Name | Description | Type | Package | Framework |
AbsoluteExternalPositionalAccuracy | Closeness of reported coordinate values to values accepted as or being true. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.quality | GeoApi |
AccuracyOfATimeMeasurement | Correctness of the temporal references of an item (reporting of error in time measurement). | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.quality | GeoApi |
AcquisitionInformation | Designations for the measuring instruments, the platform carrying them, and the mission to which the data contributes. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.acquisition | GeoApi |
Address | Location of the responsible individual or organization. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.citation | GeoApi |
AffineCS | A two- or three-dimensional coordinate system with straight axes that are not necessarily orthogonal. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.cs | GeoApi |
AggregateInformation | Aggregate dataset information. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.identification | GeoApi |
Algorithm | | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.lineage | GeoApi |
ApplicationSchemaInformation | Information about the application schema used to build the dataset. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata | GeoApi |
AssociationType | Justification for the correlation of two datasets. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.identification | GeoApi |
AttributeType | | Interface | org.opengis.feature.type | GeoApi |
AuthorityFactory | Base interface for all authority factories. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing | GeoApi |
AxisDirection | The direction of positive increments in the coordinate value for a coordinate system axis. | Class | org.opengis.referencing.cs | GeoApi |
Band | Range of wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.content | GeoApi |
BandDefinition | Designation of criterion for defining maximum and minimum wavelengths for a spectral band. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.content | GeoApi |
BoundingPolygon | Boundary enclosing the dataset, expressed as the closed set of (x,y) coordinates of the polygon. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.extent | GeoApi |
BrowseGraphic | Graphic that provides an illustration of the dataset (should include a legend for the graphic). | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.identification | GeoApi |
CartesianCS | A 1-, 2-, or 3-dimensional coordinate system. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.cs | GeoApi |
CellGeometry | Code indicating whether grid data is point or area. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.spatial | GeoApi |
CharacterSet | Name of the character coding standard used for the resource. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.identification | GeoApi |
Citation | Standardized resource reference. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.citation | GeoApi |
CitationDate | Reference date and event used to describe it. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.citation | GeoApi |
Classification | Name of the handling restrictions on the dataset. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.constraint | GeoApi |
CodeList | Base class for all code lists. | Class | org.opengis.util | GeoApi |
Completeness | Presence and absence of features, their attributes and their relationships. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.quality | GeoApi |
CompletenessCommission | Excess data present in the dataset, as described by the scope. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.quality | GeoApi |
CompletenessOmission | Data absent from the dataset, as described by the scope. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.quality | GeoApi |
ComplianceLevel | enum ComplianceLevelextends EnumCompliance level for elements. | Class | org.opengis.annotation | GeoApi |
CompoundCRS | A coordinate reference system describing the position of points through two or more independent coordinate reference systems. | Interface | | GeoApi |
ConcatenatedOperation | An ordered sequence of two or more single coordinate operations. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.operation | GeoApi |
ConceptualConsistency | Adherence to rules of the conceptual schema. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.quality | GeoApi |
ConformanceResult | Information about the outcome of evaluating the obtained value (or set of values) against a specified acceptable conformance quality level. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.quality | GeoApi |
ConicProjection | Base interface for conical map projections. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.operation | GeoApi |
Constraints | Restrictions on the access and use of a resource or metadata. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.constraint | GeoApi |
Contact | Information required to enable contact with the responsible person and/or organization. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.citation | GeoApi |
ContentInformation | | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.content | GeoApi |
Context | Designation of criterion for defining the context of the scanning process event. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.acquisition | GeoApi |
Conversion | An operation on coordinates that does not include any change of Datum. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.operation | GeoApi |
CoordinateOperation | A mathematical operation on coordinates that transforms or converts coordinates to another coordinate reference system. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.operation | GeoApi |
CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory | Creates coordinate transformation objects from codes. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.operation | GeoApi |
CoordinateOperationFactory | Creates coordinate operations. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.operation | GeoApi |
CoordinateReferenceSystem | Abstract coordinate reference system, usually defined by a coordinate system and a | Interface | | GeoApi |
CoordinateSystem | The set of coordinate system axes that spans a given coordinate space. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.cs | GeoApi |
CoordinateSystemAxis | Definition of a coordinate system axis. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.cs | GeoApi |
CoverageContentType | Specific type of information represented in the cell. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.content | GeoApi |
CoverageDescription | Information about the content of a grid data cell. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.content | GeoApi |
CoverageResult | Result of a data quality measure organising the measured values as a coverage. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.quality | GeoApi |
