Name | Description | Type | Package | Framework |
AbstractAvroEventSerializer | This is a helper class provided to make it straightforward to serialize Flume events into Avro data. | Class | org.apache.flume.serialization | Flume |
AbstractChannel | | Class | | Flume |
AbstractChannelSelector | | Class | | Flume |
AbstractConfigurationProvider | | Class | org.apache.flume.node | Flume |
AbstractElasticSearchIndexRequestBuilderFactory | Abstract base class for custom implementations of ElasticSearchIndexRequestBuilderFactory. | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.elasticsearch | Flume |
AbstractEventDrivenSource | Base class which ensures sub-classes will inherit all the properties of BasicSourceSemantics. | Class | org.apache.flume.source | Flume |
AbstractHDFSWriter | | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.hdfs | Flume |
AbstractPollableSource | Base class which ensures sub-classes will inherit all the properties of BasicSourceSemantics in addition to: | Class | org.apache.flume.source | Flume |
AbstractRpcClient | | Class | org.apache.flume.api | Flume |
AbstractRpcSink | This sink provides the basic RPC functionality for Flume. | Class | org.apache.flume.sink | Flume |
AbstractSink | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org. | Class | org.apache.flume.sink | Flume |
AbstractSinkProcessor | A convenience base class for sink processors. | Class | org.apache.flume.sink | Flume |
AbstractSinkSelector | | Class | org.apache.flume.sink | Flume |
AbstractSource | | Class | org.apache.flume.source | Flume |
AESCTRNoPaddingProvider | | Class | | Flume |
Application | | Class | org.apache.flume.node | Flume |
AsyncHbaseEventSerializer | Interface for an event serializer which serializes the headers and body of an event to write them to hbase. | Interface | org.apache.flume.sink.hbase | Flume |
AsyncHBaseSink | A simple sink which reads events from a channel and writes them to HBase. | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.hbase | Flume |
AvroCLIClient | | Class | org.apache.flume.client.avro | Flume |
AvroEventDeserializer | A deserializer that parses Avro container files, generating one Flume event per record in the Avro file, and storing binary avro-encoded records in | Class | org.apache.flume.serialization | Flume |
AvroEventSerializer | This class serializes Flume events into Avro data files. | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.hdfs | Flume |
AvroEventSerializerConfigurationConstants | | Class | org.apache.flume.serialization | Flume |
AvroLegacySource | A Source implementation that receives Avro events from Avro sink of Configuration options | Class | org.apache.flume.source.avroLegacy | Flume |
AvroSink | A Sink implementation that can send events to an RPC server (such as Flume's AvroSource). | Class | org.apache.flume.sink | Flume |
AvroSource | A Source implementation that receives Avro events from clients that implement AvroSourceProtocol. | Class | org.apache.flume.source | Flume |
BadCheckpointException | Exception thrown when the checkpoint directory contains invalid data, probably due to the channel stopping while the checkpoint was written. | Class | | Flume |
BasicChannelSemantics | An implementation of basic Channel semantics, including the implied thread-local semantics of the Transaction class, | Class | | Flume |
BasicConfigurationConstants | | Class | org.apache.flume.conf | Flume |
BasicSourceSemantics | Alternative to AbstractSource, which: Ensure configure cannot be called while startedExceptions thrown during configure, start, stop put source in ERROR stateExceptions thrown during start, stop will be logged but not re-thrown. | Class | org.apache.flume.source | Flume |
BasicTransactionSemantics | An implementation of basic Transaction semantics designed to work in concert with BasicChannelSemantics to simplify | Class | | Flume |
BatchAware | This interface allows for implementing HBase serializers that are aware of batching. | Interface | org.apache.flume.sink.hbase | Flume |
BlobDeserializer | A deserializer that reads a Binary Large Object (BLOB) per event, typically one BLOB per file; To be used in conjunction with Flume SpoolDirectorySource. | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline | Flume |
BlobHandler | BlobHandler for HTTPSource that returns event that contains the request parameters as well as the Binary Large Object (BLOB) uploaded with this | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline | Flume |
BodyTextEventSerializer | This class simply writes the body of the event to the output stream and appends a newline after each event. | Class | org.apache.flume.serialization | Flume |
BucketClosedException | | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.hdfs | Flume |
