events, defining methods corresponding toConstructor SummaryJobEventListener() | Class | org.apache.oozie.event.listener | Apache Oozie |
JobsXCommand | Fields inherited from class org. | Class | | Apache Oozie |
JobUtils | | Class | org.apache.oozie.util | Apache Oozie |
JobXCommand | This Xcommand is returning the workflow with action within the range. | Class | | Apache Oozie |
JoinActionExecutor | Action executor for JOIN control node. | Class | org.apache.oozie.action.control | Apache Oozie |
JoinNodeDef | Node definition for JOIN control node. | Class | org.apache.oozie.workflow.lite | Apache Oozie |
JPAExecutor | Executor pattern interface that gives access to an EntityManager. | Interface | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
JPAExecutorException | Exception thrown by JPAExecutors. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
JPAService | Service that manages JPA and executes JPAExecutor. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
JsonBean | Inteface for beans that serialize into JSON. | Interface | | Apache Oozie |
JsonBundleJob | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org. | Class | | Apache Oozie |
JsonCoordinatorAction | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org. | Class | | Apache Oozie |
JsonCoordinatorJob | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org. | Class | | Apache Oozie |
JSONMessageSerializer | | Class | org.apache.oozie.event.messaging | Apache Oozie |
JsonRestServlet | Base class for Oozie web service API Servlets. | Class | org.apache.oozie.servlet | Apache Oozie |
JsonSLAEvent | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org. | Class | | Apache Oozie |
JsonWorkflowAction | Json Bean that represents an Oozie workflow node. | Class | | Apache Oozie |
JsonWorkflowJob | Json Bean that represents an Oozie workflow job. | Class | | Apache Oozie |
KillActionExecutor | Action executor for KILL control node. | Class | org.apache.oozie.action.control | Apache Oozie |
KillNodeDef | Node definition for KILL control node. | Class | org.apache.oozie.workflow.lite | Apache Oozie |
KillTransitionXCommand | This is transition Base commands for all the jobs. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command | Apache Oozie |
KillXCommand | Kill workflow job and its workflow instance and queue a WorkflowActionKillXCommand to kill the workflowFields inherited from class org. | Class | | Apache Oozie |
LauncherMapperHelper | | Class | org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop | Apache Oozie |
LiteWorkflowApp | | Class | org.apache.oozie.workflow.lite | Apache Oozie |
LiteWorkflowAppParser | | Class | org.apache.oozie.workflow.lite | Apache Oozie |
LiteWorkflowAppService | Service that provides workflow application definition reading, parsing and creating proto configuration. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
LiteWorkflowInstance | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.workflow.lite | Apache Oozie |
LiteWorkflowLib | | Class | org.apache.oozie.workflow.lite | Apache Oozie |
LiteWorkflowStoreService | | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
LocalOozie | LocalOozie runs workflows in an embedded Oozie instance . | Class | org.apache.oozie.local | Apache Oozie |
LocalOozieClient | Client API to submit and manage Oozie workflow jobs against an Oozie intance. | Class | org.apache.oozie | Apache Oozie |
LocalOozieClientCoord | Client API to submit and manage Oozie coordinator jobs against an Oozie This class is thread safe. | Class | org.apache.oozie | Apache Oozie |
LogUtils | | Class | org.apache.oozie.util | Apache Oozie |
MappingRule | | Class | org.apache.oozie.util | Apache Oozie |
MapReduceActionExecutor | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop | Apache Oozie |
MaterializeTransitionXCommand | Transition command for materialize the job. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command | Apache Oozie |
MemoryEventQueue | | Class | org.apache.oozie.event | Apache Oozie |
MemoryLocks | In memory resource locking that provides READ/WRITE lock capabilities. | Class | org.apache.oozie.util | Apache Oozie |
MemoryLocksService | Fields inherited from interface org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
MessageFactory | | Class | org.apache.oozie.event.messaging | Apache Oozie |
MessageHandler | | Interface | org.apache.oozie.jms | Apache Oozie |
MessageReceiver | | Class | org.apache.oozie.jms | Apache Oozie |
MessageSerializer | Message Serializer to serialize the java objectConstructor SummaryMessageSerializer() | Class | org.apache.oozie.event.messaging | Apache Oozie |
NodeDef | | Class | org.apache.oozie.workflow.lite | Apache Oozie |
NodeHandler | | Class | org.apache.oozie.workflow.lite | Apache Oozie |
NotificationXCommand | | Class | | Apache Oozie |
OozieRollingPolicy | Has the same behavior as the TimeBasedRollingPolicy. | Class | org.apache.oozie.util | Apache Oozie |
OozieSchema | | Class | | Apache Oozie |
ParamChecker | Utility class to check common parameter preconditions. | Class | org.apache.oozie.util | Apache Oozie |
ParameterVerifier | Utility class to parse and verify the section in a workflow or coordinator jobConstructor SummaryParameterVerifier() | Class | org.apache.oozie.util | Apache Oozie |
ParameterVerifierException | Exception thrown by org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.util | Apache Oozie |
PartitionDependencyManagerService | | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
PauseTransitionXCommand | Transition command for pause the job. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command | Apache Oozie |
