Name | Description | Type | Package | Framework |
AbstractAvroMojo | Base for Avro Compiler Mojos. | Class | org.apache.avro.mojo | Avro |
AvroAlias | Adds the given name and space as an alias to the schema. | Class | org.apache.avro.reflect | Avro |
AvroAsTextInputFormat | An InputFormat for Avro data files, which converts each datum to string form in the input key. | Class | org.apache.avro.mapred | Avro |
AvroCharSequenceComparator | Compares Avro string data (data with schema string). | Class | org.apache.avro.hadoop.util | Avro |
AvroCollector | A collector for map and reduce output. | Class | org.apache.avro.mapred | Avro |
AvroColumnReader | Read files written with AvroColumnWriter. | Class | org.apache.trevni.avro | Avro |
AvroColumnWriter | Write Avro records to a Trevni column file. | Class | org.apache.trevni.avro | Avro |
AvroDatumConverter | Converts a Java object into an Avro datum. | Class | | Avro |
AvroDatumConverterFactory | Constructs converters that turn objects (usually from the output of a MR job) into Avro data that can be serialized. | Class | | Avro |
AvroDeserializer | Deserializes AvroWrapper objects within Hadoop. | Class | | Avro |
AvroEncode | Expert: Fields with this annotation are encoded using the given custom encoder. | Class | org.apache.avro.reflect | Avro |
AvroInputFormat | An InputFormat for Avro data files. | Class | org.apache.avro.mapred | Avro |
AvroJob | Setters to configure jobs for Avro data. | Class | org.apache.avro.mapred | Avro |
AvroJob | Utility methods for configuring jobs that work with Avro. | Class | org.apache.avro.mapreduce | Avro |
AvroKey | The wrapper of keys for jobs configured with AvroJob . | Class | org.apache.avro.mapred | Avro |
AvroKeyComparator | The RawComparator used by jobs configured with Compares AvroKeys output from the map phase for sorting. | Class | | Avro |
AvroKeyComparator | The RawComparator used by jobs configured with AvroJob. | Class | org.apache.avro.mapred | Avro |
AvroKeyDeserializer | Deserializes AvroKey objects within Hadoop. | Class | | Avro |
AvroKeyInputFormat | A MapReduce InputFormat that can handle Avro container files. | Class | org.apache.avro.mapreduce | Avro |
AvroKeyOutputFormat | FileOutputFormat for writing Avro container files. | Class | org.apache.avro.mapreduce | Avro |
AvroKeyRecordReader | Reads records from an input split representing a chunk of an Avro container file. | Class | org.apache.avro.mapreduce | Avro |
AvroKeyRecordWriter | Writes Avro records to an Avro container file output stream. | Class | org.apache.avro.mapreduce | Avro |
AvroKeyValue | A helper object for working with the Avro generic records that are used to store key/value pairs in an Avro container file. | Class | | Avro |
AvroKeyValueInputFormat | A MapReduce InputFormat that reads from Avro container files of key/value generic records. | Class | org.apache.avro.mapreduce | Avro |
AvroKeyValueOutputFormat | FileOutputFormat for writing Avro container files of key/value pairs. | Class | org.apache.avro.mapreduce | Avro |
AvroKeyValueRecordReader | Reads Avro generic records from an Avro container file, where the records contain two fields: 'key' and 'value'. | Class | org.apache.avro.mapreduce | Avro |
AvroKeyValueRecordWriter | Writes key/value pairs to an Avro container file. | Class | org.apache.avro.mapreduce | Avro |
AvroMapper | A mapper for Avro data. | Class | org.apache.avro.mapred | Avro |
AvroMeta | Adds the given key:Value pair as metadata into the schema, at the corresponding node. | Class | org.apache.avro.reflect | Avro |
AvroMultipleInputs | This class supports Avro-MapReduce jobs that have multiple input paths with a different Schema and AvroMapper for each path. | Class | org.apache.avro.mapred | Avro |
AvroMultipleOutputs | The AvroMultipleOutputs class simplifies writing Avro output data to multiple outputs | Class | org.apache.avro.mapred | Avro |
AvroMultipleOutputs | The AvroMultipleOutputs class simplifies writing Avro output data to multiple outputs | Class | org.apache.avro.mapreduce | Avro |