CRSAuthorityFactory | Creates coordinate reference systems using authority codes. | Interface | | GeoApi |
CRSFactory | Builds up complex coordinate reference systems from simpler objects or values. | Interface | | GeoApi |
CSAuthorityFactory | Creates coordinate systems using authority codes. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.cs | GeoApi |
CSFactory | Builds up complex coordinate systems from simpler objects or values. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.cs | GeoApi |
CylindricalCS | A three-dimensional coordinate system consisting of a polar coordinate system extended by a straight coordinate axis perpendicular to the plane spanned by the | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.cs | GeoApi |
CylindricalProjection | Base interface for cylindrical map projections. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.operation | GeoApi |
DataFile | Description of a transfer data file. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.distribution | GeoApi |
DataIdentification | Information required to identify a dataset. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.identification | GeoApi |
DataQuality | Quality information for the data specified by a data quality scope. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.quality | GeoApi |
Datatype | Datatype of element or entity. | Class | org.opengis.metadata | GeoApi |
DateType | Identification of when a given event occurredSince:GeoAPI 2. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.citation | GeoApi |
Datum | Specifies the relationship of a coordinate system to the earth, thus creating a coordinate reference system. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.datum | GeoApi |
DatumAuthorityFactory | Creates datum objects using authority codes. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.datum | GeoApi |
DatumFactory | Builds up complex datums from simpler objects or values. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.datum | GeoApi |
DerivedCRS | A coordinate reference system that is defined by its coordinate conversion from another coordinate reference system but is not a projected coordinate reference system. | Interface | | GeoApi |
DigitalTransferOptions | Technical means and media by which a resource is obtained from the distributor. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.distribution | GeoApi |
Dimension | | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.spatial | GeoApi |
DimensionNameType | Name of the dimension. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.spatial | GeoApi |
DirectPosition | Holds the coordinates for a position within some coordinate reference system. | Interface | org.opengis.geometry | GeoApi |
Distribution | Information about the distributor of and options for obtaining the resource. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.distribution | GeoApi |
Distributor | Information about the distributor. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.distribution | GeoApi |
DomainConsistency | Adherence of values to the value domains. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.quality | GeoApi |
Element | Type of test applied to the data specified by a data quality scope. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.quality | GeoApi |
Ellipsoid | Geometric figure that can be used to describe the approximate shape of the earth. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.datum | GeoApi |
EllipsoidalCS | A two- or three-dimensional coordinate system in which position is specified by geodetic latitude, geodetic longitude, and (in the three-dimensional case) ellipsoidal height. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.cs | GeoApi |
EngineeringCRS | A contextually local coordinate reference system. | Interface | | GeoApi |
EngineeringDatum | Defines the origin of an engineering coordinate reference system. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.datum | GeoApi |
Envelope | A minimum bounding box or rectangle. | Interface | org.opengis.geometry | GeoApi |
EnvironmentalRecord | Information about the environmental conditions during the acquisition. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.acquisition | GeoApi |
EvaluationMethodType | Type of method for evaluating an identified data quality measure. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.quality | GeoApi |
Event | Identification of a significant collection point within an operation. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.acquisition | GeoApi |
ExtendedElementInformation | New metadata element, not found in ISO 19115, which is required to describe geographic data. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata | GeoApi |
Extent | Information about spatial, vertical, and temporal extent. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.extent | GeoApi |
Factory | Base interface for all factories. | Interface | org.opengis.util | GeoApi |
FactoryException | Thrown when a factory can't create an instance of the requested object. | Class | org.opengis.util | GeoApi |
FeatureCatalogueDescription | Information identifying the feature catalogue. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.content | GeoApi |
FeatureType | | Interface | org.opengis.feature.type | GeoApi |
FeatureTypeList | List of names of feature types with the same spatial representation (same as spatial attributes). | Interface | org.opengis.metadata | GeoApi |
Format | Description of the computer language construct that specifies the representation of data objects in a record, file, message, storage device or transmission channel. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.distribution | GeoApi |
FormatConsistency | Degree to which data is stored in accordance with the physical structure of the dataset, as described by the scope. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.quality | GeoApi |
Formula | Specification of the coordinate operation method formula. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.operation | GeoApi |
GCP | Information on ground control point. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.spatial | GeoApi |
GCPCollection | Information about a control point collection. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.spatial | GeoApi |
GeneralDerivedCRS | A coordinate reference system that is defined by its coordinate conversion from another coordinate reference system | Interface | | GeoApi |
GeneralParameterDescriptor | Abstract definition of a parameter or group of parameters used by an operation method. | Interface | org.opengis.parameter | GeoApi |
GeneralParameterValue | Abstract parameter value or group of parameter values. | Interface | org.opengis.parameter | GeoApi |
GenericName | A sequence of identifiers rooted within the context of a namespace. | Interface | org.opengis.util | GeoApi |
