Name | Description | Type | Package | Framework |
AbstractAggregateFactory | Abstract AggregateFactory implementation that is aware of snapshot events. | Class | org.axonframework.eventsourcing | Axon |
AbstractAggregateRoot | Very basic implementation of the AggregateRoot interface. | Class | org.axonframework.domain | Axon |
AbstractAnnotatedAggregateRoot | Convenience super type for aggregate roots that have their event handler methods annotated with the EventSourcingHandler annotation (and EventHandler for backwards compatibility). | Class | org.axonframework.eventsourcing.annotation | Axon |
AbstractAnnotatedEntity | Convenience super type for entities (other than aggregate roots) that have their event handler methods annotated with the EventHandler annotation. | Class | org.axonframework.eventsourcing.annotation | Axon |
AbstractAnnotatedHandlerDefinition | Abstract implementation of the HandlerDefinition that uses annotations to recognise handler methods or constructors. | Class | org.axonframework.common.annotation | Axon |
AbstractAnnotatedParameterResolverFactory | ParameterResolverFactory that will supply a parameter resolver when a matching parameter annotation is paired with a suitable type of parameter. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.annotation | Axon |
AbstractAnnotatedSaga | | Class | org.axonframework.saga.annotation | Axon |
AbstractAnnotationHandlerBeanPostProcessor | Abstract bean post processor that finds candidates for proxying. | Class | org.axonframework.common.annotation | Axon |
AbstractCacheAdapter | Abstract implementation of the Cache interface which makes it easier to implement Adapters. | Class | org.axonframework.cache | Axon |
AbstractCluster | Abstract Cluster implementation that keeps track of Cluster members (EventListeners). | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling | Axon |
AbstractClusterSelector | Abstract implementation of the ClusterSelector interface that detects proxies and passes the actual Class of the Event Listener implementation. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling | Axon |
AbstractCommandGateway | Abstract implementation of a CommandGateway, which handles the dispatch interceptors and retrying on failure. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.gateway | Axon |
AbstractContentTypeConverter | Abstract implementation of the ContentTypeConverter for convenience purposes. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer | Axon |
AbstractEventEntry | Data needed by different types of event logs. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jpa | Axon |
AbstractEventEntryData | Abstract JPA Entity, which defines all fields except for the payload and metaData field. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jpa | Axon |
AbstractEventSourcedAggregateRoot | Abstract convenience class to be extended by all aggregate roots. | Class | org.axonframework.eventsourcing | Axon |
AbstractEventSourcedEntity | Base class for Event Sourced entities that are not at the root of the aggregate. | Class | org.axonframework.eventsourcing | Axon |
AbstractMessageHandler | Abstract superclass for annotation based Message handlers. | Class | org.axonframework.common.annotation | Axon |
AbstractMethodPropertyAccessStrategy | Abstract implementation of the PropertyAccessStrategy that uses a no-arg, public method to access the property value. | Class | | Axon |
AbstractReplayAwareSagaManager | Abstract implementation of the SagaManager interface that provides basic functionality required by most SagaManager implementations. | Class | org.axonframework.saga | Axon |
AbstractRepository | Abstract implementation of the Repository that takes care of the dispatching of events when an aggregate is persisted. | Class | org.axonframework.repository | Axon |
AbstractRoutingStrategy | Abstract implementation of the RoutingStrategy interface that uses a policy to prescribe what happens when a routing cannot be resolved. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.distributed | Axon |
AbstractSagaManager | Abstract implementation of the SagaManager interface that provides basic functionality required by most SagaManager implementations. | Class | org.axonframework.saga | Axon |
AbstractSagaManagerBeanDefinitionParser | Abstract SagaManager parser that parses common properties for all SagaManager implementations. | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring | Axon |
AbstractSagaRepository | Abstract implementation for saga repositories. | Class | org.axonframework.saga.repository | Axon |
AbstractSingleEntryUpcaster | Abstract implementation of an upcaster that only needs to convert one serialized object to another using the same This class is not suitable when an upcaster needs to convert a single serialized object to multiple new serialized | Class | org.axonframework.upcasting | Axon |
AbstractSnapshotter | Abstract implementation of the Snapshotter that uses a task executor to creates snapshots. | Class | org.axonframework.eventsourcing | Axon |
AbstractUpcasterChain | Abstract implementation of the UpcasterChain interface. | Class | org.axonframework.upcasting | Axon |
AbstractXStreamSerializer | Abstract implementation for XStream based serializers. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer | Axon |
AcceptAllConflictResolver | contains changes that were not expected by the command handler. | Class | org.axonframework.eventsourcing.conflictresolvers | Axon |
AggregateAnnotationCommandHandler | Command handler that handles commands based on CommandHandler annotations on an aggregate. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.annotation | Axon |
AggregateAnnotationCommandHandlerFactoryBean | Spring FactoryBean that creates an AggregateAnnotationCommandHandler instance. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.annotation | Axon |
AggregateAnnotationInspector | Inspects objects to find aggregate specific annotations, such as AggregateIdentifier and EventSourcedMember. | Class | org.axonframework.eventsourcing.annotation | Axon |
AggregateBlacklistedException | Exception indicating that an aggregate has been blacklisted by the DisruptorCommandBus. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.disruptor | Axon |
AggregateCommandHandlerBeanDefinitionParser | Bean Definition parser that parses AggregateAnnotationCommandHandler type beans (aggregate-command-handler element). | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring | Axon |
AggregateCommandHandlerInspector | Handler inspector that finds annotated constructors and methods on a given aggregate type and provides handlers forSince:1. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.annotation | Axon |
AggregateDeletedException | Special case of the AggregateNotFoundException that indicates that historic information of an aggregate was found, but the aggregate has been deleted. | Class | org.axonframework.eventsourcing | Axon |
AggregateFactory | Interface describing objects capable of creating instances of aggregates to be initialized with an event stream. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventsourcing | Axon |
AggregateIdentifier | | Class | org.axonframework.eventsourcing.annotation | Axon |
AggregateIdentifierNotInitializedException | Exception indicating that an AggregateRoot instance has failed to provide a valid aggregate identifier in time. | Class | org.axonframework.domain | Axon |
AggregateNotFoundException | Exception indicating that the an aggregate could not be found in the repository. | Class | org.axonframework.repository | Axon |
AggregateRoot | Interface defining a contract for entities that represent the aggregate root. | Interface | org.axonframework.domain | Axon |
AggregateSnapshotter | motivation is that an aggregate always contains all relevant state. | Class | org.axonframework.eventsourcing | Axon |
AggregateStateCorruptedException | Exception indicating that the changes in an aggregate (generated events) are ignored by the DisruptorCommandBus, because it cannot guarantee that these changes have been applied to an aggregate instance with the correct state. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.disruptor | Axon |
AllFieldsFilter | FieldFilter implementation that accepts all Fields. | Class | org.axonframework.test.matchers | Axon |
AMQPConfigurationBeanDefinitionParser | BeanDefinitionParser that parses AMQP Configuration elements into SpringAMQPConsumerConfiguration Bean Definitions. | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring.amqp | Axon |
AMQPConsumerConfiguration | | Interface | org.axonframework.eventhandling.amqp | Axon |
AMQPMessage | Representation of an AMQP Message. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.amqp | Axon |
AMQPMessageConverter | Interface describing a mechanism that converts AMQP Messages from an Axon Messages and vice versa. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventhandling.amqp | Axon |
And | Representation of an AND operator for Mongo selection criteria. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.mongo.criteria | Axon |
AnnotatedSagaManager | the SimpleSagaManager, this implementation can manage several types of Saga in a single AnnotatedSagaManager. | Class | org.axonframework.saga.annotation | Axon |
AnnotatedSagaTestFixture | Fixture for testing Annotated Sagas based on events and time passing. | Class | org.axonframework.test.saga | Axon |
AnnotationClusterSelector | Cluster Selector implementation that selects a cluster if an Annotation is present on the Event Listener class. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling | Axon |
AnnotationCommandHandlerAdapter | Adapter that turns any @CommandHandler annotated bean into a CommandHandler implementation. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.annotation | Axon |
AnnotationCommandHandlerBeanPostProcessor | Spring Bean post processor that automatically generates an adapter for each bean containing CommandHandler annotated methods. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.annotation | Axon |
AnnotationCommandTargetResolver | CommandTargetResolver that uses annotations on the command to identify the methods that provide the Aggregate Identifier of the targeted Aggregate and optionally the expected version of the aggregate. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.annotation | Axon |
AnnotationConfigurationBeanDefinitionParser | The AnnotationConfigurationBeanDefinitionParser is responsible for parsing the annotation-config element from the Axon namespace. | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring | Axon |
AnnotationDriven | Annotation for @Configuration that will automatically subscribe @CommandHandler and @EventHandler annotated beans with the CommandBus and | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring | Axon |
AnnotationDrivenConfiguration | Spring @Configuration related class that adds Axon Annotation PostProcessors to the BeanDefinitionRegistry. | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring | Axon |
AnnotationEventListenerAdapter | Adapter that turns any bean with EventHandler annotated methods into an EventListener. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.annotation | Axon |
AnnotationEventListenerBeanPostProcessor | Spring Bean post processor that automatically generates an adapter for each bean containing EventHandlerSince:0. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.annotation | Axon |
AnnotationRevisionResolver | Revision Resolver implementation that checks for the presence of an @Revision annotation. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer | Axon |
AnnotationRoutingStrategy | RoutingStrategy that expects an TargetAggregateIdentifier annotation on the command message's payload. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.distributed | Axon |
ApplicationContextLookupParameterResolverFactory | FactoryBean implementation that create a ParameterResolverFactory, which auto-detects beans implementing ParameterResolverFactory beans in the application context. | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring | Axon |
Assert | Utility class (inspired by Springs Assert class) for doing assertions on parameters and object state. | Class | org.axonframework.common | Axon |
AssociationValue | A combination of key and value by which a Saga can be found. | Class | org.axonframework.saga | Axon |
AssociationValueEntry | JPA wrapper around an Association Value. | Class | org.axonframework.saga.repository.jpa | Axon |
AssociationValueMap | In-memory storage for AssociationValue to Saga mappings. | Class | org.axonframework.saga.repository | Axon |
AssociationValueResolver | Interface describing the mechanism that resolves Association Values from events. | Interface | org.axonframework.saga | Axon |
AssociationValues | Interface describing a container of Association Values for a single Saga instance. | Interface | org.axonframework.saga | Axon |
AssociationValuesImpl | Default implementation of the AssociationValues interface. | Class | org.axonframework.saga.annotation | Axon |
AsyncAnnotatedSagaManager | A SagaManager implementation that processes Sagas asynchronously. | Class | org.axonframework.saga.annotation | Axon |
AsynchronousCluster | Cluster implementation that publishes events to the subscribed Event Listeners asynchronously from the publishing thread. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.async | Axon |