PauseTransitService | PauseTransitService is the runnable which is scheduled to run at the configured interval, it checks all bundles to see if they should be paused, un-paused or started. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
PigActionExecutor | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop | Apache Oozie |
PollablePriorityDelayQueue | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.util | Apache Oozie |
PreconditionException | | Class | org.apache.oozie.command | Apache Oozie |
PriorityDelayQueue | A Queue implementation that support queuing elements into the future and priority queuing. | Class | org.apache.oozie.util | Apache Oozie |
PropertiesUtils | | Class | org.apache.oozie.util | Apache Oozie |
ProxyUserService | The ProxyUserService checks if a user of a request has proxyuser privileges. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
PurgeService | The PurgeService schedules purging of completed jobs and associated action older than a specified age for workflow, coordinator and bundle. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
PurgeXCommand | This class is used to purge workflows, coordinators, and bundles. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command | Apache Oozie |
RecoveryService | The Recovery Service checks for pending actions and premater coordinator jobs older than a configured age and then queues them for execution. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
RerunTransitionXCommand | Transition command for rerun the job. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command | Apache Oozie |
ReRunXCommand | This is a RerunXCommand which is used for rerunn. | Class | | Apache Oozie |
ResumeTransitionXCommand | Fields inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command | Apache Oozie |
ResumeXCommand | Fields inherited from class org. | Class | | Apache Oozie |
SchedulerService | This service executes scheduled Runnables and Callables at regular intervals. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
Schema | | Class | org.apache.oozie.util.db | Apache Oozie |
SchemaService | | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
ScriptLanguageActionExecutor | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop | Apache Oozie |
Service | A service is component managed by the Services singleton. | Interface | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
ServiceException | Exception thrown by Services and Service during initialization. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
Services | Services is a singleton that manages the lifecycle of all registered Services. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
ServicesLoader | Webapp context listener that initializes Oozie Services. | Class | org.apache.oozie.servlet | Apache Oozie |
ServletUtilities | | Class | org.apache.oozie.servlet | Apache Oozie |
ShellActionExecutor | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop | Apache Oozie |
SignalXCommand | | Class | | Apache Oozie |
SimpleHCatDependencyCache | | Class | org.apache.oozie.dependency.hcat | Apache Oozie |
SLACalcStatus | | Class | org.apache.oozie.sla | Apache Oozie |
SLACalculationInsertUpdateJPAExecutor | Persist the SLA beans to tables SLA_CALCULATOR and SLA_SUMMARY. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa.sla | Apache Oozie |
SLACalculator | | Interface | org.apache.oozie.sla | Apache Oozie |
SLACalculatorMemory | start/end/duration of jobs using a memory-based mapConstructor SummarySLACalculatorMemory() | Class | org.apache.oozie.sla | Apache Oozie |
SLADbOperations | | Class | org.apache.oozie.util.db | Apache Oozie |
SLADbXOperations | | Class | org.apache.oozie.util.db | Apache Oozie |
SLAEmailEventListener | | Class | org.apache.oozie.sla.listener | Apache Oozie |
SLAEventBean | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org. | Class | org.apache.oozie | Apache Oozie |
SLAEventInsertJPAExecutor | Persist the SLAEventBean bean. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
SLAEventListener | Event listener for SLA related events, defining methods corresponding toConstructor SummarySLAEventListener() | Class | org.apache.oozie.sla.listener | Apache Oozie |
SLAEventsGetForFilterJPAExecutor | Load the list of SLAEventBean for a seqId and return the list. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
SLAEventsGetForSeqIdJPAExecutor | Load the list of SLAEventBean for a seqId and return the list. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
SLAEventsGetJPAExecutor | Load the list of SLAEventBean and return the list. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
SLAEventsXCommand | The command to get a list of SLAEvents which are greater than given seqId. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command.coord | Apache Oozie |
SLAJobEventListener | | Class | org.apache.oozie.sla.listener | Apache Oozie |
SLAOperations | | Class | org.apache.oozie.sla | Apache Oozie |
SLARegistrationBean | | Class | org.apache.oozie.sla | Apache Oozie |
SLARegistrationGetJPAExecutor | Load the list of SLARegistrationBean and return the list. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa.sla | Apache Oozie |
SLARegistrationGetOnRestartJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa.sla | Apache Oozie |
SLAService | | Class | org.apache.oozie.sla.service | Apache Oozie |
SLAServlet | | Class | org.apache.oozie.servlet | Apache Oozie |
SLAStore | | Class | | Apache Oozie |
SLAStoreService | Fields inherited from interface org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
SLASummaryBean | | Class | org.apache.oozie.sla | Apache Oozie |
SLASummaryGetForFilterJPAExecutor | Load the list of SLASummaryBean (for dashboard) and return the list. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa.sla | Apache Oozie |