BucketPath | | Class | org.apache.flume.formatter.output | Flume |
Channel | A channel connects a Source to a Sink. | Interface | org.apache.flume | Flume |
ChannelConfiguration | | Class | | Flume |
ChannelCounter | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.flume.instrumentation | Flume |
ChannelCounterMBean | This interface represents a channel counter mbean. | Interface | org.apache.flume.instrumentation | Flume |
ChannelException | A channel exception is raised whenever a channel operation fails. | Class | org.apache.flume | Flume |
ChannelFactory | | Interface | org.apache.flume | Flume |
ChannelFullException | | Class | org.apache.flume | Flume |
ChannelProcessor | A channel processor exposes operations to put Events into Channels. | Class | | Flume |
ChannelProcessorCounter | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.flume.instrumentation | Flume |
ChannelSelector | Allows the selection of a subset of channels from the given set based on its implementation policy. | Interface | org.apache.flume | Flume |
ChannelSelectorConfiguration | | Class | | Flume |
ChannelSelectorFactory | | Class | | Flume |
ChannelSelectorType | enum ChannelSelectorTypeextends EnumEnumeration of built in channel selector types available in the system. | Class | | Flume |
ChannelType | enum ChannelTypeextends EnumEnumeration of built in channel types available in the system. | Class | | Flume |
ChannelUtils | A collection of utilities for interacting with Channel objects. | Class | | Flume |
CheckpointRebuilder | | Class | | Flume |
CipherProvider | | Class | | Flume |
CipherProviderFactory | | Class | | Flume |
CipherProviderType | enum CipherProviderTypeextends EnumEnum Constant SummaryAESCTRNOPADDING | Class | | Flume |
Clock | Facade for System. | Interface | org.apache.flume | Flume |
ComponentConfiguration | Abstract implementation of the Component Configuration Manager. | Class | org.apache.flume.conf | Flume |
ComponentConfigurationFactory | | Class | org.apache.flume.conf | Flume |
Configurable | Any class marked as Configurable may have a context including its sub-configuration passed to it, requesting it configure itself. | Interface | org.apache.flume.conf | Flume |
ConfigurableComponent | | Interface | org.apache.flume.conf | Flume |
Configurables | Methods for working with Configurables. | Class | org.apache.flume.conf | Flume |
ConfigurationConstants | Contains configuration keys used by the JDBC channel implementation. | Class | | Flume |
ConfigurationException | | Class | org.apache.flume.conf | Flume |
ConfigurationProvider | | Interface | org.apache.flume.node | Flume |
Constants | | Class | org.apache.flume | Flume |
ContentBuilderUtil | | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.elasticsearch | Flume |
Context | The context is a key-value store used to pass configuration information throughout the system. | Class | org.apache.flume | Flume |
CorruptEventException | See Also:Serialized FormConstructor SummaryCorruptEventException() | Class | | Flume |
CounterGroup | Used for counting events, collecting metrics, etc. | Class | org.apache.flume | Flume |
DatabaseType | enum DatabaseTypeextends EnumEnum Constant SummaryDERBY | Class | | Flume |
DecodeErrorPolicy | enum DecodeErrorPolicyextends EnumEnum Constant SummaryFAIL | Class | org.apache.flume.serialization | Flume |
DecryptionFailureException | Exception that is thrown when the channel is unable to decrypt an even read from the channel. | Class | | Flume |
DefaultChannelFactory | | Class | | Flume |
DefaultJMSMessageConverter | Converts BytesMessage, TextMessage, and ObjectMessage to a Flume Event. | Class | org.apache.flume.source.jms | Flume |
DefaultSinkFactory | | Class | org.apache.flume.sink | Flume |
DefaultSinkProcessor | Default sink processor that only accepts a single sink, passing on process results without any additional handling. | Class | org.apache.flume.sink | Flume |
DefaultSourceFactory | | Class | org.apache.flume.source | Flume |
DerbySchemaHandler | Schema handler for Derby Database. | Class | | Flume |
DirectMemoryUtils | | Class | | Flume |
Dummy | Placeholder class so the git mirror does not leave out the src/main/java dirConstructor SummaryDummy() | Class | org.apache.flume | Flume |
DurablePositionTracker | Class that stores object state in an avro container file. | Class | org.apache.flume.serialization | Flume |
ElasticSearchClient | Interface for an ElasticSearch client which is responsible for sending bulks of events to ElasticSearch. | Interface | org.apache.flume.sink.elasticsearch.client | Flume |
ElasticSearchClientFactory | Internal ElasticSearch client factory. | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.elasticsearch.client | Flume |