AsynchronousCommandBus | Specialization of the SimpleCommandBus that processed Commands asynchronously from the calling thread. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling | Axon |
AsyncSagaCreationElector | Manages the election of which asynchronous saga event processor is responsible for creating a new Saga instance,Since:2. | Class | org.axonframework.saga.annotation | Axon |
AsyncSagaEventProcessor | Processes events by forwarding it to Saga instances "owned" by each processor. | Class | org.axonframework.saga.annotation | Axon |
AsyncSagaManagerBeanDefinitionParser | BeanDefinitionParser that parses saga-manager elements in the application context. | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring | Axon |
AsyncSagaProcessingEvent | Placeholder for information required by the AsyncSagaEventProcessor for processing Events. | Class | org.axonframework.saga.annotation | Axon |
AuditDataProvider | Interface describing the instance that provides the relevant information for auditing purposes. | Interface | org.axonframework.auditing | Axon |
AuditingInterceptor | Interceptor that keeps track of commands and the events that were dispatched as a result of handling that command. | Class | org.axonframework.auditing | Axon |
AuditingUnitOfWorkListener | Listener implementation that adds auditing information to events being tracked by the unit of work this listener isSince:0. | Class | org.axonframework.auditing | Axon |
AuditLogger | Interface describing a component capable of writing auditing entries to a log. | Interface | org.axonframework.auditing | Axon |
AuthenticatingMongoTemplate | Abstract implementation for Mongo templates. | Class | org.axonframework.common.mongo | Axon |
AutowiredBean | Special type of BeanDefinition that references can be use to explicitly define a property as being autowired. | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring | Axon |
AutowiredDependencyFactoryBean | Convenience factory bean that locates a bean of a number of given types. | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring | Axon |
AutowiredResourceInjector | Resource injector that uses setter methods to inject resources. | Class | org.axonframework.test.utils | Axon |
AutowiringClusterSelector | Cluster selector implementation that uses a Spring Application Context to find all selector beans available. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling | Axon |
AxonAMQPNamespaceHandler | The Axon AMQP namespace handler is responsible for parsing the elements of the Axon AMQP namespace and adjusting the Spring context configuration accordingly. | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring.amqp | Axon |
AxonAssertionError | Error indication that an Assertion failed during a test case. | Class | org.axonframework.test | Axon |
AxonConfigurationException | Exception indicating that a configuration error has been made in the Axon configuration. | Class | org.axonframework.common | Axon |
AxonException | Base exception of all Axon Framework related exceptions. | Class | org.axonframework.common | Axon |
AxonNamespaceHandler | The Axon namespace handler is responsible for parsing the elements of the Axon namespace and adjusting the Spring context configuration accordingly. | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring | Axon |
AxonNonTransientException | Exception indicating an error has been cause that cannot be resolved without intervention. | Class | org.axonframework.common | Axon |
AxonThreadFactory | Thread factory that created threads in a given group. | Class | org.axonframework.common | Axon |
AxonTransientException | Exception indicating an error occurred that might be resolved by retrying the operation that caused the exception. | Class | org.axonframework.common | Axon |
BackloggingIncomingMessageHandler | IncomingMessageHandler implementation that maintains a backlog of all Events published to a cluster while it is in replay mode. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.replay | Axon |
BeanPropertyAccessStrategy | BeanPropertyAccessStrategy implementation that uses JavaBean style property access. | Class | | Axon |
BeanValidationInterceptor | Interceptor that applies JSR303 bean validation on incoming commands. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.interceptors | Axon |
BinaryOperator | | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jdbc.criteria | Axon |
BinaryOperator | | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jpa.criteria | Axon |
BlacklistDetectingCallback | Wrapper for command handler Callbacks that detects blacklisted aggregates and starts a cleanup process when an aggregate is blacklisted. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.disruptor | Axon |
BlobToInputStreamConverter | | Class | org.axonframework.serializer.converters | Axon |
BSONNode | Represents a node in a BSON structure. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer.bson | Axon |
ByteArrayToInputStreamConverter | ContentTypeConverter that converts byte arrays into InputStream. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer.converters | Axon |
ByteArrayToJsonNodeConverter | ContentTypeConverter implementation that converts byte[] containing UTF8 encoded JSON string to a Jackson JsonNode. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer.json | Axon |
ByteArrayToStringConverter | ContentTypeConverter that converts byte arrays into Strings. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer.converters | Axon |
Cache | Abstraction for a Caching mechanism. | Interface | org.axonframework.cache | Axon |
CachingEventSourcingRepository | the need to read all events from disk, at the cost of memory usage. | Class | org.axonframework.eventsourcing | Axon |
CachingSagaRepository | Saga Repository implementation that adds caching behavior to the repository it wraps. | Class | org.axonframework.saga.repository | Axon |
CallbackBehavior | Interface towards a mechanism that replicates the behavior of a Command Handling component. | Interface | org.axonframework.test.utils | Axon |
CannotConvertBetweenTypesException | Exception indicating that a conversion is required between to upcasters, but there is no converter capable of doingSince:2. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer | Axon |
CapturingEventVisitor | | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.supporting | Axon |
ChainedConverter | A converter that delegates to a chain of other ContentTypeConverters to convert from a source to a target for which there is not necessarily a single converter available. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer | Axon |
ChainingConverterFactory | ConverterFactory implementation that will combine converters to form chains of converters to be able to convert from one type to another, for which there is no suitable single converter. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer | Axon |
ClassNamePatternClusterSelector | ClusterSelector implementation that chooses a Cluster based on whether the Listener's Class Name matches a given The given pattern must match the entire class name, not just part of it. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling | Axon |
ClassNamePrefixClusterSelector | ClusterSelector implementation that chooses a Cluster based on a mapping of the Listener's Class Name. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling | Axon |
ClasspathParameterResolverFactory | ParameterResolverFactory instance that locates other ParameterResolverFactory instances on the class path. | Class | org.axonframework.common.annotation | Axon |
Cluster | A cluster represents a group of Event Listeners that are treated as a single group by the ClusteringEventBus. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventhandling | Axon |
ClusterBeanDefinitionParser | BeanDefinitionParser implementation that parses "cluster" elements. | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring | Axon |
ClusteringEventBus | EventBus implementation that supports clustering of Event Listeners. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling | Axon |
ClusterMessageListener | MessageListener implementation that deserializes incoming messages and forwards them to one or more clusters. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.amqp.spring | Axon |
ClusterMetaData | Allows arbitrary information to be attached to a cluster. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventhandling | Axon |
ClusterSelector | The ClusterSelector defines the mechanism that assigns each of the subscribed listeners to a Cluster instance. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventhandling | Axon |
CollectionCriteria | | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.mongo.criteria | Axon |
CollectionOperator | Abstract implementation to use for testing whether an item is present in a collection or not. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jdbc.criteria | Axon |
CollectionOperator | Abstract implementation to use for testing whether an item is present in a collection or not. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jpa.criteria | Axon |
CollectionUtils | Utility methods for operations on collections. | Class | org.axonframework.common | Axon |
CommandBus | The mechanism that dispatches Command objects to their appropriate CommandHandler. | Interface | org.axonframework.commandhandling | Axon |
CommandBusConnector | Interface describing the component that remotely connects multiple CommandBus instances. | Interface | org.axonframework.commandhandling.distributed | Axon |
CommandCallback | Interface describing a callback that is invoked when command handler execution has finished. | Interface | org.axonframework.commandhandling | Axon |
CommandDispatchException | Exception indicating that an error has occurred while trying to dispatch a command to another (potentially remote) segment of the CommandBus. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.distributed | Axon |
CommandDispatchInterceptor | Interceptor that allows commands to be intercepted and modified before they are dispatched by the Command Bus. | Interface | org.axonframework.commandhandling | Axon |
CommandExecutionException | Indicates that an exception has occurred while handling a command. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling | Axon |
CommandGateway | Interface towards the Command Handling components of an application. | Interface | org.axonframework.commandhandling.gateway | Axon |
CommandGatewayFactoryBean | FactoryBean that creates a gateway instance for any given (compatible) interface. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.gateway | Axon |
CommandGenerator | Runner that uses the provided CommandGateway to send some commands to our application. | Class | org.axonframework.quickstart | Axon |
CommandHandler | Marker annotation to mark any method on an object as being a CommandHandler. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.annotation | Axon |
CommandHandler | Marks an instance that is capable of handling commands. | Interface | org.axonframework.commandhandling | Axon |
CommandHandlerInterceptor | Workflow interface that allows for customized command handler invocation chains. | Interface | org.axonframework.commandhandling | Axon |
CommandHandlerInvoker | Component of the DisruptorCommandBus that invokes the command handler. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.disruptor | Axon |
CommandHandlingEntry | DataHolder for the DisruptorCommandBus. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.disruptor | Axon |
CommandHandlingMember | Marker annotation for field that contain an Entity capable of handling Commands on behalf of the aggregate. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.annotation | Axon |
CommandHandlingMemberCollection | Marker annotation for field that contain an Entity capable of handling Commands on behalf of the aggregate. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.annotation | Axon |
CommandHandlingMemberMap | Marker annotation for fields that contain a Map of Entities capable of handling Commands on behalf of the aggregate. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.annotation | Axon |
CommandMessage | Represents a Message carrying a command as its payload. | Interface | org.axonframework.commandhandling | Axon |
CommandMessageHandlerUtils | Utility class that resolves the name of a Command accepted by a given handler. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.annotation | Axon |
CommandMetaDataProvider | AuditDataProvider implementation that attaches a Command's MetaData to each event generated as result of thatSince:2. | Class | org.axonframework.auditing | Axon |
CommandResponseProcessingFailedException | Exception indicating that a failure occurred during processing of a command response. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.distributed.jgroups | Axon |
CommandTargetResolver | Interface towards a mechanism that is capable of extracting an Aggregate Identifier and Version form a command that identifies the aggregate instance the command should be invoked on. | Interface | org.axonframework.commandhandling | Axon |
CommandValidator | Helper class for validation of dispatched commands. | Class | org.axonframework.test.saga | Axon |