AvroName | Sets the avroname for this java field. | Class | org.apache.avro.reflect | Avro |
AvroOutputFormat | An OutputFormat for Avro data files. | Class | org.apache.avro.mapred | Avro |
AvroOutputFormatBase | Abstract base class for output formats that write Avro container files. | Class | org.apache.avro.mapreduce | Avro |
AvroRecordReader | An RecordReader for Avro data files. | Class | org.apache.avro.mapred | Avro |
AvroRecordReaderBase | Abstract base class for RecordReaders that read Avro container files. | Class | org.apache.avro.mapreduce | Avro |
AvroReducer | A reducer for Avro data. | Class | org.apache.avro.mapred | Avro |
AvroRemoteException | Base class for exceptions thrown to client by server. | Class | org.apache.avro | Avro |
AvroRuntimeException | Base Avro exception. | Class | org.apache.avro | Avro |
AvroSchema | Declares that a Java type should have a specified Avro schema, overriding the normally inferred schema. | Class | org.apache.avro.reflect | Avro |
AvroSequenceFile | A wrapper around a Hadoop SequenceFile that also supports reading and writing Avro data. | Class | | Avro |
AvroSequenceFileInputFormat | An input format for reading from AvroSequenceFiles (sequence files that support Avro data). | Class | org.apache.avro.mapreduce | Avro |
AvroSequenceFileOutputFormat | A sequence file output format that knows how to write AvroKeys and AvroValues in addition to Writables. | Class | org.apache.avro.mapreduce | Avro |
AvroSerialization | | Class | | Avro |
AvroSerialization | The Serialization used by jobs configured with AvroJob. | Class | org.apache.avro.mapred | Avro |
AvroSerializer | Serializes AvroWrapper objects within Hadoop. | Class | | Avro |
AvroTextOutputFormat | The equivalent of TextOutputFormat for writing to Avro Data Files with a bytes schema. | Class | org.apache.avro.mapred | Avro |
AvroTrevniInputFormat | An InputFormat for Trevni files. | Class | org.apache.trevni.avro | Avro |
AvroTrevniKeyInputFormat | An InputFormat for Trevni files. | Class | org.apache.trevni.avro.mapreduce | Avro |
AvroTrevniKeyOutputFormat | An OutputFormat that writes Avro data to This implement was modeled off | Class | org.apache.trevni.avro.mapreduce | Avro |
AvroTrevniKeyRecordReader | Reads records from an input split representing a chunk of an Trenvi container file. | Class | org.apache.trevni.avro.mapreduce | Avro |
AvroTrevniKeyRecordWriter | Writes Trevni records to an Trevni container file output stream. | Class | org.apache.trevni.avro.mapreduce | Avro |
AvroTrevniKeyValueInputFormat | An InputFormat for Trevni files. | Class | org.apache.trevni.avro.mapreduce | Avro |
AvroTrevniKeyValueOutputFormat | An OutputFormat that writes Avro data to This implement was modeled off | Class | org.apache.trevni.avro.mapreduce | Avro |
AvroTrevniKeyValueRecordReader | Reads Trevni generic records from an Trevni container file, where the records contain two fields: 'key' and 'value'. | Class | org.apache.trevni.avro.mapreduce | Avro |
AvroTrevniKeyValueRecordWriter | Writes key/value pairs to an Trevni container file. | Class | org.apache.trevni.avro.mapreduce | Avro |
AvroTrevniOutputFormat | An OutputFormat that writes Avro data to Writes a directory of files per task, each comprising a single filesystem | Class | org.apache.trevni.avro | Avro |
AvroTrevniRecordReaderBase | Abstract base class for RecordReaders that read Trevni container files. | Class | org.apache.trevni.avro.mapreduce | Avro |
AvroTrevniRecordWriterBase | Abstract base class for RecordWriters that writes Trevni container files. | Class | org.apache.trevni.avro.mapreduce | Avro |
AvroTypeException | Thrown when an illegal type is used. | Class | org.apache.avro | Avro |
AvroUtf8InputFormat | An InputFormat for text files. | Class | org.apache.avro.mapred | Avro |
AvroValue | The wrapper of values for jobs configured with AvroJob . | Class | org.apache.avro.mapred | Avro |