ElasticSearchDynamicSerializer | Basic serializer that serializes the event body and header fields into A best effort will be used to determine the content-type, if it cannot be | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.elasticsearch | Flume |
ElasticSearchEventSerializer | Interface for an event serializer which serializes the headers and body of an event to write them to ElasticSearch. | Interface | org.apache.flume.sink.elasticsearch | Flume |
ElasticSearchIndexRequestBuilderFactory | Interface for creating ElasticSearch IndexRequestBuilder instances from serialized flume events. | Interface | org.apache.flume.sink.elasticsearch | Flume |
ElasticSearchLogStashEventSerializer | Serialize flume events into the same format LogStash uses This can be used to send events to ElasticSearch and use clients such as | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.elasticsearch | Flume |
ElasticSearchRestClient | Rest ElasticSearch client which is responsible for sending bulks of events to ElasticSearch using ElasticSearch HTTP API. | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.elasticsearch.client | Flume |
ElasticSearchSink | A sink which reads events from a channel and writes them to ElasticSearch based on the work done by https://github. | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.elasticsearch | Flume |
ElasticSearchSinkConstants | | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.elasticsearch | Flume |
ElasticSearchTransportClient | | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.elasticsearch.client | Flume |
EmbeddedAgent | EmbeddedAgent gives Flume users the ability to embed simple agents in applications. | Class | org.apache.flume.agent.embedded | Flume |
EmbeddedAgentConfiguration | Stores publicly accessible configuration constants and private configuration constants and methods. | Class | org.apache.flume.agent.embedded | Flume |
EmbeddedSource | Simple source used to allow direct access to the channel for the EmbeddedConstructor SummaryEmbeddedSource() | Class | org.apache.flume.agent.embedded | Flume |
EncryptionConfiguration | | Class | | Flume |
Event | Basic representation of a data object in Flume. | Interface | org.apache.flume | Flume |
EventBuilder | | Class | org.apache.flume.event | Flume |
EventDeliveryException | An event delivery exception is raised whenever an Event fails to reach at least one of its intended (next-hop) destinations. | Class | org.apache.flume | Flume |
EventDeserializer | Establishes a contract for reading events stored in arbitrary formats from reliable, resettable streams. | Interface | org.apache.flume.serialization | Flume |
EventDeserializerFactory | | Class | org.apache.flume.serialization | Flume |
EventDeserializerType | enum EventDeserializerTypeextends EnumEnum Constant SummaryAVRO | Class | org.apache.flume.serialization | Flume |
EventDrivenSource | A Source that does not need an external driver to poll for events to ingest; it provides its own event-driven | Interface | org.apache.flume | Flume |
EventDrivenSourceRunner | Starts, stops, and manages event-driven sources. | Class | org.apache.flume.source | Flume |
EventHelper | | Class | org.apache.flume.event | Flume |
EventReader | A line reader produces a stream of lines for the AvroCLIClient to ingest into Flume. | Interface | org.apache.flume.client.avro | Flume |
EventSerDe | A class that is able to both serialize and deserialize events. | Interface | org.apache.flume.serialization | Flume |
EventSerializer | This interface provides callbacks for important serialization-related events. | Interface | org.apache.flume.serialization | Flume |
EventSerializerFactory | | Class | org.apache.flume.serialization | Flume |
EventSerializerIndexRequestBuilderFactory | Default implementation of ElasticSearchIndexRequestBuilderFactory. | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.elasticsearch | Flume |
EventSerializerType | enum EventSerializerTypeextends EnumEnum Constant SummaryAVRO_EVENT | Class | org.apache.flume.serialization | Flume |
EventStatus | enum EventStatusextends Enumimplements org. | Class | com.cloudera.flume.handlers.thrift | Flume |
ExecSource | A Source implementation that executes a Unix process and turns each line of text into an event. | Class | org.apache.flume.source | Flume |
ExecSourceConfigurationConstants | | Class | org.apache.flume.source | Flume |
FailoverRpcClient | Avro/Netty implementation of RpcClient which supports failover. | Class | org.apache.flume.api | Flume |
FailoverSinkProcessor | FailoverSinkProcessor maintains a prioritized list of sinks, guarranteeing that so long as one is available events will be processed. | Class | org.apache.flume.sink | Flume |