CompactDriver | XStream HierarchicalStreamDriver implementation that uses a CompactWriter to write XML without newlines and indentation, while writing it using the (default) XPPReader. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer.xml | Axon |
CompositeClusterSelector | ClusterSelector implementation that delegates the selection to a list of other ClusterSelectors. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling | Axon |
CompositeEventStreamDecorator | EventStreamDecorator implementation that delegates to several other decorator instances. | Class | org.axonframework.eventsourcing | Axon |
ConcurrencyException | Exception indicating that concurrent access to a repository was detected. | Class | org.axonframework.repository | Axon |
ConflictingAggregateVersionException | Exception indicating that the (actual) version of a loaded aggregate did not match the given expected version number. | Class | org.axonframework.repository | Axon |
ConflictingModificationException | Root of a hierarchy of exceptions indicating the detection of conflicting concurrent modifications. | Class | org.axonframework.repository | Axon |
ConflictResolver | Interface describing an object that is capable of detecting conflicts between changes applied to an aggregate, and unseen changes made to the aggregate. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventsourcing | Axon |
ConnectionFailedException | Exception indicating that a CommandBusConnector failed to connect to other instances. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.distributed.jgroups | Axon |
ConnectionProvider | Interface towards a mechanism that provides access to a JDBC Connection. | Interface | org.axonframework.common.jdbc | Axon |
ConnectionWrapperFactory | Factory for creating wrappers around a Connection, allowing one to override the behavior of the Connection. | Class | org.axonframework.common.jdbc | Axon |
ConsistentHash | Basic implementation of a Consistent Hashing algorithm, using the MD5 algorithm to build the hash values for given keys and node names. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.distributed | Axon |
ConstructorCommandMessageHandler | Command Handler that creates a new aggregate instance by invoking that aggregate's constructor. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.annotation | Axon |
ContainerManagedEntityManagerProvider | EntityManagerProvider implementation that expects the container to inject the default container managed instance. | Class | org.axonframework.common.jpa | Axon |
ContentTypeConverter | Interface describing a mechanism that converts the data type of IntermediateRepresentations of SerializedObjects for Upcasters. | Interface | org.axonframework.serializer | Axon |
ContinuedGivenState | Interface describing methods that can be executed after the first "given" state has been supplied. | Interface | org.axonframework.test.saga | Axon |
ConverterFactory | Interface describing a mechanism that provides instances of ContentTypeConverter for a given source and target dataSince:2. | Interface | org.axonframework.serializer | Axon |
CorrelationAuditDataProvider | AuditDataProvider implementation that attaches the command identifier to each Event generated as result of thatSince:2. | Class | org.axonframework.auditing | Axon |
CorrelationDataHolder | DataHolder for meta data entries that need to be attached to messages being generated by this thread. | Class | org.axonframework.correlation | Axon |
CorrelationDataProvider | Object defining the the data from a Message that should be attached as correlation data to messages generated as result of the processing of that message. | Interface | org.axonframework.correlation | Axon |
CreateToDoCommandHandler | | Class | org.axonframework.quickstart.handler | Axon |
CreateToDoItemCommand | Command used to create a new ToDoItemAuthor:Jettro Coenradie | Class | org.axonframework.quickstart.api | Axon |
Criteria | Interface describing the criteria that DomainEvent entries must match against. | Interface | | Axon |
CriteriaBuilder | Interface providing access to the criteria API of an Event Store. | Interface | | Axon |
CurrentUnitOfWork | Default entry point to gain access to the current UnitOfWork. | Class | org.axonframework.unitofwork | Axon |
CurrentUnitOfWorkParameterResolverFactory | ParameterResolverFactory that add support for the UnitOfWork parameter type in annotated handlers. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.annotation | Axon |
DataSourceConnectionProvider | ConnectionProvider implementation that obtains a connection from a given DataSource. | Class | org.axonframework.common.jdbc | Axon |
DBObjectHierarchicalStreamReader | HierarchicalStreamReader implementation that reads from a Mongo DBObject structure that has been created using the DBObjectHierarchicalStreamWriter. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer.bson | Axon |
DBObjectHierarchicalStreamWriter | HierarchicalStreamWriter implementation that writes objects into a MongoDB DBObject structure. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer.bson | Axon |
DBObjectToStringContentTypeConverter | ContentTypeConverter implementation that converts a DBObject structure into a String containing its Binary JSONSince:2. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer.bson | Axon |
DBObjectXStreamSerializer | XStream based serializer implementation that serializes objects into a Binary JSON structure. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer.bson | Axon |
DeadlockException | Exception indicating that a deadlock has been detected while a thread was attempting to acquire a lock. | Class | org.axonframework.common.lock | Axon |
DefaultAMQPConsumerConfiguration | specifies an exclusive consumer and no explicit prefetch count. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.amqp | Axon |
DefaultAMQPMessageConverter | Default implementation of the AMQPMessageConverter interface. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.amqp | Axon |
DefaultCallbackBehavior | Default implementation of the CallbackBehavior interface. | Class | org.axonframework.test.utils | Axon |
DefaultClusterMetaData | Default implementation of ClusterMetaData. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling | Axon |
DefaultClusterSelector | ClusterSelector implementation that always selects the same cluster. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling | Axon |
DefaultCommandGateway | Default implementation of the CommandGateway interface. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.gateway | Axon |
DefaultErrorHandler | An ErrorHandler implementation that returns a fixed RetryPolicy instance when an error occurs. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.async | Axon |
DefaultEventEntryFactory | of Events as byte arrays. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jpa | Axon |
DefaultEventEntryStore | SnapshotEventEntry table. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jdbc | Axon |
DefaultEventEntryStore | SnapshotEventEntry entities. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jpa | Axon |
DefaultIdentifierFactory | Default IdentifierFactory implementation that uses generates random java. | Class | org.axonframework.domain | Axon |
DefaultInterceptorChain | Mechanism that takes care of interceptor and event handler execution. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling | Axon |
DefaultMongoTemplate | Default implementation for the MongoTemplate. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.mongo | Axon |
DefaultMongoTemplate | MongoTemplate instance providing access to the MongoDB Collection containing stored Sagas. | Class | org.axonframework.saga.repository.mongo | Axon |
DefaultParameterResolverFactory | Factory for the default parameter resolvers. | Class | org.axonframework.common.annotation | Axon |
DefaultRabbitMqStrategy | Strategy for creating a SimpleMessageListenerContainer instance using the Spring AMQP 1. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.amqp.spring | Axon |
DefaultUnitOfWork | been explicitly save in their aggregates will be saved when the UnitOfWork commits. | Class | org.axonframework.unitofwork | Axon |
DefaultUnitOfWorkFactory | UnitOfWorkFactory implementation that creates instances of the DefaultUnitOfWork. | Class | org.axonframework.unitofwork | Axon |
DescriptionUtils | Utility class for creating a description. | Class | org.axonframework.test.saga | Axon |
Digester | Utility class for generating hashes for values using several algorithms. | Class | org.axonframework.common.digest | Axon |
DirectExecutor | Simple executor implementation that runs a given Runnable immediately in the calling thread. | Class | org.axonframework.common | Axon |
DiscardingIncomingMessageHandler | IncomingMessageHandler implementation that simply discards all messages dispatch during a replay process. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.replay | Axon |
DispatchMessage | JGroups message that contains a CommandMessage that needs to be dispatched on a remote command bus segment. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.distributed.jgroups | Axon |
DisruptorCommandBus | Asynchronous CommandBus implementation with very high performance characteristics. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.disruptor | Axon |
DisruptorCommandBusBeanDefinitionParser | BeanDefinitionParser that parses elements in the Spring contextSince:2. | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring | Axon |
DisruptorConfiguration | Configuration object for the DisruptorCommandBus. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.disruptor | Axon |
DisruptorRepositoryBeanDefinitionParser | Bean Definition parsers that parses disruptor-repository elements. | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring | Axon |
DisruptorUnitOfWork | Specialized UnitOfWork instance for the DisruptorCommandBus. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.disruptor | Axon |
DistributedCommandBus | spread load. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.distributed | Axon |
DocumentPerCommitStorageStrategy | containing each separate event. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.mongo | Axon |
DocumentPerEventStorageStrategy | the event store for specific events, but does not allow for atomic storage of a single commit. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.mongo | Axon |
Dom4JToByteArrayConverter | Converter that converts Dom4j Document instances to a byte array. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer.xml | Axon |
DomainEventEntry | JPA compliant wrapper around a DomainEvent. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jpa | Axon |
DomainEventMessage | Represents a Message that wraps a DomainEvent and an Event representing an important change in the Domain. | Interface | org.axonframework.domain | Axon |
DomainEventStream | The DomainEventStream represents a stream of historical domain events. | Interface | org.axonframework.domain | Axon |
EhCacheAdapter | Cache implementation that delegates all calls to an EhCache instance. | Class | org.axonframework.cache | Axon |
EmptyCollectionMatcher | Matches any empty collection. | Class | org.axonframework.test.matchers | Axon |
EmptyDataProvider | | Class | org.axonframework.auditing | Axon |
EndSaga | Indicates that the annotated SagaEventHandler method indicates the end of a Saga instance's lifecycle. | Class | org.axonframework.saga.annotation | Axon |
EntityManagerProvider | Provides components with an EntityManager to access the persistence mechanism. | Interface | org.axonframework.common.jpa | Axon |
EqualFieldsMatcher | Matcher that will match an Object if all the fields on that Object contain values equal to the same field in theSince:1. | Class | org.axonframework.test.matchers | Axon |
Equals | | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jdbc.criteria | Axon |
Equals | | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jpa.criteria | Axon |
Equals | Representation of an Equals operator for Mongo selection criteria. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.mongo.criteria | Axon |
ErrorHandler | Interface describing a mechanism that decides what should happen when an asynchronously handled event raises anSince:2. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventhandling.async | Axon |
ErrorHandler | Defines the behavior of a component when an error occurs during Event Processing in a Saga. | Interface | org.axonframework.saga.annotation | Axon |
EventBus | Specification of the mechanism on which the Event Listeners can subscribe for events and event publishers can their events. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventhandling | Axon |
EventBusBeanDefinitionParser | The EventBusBeanDefinitionParser is responsible for parsing the eventBus element from the Axon namespace. | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring | Axon |
EventBusTerminal | Interface describing a mechanism that connects Event Bus clusters. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventhandling | Axon |
EventContainer | Container for events related to a single aggregate. | Class | org.axonframework.domain | Axon |
EventCountSnapshotterTrigger | Snapshotter trigger mechanism that counts the number of events to decide when to create a snapshot. | Class | org.axonframework.eventsourcing | Axon |