AvroValueDeserializer | Deserializes AvroValue objects within Hadoop. | Class | | Avro |
AvroWrapper | The wrapper of data for jobs configured with AvroJob . | Class | org.apache.avro.mapred | Avro |
BinaryData | Utilities for binary-encoded data. | Class | | Avro |
BinaryDecoder | An Decoder for binary-format data. | Class | | Avro |
BinaryEncoder | An abstract Encoder for Avro's binary encoding. | Class | | Avro |
BinaryFragmentToJsonTool | Converts an input file from Avro binary into JSON. | Class | org.apache.avro.tool | Avro |
BlockingBinaryEncoder | A BinaryEncoder implementation that writes large arrays and maps as a sequence of blocks. | Class | | Avro |
BufferedBinaryEncoder | An Encoder for Avro's binary encoding. | Class | | Avro |
ByteBufferInputStream | Utility to present ByteBuffer data as an InputStream. | Class | org.apache.avro.util | Avro |
ByteBufferOutputStream | Utility to collect data written to an OutputStream in ByteBuffers. | Class | org.apache.avro.util | Avro |
BZip2Codec | | Class | org.apache.avro.file | Avro |
BZip2Codec | | Class | org.apache.trevni | Avro |
Callback | Interface for receiving asynchronous callbacks. | Interface | org.apache.avro.ipc | Avro |
CallFuture | A Future implementation for RPCs. | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc | Avro |
CatTool | Tool to extract samples from an Avro data file. | Class | org.apache.avro.tool | Avro |
ClassUtils | | Class | org.apache.avro.util | Avro |
Codec | Interface for Avro-supported compression codecs for data files. | Class | org.apache.avro.file | Avro |
CodecFactory | Encapsulates the ability to specify and configure a compression codec. | Class | org.apache.avro.file | Avro |
ColumnFileMetaData | File-level metadata. | Class | org.apache.trevni | Avro |
ColumnFileReader | Reads data from a column file. | Class | org.apache.trevni | Avro |
ColumnFileWriter | Writes data to a column file. | Class | org.apache.trevni | Avro |
ColumnMetaData | Metadata for a column. | Class | org.apache.trevni | Avro |
ColumnValues | An iterator over column values. | Class | org.apache.trevni | Avro |
ConcatTool | | Class | org.apache.avro.tool | Avro |
Conversion | Conversion between generic and logical type instances. | Class | org.apache.avro | Avro |
Conversions | | Class | org.apache.avro | Avro |
CreateRandomFileTool | Creates a file filled with randomly-generated instances of a schema. | Class | org.apache.avro.tool | Avro |
CustomEncoding | Expert: a custom encoder and decoder that writes an object directly to avro. | Class | org.apache.avro.reflect | Avro |
DataFileConstants | Constants used in data files. | Class | org.apache.avro.file | Avro |
DataFileGetMetaTool | Reads a data file to get its metadata. | Class | org.apache.avro.tool | Avro |
DataFileGetSchemaTool | Reads a data file to get its schema. | Class | org.apache.avro.tool | Avro |
DataFileReader | Random access to files written with DataFileWriter. | Class | org.apache.avro.file | Avro |
DataFileReader12 | Read files written by Avro version 1. | Class | org.apache.avro.file | Avro |
DataFileReadTool | | Class | org.apache.avro.tool | Avro |
DataFileRepairTool | | Class | org.apache.avro.tool | Avro |
DataFileStream | Streaming access to files written by DataFileWriter. | Class | org.apache.avro.file | Avro |
DataFileWriter | Stores in a file a sequence of data conforming to a schema. | Class | org.apache.avro.file | Avro |
DataFileWriteTool | Reads new-line delimited JSON records and writers an Avro data file. | Class | org.apache.avro.tool | Avro |
DatagramServer | A datagram-based server implementation. | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc | Avro |
DatagramTransceiver | A datagram-based Transceiver implementation. | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc | Avro |
DateAsLongEncoding | This encoder/decoder writes a java. | Class | org.apache.avro.reflect | Avro |
DatumReader | Read data of a schema. | Interface | | Avro |