FileChannel | A durable Channel implementation that uses the local file system for FileChannel works by writing all transactions to a set of directories | Class | | Flume |
FileChannelConfiguration | | Class | | Flume |
FileChannelIntegrityTool | | Class | | Flume |
FlumeConfiguration | FlumeConfiguration is an in memory representation of the hierarchical configuration namespace required by the ConfigurationProvider. | Class | org.apache.flume.conf | Flume |
FlumeConfigurationError | | Class | org.apache.flume.conf | Flume |
FlumeConfigurationErrorType | enum FlumeConfigurationErrorTypeextends EnumEnum Constant SummaryAGENT_CONFIGURATION_INVALID | Class | org.apache.flume.conf | Flume |
FlumeEventAvroEventSerializer | | Class | org.apache.flume.serialization | Flume |
FlumeException | Base class of all flume exceptions. | Class | org.apache.flume | Flume |
FlumeTool | | Interface | | Flume |
FlumeToolsMain | | Class | | Flume |
FlumeToolType | enum FlumeToolTypeextends EnumEnum Constant SummaryFCINTEGRITYTOOL | Class | | Flume |
GangliaServer | A Ganglia server that polls JMX based at a configured frequency (defaults to once every 60 seconds). | Class | org.apache.flume.instrumentation | Flume |
GetJavaProperty | A generic way for querying Java properties. | Class | | Flume |
HbaseEventSerializer | Interface for an event serializer which serializes the headers and body of an event to write them to hbase. | Interface | org.apache.flume.sink.hbase | Flume |
HBaseSink | A simple sink which reads events from a channel and writes them to HBase. | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.hbase | Flume |
HBaseSinkConfigurationConstants | | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.hbase | Flume |
HBaseSinkSecurityManager | Class to handle logging into HBase with the credentials passed in. | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.hbase | Flume |
HDFSCompressedDataStream | | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.hdfs | Flume |
HDFSDataStream | | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.hdfs | Flume |
HDFSEventSink | | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.hdfs | Flume |
HDFSSequenceFile | | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.hdfs | Flume |
HDFSTextSerializer | | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.hdfs | Flume |
HDFSWritableSerializer | | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.hdfs | Flume |
HDFSWriter | | Interface | org.apache.flume.sink.hdfs | Flume |
HDFSWriterFactory | | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.hdfs | Flume |
HeaderAndBodyTextEventSerializer | This class simply writes the body of the event to the output stream and appends a newline after each event. | Class | org.apache.flume.serialization | Flume |
HostInfo | A convenience class that holds the property reference name along with the hostname and port number of a specified host address. | Class | org.apache.flume.api | Flume |
HostInterceptor | Simple Interceptor class that sets the host name or IP on all events that are intercepted. | Class | org.apache.flume.interceptor | Flume |
HTTPBadRequestException | Exception thrown by an HTTP Handler if the request was not parsed correctly into an event because the request was not in the expected format. | Class | org.apache.flume.source.http | Flume |
HTTPMetricsServer | A Monitor service implementation that runs a web server on a configurable port and returns the metrics for components in JSON format. | Class | org.apache.flume.instrumentation.http | Flume |
HTTPServerConstraintUtil | | Class | | Flume |
HTTPSource | A source which accepts Flume Events by HTTP POST and GET. | Class | org.apache.flume.source.http | Flume |
HTTPSourceConfigurationConstants | | Class | org.apache.flume.source.http | Flume |
HTTPSourceHandler | | Interface | org.apache.flume.source.http | Flume |
IndexNameBuilder | | Interface | org.apache.flume.sink.elasticsearch | Flume |
InitialContextFactory | | Class | org.apache.flume.source.jms | Flume |
Interceptor | | Interface | org.apache.flume.interceptor | Flume |
InterceptorBuilderFactory | Factory used to register instances of Interceptors & their builders, as well as to instantiate the builders. | Class | org.apache.flume.interceptor | Flume |
InterceptorChain | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org. | Class | org.apache.flume.interceptor | Flume |
InterceptorType | enum InterceptorTypeextends EnumEnum Constant SummaryHOST | Class | org.apache.flume.interceptor | Flume |
InterfaceAudience | Annotation to inform users of a package, class or method's intended audience. | Class | org.apache.flume.annotations | Flume |