EventEntry | Class that represents an event to store in the google app engine data store. | Class | org.axonframework.gae.eventstore | Axon |
EventEntryFactory | Interface describing a factory that creates Entities for the JpaEventStore to persist. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventstore.jpa | Axon |
EventEntryStore | Interface describing the mechanism that stores Events into the backing data store. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventstore.jdbc | Axon |
EventEntryStore | Interface describing the mechanism that stores Events into the backing data store. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventstore.jpa | Axon |
EventFileResolver | Interface that allows basic access to InputStreams and appending OutputStreams to event logs for aggregates. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventstore.fs | Axon |
EventFilter | Interface describing an Event Filter. | Interface | org.axonframework.integration.adapter | Axon |
EventFilter | Interface describing an Event Filter. | Interface | org.axonframework.springmessaging.adapter | Axon |
EventHandler | Annotation to be placed on methods that can handle events. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.annotation | Axon |
EventListener | Interface to be implemented by classes that can handle events. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventhandling | Axon |
EventListenerOrderComparator | Comparator implementation that uses an OrderResolver instance to define the expected order of two candidates. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling | Axon |
EventListenerProxy | Specialist interface for implementations of an event listener that redirect actual processing to another instance. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventhandling | Axon |
EventListenerSubscriptionFailedException | Exception indicating that the subscription of an Event Listener has not succeeded. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling | Axon |
EventListeningMessageChannelAdapter | Adapter class that sends Events from an event bus to a Spring Integration Message Channel. | Class | org.axonframework.integration.adapter | Axon |
EventListeningMessageChannelAdapter | Adapter class that sends Events from an event bus to a Spring Messaging Message Channel. | Class | org.axonframework.springmessaging.adapter | Axon |
EventMessage | Represents a Message wrapping an Event, which is represented by its payload. | Interface | org.axonframework.domain | Axon |
EventMessageReader | Reader that reads EventMessage instances written to the underlying input. | Class | | Axon |
EventMessageType | enum EventMessageTypeextends EnumEnumeration of supported Message Types by the EventMessageWriter and EventMessageReader. | Class | | Axon |
EventMessageWriter | Writer that writes Event Messages onto a an OutputStream. | Class | | Axon |
EventProcessingMonitor | Interface describing a mechanism that listens for the results of events being processed. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventhandling | Axon |
EventProcessingMonitorCollection | | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling | Axon |
EventProcessingMonitorSupport | Interface indicating that the implementing class is capable of notifying monitors when event processing completes. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventhandling | Axon |
EventProcessor | Scheduler that keeps track of (Event processing) tasks that need to be executed sequentially. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.async | Axon |
EventPublicationFailedException | Exception indication that an error occurred while publishing an event to an AMQP BrokerSince:2. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.amqp | Axon |
EventPublisher | Component of the DisruptorCommandBus that stores and publishes events generated by the command's execution. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.disruptor | Axon |
EventPublishingMessageChannelAdapter | Adapter class that publishes Events from a Spring Integration Message Channel on the Event Bus. | Class | org.axonframework.integration.adapter | Axon |
EventPublishingMessageChannelAdapter | Adapter class that publishes Events from a Spring Messaging Message Channel on the Event Bus. | Class | org.axonframework.springmessaging.adapter | Axon |
EventRegistrationCallback | Callback that allows components to be notified of an event being registered with an Aggregate. | Interface | org.axonframework.domain | Axon |
EventReplayUnsupportedException | Exception that indicates that event replays are not supported by a component. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.replay | Axon |
EventScheduler | Interface towards a mechanism capable of scheduling the publication of events. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventhandling.scheduling | Axon |
EventSchedulerValidator | Helper class for validating evets scheduled in a given event scheduler. | Class | org.axonframework.test.saga | Axon |
EventSourcedAggregateRoot | Aggregate that can be initialized using a DomainEventStream. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventsourcing | Axon |
EventSourcedEntity | Interface towards an Event Sourced Entity that is part of an aggregate, but not its root. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventsourcing | Axon |
EventSourcedMember | Field-level annotation that indicates the objects referred to in the field are a child of the current entity. | Class | org.axonframework.eventsourcing.annotation | Axon |
EventSourcingHandler | Annotation that marks a method in an Aggregate (either the root, or an entity) as a handler for Events generated by that aggregate. | Class | org.axonframework.eventsourcing.annotation | Axon |
EventSourcingRepository | Abstract repository implementation that allows easy implementation of an Event Sourcing mechanism. | Class | org.axonframework.eventsourcing | Axon |
EventSqlSchema | Interface describing the operations that the JDBC Event Store needs to do on a backing database. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventstore.jdbc | Axon |
EventStore | Abstraction of the event storage mechanism. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventstore | Axon |
EventStoreException | Indicates that the given events stream could not be stored or read due to an underlying exception. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore | Axon |
EventStoreManagement | Interface describing operations useful for management purposes. | Interface | | Axon |
EventStreamDecorator | Interface describing a class that can decorates DomainEventStreams when events for aggregates are read or appended. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventsourcing | Axon |
EventStreamNotFoundException | Exception indicating that the event store could not find an event stream for a given aggregate type and identifier. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore | Axon |
EventTemplate | Template class that dispatches Events to an EventBus, taking active UnitOfWork into account. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling | Axon |
EventValidator | Helper class for validating events published on a given EventBus. | Class | org.axonframework.test.saga | Axon |
EventVisitor | Interface describing an instance of a visitor that receives events for processing. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventstore | Axon |
ExactSequenceMatcher | A matcher that will match if all the given matchers against the event in a list at their respective index. | Class | org.axonframework.test.matchers | Axon |
ExtendedMessageListenerContainer | Specialization of the SimpleMessageListenerContainer that allows consumer to be registered as exclusive on a channel. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.amqp.spring | Axon |
ExtendedUpcaster | Extension of the Upcaster interface that allows type upcasting to be based on the contents of the serialized object. | Interface | org.axonframework.upcasting | Axon |
FieldFilter | The FieldFilter indicates whether any given Field should be accepted for processing or not. | Interface | org.axonframework.test.matchers | Axon |
FileSystemBufferedReaderDomainEventStream | DomainEventStream implementation that reads DomainEvents from the filesystem using an InputStream. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.fs | Axon |
FileSystemEventMessageReader | Reads events from the file system returns an event in a raw form as SerializedDomainEventData. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.fs | Axon |
FileSystemEventMessageWriter | Writes a domain event message to the given DataOutput. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.fs | Axon |
FileSystemEventStore | writes them to files to disk. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.fs | Axon |
FileSystemEventStoreBeanDefinitionParser | The FileSystemEventStoreBeanDefinitionParser is responsible for parsing the eventStore element form the Axon namespace. | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring | Axon |
FileSystemSnapshotEventReader | Reads the latest snapshot event from a given snapshotEventFile and skips the correct number of bytes in the given eventFile. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.fs | Axon |
FileSystemSnapshotEventWriter | Writes snapshot events to the given snapshotEventFile. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.fs | Axon |
FireEventJob | Quartz Job that publishes an event on an Event Bus. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.scheduling.quartz | Axon |
FixedValueParameterResolver | ParameterResolver implementation that injects a fixed value. | Class | org.axonframework.common.annotation | Axon |
FixedValueRevisionResolver | RevisionResolver implementation that returns a fixed value as revision, regardless of the type of serialized object involved. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer | Axon |
FixtureConfiguration | Interface describing the operations available on a test fixture in the configuration stage. | Interface | org.axonframework.test | Axon |
FixtureConfiguration | Interface describing action to perform on a Saga Test Fixture during the configuration phase. | Interface | org.axonframework.test.saga | Axon |
FixtureExecutionException | Exception indicating that an error occurred that prevented successful execution of a test fixture. | Class | org.axonframework.test | Axon |
FixtureExecutionResult | Interface towards an object that contains the results of a Fixture execution. | Interface | org.axonframework.test.saga | Axon |
FixtureExecutionResultImpl | Default implementation of FixtureExecutionResult. | Class | org.axonframework.test.saga | Axon |
FixtureResourceParameterResolverFactory | ParameterResolverFactory implementation that is aware of test-specific use cases. | Class | org.axonframework.test | Axon |
Fixtures | Utility class providing access to fixture instances in the Axon Test module. | Class | org.axonframework.test | Axon |
FullConcurrencyPolicy | SequencingPolicy that does not enforce any sequencing requirements on event processing. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.async | Axon |
FutureCallback | Command Handler Callback that allows the dispatching thread to wait for the result of the callback, using the Future mechanism. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.callbacks | Axon |
GaeEventStore | EventStore implementation that uses Google App Engine's DatastoreService to store Event Streams. | Class | org.axonframework.gae.eventstore | Axon |
GaeSnapshotter | | Class | org.axonframework.gae.eventstore | Axon |
GaeXStream | | Class | org.axonframework.gae.serializer | Axon |
GatewayProxyFactory | Factory that creates Gateway implementations from custom interface definitions. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.gateway | Axon |
GenericAggregateFactory | Aggregate factory that uses a convention to create instances of aggregates. | Class | org.axonframework.eventsourcing | Axon |
GenericCommandMessage | | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling | Axon |
GenericDomainEventMessage | Generic implementation of the DomainEventMessage interface. | Class | org.axonframework.domain | Axon |
GenericEventMessage | Generic implementation of the EventMessage interface. | Class | org.axonframework.domain | Axon |
GenericEventSqlSchema | | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jdbc | Axon |
GenericJpaRepository | Generic repository implementation that stores JPA annotated aggregates. | Class | org.axonframework.repository | Axon |
GenericMessage | Generic implementation of the Message interface. | Class | org.axonframework.domain | Axon |
GenericSagaFactory | SagaFactory implementation that uses the default (no-arg) constructor on the saga to initialize. | Class | org.axonframework.saga | Axon |
GenericSagaSqlSchema | Generic SagaSqlSchema implementation, for use in most databases. | Class | org.axonframework.saga.repository.jdbc | Axon |
GivenAggregateEventPublisher | Interface to an object that publishes events on behalf of an aggregate. | Interface | org.axonframework.test.saga | Axon |
GivenWhenThenTestFixture | A test fixture that allows the execution of given-when-then style test cases. | Class | org.axonframework.test | Axon |
HandlerDefinition | Defines which members (methods, constructors, etc) are considered message handlers. | Interface | org.axonframework.common.annotation | Axon |