DatumWriter | Write data of a schema. | Interface | | Avro |
Decoder | Low-level support for de-serializing Avro values. | Class | | Avro |
DecoderFactory | A factory for creating and configuring Decoders. | Class | | Avro |
DirectBinaryEncoder | An Encoder for Avro's binary encoding that does not buffer output. | Class | | Avro |
Encoder | Low-level support for serializing Avro values. | Class | | Avro |
EncoderFactory | A factory for creating and configuring Encoder instances. | Class | | Avro |
ErrorBuilder | | Interface | | Avro |
FileReader | Interface for reading data from a file. | Interface | org.apache.avro.file | Avro |
FixedSize | Declares the size of implementations ofRequired Element Summary | Class | org.apache.avro.specific | Avro |
FromTextTool | Reads a text file into an Avro data file. | Class | org.apache.avro.tool | Avro |
FsInput | Adapt an FSDataInputStream to SeekableInput. | Class | org.apache.avro.mapred | Avro |
GenericArray | Array that permits reuse of contained elements. | Interface | org.apache.avro.generic | Avro |
GenericContainer | Contains data of other types. | Interface | org.apache.avro.generic | Avro |
GenericData | Utilities for generic Java data. | Class | org.apache.avro.generic | Avro |
GenericDatumReader | DatumReader for generic Java objects. | Class | org.apache.avro.generic | Avro |
GenericDatumWriter | DatumWriter for generic Java objects. | Class | org.apache.avro.generic | Avro |
GenericEnumSymbol | | Interface | org.apache.avro.generic | Avro |
GenericFixed | | Interface | org.apache.avro.generic | Avro |
GenericRecord | A generic instance of a record schema. | Interface | org.apache.avro.generic | Avro |
GenericRecordBuilder | A RecordBuilder for generic records. | Class | org.apache.avro.generic | Avro |
GenericRequestor | Requestor implementation for generic Java data. | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc.generic | Avro |
GenericResponder | Responder implementation for generic Java data. | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc.generic | Avro |
HadoopCodecFactory | Encapsulates the ability to specify and configure an avro compression codec from a given hadoop codec defined with the configuration parameter: | Class | org.apache.avro.hadoop.file | Avro |
HadoopInput | Adapt a Hadoop FSDataInputStream to Trevni's Input. | Class | org.apache.trevni.avro | Avro |
HandshakeMatch | | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc | Avro |
HandshakeRequest | | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc | Avro |
HandshakeResponse | | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc | Avro |
HelpMojo | Display help information on avro-maven-plugin. | Class | org.apache.avro.mojo | Avro |
HttpServer | An HTTP-based RPC Server. | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc | Avro |
HttpTransceiver | An HTTP-based Transceiver implementation. | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc | Avro |
IDLProtocolMojo | Generate Java classes and interfaces from AvroIDL files (. | Class | org.apache.avro.mojo | Avro |
IdlTool | | Class | org.apache.avro.tool | Avro |
IdlToSchemataTool | | Class | org.apache.avro.tool | Avro |
IndexedRecord | A record implementation that permits field access by integer index. | Interface | org.apache.avro.generic | Avro |
InduceSchemaTool | Utility to induce a schema from a class or a protocol from an interface. | Class | org.apache.avro.tool | Avro |
Input | A byte source that supports positioned read and length. | Interface | org.apache.trevni | Avro |
InputBytes | An Input backed with data in a byte array. | Class | org.apache.trevni | Avro |
InputFile | | Class | org.apache.trevni | Avro |
InputProtocol | | Interface | org.apache.avro.mapred.tether | Avro |
Ipc | IPC utilities, including client and server factories. | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc | Avro |
Json | Utilities for reading and writing arbitrary Json data in Avro format. | Class | | Avro |