InterfaceStability | Annotation to inform users of how much to rely on a particular package, class or method not changing over time. | Class | org.apache.flume.annotations | Flume |
IRCSink | | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.irc | Flume |
JCEFileKeyProvider | | Class | | Flume |
JdbcChannel | A JDBC based channel implementation. | Class | | Flume |
JdbcChannelException | | Class | | Flume |
JdbcChannelProvider | Service provider interface for JDBC channel providers. | Interface | | Flume |
JdbcChannelProviderFactory | | Class | | Flume |
JdbcChannelProviderImpl | | Class | | Flume |
JdbcTransactionFactory | | Class | | Flume |
JdbcTransactionImpl | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org. | Class | | Flume |
JMSDestinationLocator | enum JMSDestinationLocatorextends EnumEnum Constant SummaryCDI | Class | org.apache.flume.source.jms | Flume |
JMSDestinationType | enum JMSDestinationTypeextends EnumEnum Constant SummaryQUEUE | Class | org.apache.flume.source.jms | Flume |
JMSMessageConsumerFactory | Constructor SummaryJMSMessageConsumerFactory()Methods inherited from class java. | Class | org.apache.flume.source.jms | Flume |
JMSMessageConverter | Converts a JMS Message to an Event. | Interface | org.apache.flume.source.jms | Flume |
JMSSource | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org. | Class | org.apache.flume.source.jms | Flume |
JMSSourceConfiguration | | Class | org.apache.flume.source.jms | Flume |
JMXPollUtil | | Class | org.apache.flume.instrumentation.util | Flume |
JSONEvent | | Class | org.apache.flume.event | Flume |
JSONHandler | JSONHandler for HTTPSource that accepts an array of events. | Class | org.apache.flume.source.http | Flume |
KerberosUser | Simple Pair class used to define a unique (principal, keyTab) combination. | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.hdfs | Flume |
KeyProvider | | Class | | Flume |
KeyProviderFactory | | Class | | Flume |
KeyProviderType | enum KeyProviderTypeextends EnumEnum Constant SummaryJCEKSFILE | Class | | Flume |
LengthMeasurable | | Interface | org.apache.flume.serialization | Flume |
LifecycleAware | An interface implemented by any class that has a defined, stateful, Implementations of LifecycleAware conform to a standard method of | Interface | org.apache.flume.lifecycle | Flume |
LifecycleController | | Class | org.apache.flume.lifecycle | Flume |
LifecycleException | See Also:Serialized FormConstructor SummaryLifecycleException() | Class | org.apache.flume.lifecycle | Flume |
LifecycleState | enum LifecycleStateextends EnumEnum Constant SummaryERROR | Class | org.apache.flume.lifecycle | Flume |
LifecycleSupervisor | | Class | org.apache.flume.lifecycle | Flume |
LineDeserializer | A deserializer that parses text lines from a file. | Class | org.apache.flume.serialization | Flume |
LoadBalancingLog4jAppender | Appends Log4j Events to an external Flume client which is decribed by the Log4j configuration file. | Class | org.apache.flume.clients.log4jappender | Flume |
LoadBalancingRpcClient | An implementation of RpcClient interface that uses NettyAvroRpcClient instances to load-balance the requests over many different hosts. | Class | org.apache.flume.api | Flume |
LoadBalancingSinkProcessor | Provides the ability to load-balance flow over multiple sinks. | Class | org.apache.flume.sink | Flume |
Log | Stores FlumeEvents on disk and pointers to the events in a in memory queue. | Class | | Flume |
Log4jAppender | Appends Log4j Events to an external Flume client which is decribed by the Log4j configuration file. | Class | org.apache.flume.clients.log4jappender | Flume |
Log4jAvroHeaders | enum Log4jAvroHeadersextends EnumEnum Constant SummaryAVRO_SCHEMA_LITERAL | Class | org.apache.flume.clients.log4jappender | Flume |
LogEntry | | Class | org.apache.flume.source.scribe | Flume |
LogFile | | Class | | Flume |
LogFileRetryableIOException | See Also:Serialized FormConstructor SummaryLogFileRetryableIOException() | Class | | Flume |
LogFileV3 | Represents a single data file on disk. | Class | | Flume |
LoggerSink | A Sink implementation that logs all events received at the INFO level to the org. | Class | org.apache.flume.sink | Flume |
LogRecord | | Class | | Flume |
LogUtils | Constructor SummaryLogUtils()Methods inherited from class java. | Class | | Flume |
MaterializedConfiguration | MaterializedConfiguration represents the materialization of a Flume properties file. | Interface | org.apache.flume.node | Flume |
MemoryChannel | MemoryChannel is the recommended channel to use when speeds which writing to disk is impractical is required or durability of data is not | Class | | Flume |
