Name | Description | Type | Package | Framework |
AbstractTwillRunnable | This abstract class provides default implementation of the TwillRunnable. | Class | apache.twill.api | Apache Twill |
AbstractZKClient | An abstract base implementation of ZKClient that simplifies implementation by providing forwarding for methods that are meant to be delegated to other methods. | Class | apache.twill.zookeeper | Apache Twill |
ACLData | Represents result of call to ZKClient. | Interface | apache.twill.zookeeper | Apache Twill |
BrokerInfo | Represents broker information. | Class | apache.twill.kafka.client | Apache Twill |
BrokerService | Service for providing information of kafka brokers. | Interface | apache.twill.kafka.client | Apache Twill |
BundledJarRunnable | Uses BundledJarRunnable to run a bundled jar. | Class | apache.twill.ext | Apache Twill |
BundledJarRunner | Runs a bundled jar specified by jarPath. | Class | apache.twill.ext | Apache Twill |
Cancellable | Something, usually a task, that can be cancelled. | Interface | apache.twill.common | Apache Twill |
ClassAcceptor | Class that can be used to determine if class can be accepted. | Class | apache.twill.api | Apache Twill |
Command | Represents command objects. | Interface | apache.twill.api | Apache Twill |
Compression | An Enum representing different compression codec options for publishing messages. | Class | apache.twill.kafka.client | Apache Twill |
Discoverable | Discoverable defines the attributes of service to be discovered. | Interface | apache.twill.discovery | Apache Twill |
DiscoveryService | DiscoveryService defines interface for registering Discoverable. | Interface | apache.twill.discovery | Apache Twill |
DiscoveryServiceClient | Interface for DiscoveryServiceClient to discover services registered with DiscoveryService. | Interface | apache.twill.discovery | Apache Twill |
ElectionHandler | Handles events of election/un-election of leader. | Interface | apache.twill.api | Apache Twill |
EventHandler | A callback handler for acting on application events related to TwillRunnable lifecycle events. | Class | apache.twill.api | Apache Twill |
EventHandlerContext | Represents runtime context for EventHandler. | Interface | apache.twill.api | Apache Twill |
EventHandlerSpecification | Specification for EventHandler. | Interface | apache.twill.api | Apache Twill |
FetchedMessage | | Interface | apache.twill.kafka.client | Apache Twill |
FileContextLocationFactory | A LocationFactory implementation that uses FileContext to create Location. | Class | apache.twill.filesystem | Apache Twill |
FindFreePort | Utility main class to find a free port on a machine. | Class | apache.twill.launcher | Apache Twill |
ForwardingLocationFactory | | Class | apache.twill.filesystem | Apache Twill |
ForwardingZKClient | | Class | apache.twill.zookeeper | Apache Twill |
ForwardingZKClientService | | Class | apache.twill.zookeeper | Apache Twill |
HDFSLocationFactory | A LocationFactory that creates HDFS Location using FileSystem. | Class | apache.twill.filesystem | Apache Twill |
Hosts | Represents a list of hosts. | Class | apache.twill.api | Apache Twill |
InMemoryDiscoveryService | A simple in memory implementation of DiscoveryService and DiscoveryServiceClient. | Class | apache.twill.discovery | Apache Twill |
KafkaClient | Represents a kafka client that can publish/subscribe to a Kafka server cluster. | Interface | apache.twill.kafka.client | Apache Twill |
KafkaClientService | A KafkaClient that extends Service to provide lifecycle management. | Interface | apache.twill.kafka.client | Apache Twill |
KafkaConsumer | A consumer for consuming (reading) messages published to a Kafka server cluster. | Interface | apache.twill.kafka.client | Apache Twill |
KafkaPublisher | This interface is for publishing data to Kafka. | Interface | apache.twill.kafka.client | Apache Twill |
LocalFile | This interface represents a local file that will be available for the container running a TwillRunnable. | Interface | apache.twill.api | Apache Twill |
LocalLocationFactory | A LocationFactory for creating local file Location. | Class | apache.twill.filesystem | Apache Twill |
Location | This interface defines the location and operations of a resource on the filesystem. | Interface | apache.twill.filesystem | Apache Twill |
LocationFactories | Providers helper methods for creating different LocationFactory. | Class | apache.twill.filesystem | Apache Twill |
LocationFactory | Factory for creating instance of Location. | Interface | apache.twill.filesystem | Apache Twill |
LogEntry | Represents a log entry emitted by application. | Interface | apache.twill.api.logging | Apache Twill |