JsonDecoder | A Decoder for Avro's JSON data encoding. | Class | | Avro |
JsonEncoder | An Encoder for Avro's JSON data encoding. | Class | | Avro |
JsonGrammarGenerator | | Class | | Avro |
JsonProperties | Base class for objects that have JSON-valued properties. | Class | org.apache.avro | Avro |
JsonToBinaryFragmentTool | Tool to convert JSON data into the binary form. | Class | org.apache.avro.tool | Avro |
LocalTransceiver | | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc | Avro |
LogicalType | Logical types provides an opt-in way to extend Avro's types. | Class | org.apache.avro | Avro |
LogicalTypes | | Class | org.apache.avro | Avro |
Main | Command-line driver. | Class | org.apache.avro.tool | Avro |
MD5 | | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc | Avro |
MetaData | Base class for metadata. | Class | org.apache.trevni | Avro |
NettyServer | A Netty-based RPC Server implementation. | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc | Avro |
NettyTransceiver | A Netty-based Transceiver implementation. | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc | Avro |
NettyTransportCodec | Data structure, encoder and decoder classes for the Netty transport. | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc | Avro |
OutputProtocol | | Interface | org.apache.avro.mapred.tether | Avro |
Pair | | Class | org.apache.avro.mapred | Avro |
Parser | Parser is the class that maintains the stack for parsing. | Class | | Avro |
ParsingDecoder | | Class | | Avro |
ParsingEncoder | | Class | | Avro |
ProtobufData | Utilities for serializing Protobuf data in Avro format. | Class | org.apache.avro.protobuf | Avro |
ProtobufDatumReader | | Class | org.apache.avro.protobuf | Avro |
ProtobufDatumWriter | | Class | org.apache.avro.protobuf | Avro |
Protocol | A set of messages forming an application protocol. | Class | org.apache.avro | Avro |
ProtocolMojo | Generate Java classes and interfaces from Avro protocol files (. | Class | org.apache.avro.mojo | Avro |
ProtocolTask | Ant task to generate Java interface and classes for a protocol. | Class | org.apache.avro.compiler.specific | Avro |
RecodecTool | Tool to alter the codec of an Avro data file. | Class | org.apache.avro.tool | Avro |
RecordBuilder | | Interface | | Avro |
RecordBuilderBase | Abstract base class for RecordBuilder implementations. | Class | | Avro |
ReflectData | Utilities to use existing Java classes and interfaces via reflection. | Class | org.apache.avro.reflect | Avro |
ReflectDatumReader | | Class | org.apache.avro.reflect | Avro |
ReflectDatumWriter | DatumWriter for existing classes via Java reflection. | Class | org.apache.avro.reflect | Avro |
ReflectRequestor | A Requestor for existing interfaces. | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc.reflect | Avro |
ReflectResponder | Responder for existing interfaces. | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc.reflect | Avro |
Requestor | Base class for the client side of a protocol interaction. | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc | Avro |
ResolvingDecoder | Decoder that performs type-resolution between the reader's and When resolving schemas, this class will return the values of fields in | Class | | Avro |
ResolvingGrammarGenerator | | Class | | Avro |
Responder | Base class for the server side of a protocol interaction. | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc | Avro |
ResponderServlet | An HttpServlet that responds to Avro RPC requests. | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc | Avro |
RPCContext | This class represents the context of an RPC call or RPC handshake. | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc | Avro |
RPCPlugin | An instrumentation API for RPC metadata. | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc | Avro |
RpcProtocolTool | Tool to grab the protocol from a remote running service. | Class | org.apache.avro.tool | Avro |
RpcReceiveTool | Receives one RPC call and responds. | Class | org.apache.avro.tool | Avro |