MonitoredCounterGroup | Used for keeping track of internal metrics using atomic integers This is used by a variety of component types such as Sources, Channels, | Class | org.apache.flume.instrumentation | Flume |
MonitoringType | enum MonitoringTypeextends EnumEnum for Monitoring types. | Class | org.apache.flume.instrumentation | Flume |
MonitorService | Interface that any monitoring service should implement. | Interface | org.apache.flume.instrumentation | Flume |
MorphlineHandler | | Interface | org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline | Flume |
MorphlineHandlerImpl | A MorphlineHandler that processes it's events using a morphline Command chain. | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline | Flume |
MorphlineInterceptor | Flume Interceptor that executes a morphline on events that are intercepted. | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline | Flume |
MorphlineSink | | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline | Flume |
MorphlineSolrSink | Flume sink that extracts search documents from Flume events, processes them using a morphline Command chain, and loads them into Apache Solr. | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline | Flume |
MultiplexingChannelSelector | | Class | | Flume |
MultiportSyslogTCPSource | | Class | org.apache.flume.source | Flume |
MySQLSchemaHandler | | Class | | Flume |
NamedComponent | Enables a component to be tagged with a name so that it can be referred to uniquely within the configuration system. | Interface | org.apache.flume | Flume |
NetcatSource | A netcat-like source that listens on a given port and turns each line of text This source, primarily built for testing and exceedingly simple systems, acts | Class | org.apache.flume.source | Flume |
NetcatSourceConfigurationConstants | | Class | org.apache.flume.source | Flume |
NettyAvroRpcClient | Avro/Netty implementation of RpcClient. | Class | org.apache.flume.api | Flume |
NoopRecordException | See Also:Serialized FormConstructor SummaryNoopRecordException() | Class | | Flume |
NullSink | A Sink implementation that simply discards all events it receives. | Class | org.apache.flume.sink | Flume |
OrderSelector | A basic implementation of an order selector that implements a simple exponential backoff algorithm. | Class | org.apache.flume.util | Flume |
PathManager | | Class | org.apache.flume.formatter.output | Flume |
PersistableEvent | | Class | | Flume |
PlatformDetect | Utilities for platform & operating system detectionConstructor SummaryPlatformDetect() | Class | | Flume |
PollableSource | A Source that requires an external driver to poll to determine whether there are events that are available to ingest | Interface | org.apache.flume | Flume |
PollableSourceRunner | An implementation of SourceRunner that can drive a A PollableSourceRunner wraps a PollableSource in the required | Class | org.apache.flume.source | Flume |
PollingPropertiesFileConfigurationProvider | | Class | org.apache.flume.node | Flume |
PositionTracker | Defines an interface for tracking the offset position in a target file. | Interface | org.apache.flume.serialization | Flume |
Priority | enum Priorityextends Enumimplements org. | Class | com.cloudera.flume.handlers.thrift | Flume |
PropertiesFileConfigurationProvider | A configuration provider that uses properties file for specifying configuration. | Class | org.apache.flume.node | Flume |
ProtosFactory | | Class | | Flume |
PseudoTxnMemoryChannel | A capacity-capped Channel implementation that supports in-memory buffering and delivery of events. | Class | | Flume |
RandomOrderSelector | An implementation of OrderSelector which returns objects in random order. | Class | org.apache.flume.util | Flume |
RegexExtractorInterceptor | Interceptor that extracts matches using a specified regular expression and appends the matches to the event headers using the specified serializers | Class | org.apache.flume.interceptor | Flume |
RegexExtractorInterceptorMillisSerializer | Serializer that converts the passed in value into milliseconds using the specified formatting pattern | Class | org.apache.flume.interceptor | Flume |
RegexExtractorInterceptorPassThroughSerializer | Serializer that simply returns the passed in valueConstructor SummaryRegexExtractorInterceptorPassThroughSerializer() | Class | org.apache.flume.interceptor | Flume |
RegexExtractorInterceptorSerializer | Serializer for serializing groups matched by the RegexExtractorInterceptor | Interface | org.apache.flume.interceptor | Flume |
RegexFilteringInterceptor | Interceptor that filters events selectively based on a configured regular expression matching against the event body. | Class | org.apache.flume.interceptor | Flume |