HashChangeListener | Receive updates from the JGroupsConnector when the consistent hash changes. | Interface | org.axonframework.commandhandling.distributed.jgroups | Axon |
HsqlSagaSqlSchema | Specialization of the GenericSagaSqlSchema for use in the HSQL database. | Class | org.axonframework.saga.repository.jdbc | Axon |
HybridJpaRepository | Repository that stores both a (JPA based) relational model of the current state of an aggregate and the events produced by that aggregate. | Class | org.axonframework.eventsourcing | Axon |
IdentifierBasedLock | Locking mechanism that allows multiple threads to hold a lock, as long as the identifier of the lock they hold is not equal. | Class | org.axonframework.common.lock | Axon |
IdentifierFactory | Abstract Factory class that provides access to an IdentifierFactory implementation. | Class | org.axonframework.domain | Axon |
IdentifierValidator | Validates the structure of an object passed as Aggregate Identifier. | Class | org.axonframework.common | Axon |
IgnoreField | FieldFilter implementation that rejects a given FieldSince:2. | Class | org.axonframework.test.matchers | Axon |
IllegalLockUsageException | Exception indicating that an illegal use of a lock was detect (e. | Class | org.axonframework.common.lock | Axon |
IncomingMessageHandler | Interface of a mechanism that receives Messages dispatched to a Cluster that is in Replay mode. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventhandling.replay | Axon |
IncompatibleAggregateException | Exception indicating that an aggregate was not compatible with the requirements of the GenericAggregateFactory. | Class | org.axonframework.eventsourcing | Axon |
InMemorySagaRepository | SagaRepository implementation that stores all Saga instances in memory. | Class | org.axonframework.saga.repository.inmemory | Axon |
InputStreamToByteArrayConverter | Converter that converts an InputStream to a byte array. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer.converters | Axon |
InputStreamToDom4jConverter | Converter that converts an input stream to a Dom4J document. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer.xml | Axon |
InputStreamToXomConverter | Converter that converts an input stream to a XOM document. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer.xml | Axon |
InterceptorChain | The interceptor chain manages the flow of a command through a chain of interceptors and ultimately to the command handler. | Interface | org.axonframework.commandhandling | Axon |
IntervalRetryScheduler | RetryScheduler implementation that retries commands at regular intervals when they fail because of an exception that is not explicitly non-transient. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.gateway | Axon |
IOUtils | Utility methods for IO operations. | Class | | Axon |
JacksonSerializer | Serializer implementation that uses Jackson to serialize objects into a JSON format. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer.json | Axon |
JavaSerializer | Serializer implementation that uses Java serialization to serialize and deserialize object instances. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer | Axon |
JCacheAdapter | Cache adapter implementation that allows providers implementing the JCache abstraction to be used. | Class | org.axonframework.cache | Axon |
JdbcCriteria | Abstract implementation of the Criteria interface for a Jdbc Event Store. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jdbc.criteria | Axon |
JdbcCriteriaBuilder | CriteriaBuilder implementation for the Jdbc Event StoreSince:2. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jdbc.criteria | Axon |
JdbcEventStore | An EventStore implementation that uses JPA to store DomainEvents in a database. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jdbc | Axon |
JdbcEventStoreBeanDefinitionParser | BeanDefinitionParser that provides Spring namespace support for defining JDBC Event Stores. | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring | Axon |
JdbcProperty | Property implementation for Jdbc Event Store. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jdbc.criteria | Axon |
JdbcSagaRepository | Jdbc implementation of the Saga Repository. | Class | org.axonframework.saga.repository.jdbc | Axon |
JdbcSagaRepositoryBeanDefinitionParser | BeanDefinitionParser that provides Spring namespace support for defining JDBC Saga Repositories. | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring | Axon |
JdbcSQLErrorCodesResolver | SQLErrorCodesResolver is an implementation of PersistenceExceptionResolver used to resolve sql error codes to see if it is an duplicate key constraint violation. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jdbc | Axon |
JdbcTransactionException | Exception indicating an error occurred while interacting with a JDBC resource. | Class | org.axonframework.common.jdbc | Axon |
JdbcUtils | Utility class for silently closing JDBC resourcesSince:2. | Class | org.axonframework.common.jdbc | Axon |
JGroupsConnector | A CommandBusConnector that uses JGroups to discover and connect to other JGroupsConnectors in the network. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.distributed.jgroups | Axon |
JGroupsConnectorFactoryBean | Spring Factory bean that creates a JGroupsConnector and starts it when the application context is started. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.distributed.jgroups | Axon |
JmxMonitorRegistry | Utility class that allows Axon-related components to be configured with an MBeanServer. | Class | org.axonframework.monitoring.jmx | Axon |
JodaDeserializer | Jackson Serializer used to serialize and deserialize Joda DateTime classes. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer.json | Axon |
JoinMessage | This message represents a notification of a Member joining the DistributedCommandBus with a given loadFactor. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.distributed.jgroups | Axon |
JpaCriteria | Abstract implementation of the Criteria interface for a JPA Event Store. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jpa.criteria | Axon |
JpaCriteriaBuilder | CriteriaBuilder implementation for the Jpa Event StoreSince:2. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jpa.criteria | Axon |
JpaEventStore | An EventStore implementation that uses JPA to store DomainEvents in a database. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jpa | Axon |
JpaEventStoreBeanDefinitionParser | The JpaEventStoreBeanDefinitionParser is responsible for parsing the eventStore element form the Axon namespace. | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring | Axon |
JpaProperty | Property implementation for JPA Event Store. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jpa.criteria | Axon |
JpaRepositoryBeanDefinitionParser | BeanDefinitionParser for the jpa-repository elements in a Spring context. | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring | Axon |
JpaSagaRepository | JPA implementation of the Saga Repository. | Class | org.axonframework.saga.repository.jpa | Axon |
JpaSagaRepositoryBeanDefinitionParser | Bean definition parser that parses elements into Spring bean definitions. | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring | Axon |
JsonNodeToByteArrayConverter | ContentTypeConverter implementation that converts a JsonNode object into a byte[]. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer.json | Axon |
JSR303ViolationException | Specialized version of the StructuralCommandValidationFailedException that provides a set of JSR303 constraint violations that provide details about the exact failure of the command. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.interceptors | Axon |
LazyDeserializingObject | Represents a serialized object that can be deserializedObjects upon request. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer | Axon |
LazyUpcasterChain | UpcasterChain implementation that delays the actual upcasting until the data inside the returned SerializedObject is actually fetched. | Class | org.axonframework.upcasting | Axon |
LegacyRabbitMqStrategy | Strategy for creating a SimpleMessageListenerContainer instance using the Spring AMQP 1. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.amqp.spring | Axon |
ListenerContainerFactory | Factory for SimpleMessageListenerContainer beans. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.amqp.spring | Axon |
ListenerContainerLifecycleManager | Manages the lifecycle of the SimpleMessageListenerContainers that have been created to receive messages for Clusters. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.amqp.spring | Axon |
ListMatcher | Abstract implementation for matchers that use event-specific matchers to match against a list of items. | Class | org.axonframework.test.matchers | Axon |
ListWithAllOfMatcher | A matcher that will match if all the given matchers match against at least one item in a given List. | Class | org.axonframework.test.matchers | Axon |
ListWithAnyOfMatcher | A matcher that will match if all the given matchers match against at least one item in a given List. | Class | org.axonframework.test.matchers | Axon |
LockAcquisitionFailedException | Exception indicating that a lock could not be obtained. | Class | org.axonframework.common.lock | Axon |
LockingRepository | modifications of persisted aggregates. | Class | org.axonframework.repository | Axon |
LockingStrategy | enum LockingStrategyextends EnumEnum indicating possible locking strategies for repositories. | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring | Axon |
LockManager | Interface to the lock manager. | Interface | org.axonframework.repository | Axon |
LoggingCallback | CommandCallback implementation that simply logs the results of a command. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.callbacks | Axon |
LoggingInterceptor | Command Handler Interceptor that logs incoming commands and their result to a SLF4J logger. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.interceptors | Axon |
MarkCompletedCommand | Command used to mark an existing ToDoItem as completed. | Class | org.axonframework.quickstart.api | Axon |
MarkCompletedCommandHandler | | Class | org.axonframework.quickstart.handler | Axon |
MarkToDoItemOverdueCommand | | Class | org.axonframework.quickstart.api | Axon |
MatchAllFieldFilter | FieldFilter that delegates to an arbitrary number of other filters. | Class | org.axonframework.test.matchers | Axon |
MatcherExecutionException | Exception indicating that an error occurred that prevented successful execution of a matcher. | Class | org.axonframework.test.matchers | Axon |
Matchers | Utility class containing static methods to obtain instances of (List) Matchers. | Class | org.axonframework.test.matchers | Axon |
MavenArtifactRevisionResolver | RevisionResolver that uses Maven meta data to retrieve the application version. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer | Axon |
MemberAccessibilityCallback | PrivilegedAction that makes the given method accessible for reflection. | Class | org.axonframework.common | Axon |
MemberAwareCommandCallback | Callback implementation which wraps another callback, and is aware of the JGroups node responsible for providing the value to invoke the wrapped callback with. | Class | | Axon |
MembershipUpdateFailedException | Exception indicating that a node has failed to update its membership details with the other nodes. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.distributed.jgroups | Axon |
Message | Representation of a Message, containing a Payload and MetaData. | Interface | org.axonframework.domain | Axon |
MessageHandlerAdapter | Adapter that allows an EventListener to be registered as a Spring Integration MessageHandler. | Class | org.axonframework.integration.eventbus | Axon |
MessageHandlerAdapter | Adapter that allows an EventListener to be registered as a Spring Messaging MessageHandler. | Class | org.axonframework.springmessaging.eventbus | Axon |
MessageHandlerInvocationException | MessageHandlerInvocationException is a runtime exception that wraps an exception thrown by an invoked messageSince:2. | Class | org.axonframework.common.annotation | Axon |
MessageHandlerInvoker | Abstract class to support implementations that need to invoke methods based on an annotation. | Class | org.axonframework.common.annotation | Axon |
MessageSerializer | Wrapper around a serializer that provides SerializationAware support. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer | Axon |
MetaData | Annotation that indicates the parameter needs to be resolved to the value of the Message MetaData stored under the given key. | Class | org.axonframework.common.annotation | Axon |
MetaData | Represents MetaData that is passed along with a payload in a Message. | Class | org.axonframework.domain | Axon |
MetaDataCommandTargetResolver | CommandTargetResolver implementation that uses MetaData entries to extract the identifier and optionally the version of the aggregate that the command targets. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling | Axon |
MetaDataDeserializer | JsonDeserializer implementation that deserializes MetaData instances. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer.json | Axon |