SLASummaryGetJPAExecutor | Load the list of SLASummaryBean (for dashboard) and return the list. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa.sla | Apache Oozie |
SLASummaryGetRecordsOnRestartJPAExecutor | Load the list of SLASummaryBean when Oozie restarts and return the list. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa.sla | Apache Oozie |
SLASummaryUpdateForSLAStatusActualTimesJPAExecutor | Update the slaStatus, eventStatus, eventProcessed, jobStatus, actualStart, actualEnd, actualDuration and lastModifiedTime of SLAsummaryBean | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa.sla | Apache Oozie |
SqlStatement | The SqlStatement is used to generate SQL Statements. | Class | org.apache.oozie.util.db | Apache Oozie |
SqoopActionExecutor | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop | Apache Oozie |
SshActionExecutor | Ssh action executor. | Class | org.apache.oozie.action.ssh | Apache Oozie |
StartActionExecutor | Action executor for START control node. | Class | org.apache.oozie.action.control | Apache Oozie |
StartNodeDef | Workflow lite start node definition. | Class | org.apache.oozie.workflow.lite | Apache Oozie |
StartTransitionXCommand | Transition command for start the job. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command | Apache Oozie |
StartXCommand | Starting the command. | Class | | Apache Oozie |
StatusTransitService | StateTransitService is scheduled to run at the configured interval. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
StatusUpdateXCommand | Transition command for update status. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command | Apache Oozie |
StatusUtils | | Class | org.apache.oozie.util | Apache Oozie |
Store | | Class | | Apache Oozie |
StoreException | Exception thrown by the WorkflowStoreSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | | Apache Oozie |
StoreService | Base service for persistency of jobs and actions. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
StoreStatusFilter | | Class | | Apache Oozie |
SubmitHiveXCommand | Fields inherited from class org. | Class | | Apache Oozie |
SubmitHttpXCommand | | Class | | Apache Oozie |
SubmitMRXCommand | Fields inherited from class org. | Class | | Apache Oozie |
SubmitPigXCommand | Fields inherited from class org. | Class | | Apache Oozie |
SubmitScriptLanguageXCommand | Fields inherited from class org. | Class | | Apache Oozie |
SubmitTransitionXCommand | Base class for submit transition command. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command | Apache Oozie |
SubmitXCommand | | Class | | Apache Oozie |
SubWorkflowActionExecutor | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.action.oozie | Apache Oozie |
SuspendTransitionXCommand | Fields inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command | Apache Oozie |
SuspendXCommand | Fields inherited from class org. | Class | | Apache Oozie |
SyncCoordAction | This class represents a Coordinator action. | Class | org.apache.oozie.coord | Apache Oozie |
SyncCoordDataset | This class is a bean to represent a dataset. | Class | org.apache.oozie.coord | Apache Oozie |
TimeUnit | enum TimeUnitextends EnumEnum Constant SummaryDAY | Class | org.apache.oozie.coord | Apache Oozie |
TransitionXCommand | This is the base commands for all the jobs related commands . | Class | org.apache.oozie.command | Apache Oozie |
UnpauseTransitionXCommand | Transition command for unpause the job. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command | Apache Oozie |
URIHandler | | Interface | org.apache.oozie.dependency | Apache Oozie |
URIHandlerException | | Class | org.apache.oozie.dependency | Apache Oozie |
URIHandlerService | | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
UserGroupInformationService | Fields inherited from interface org. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
UUIDService | The UUID service generates unique IDs. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
V0AdminServlet | | Class | org.apache.oozie.servlet | Apache Oozie |
V0JobServlet | | Class | org.apache.oozie.servlet | Apache Oozie |
V0JobsServlet | | Class | org.apache.oozie.servlet | Apache Oozie |
V1AdminServlet | | Class | org.apache.oozie.servlet | Apache Oozie |
V1JobServlet | | Class | org.apache.oozie.servlet | Apache Oozie |
V1JobsServlet | | Class | org.apache.oozie.servlet | Apache Oozie |
V2AdminServlet | | Class | org.apache.oozie.servlet | Apache Oozie |
V2JobServlet | | Class | org.apache.oozie.servlet | Apache Oozie |
V2SLAServlet | | Class | org.apache.oozie.servlet | Apache Oozie |
ValidateConnectionBean | Constructor SummaryValidateConnectionBean()Methods inherited from class java. | Class | org.apache.oozie.util.db | Apache Oozie |
VersionServlet | | Class | org.apache.oozie.servlet | Apache Oozie |
WaitingAction | | Class | org.apache.oozie.dependency.hcat | Apache Oozie |
WaitingActions | See Also:Serialized FormConstructor SummaryWaitingActions() | Class | org.apache.oozie.dependency.hcat | Apache Oozie |