LogHandler | Represents class that can receive logs from the application. | Interface | apache.twill.api.logging | Apache Twill |
LogThrowable | Carries Throwable information in a LogEntry. | Interface | apache.twill.api.logging | Apache Twill |
NodeChildren | Represents result of call to ZKClient. | Interface | apache.twill.zookeeper | Apache Twill |
NodeData | Represents result of call to ZKClient. | Interface | apache.twill.zookeeper | Apache Twill |
OperationFuture | A ListenableFuture that also provides the requested path for a operation. | Interface | apache.twill.zookeeper | Apache Twill |
PrinterLogHandler | A LogHandler that prints the LogEntry through a PrintWriter. | Class | apache.twill.api.logging | Apache Twill |
Racks | Represents a list of Racks. | Class | apache.twill.api | Apache Twill |
ResourceReport | This interface provides a snapshot of the resources an application is using broken down by each runnable. | Interface | apache.twill.api | Apache Twill |
ResourceSpecification | This interface provides specifications for resource requirements including set and get methods for number of cores, amount of memory, and number of instances. | Interface | apache.twill.api | Apache Twill |
RetryStrategies | Factory for creating common RetryStrategy implementation. | Class | apache.twill.zookeeper | Apache Twill |
RetryStrategy | Provides strategy to use for operation retries. | Interface | apache.twill.zookeeper | Apache Twill |
RuntimeSpecification | Specifications for runtime requirements. | Interface | apache.twill.api | Apache Twill |
SecureStoreUpdater | Represents class capable of creating update of SecureStore for live applications. | Interface | apache.twill.api | Apache Twill |
ServiceAnnouncer | This interface provides a way to announce the availability of a service. | Interface | apache.twill.api | Apache Twill |
ServiceController | This interface is for controlling a remote running service. | Interface | apache.twill.api | Apache Twill |
ServiceDiscovered | Represents the result of service discovery. | Interface | apache.twill.discovery | Apache Twill |
Threads | | Class | apache.twill.common | Apache Twill |
TopicPartition | Represents a combination of topic and partition. | Class | apache.twill.kafka.client | Apache Twill |
TwillApplication | Represents a application that can be launched by Twill. | Interface | apache.twill.api | Apache Twill |
TwillContext | Represents the runtime context of a TwillRunnable. | Interface | apache.twill.api | Apache Twill |
TwillController | For controlling a running application. | Interface | apache.twill.api | Apache Twill |
TwillLauncher | A launcher for application from a archive jar. | Class | apache.twill.launcher | Apache Twill |
TwillPreparer | This interface exposes methods to set up the Twill runtime environment and start a Twill application. | Interface | apache.twill.api | Apache Twill |
TwillRunnable | The TwillRunnable interface should be implemented by any class whose instances are intended to be executed in a Twill cluster. | Interface | apache.twill.api | Apache Twill |
TwillRunnableSpecification | Represents a specification of a TwillRunnable. | Interface | apache.twill.api | Apache Twill |
TwillRunner | This interface prepares execution of TwillRunnable and TwillApplication. | Interface | apache.twill.api | Apache Twill |
TwillRunnerService | A TwillRunner that provides lifecycle management functions. | Interface | apache.twill.api | Apache Twill |
TwillRunResources | | Interface | apache.twill.api | Apache Twill |
TwillSpecification | Represents specification of a TwillApplication. | Interface | apache.twill.api | Apache Twill |
YarnSecureStore | A SecureStore for hadoop credentials. | Class | apache.twill.yarn | Apache Twill |
YarnTwillRunnerService | An implementation of TwillRunnerService that runs application on a YARN cluster. | Class | apache.twill.yarn | Apache Twill |
ZKClient | A ZooKeeper client that provides asynchronous zookeeper operations. | Interface | apache.twill.zookeeper | Apache Twill |
ZKClients | Utility class to create ZKClient instances. | Class | apache.twill.zookeeper | Apache Twill |
ZKClientService | A ZKClient that extends from Service to provide lifecycle management functions. | Interface | apache.twill.zookeeper | Apache Twill |
ZKClientServices | Provides static factory method to create ZKClientService with modified behaviors. | Class | apache.twill.zookeeper | Apache Twill |
ZKDiscoveryService | Zookeeper implementation of DiscoveryService and DiscoveryServiceClient. | Class | apache.twill.discovery | Apache Twill |
ZKOperations | Collection of helper methods for common operations that usually needed when interacting with ZooKeeper. | Class | apache.twill.zookeeper | Apache Twill |