RpcSendTool | Sends a single RPC message. | Class | org.apache.avro.tool | Avro |
SaslSocketServer | A Server that uses javax. | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc | Avro |
SaslSocketTransceiver | A Transceiver that uses javax. | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc | Avro |
Schema | An abstract data type. | Class | org.apache.avro | Avro |
SchemaBuilder | A fluent interface for building Schema instances. | Class | org.apache.avro | Avro |
SchemaBuilderException | Thrown for errors building schemas. | Class | org.apache.avro | Avro |
SchemaCompatibility | Evaluate the compatibility between a reader schema and a writer schema. | Class | org.apache.avro | Avro |
SchemaMojo | Generate Java classes from Avro schema files (. | Class | org.apache.avro.mojo | Avro |
SchemaNormalization | Collection of static methods for generating the cannonical form of schemas (see toParsingForm(org. | Class | org.apache.avro | Avro |
SchemaParseException | Thrown for errors parsing schemas and protocols. | Class | org.apache.avro | Avro |
SchemaTask | Ant task to generate Java interface and classes for a protocol. | Class | org.apache.avro.compiler.specific | Avro |
SchemaValidationException | Thrown when SchemaValidator fails to validate a schema. | Class | org.apache.avro | Avro |
SchemaValidationStrategy | An interface for validating the compatibility of a single schema against What makes one schema compatible with another is not defined by the contract. | Interface | org.apache.avro | Avro |
SchemaValidator | A SchemaValidator has one method, which validates that a Schema is compatible with the other schemas provided. | Interface | org.apache.avro | Avro |
SchemaValidatorBuilder | A Builder for creating SchemaValidators. | Class | org.apache.avro | Avro |
SeekableByteArrayInput | A SeekableInput backed with data in a byte array. | Class | org.apache.avro.file | Avro |
SeekableFileInput | A FileInputStream that implements SeekableInput. | Class | org.apache.avro.file | Avro |
SeekableInput | An InputStream that supports seek and tell. | Interface | org.apache.avro.file | Avro |
SequenceFileInputFormat | An InputFormat for sequence files. | Class | org.apache.avro.mapred | Avro |
SequenceFileReader | A FileReader for sequence files. | Class | org.apache.avro.mapred | Avro |
SequenceFileRecordReader | A RecordReader for sequence files. | Class | org.apache.avro.mapred | Avro |
Server | A server listening on a port. | Interface | org.apache.avro.ipc | Avro |
SkipParser | A parser that capable of skipping as well read and write. | Class | | Avro |
SocketServer | A socket-based server implementation. | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc | Avro |
SocketTransceiver | A socket-based Transceiver implementation. | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc | Avro |
SortedKeyValueFile | A SortedKeyValueFile is an indexed Avro container file of KeyValue records The SortedKeyValueFile is a directory with two files, named 'data' and | Class | org.apache.avro.hadoop.file | Avro |
SpecificCompiler | Generate specific Java interfaces and classes for protocols and schemas. | Class | org.apache.avro.compiler.specific | Avro |
SpecificCompilerTool | | Class | org.apache.avro.tool | Avro |
SpecificData | Utilities for generated Java classes and interfaces. | Class | org.apache.avro.specific | Avro |
SpecificDatumReader | DatumReader for generated Java classes. | Class | org.apache.avro.specific | Avro |
SpecificDatumWriter | DatumWriter for generated Java classes. | Class | org.apache.avro.specific | Avro |
SpecificErrorBuilderBase | Abstract base class for specific ErrorBuilder implementations. | Class | org.apache.avro.specific | Avro |
SpecificExceptionBase | Base class for specific exceptions. | Class | org.apache.avro.specific | Avro |
SpecificFixed | Base class for generated fixed-sized data classes. | Class | org.apache.avro.specific | Avro |
SpecificRecord | | Interface | org.apache.avro.specific | Avro |