MetaDataMutatingUnitOfWorkListenerAdapter | Specialist UnitOfWorkListenerAdapter that allows modification of Meta Data of Events during the "beforeCommit" phase of a Unit of Work. | Class | org.axonframework.unitofwork | Axon |
MetaDataRoutingStrategy | RoutingStrategy implementation that uses the value in the MetaData of a CommandMessage assigned to a given key. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.distributed | Axon |
MethodAccessedProperty | Property implementation that invokes a method to obtain a value of a property for a given instance. | Class | | Axon |
MethodMessageHandler | Represents a method recognized as a handler by the handler inspector (see MethodMessageHandlerInspector). | Class | org.axonframework.common.annotation | Axon |
MethodMessageHandlerInspector | Utility class that inspects handler methods for a given class and handler definition. | Class | org.axonframework.common.annotation | Axon |
MongoCriteria | Abstract class for Mongo-based criteria. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.mongo.criteria | Axon |
MongoCriteriaBuilder | The CriteriaBuilder implementation for use with the Mongo event store. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.mongo.criteria | Axon |
MongoEventStore | are not explicitly supported. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.mongo | Axon |
MongoFactory | Convenience class for creating Mongo instances. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.mongo | Axon |
MongoOptionsFactory | Factory class used to create a MongoOptions instance. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.mongo | Axon |
MongoProperty | Property implementation for use by the Mongo Event Store. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.mongo.criteria | Axon |
MongoSagaRepository | its associations is stored as a single document. | Class | org.axonframework.saga.repository.mongo | Axon |
MongoTemplate | Interface describing a mechanism that provides access to the Database and Collections required by theSince:2. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventstore.mongo | Axon |
MongoTemplate | Generic template for accessing Mongo for the axon sagas. | Interface | org.axonframework.saga.repository.mongo | Axon |
MonitorRegistry | Abstract Factory providing access to the MonitorRegistry implementations available at runtime. | Class | org.axonframework.monitoring | Axon |
MultiCorrelationDataProvider | CorrelationDataProvider that combines the data of multiple other correlation providers. | Class | org.axonframework.correlation | Axon |
MultiParameterResolverFactory | ParameterResolverFactory instance that delegates to multiple other instances, in the order provided. | Class | org.axonframework.common.annotation | Axon |
MultiplexingEventProcessingMonitor | translates that to a single invocation to a target monitor. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling | Axon |
NestableUnitOfWork | Abstract implementation of the UnitOfWork interface. | Class | org.axonframework.unitofwork | Axon |
NoCache | Cache implementation that does absolutely nothing. | Class | org.axonframework.cache | Axon |
NoFilter | | Class | org.axonframework.integration.adapter | Axon |
NoFilter | | Class | org.axonframework.springmessaging.adapter | Axon |
NoHandlerForCommandException | Exception indicating that no suitable handler could be found for the given command. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling | Axon |
NonTransientFieldsFilter | FieldFilter implementation that only accepts non-transient Fields. | Class | org.axonframework.test.matchers | Axon |
NoOpCallback | Callback that does absolutely nothing when invoked. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.callbacks | Axon |
NotEquals | | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jdbc.criteria | Axon |
NotEquals | | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jpa.criteria | Axon |
NoTransactionManager | TransactionManager implementation that does nothing. | Class | org.axonframework.unitofwork | Axon |
NullAuditLogger | An implementation of AuditLogger that does nothing. | Class | org.axonframework.auditing | Axon |
NullLockManager | LockManager implementation that does nothing. | Class | org.axonframework.repository | Axon |
NullOrVoidMatcher | Matcher that matches against a null or void value. | Class | org.axonframework.test.matchers | Axon |
OptimisticLockManager | the last committed event to detect concurrent access. | Class | org.axonframework.repository | Axon |
Or | Represents the OR operator for use by the Mongo Event Store. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.mongo.criteria | Axon |
OrderResolver | Interface describing a mechanism that provides the order for any given Event Listener. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventhandling | Axon |
PackageRoutingKeyResolver | RoutingKeyResolver implementation that uses the package name of the Message's payload as routing key. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.amqp | Axon |
ParameterRegistry | The registry that keeps track of parameterized values. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jdbc.criteria | Axon |
ParameterRegistry | The registry that keeps track of parameterized values. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jpa.criteria | Axon |
ParameterResolver | Interface for a mechanism that resolves handler method parameter values from a given Message. | Interface | org.axonframework.common.annotation | Axon |
ParameterResolverFactory | Interface for objects capable of creating Parameter Resolver instances for annotated handler methods. | Interface | org.axonframework.common.annotation | Axon |
PartialStreamSupport | Interface implemented by Event Stores that support reading partial event streams. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventstore | Axon |
PayloadMatcher | Matcher that matches any message (e. | Class | org.axonframework.test.matchers | Axon |
PayloadsMatcher | Matches a list of Messages if the list of their payloads matches the given matcher. | Class | org.axonframework.test.matchers | Axon |
PersistenceExceptionResolver | The PersistenceExceptionResolver is used to find out if an exception is caused by duplicate keys. | Interface | org.axonframework.common.jdbc | Axon |
PersistenceExceptionResolver | The PersistenceExceptionResolver is used to find out if an exception is caused by duplicate keys. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventstore.jpa | Axon |
PessimisticLockManager | until a lock could be obtained. | Class | org.axonframework.repository | Axon |
PostgresEventSqlSchema | SQL schema supporting postgres databases. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jdbc | Axon |
PostgresSagaSqlSchema | SQL schema supporting postgres databases. | Class | org.axonframework.saga.repository.jdbc | Axon |
Priority | Indicates the relative priority of the annotated component. | Class | org.axonframework.common | Axon |
PriorityAnnotationComparator | Comparator that compares objects based on the value on an @PrioritySince:2. | Class | org.axonframework.common.annotation | Axon |
ProceedingErrorHandler | ErrorHandler implementation that logs the error and proceeds with the next event. | Class | org.axonframework.saga.annotation | Axon |
Property | Interface describing a mechanism that can read a predefined property from a given instance. | Interface | | Axon |
Property | Represents a property of the Domain Event entry stored by an Event Store. | Interface | | Axon |
PropertyAccessException | Exception indicating that a predefined property is not accessible. | Class | | Axon |
PropertyAccessStrategy | Abstract Strategy that provides access to all PropertyAccessStrategy implementations. | Class | | Axon |
QuartzEventScheduler | EventScheduler implementation that delegates scheduling and triggering to a Quartz Scheduler. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.scheduling.quartz | Axon |
QuartzEventSchedulerFactoryBean | Spring FactoryBean that creates a QuartzEventScheduler instance using resources found in the Spring Application QuartzEventScheduler delegates the actual scheduling and triggering to a Quartz Scheduler, making it more suitable | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.scheduling.quartz | Axon |
QuartzScheduleToken | ScheduleToken implementation representing a scheduled Quartz Job. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.scheduling.quartz | Axon |
RabbitMqStrategy | Interface describing a strategy for creating a SimpleMessageListenerContainer class and setting the exclusive mode on the underlying subscriptions. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventhandling.amqp.spring | Axon |
RecordingCommandBus | CommandBus implementation that does not perform any actions on subscriptions or dispatched commands, but records them instead. | Class | org.axonframework.test.utils | Axon |
ReflectionUtils | Utility class for working with Java Reflection API. | Class | org.axonframework.common | Axon |
RemoteCommandHandlingException | Exception indicating that an error has occurred while remotely handling a command. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.distributed | Axon |
ReplayAware | Interface indicating a component is aware of "replays". | Interface | org.axonframework.eventhandling.replay | Axon |
ReplayFailedException | Exception indicating that a replay task has failed. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.replay | Axon |
ReplayingCluster | Cluster implementation that wraps another Cluster, adding the capability to replay events from an Event Store. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.replay | Axon |
ReplyingCallback | Callback implementation that forwards the callback invocation as a reply to an incoming message. | Class | | Axon |
ReplyMessage | JGroups Message representing a reply to a dispatched command. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.distributed.jgroups | Axon |
Reporter | The reporter generates extensive human readable reports of what the expected outcome of a test was, and what the actual results were. | Class | org.axonframework.test | Axon |
Repository | The repository provides an abstraction of the storage of aggregates. | Interface | org.axonframework.repository | Axon |
RepositoryBeanDefinitionParser | The RepositoryBeanDefinitionParser is responsible for parsing the repository element from the Axon namespace. | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring | Axon |
RepositoryContentValidator | Helper class for the validation of Saga Repository content. | Class | org.axonframework.test.saga | Axon |
ResourceInjector | Interface describing a mechanism to inject resources into Saga instances. | Interface | org.axonframework.saga | Axon |
ResultValidator | Interface describing the operations available on the "validate result" (a. | Interface | org.axonframework.test | Axon |
ResultValidatorImpl | | Class | org.axonframework.test | Axon |
RetryingCallback | Callback implementation that will invoke a retry scheduler if a command results in a runtime exception. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.gateway | Axon |
RetryingErrorHandler | ErrorHandler implementation that retries Events on non-transient exceptions. | Class | org.axonframework.saga.annotation | Axon |
RetryPolicy | This policy tells the EventProcessor how it should deal with failed transactions. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.async | Axon |
RetryScheduler | Interface towards a mechanism that decides whether to schedule a command for execution when a previous attempts resulted in an exception. | Interface | org.axonframework.commandhandling.gateway | Axon |
Revision | Annotation that attaches revision information to a Serializable object. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer | Axon |
RevisionResolver | Interface towards a mechanism that resolves the revision of a given payload type. | Interface | org.axonframework.serializer | Axon |
RollbackConfiguration | The RollbackConfiguration defines when a UnitOfWork should be rolled back when the command handler or any reported a failure. | Interface | org.axonframework.commandhandling | Axon |
RollbackOnAllExceptionsConfiguration | The default implementation of the RollbackConfiguration interface. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling | Axon |
RollbackOnUncheckedExceptionConfiguration | RollbackConfiguration that indicates a rollback should be triggered for all but checked exceptions. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling | Axon |
RoutingKeyResolver | Interface toward a mechanism that provides the AMQP Routing Key for a given EventMessage. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventhandling.amqp | Axon |
RoutingStrategy | Interface describing a mechanism that generates a routing key for a given command. | Interface | org.axonframework.commandhandling.distributed | Axon |
RunAnnotatedAggregate | Setting up the basic ToDoItem sample with a simple command and event bus and a file based event store. | Class | org.axonframework.quickstart | Axon |
RunAnnotatedAggregateWithSpring | Setting up the basic ToDoItem sample with a simple command and event bus and a file based event store. | Class | org.axonframework.quickstart | Axon |
RunBasicCommandHandling | Setting up the basic ToDoItem sample with as little as possible help from axon utilities. | Class | org.axonframework.quickstart | Axon |