WfEndXCommand | This Command is expected to be called when a Workflow moves to any terminal state ( such as SUCCEEDED, KILLED, FAILED). | Class | | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowActionBean | Bean that contains all the information to start an action for a workflow node. | Class | org.apache.oozie | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowActionDeleteJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowActionEvent | Class implementing JobEvent for events generated by Workflow ActionsSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.apache.oozie.event | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowActionGetForSLAJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowActionGetJPAExecutor | Load the WorkflowAction into a Bean and return it. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowActionInfoXCommand | Fields inherited from class org. | Class | | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowActionInsertJPAExecutor | Persist the WorkflowAction bean. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowActionRetryManualGetJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowActionsGetForJobJPAExecutor | Load the list of WorkflowAction for a WorkflowJob and return the list. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowActionsGetPendingJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowActionsRunningGetJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowActionSubsetGetJPAExecutor | JPA Command to get subset of workflow actions for a particular workflow. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowActionUpdateJPAExecutor | Persist the WorkflowAction bean. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowApp | A workflow definition is a programmatic definition of a workflow application. | Interface | org.apache.oozie.workflow | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowAppService | Service that provides application workflow definition reading from the path and creation of the proto configuration. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowException | Exception thrown by WorkflowJob and WorkflowLib. | Class | org.apache.oozie.workflow | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowIdGetForExternalIdJPAExecutor | Get the Workflow ID with given external ID which will be assigned for the subworkflows. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowInfoWithActionsSubsetGetJPAExecutor | This JPA Executor is responsible for getting the Workflow job with actions in certain range. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowInstance | A workflow instance is an executable instance of a WorkflowApp. | Interface | org.apache.oozie.workflow | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowJobBean | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org. | Class | org.apache.oozie | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowJobDeleteJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowJobEvent | Class implementing JobEvent for events generated by Workflow JobsSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.apache.oozie.event | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowJobGetActionsJPAExecutor | Load workflow actions for a workflow job. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowJobGetForSLAJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowJobGetForUserJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowJobGetJPAExecutor | Load the WorkflowJob into a Bean and return it. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowJobInsertJPAExecutor | Persist the WorkflowJob bean. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowJobsCountNotForPurgeFromParentIdJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowJobsDeleteJPAExecutor | Delete WF job, its list of actions and return the number of actions that were deleted. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowJobsGetForPurgeJPAExecutor | Load the list of completed WorkflowJob for purge ready. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowJobsGetFromParentIdJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowJobUpdateJPAExecutor | Persist the WorkflowJob bean. | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowLib | The workflow library provides application parsing and storage capabilities for workflow instances. | Interface | org.apache.oozie.workflow | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowSchemaService | Service that loads Oozie workflow definition schema and registered extension schemas. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowsInfo | Bean that contains the result for a workflows query. | Class | org.apache.oozie | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowsJobGetJPAExecutor | | Class | org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowStore | | Class | | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowStoreService | Base service for persistency of jobs and actions. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
WorkflowXCommand | Abstract coordinator command class derived from XCommandFields inherited from class org. | Class | | Apache Oozie |
WritableUtils | Utility class to write/read Hadoop writables to/from a byte array. | Class | org.apache.oozie.util | Apache Oozie |
XCallable | execution via the CallableQueueService. | Interface | org.apache.oozie.util | Apache Oozie |
XCommand | Base class for synchronous and asynchronous commands. | Class | org.apache.oozie.command | Apache Oozie |
XConfiguration | OConfiguration(InputStream is). | Class | org.apache.oozie.util | Apache Oozie |
XException | Base exception for all Oozie exception. | Class | org.apache.oozie | Apache Oozie |
XLog | The XLog class extends the functionality of the Apache common-logging Log interface. | Class | org.apache.oozie.util | Apache Oozie |
XLogReader | Reads the input stream(log file) and applies the filters and writes it to output stream. | Class | org.apache.oozie.util | Apache Oozie |
XLogService | Built-in service that initializes and manages Logging via Log4j. | Class | org.apache.oozie.service | Apache Oozie |
XLogStreamer | XLogStreamer streams the given log file to logWriter after applying the given filter. | Class | org.apache.oozie.util | Apache Oozie |
XmlUtils | XML utility methods. | Class | org.apache.oozie.util | Apache Oozie |
XServletException | Specialized Oozie servlet exception that uses Oozie error codes. | Class | org.apache.oozie.servlet | Apache Oozie |