SpecificRecordBase | Base class for generated record classes. | Class | org.apache.avro.specific | Avro |
SpecificRecordBuilderBase | Abstract base class for specific RecordBuilder implementations. | Class | org.apache.avro.specific | Avro |
SpecificRequestor | Requestor for generated interfaces. | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc.specific | Avro |
SpecificResponder | Responder for generated interfaces. | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc.specific | Avro |
StaticServlet | Very simple servlet class capable of serving static files. | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc.stats | Avro |
StatsPlugin | Collects count and latency statistics about RPC calls. | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc.stats | Avro |
StatsServer | | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc.stats | Avro |
StatsServlet | Exposes information provided by a StatsPlugin as This class follows the same synchronization conventions | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc.stats | Avro |
Symbol | | Class | | Avro |
Syncable | | Interface | org.apache.avro.file | Avro |
Syncable | | Interface | org.apache.avro.mapreduce | Avro |
SyncableFileOutputStream | An implementation of Syncable which writes to a file. | Class | org.apache.avro.file | Avro |
TaskType | | Class | org.apache.avro.mapred.tether | Avro |
TetherJob | Constructs and submits tether jobs. | Class | org.apache.avro.mapred.tether | Avro |
TetherTool | | Class | org.apache.avro.tool | Avro |
ThriftData | Utilities for serializing Thrift data in Avro format. | Class | org.apache.avro.thrift | Avro |
ThriftDatumReader | | Class | org.apache.avro.thrift | Avro |
ThriftDatumWriter | | Class | org.apache.avro.thrift | Avro |
TimeConversions | | Class | | Avro |
Tool | Command-line avro-tools utilities should implement this interface for delegation by Main. | Interface | org.apache.avro.tool | Avro |
ToTextTool | Reads an avro data file into a plain text file. | Class | org.apache.avro.tool | Avro |
ToTrevniTool | Reads an Avro data file and writes a Trevni file. | Class | org.apache.avro.tool | Avro |
Transceiver | Base transport class used by Requestor. | Class | org.apache.avro.ipc | Avro |
TrevniCreateRandomTool | | Class | org.apache.avro.tool | Avro |
TrevniMetadataTool | Tool to print Trevni file metadata as JSON. | Class | org.apache.avro.tool | Avro |
TrevniRuntimeException | Base runtime exception thrown by Trevni. | Class | org.apache.trevni | Avro |
TrevniToJsonTool | Tool to read Trevni files and print them as JSON. | Class | org.apache.avro.tool | Avro |
Union | Declares that a Java type should be represented by an Avro union schema. | Class | org.apache.avro.reflect | Avro |
UnresolvedUnionException | Thrown when the expected contents of a union cannot be resolved. | Class | org.apache.avro | Avro |
Utf8 | A Utf8 string. | Class | org.apache.avro.util | Avro |
ValidateAll | A SchemaValidator for validating the provided schema against all schemas in the Iterable in validate(Schema, Iterable). | Class | org.apache.avro | Avro |
ValidateLatest | A SchemaValidator for validating the provided schema against the first Schema in the iterable in validate(Schema, Iterable). | Class | org.apache.avro | Avro |
ValidatingDecoder | An implementation of Decoder that ensures that the sequence of operations conforms to a schema. | Class | | Avro |
ValidatingEncoder | An implementation of Encoder that wraps another Encoder and ensures that the sequence of operations conforms to the provided schema. | Class | | Avro |
ValidatingGrammarGenerator | The class that generates validating grammar. | Class | | Avro |
ValueType | The datatypes that may be stored in a column. | Class | org.apache.trevni | Avro |
WeakIdentityHashMap | Useful for caches that need to key off of a == comparison instead of a . | Class | org.apache.avro.util | Avro |
XZCodec | | Class | org.apache.avro.file | Avro |