RunClusteringEventBus | This example creates two clusters and assigns different listeners to each cluster. | Class | org.axonframework.quickstart | Axon |
RunClusteringEventBusWithSpring | | Class | org.axonframework.quickstart | Axon |
RunDisruptorCommandBus | Setting up the basic ToDoItem sample with a disruptor command and event bus and a file based event store. | Class | org.axonframework.quickstart | Axon |
RunDisruptorCommandBusWithSpring | Setting up the basic ToDoItem sample with a disruptor command and event bus and a file based event store. | Class | org.axonframework.quickstart | Axon |
RunDistributedCommandBus | This runner demonstrates the basic capabilities of the distributed command bus. | Class | org.axonframework.quickstart | Axon |
RunDistributedCommandBusWithSpring | See RunDistributedCommandBus, only difference is that we use spring to wire all the beans. | Class | org.axonframework.quickstart | Axon |
RunEventReplay | | Class | org.axonframework.quickstart | Axon |
RunEventReplayWithSpring | | Class | org.axonframework.quickstart | Axon |
RunSaga | Simple Example that shows how to Create Saga instances, schedule deadlines and inject resourcesSince:2. | Class | org.axonframework.quickstart | Axon |
RunSagaWithSpring | Simple Example that shows how to Create Saga instances, schedule deadlines and inject resources using Spring. | Class | org.axonframework.quickstart | Axon |
RunUpcaster | | Class | org.axonframework.quickstart | Axon |
RunUpcasterWithSpring | | Class | org.axonframework.quickstart | Axon |
Saga | Interface describing an implementation of a Saga. | Interface | org.axonframework.saga | Axon |
SagaCreationPolicy | enum SagaCreationPolicyextends EnumEnumeration containing the possible Creation Policies for Sagas. | Class | org.axonframework.saga | Axon |
SagaEntry | Java Persistence Entity allowing sagas to be stored in a relational database. | Class | org.axonframework.saga.repository.jpa | Axon |
SagaEntry | Java representation of sagas stored in a mongo instanceSince:2. | Class | org.axonframework.saga.repository.mongo | Axon |
SagaEventHandler | Method-level annotation indicating that the annotated method i an event handler method for the saga instance. | Class | org.axonframework.saga.annotation | Axon |
SagaFactory | Interface describing a mechanism that creates implementations of a Saga. | Interface | org.axonframework.saga | Axon |
SagaInitializationPolicy | Describes the conditions under which a Saga should be created, and which AssociationValue it should be initializedSince:2. | Class | org.axonframework.saga | Axon |
SagaManager | Interface toward the Manager of one or more types of Saga. | Interface | org.axonframework.saga | Axon |
SagaManagerBeanDefinitionParser | Parses the saga-manager element. | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring | Axon |
SagaMethodMessageHandler | A data holder containing information of SagaEventHandler annotated methods. | Class | org.axonframework.saga.annotation | Axon |
SagaMethodMessageHandlerInspector | Utility class that inspects annotation on a Saga instance and returns the relevant configuration for its EventSince:0. | Class | org.axonframework.saga.annotation | Axon |
SagaRepository | Interface towards the storage mechanism of Saga instances. | Interface | org.axonframework.saga | Axon |
SagaSqlSchema | Interface describing the SQL statements that the JdbcSagaRepository needs to execute against the underlyingSince:2. | Interface | org.axonframework.saga.repository.jdbc | Axon |
SagaStorageException | Exception indicating that an error has occurred while storing a Saga. | Class | org.axonframework.saga | Axon |
SaveAggregateCallback | Callback used by UnitOfWork instances to be invoked when the UnitOfWork wishes to store an aggregate. | Interface | org.axonframework.unitofwork | Axon |
ScheduledItem | Interface describing an event to be scheduled at a given date and time. | Interface | org.axonframework.test.eventscheduler | Axon |
ScheduleToken | Token that identifies a single scheduled Event. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventhandling.scheduling | Axon |
SchedulingException | Exception indicating a problem in the Event Scheduling mechanism. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.scheduling | Axon |
SchemaConfiguration | SchemaConfiguration allows specification of custom storage locations for domain event and snapshot event entries. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jdbc | Axon |
SchemaConfiguration | SchemaConfiguration allows specification of custom storage locations for the saga repositories. | Class | org.axonframework.saga.repository.jdbc | Axon |
SequenceEventStore | Joins two EventStores together. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.supporting | Axon |
SequenceMatcher | A matcher that will match if all the given matchers each match against an item that the previous matcher matched against. | Class | org.axonframework.test.matchers | Axon |
SequenceNumber | Annotation indication that a parameter on an Event Handler method should be injected with the SequenceNumber of a DomainEventMessage. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.annotation | Axon |
SequenceNumberParameterResolverFactory | An extension of the AbstractAnnotatedParameterResolverFactory that accepts parameters of a Long type annotated with the SequenceNumber annotation and assigns the sequenceNumber of the DomainEventMessage. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.annotation | Axon |
SequencingPolicy | Interface to a policy definition for concurrent processing, for example event handling. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventhandling.async | Axon |
SequentialPerAggregatePolicy | Concurrency policy that requires sequential processing of events raised by the same aggregate. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.async | Axon |
SequentialPolicy | SequencingPolicy that requires serialized handling of all events delivered to an event handler. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.async | Axon |
SerializationAware | Marker interface for messages that have special serialization awareness. | Interface | org.axonframework.serializer | Axon |
SerializationAwareDomainEventMessage | Wrapper around a DomainEventMessage that adds "Serialization Awareness" to the message it wraps. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer | Axon |
SerializationAwareEventMessage | Wrapper around am EventMessage that adds "Serialization Awareness" to the message it wraps. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer | Axon |
SerializationException | Indicates that an exception occurred while serializing or deserializing an object. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer | Axon |
SerializationOptimizingInterceptor | Interceptor that register a unit of work listener that wraps each EventMessage in a SerializationAware message. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.interceptors | Axon |
SerializedDomainEventData | Interface describing the properties of serialized Domain Event Messages. | Interface | org.axonframework.serializer | Axon |
SerializedDomainEventMessage | DomainEventMessage implementation that is optimized to cope with serialized Payload and MetaData. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer | Axon |
SerializedDomainEventUpcastingContext | | Class | org.axonframework.upcasting | Axon |
SerializedEventMessage | EventMessage implementation that is optimized to cope with serialized Payload and MetaData. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer | Axon |
SerializedMessage | Message implementation that is optimized to cope with serialized Payload and MetaData. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer | Axon |
SerializedMetaData | Represents the serialized form of a MetaData instance. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer | Axon |
SerializedObject | Interface describing the structure of a serialized object. | Interface | org.axonframework.serializer | Axon |
SerializedObjectHolder | Holder that keeps references to serialized representations of a payload and meta data of a specific message. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer | Axon |
SerializedSaga | Specialization of the SerializedObject for Sagas represented as byte array. | Class | org.axonframework.saga.repository.jpa | Axon |
SerializedType | Describes the type of a serialized object. | Interface | org.axonframework.serializer | Axon |
Serializer | Interface describing a serialization mechanism. | Interface | org.axonframework.serializer | Axon |
SerializerHandler | Disruptor Event Handler that serializes EventMessage implementations that are also SerializationAware. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.disruptor | Axon |
SerialVersionUIDRevisionResolver | RevisionResolver implementation that returns the (String representation of the) serialVersionUID of a class. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer | Axon |
SimpleCluster | A simple Cluster implementation that invokes each of the members of a cluster when an Event is published. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling | Axon |
SimpleClusterFactoryBean | FactoryBean that creates an instance of a SimpleCluster, allowing easier access to the MetaData. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling | Axon |
SimpleCommandBus | command. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling | Axon |
SimpleCommandBusBeanDefinitionParser | The SimpleCommandBusBeanDefinitionParser does the actual work of parsing the commandBus element from Axon namespace. | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring | Axon |
SimpleCommandBusStatistics | Statistics object to store information about the internals of the SimpleCommandBus. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling | Axon |
SimpleCommandBusStatisticsMXBean | Management interface for the SimpleCommandBus monitor As required by the JMX specification. | Interface | org.axonframework.commandhandling | Axon |
SimpleCorrelationDataProvider | CorrelationDataProvider implementation defines correlation headers by the header names. | Class | org.axonframework.correlation | Axon |
SimpleDomainEventStream | Creates a DomainEventStream that streams the contents of a list. | Class | org.axonframework.domain | Axon |
SimpleEntityManagerProvider | Simple implementation of the EntityManagerProvider that returns the EntityManager instance provided at constructionSince:1. | Class | org.axonframework.common.jpa | Axon |
SimpleEventBus | subscribed listeners. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling | Axon |
SimpleEventBusStatistics | Statistics object to store information about the internal of the SimpleEventBus. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling | Axon |
SimpleEventBusStatisticsMXBean | Management interface the SimpleEventBus monitor. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventhandling | Axon |
SimpleEventBusWithoutStatistics | This is a temporary copy of the SimpleEventBus, made to run on google app engine. | Class | org.axonframework.gae.commandhandling | Axon |
SimpleEventFileResolver | Very straightforward implementation of the EventFileResolver that stores files in a directory structure underneath a given base directory. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.fs | Axon |
SimpleEventScheduler | An EventScheduler implementation that uses Java's ScheduledExecutorService as scheduling and triggering Note that this mechanism is non-persistent. | Class | | Axon |
SimpleEventSchedulerFactoryBean | Spring FactoryBean that creates a SimpleEventScheduler instance using resources found in the Spring Application Context. | Class | | Axon |
SimpleMongoOperator | Less Than Equals, etc. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.mongo.criteria | Axon |
SimpleOperator | | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jdbc.criteria | Axon |
SimpleOperator | | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jpa.criteria | Axon |
SimpleResourceInjector | Resource injector that uses setter methods to inject resources. | Class | org.axonframework.saga | Axon |
SimpleResourceParameterResolverFactory | ParameterResolverFactory implementation that resolves parameters for a specific given Resource. | Class | org.axonframework.common.annotation | Axon |
SimpleSagaManager | Simple SagaManager implementation. | Class | org.axonframework.saga | Axon |
SimpleScheduleToken | ScheduleToken for tasks event scheduled using the SimpleEventScheduler. | Class | | Axon |
SimpleSerializedDomainEventData | Simple implementation of the SerializedDomainEventData class, used to reduce memory consumptions by queries accessing Event Entries. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jpa | Axon |
SimpleSerializedObject | SerializedObject implementation that takes all properties as constructor parameters. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer | Axon |
SimpleSerializedType | SerializedType implementation that takes its properties as constructor parameters. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer | Axon |
SimpleUpcasterChain | Represents a series of upcasters which are combined to upcast a SerializedObject to the most recent revision of that payload. | Class | org.axonframework.upcasting | Axon |