RegexHbaseEventSerializer | An HbaseEventSerializer which parses columns based on a supplied regular expression and column name list. | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.hbase | Flume |
ReliableEventReader | A reliable event reader. | Interface | org.apache.flume.client.avro | Flume |
ReliableSpoolingFileEventReader | A ReliableEventReader which reads log data from files stored in a spooling directory and renames each file once all of its data has been | Class | org.apache.flume.client.avro | Flume |
RemoteMarkable | | Interface | org.apache.flume.serialization | Flume |
ReplicatingChannelSelector | Replicating channel selector. | Class | | Flume |
Resettable | Defines an API for objects that can be mark()ed and reset() on arbitrary boundaries. | Interface | org.apache.flume.serialization | Flume |
ResettableFileInputStream | This class makes the following assumptions: The underlying file is not changing while it is being read | Class | org.apache.flume.serialization | Flume |
ResettableInputStream | This abstract class defines an interface for which the stream may be marked and reset with no limit to | Class | org.apache.flume.serialization | Flume |
ResultCode | enum ResultCodeextends Enumimplements org. | Class | org.apache.flume.source.scribe | Flume |
RollingFileSink | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org. | Class | org.apache.flume.sink | Flume |
RoundRobinList | | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.elasticsearch.client | Flume |
RoundRobinOrderSelector | An implementation of OrderSelector which returns objects in round robin order. | Class | org.apache.flume.util | Flume |
RpcClient | Public client interface for sending data to Flume. | Interface | org.apache.flume.api | Flume |
RpcClientConfigurationConstants | Configuration constants used by the RpcClient. | Class | org.apache.flume.api | Flume |
RpcClientFactory | Factory class to construct Flume RPCClient implementations. | Class | org.apache.flume.api | Flume |
SchemaHandler | A handler for creating and validating database schema for use by the JDBC channel implementation. | Interface | | Flume |
SchemaHandlerFactory | A factory for SchemaHandlers. | Class | | Flume |
Scribe | | Class | org.apache.flume.source.scribe | Flume |
ScribeSource | Flume should adopt the Scribe entry LogEntry from existing Scribe system. | Class | org.apache.flume.source.scribe | Flume |
Seekable | | Interface | org.apache.flume.serialization | Flume |
SequenceFileSerializer | | Interface | org.apache.flume.sink.hdfs | Flume |
SequenceFileSerializerFactory | Constructor SummarySequenceFileSerializerFactory()Methods inherited from class java. | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.hdfs | Flume |
SequenceFileSerializerType | enum SequenceFileSerializerTypeextends EnumEnum Constant SummaryOther | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.hdfs | Flume |
SequenceGeneratorSource | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org. | Class | org.apache.flume.source | Flume |
Serialization | | Class | | Flume |
SimpleAsyncHbaseEventSerializer | A simple serializer to be used with the AsyncHBaseSink that returns puts from an event, by writing the event | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.hbase | Flume |
SimpleEvent | | Class | org.apache.flume.event | Flume |
SimpleHbaseEventSerializer | A simple serializer that returns puts from an event, by writing the event body into it. | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.hbase | Flume |
SimpleIndexNameBuilder | | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.elasticsearch | Flume |
SimpleMaterializedConfiguration | | Class | org.apache.flume.node | Flume |
SimpleRowKeyGenerator | Utility class for users to generate their own keys. | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.hbase | Flume |
SimpleTextLineEventReader | | Class | org.apache.flume.client.avro | Flume |
Sink | A sink is connected to a Channel and consumes its contents, sending them to a configured destination that may vary according to | Interface | org.apache.flume | Flume |
SinkConfiguration | | Class | org.apache.flume.conf.sink | Flume |
SinkCounter | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.flume.instrumentation | Flume |
SinkCounterMBean | This interface represents a sink counter mbean. | Interface | org.apache.flume.instrumentation | Flume |
SinkFactory | | Interface | org.apache.flume | Flume |
SinkGroup | Configuration concept for handling multiple sinks working together. | Class | org.apache.flume.sink | Flume |
SinkGroupConfiguration | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.flume.conf.sink | Flume |
SinkProcessor | Interface for a device that allows abstraction of the behavior of multiple sinks, always assigned to a SinkRunner | Interface | org.apache.flume | Flume |