SnapshotEventEntry | JPA compatible entry that stores data required for the use of snapshot events. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jpa | Axon |
SnapshotEventStore | Interface describing an event store that is able to store snapshot events. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventstore | Axon |
Snapshotter | Interface describing instances that are capable of creating snapshot events for aggregates. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventsourcing | Axon |
SnapshotterBeanDefinitionParser | The SnapshotterBeanDefinitionParser is responsible for parsing the snapshotter element form the Axon namespace. | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring | Axon |
SnapshotterTrigger | Interface for Event Stream Decorators that have the intent to trigger snapshots. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventsourcing | Axon |
SnapshotterTriggerBeanDefinitionParser | BeanDefinitionParser that parses elements. | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring | Axon |
SpringAggregateSnapshotter | used within a Spring Application Context. | Class | org.axonframework.eventsourcing | Axon |
SpringAMQPConsumerConfiguration | AMQPConsumerConfiguration implementation that has additional support for all Spring-specific AMQP Configuration properties. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.amqp.spring | Axon |
SpringAMQPTerminal | EventBusTerminal implementation that uses an AMQP 0. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.amqp.spring | Axon |
SpringAnnotationOrderResolver | OrderResolver implementation that checks for @Order annotations on the type level. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling | Axon |
SpringBeanParameterResolverFactory | ParameterResolverFactory implementation that resolves parameters in the Spring Application Context. | Class | org.axonframework.common.annotation | Axon |
SpringContextParameterResolverFactoryBuilder | Creates and registers a bean definition for a Spring Context aware ParameterResolverFactory. | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring | Axon |
SpringDataSourceConnectionProvider | ConnectionProvider implementation that is aware of Transaction Managers and provides the connection attached to an active transaction manager, instead of asking a Data Source directly. | Class | org.axonframework.common.jdbc | Axon |
SpringIntegrationEventBus | EventBus implementation that delegates all subscription and publishing requests to a Spring Integration channel. | Class | org.axonframework.integration.eventbus | Axon |
SpringMessagingEventBus | EventBus implementation that delegates all subscription and publishing requests to a Spring Messaging channel. | Class | org.axonframework.springmessaging.eventbus | Axon |
SpringParameterResolverFactoryBean | Spring factory bean that creates a ParameterResolverFactory instance that is capable of resolving parameter values as Spring Beans, in addition to the default behavior defined by Axon. | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring | Axon |
SpringPrototypeAggregateFactory | AggregateFactory implementation that uses Spring prototype beans to create new uninitialized instances ofSince:1. | Class | org.axonframework.eventsourcing | Axon |
SpringResourceInjector | ResourceInjector implementation that injects Saga instances with resources available from the Spring Application context the injector is registered in. | Class | org.axonframework.saga.spring | Axon |
SpringTransactionManager | TransactionManager implementation that uses a PlatformTransactionManager as underlying transaction manager. | Class | org.axonframework.unitofwork | Axon |
SQLErrorCodesResolver | SQLErrorCodesResolver is an implementation of PersistenceExceptionResolver used to resolve sql error codes to see if it is an duplicate key constraint violation. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jpa | Axon |
SQLStateResolver | SQLStateResolver is an implementation of PersistenceExceptionResolver used to resolve sql state values to see if it violates a unique key constraint. | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.jpa | Axon |
StartSaga | Indicates that the annotated SagaEventHandler method can trigger the creation of a new Saga instance. | Class | org.axonframework.saga.annotation | Axon |
StorageStrategy | Interface towards the mechanism that prescribes the structure in which events are stored in the Event Store. | Interface | org.axonframework.eventstore.mongo | Axon |
StringToByteArrayConverter | ContentTypeConverter that converts String into byte arrays. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer.converters | Axon |
StringToDBObjectContentTypeConverter | ContentTypeConverter implementation that converts a String containing its Binary JSON representation into a DBObjectSince:2. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer.bson | Axon |
StructuralCommandValidationFailedException | Exception indicating that a Command has been refused due to a structural validation failure. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling | Axon |
StubEventScheduler | EventScheduler implementation that uses it's own concept of "Current Time" for the purpose of testing. | Class | org.axonframework.test.eventscheduler | Axon |
StubScheduleToken | ScheduleToken returned by the StubEventScheduler. | Class | org.axonframework.test.eventscheduler | Axon |
Subscribable | Interface describing components that are able to subscribe themselves to a component that can be subscribed to, such as the CommandBus and EventBus. | Interface | org.axonframework.common | Axon |
SyncSagaManagerBeanDefinitionParser | BeanDefinitionParser that parses saga-manager elements in the application context. | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring | Axon |
TargetAggregateIdentifier | Field or method level annotation that marks a field or method providing the identifier of the aggregate that a If placed on a method, that method must contain no parameters. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.annotation | Axon |
TargetAggregateVersion | Field or method level annotation that marks a field or method providing the expected version of the aggregate that a If placed on a method, that method must contain no parameters. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.annotation | Axon |
TerminalBeanDefinitionParser | BeanDefinitionParser that parses elements into a SpringAMQPTerminal instance. | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring.amqp | Axon |
TestExecutor | Interface describing the operations available on a test fixture in the execution stage. | Interface | org.axonframework.test | Axon |
Timeout | Class or method level annotation that indicates the calling thread should not wait longer than the provided timeout for the results of a command. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.gateway | Axon |
Timestamp | Annotation indication that a parameter on an Event Handler method should be injected with the Timestamp of an Event Message. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.annotation | Axon |
TimestampCutoffReadonlyEventStore | Takes a backend, both EventStore and EventStoreManagement, and functions as a filter based on a Only events that are older than the provided cut-off datetime are returned to caller or handed to an | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.supporting | Axon |
TimestampParameterResolverFactory | AbstractAnnotatedParameterResolverFactory that accepts parameters with type DateTime that are annotated with the Timestamp annotation and assigns the timestamp of the EventMessage. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.annotation | Axon |
ToDoEventHandler | Event handler that listens to both events and prints a message to the system output stream. | Class | org.axonframework.quickstart.annotated | Axon |
ToDoEventListener | Event listener for all events, results are printed to system out. | Class | org.axonframework.quickstart.handler | Axon |
ToDoItem | | Class | org.axonframework.quickstart.annotated | Axon |
ToDoItem | | Class | org.axonframework.quickstart.handler | Axon |
ToDoItemCompletedEvent | The ToDoItem belonging to the provided aggregate identifier is completed. | Class | org.axonframework.quickstart.api | Axon |
ToDoItemCreatedEvent | A new ToDoItem is createdAuthor:Jettro Coenradie | Class | org.axonframework.quickstart.api | Axon |
ToDoItemDeadlineExpiredEvent | | Class | org.axonframework.quickstart.api | Axon |
ToDoSaga | | Class | org.axonframework.quickstart.saga | Axon |
TransactionManager | Interface towards a mechanism that manages transactions Typically, this will involve opening database transactions or connecting to external systems. | Interface | org.axonframework.unitofwork | Axon |
TransactionManagerFactoryBean | Factory Bean that wraps transaction manager instances with an implementation of TransactionManager, if necessary (and possible). | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring | Axon |
TransactionMethodExecutionException | Wrapper for exceptions that occurred while calling an @BeforeTransaction or @AfterTransaction annotated method. | Class | org.axonframework.eventhandling.annotation | Axon |
UniformPropertyAccessStrategy | PropertyAccessStrategy implementation that finds properties defined according to the Uniform Access Principle For example, a property called myProperty, it will use a method called myProperty(); | Class | | Axon |
UnitOfWork | This class represents a UnitOfWork in which modifications are made to aggregates. | Interface | org.axonframework.unitofwork | Axon |
UnitOfWorkAwareConnectionProviderWrapper | Wrapper for a ConnectionProvider that checks if a connection is already attached to the Unit of Work, favoring that connection over creating a new one. | Class | org.axonframework.common.jdbc | Axon |
UnitOfWorkFactory | The UnitOfWorkFactory interface is used to obtain UnitOfWork instances to manage activity in command handling processes. | Interface | org.axonframework.unitofwork | Axon |
UnitOfWorkListener | Interface describing a listener that is notified of state changes in the UnitOfWork it has been registered with. | Interface | org.axonframework.unitofwork | Axon |
UnitOfWorkListenerAdapter | Abstract implementation of the UnitOfWorkListener that provides empty implementation of all methods declared in UnitOfWorkListener. | Class | org.axonframework.unitofwork | Axon |
UnitOfWorkListenerCollection | This class is responsible for notifying registered listeners in a specific order of precedence. | Class | org.axonframework.unitofwork | Axon |
UnknownSerializedTypeException | Exception indicating that an object could not be deserialized, because its serialized type cannot be mapped to aSince:2. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer | Axon |
UnresolvedRoutingKeyPolicy | enum UnresolvedRoutingKeyPolicyextends EnumSince:2. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.distributed | Axon |
UnsupportedHandlerException | Thrown when an @. | Class | org.axonframework.common.annotation | Axon |
Upcaster | Interface for Upcasters. | Interface | org.axonframework.upcasting | Axon |
UpcasterAware | Interface indicating that the implementing mechanism is aware of Upcasters. | Interface | org.axonframework.upcasting | Axon |
UpcasterChain | Represents a series of upcasters which are combined to upcast a SerializedObject to the most recent revision of that payload. | Interface | org.axonframework.upcasting | Axon |
UpcasterChainBeanDefinitionParser | BeanDefinitionParser that parses UpcasterChain elements. | Class | org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring | Axon |
UpcastingContext | Interface describing an object that provides contextual information about the object being upcast. | Interface | org.axonframework.upcasting | Axon |
UpcastSerializedDomainEventData | SerializedDomainEventData implementation that can be used to duplicate existing SerializedDomainEventData instances after upcasting a payload. | Class | org.axonframework.upcasting | Axon |
UpcastUtils | Utility class that optimizes tasks related to upcasting. | Class | org.axonframework.upcasting | Axon |
VersionedAggregateIdentifier | Structure that holds an Aggregate Identifier and an expected version of an aggregate. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling | Axon |
VoidCallback | Abstract callback that can be extended when no result is expected from the command handler execution. | Class | org.axonframework.commandhandling.callbacks | Axon |
VolatileEventStore | | Class | org.axonframework.eventstore.supporting | Axon |
WeakReferenceCache | Cache implementation that keeps values in the cache until the garbage collector has removed them. | Class | org.axonframework.cache | Axon |
WhenAggregateEventPublisher | Interface to an object that publishes events on behalf of an aggregate. | Interface | org.axonframework.test.saga | Axon |
WhenState | Interface providing an API to methods in the "when" state of the fixture execution. | Interface | org.axonframework.test.saga | Axon |
XomToStringConverter | Converter that converts XOM Document instances to a String. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer.xml | Axon |
XStreamFactory | | Class | org.axonframework.gae.serializer | Axon |
XStreamSerializer | Serializer that uses XStream to serialize and deserialize arbitrary objects. | Class | org.axonframework.serializer.xml | Axon |