SinkProcessorConfiguration | | Class | org.apache.flume.conf.sink | Flume |
SinkProcessorCounter | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.flume.instrumentation | Flume |
SinkProcessorFactory | | Class | org.apache.flume.sink | Flume |
SinkProcessorType | enum SinkProcessorTypeextends EnumEnum Constant SummaryDEFAULT | Class | org.apache.flume.conf.sink | Flume |
SinkRunner | A driver for sinks that polls them, attempting to process events if any are available in the | Class | org.apache.flume | Flume |
SinkType | enum SinkTypeextends EnumEnumeration of built in sink types available in the system. | Class | org.apache.flume.conf.sink | Flume |
Source | A source generates and calls methods on the configured ChannelProcessor to persist those events into the | Interface | org.apache.flume | Flume |
SourceConfiguration | | Class | org.apache.flume.conf.source | Flume |
SourceCounter | Nested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.flume.instrumentation | Flume |
SourceCounterMBean | This interface represents a source counter mbean. | Interface | org.apache.flume.instrumentation | Flume |
SourceFactory | | Interface | org.apache.flume | Flume |
SourceRunner | A source runner controls how a source is driven. | Class | org.apache.flume | Flume |
SourceType | enum SourceTypeextends EnumEnumeration of built in source types available in the system. | Class | org.apache.flume.conf.source | Flume |
SpecificOrderIterator | A utility class that iterates over the given ordered list of items via the specified order array. | Class | org.apache.flume.util | Flume |
SpillableMemoryChannel | SpillableMemoryChannel will use main memory for buffering events until it has reached capacity. | Class | | Flume |
SpoolDirectorySource | | Class | org.apache.flume.source | Flume |
SpoolDirectorySourceConfigurationConstants | | Class | org.apache.flume.source | Flume |
StaticInterceptor | Interceptor class that appends a static, pre-configured header to all events. | Class | org.apache.flume.interceptor | Flume |
Status | enum Statusextends Enumimplements org. | Class | org.apache.flume.thrift | Flume |
StressSource | Internal load-generating source implementation. | Class | org.apache.flume.source | Flume |
SyslogParser | | Class | org.apache.flume.source | Flume |
SyslogSourceConfigurationConstants | | Class | org.apache.flume.source | Flume |
SyslogTcpSource | | Class | org.apache.flume.source | Flume |
SyslogUDPSource | | Class | org.apache.flume.source | Flume |
SyslogUtils | | Class | org.apache.flume.source | Flume |
SystemClock | Default implementation of Clock which uses SystemConstructor SummarySystemClock() | Class | org.apache.flume | Flume |
TextDelimitedOutputFormatter | | Class | org.apache.flume.formatter.output | Flume |
ThriftFlumeEvent | | Class | com.cloudera.flume.handlers.thrift | Flume |
ThriftFlumeEvent | | Class | org.apache.flume.thrift | Flume |
ThriftFlumeEventServer | | Class | com.cloudera.flume.handlers.thrift | Flume |
ThriftLegacySource | | Class | org.apache.flume.source.thriftLegacy | Flume |
ThriftRpcClient | Fields inherited from class org. | Class | org.apache.flume.api | Flume |
ThriftSink | A Sink implementation that can send events to an RPC server (such as Flume's ThriftSource). | Class | org.apache.flume.sink | Flume |
ThriftSource | | Class | org.apache.flume.source | Flume |
ThriftSourceProtocol | | Class | org.apache.flume.thrift | Flume |
TimeBasedIndexNameBuilder | Default index name builder. | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.elasticsearch | Flume |
TimestampInterceptor | Simple Interceptor class that sets the current system timestamp on all events that are intercepted. | Class | org.apache.flume.interceptor | Flume |
TimestampRoundDownUtil | | Class | | Flume |
Transaction | Provides the transaction boundary while accessing a channel. | Interface | org.apache.flume | Flume |
TransactionEventRecord | | Class | | Flume |
TransactionIDOracle | | Class | | Flume |
TransactionIsolation | enum TransactionIsolationextends EnumEnum Constant SummaryREAD_COMMITTED | Class | | Flume |
TwitterSource | Demo Flume source that connects via Streaming API to the 1% sample twitter firehose, continously downloads tweets, converts them to Avro format and | Class | org.apache.flume.source.twitter | Flume |
UUIDInterceptor | Flume Interceptor that sets a universally unique identifier on all events that are intercepted. | Class | org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline | Flume |
VersionAnnotation | This class is about package attribute that captures version info of Flume that was compiled. | Class | org.apache.flume | Flume |
VersionInfo | | Class | | Flume |
WriteOrderOracle | | Class | | Flume |