GeocentricCRS | A 3D coordinate reference system with the origin at the approximate centre of mass of the earth. | Interface | | GeoApi |
GeodeticCRS | A coordinate reference system associated with a geodetic datum. | Interface | | GeoApi |
GeodeticDatum | Defines the location and precise orientation in 3-dimensional space of a defined ellipsoid (or sphere) that approximates the shape of the earth. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.datum | GeoApi |
GeographicBoundingBox | Geographic position of the dataset. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.extent | GeoApi |
GeographicCRS | A coordinate reference system based on an ellipsoidal approximation of the geoid; this provides an accurate representation of the geometry of geographic features for a large portion of the | Interface | | GeoApi |
GeographicDescription | Description of the geographic area using identifiers. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.extent | GeoApi |
GeographicExtent | Base interface for geographic area of the dataset. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.extent | GeoApi |
GeolocationInformation | Information used to determine geographic location corresponding to image location. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.spatial | GeoApi |
GeometricObjects | Number of objects, listed by geometric object type, used in the dataset. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.spatial | GeoApi |
GeometricObjectType | Name of point and vector spatial objects used to locate zero-, one-, and twodimensional spatial locations in the dataset. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.spatial | GeoApi |
Geometry | | Interface | org.opengis.geometry | GeoApi |
GeometryType | Geometric description of the collection. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.acquisition | GeoApi |
Georectified | Grid whose cells are regularly spaced in a geographic (i. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.spatial | GeoApi |
Georeferenceable | Grid with cells irregularly spaced in any given geographic/map projection coordinate system, whose individual cells can be geolocated using geolocation information | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.spatial | GeoApi |
GriddedDataPositionalAccuracy | Closeness of gridded data position values to values accepted as or being true. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.quality | GeoApi |
GridSpatialRepresentation | Basic information required to uniquely identify a resource or resources. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.spatial | GeoApi |
Identification | Basic information required to uniquely identify a resource or resources. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.identification | GeoApi |
IdentifiedObject | Supplementary identification and remarks information for a CRS or CRS-related object. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing | GeoApi |
Identifier | Value uniquely identifying an object within a namespace. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata | GeoApi |
ImageCRS | An engineering coordinate reference system applied to locations in images. | Interface | | GeoApi |
ImageDatum | Defines the origin of an image coordinate reference system. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.datum | GeoApi |
ImageDescription | Information about an image's suitability for use. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.content | GeoApi |
ImagingCondition | Code which indicates conditions which may affect the image. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.content | GeoApi |
InitiativeType | Type of aggregation activity in which datasets are relatedSince:GeoAPI 2. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.identification | GeoApi |
Instrument | Designations for the measuring instruments. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.acquisition | GeoApi |
InternationalString | A string that has been internationalized into several locales. | Interface | org.opengis.util | GeoApi |
InvalidParameterCardinalityException | Thrown by ParameterValueGroup if adding or removing a parameter value would result in more or less parameters than the expected range. | Class | org.opengis.parameter | GeoApi |
InvalidParameterNameException | Thrown when an unexpected parameter was found in aSince:GeoAPI 1. | Class | org.opengis.parameter | GeoApi |
InvalidParameterTypeException | Thrown by ParameterValue getter methods when a value can not be casted to the requested type. | Class | org.opengis.parameter | GeoApi |
InvalidParameterValueException | Thrown by ParameterValue setter methods when they are given an invalid value. | Class | org.opengis.parameter | GeoApi |
Keywords | Keywords, their type and reference source. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.identification | GeoApi |
KeywordType | Methods used to group similar keywords. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.identification | GeoApi |
LegalConstraints | Restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing and using the resource. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.constraint | GeoApi |
Lineage | Information about the events or source data used in constructing the data specified by the scope or lack of knowledge about lineage. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.lineage | GeoApi |
LinearCS | A one-dimensional coordinate system that consists of the points that lie on the single axis described. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.cs | GeoApi |
LocalName | Identifier within a name space for a local object. | Interface | org.opengis.util | GeoApi |
LogicalConsistency | Degree of adherence to logical rules of data structure, attribution and relationships (data structure can be conceptual, logical or physical). | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.quality | GeoApi |
MaintenanceFrequency | Frequency with which modifications and deletions are made to the data after it isSince:GeoAPI 2. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.maintenance | GeoApi |
MaintenanceInformation | Information about the scope and frequency of updating. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.maintenance | GeoApi |
MathTransform | Transforms multi-dimensional coordinate points. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.operation | GeoApi |
MathTransform1D | Transforms one-dimensional coordinate points. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.operation | GeoApi |
MathTransform2D | Transforms two-dimensional coordinate points. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.operation | GeoApi |
MathTransformFactory | Low level factory for creating math transforms. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.operation | GeoApi |
Matrix | A two dimensional array of numbers. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.operation | GeoApi |
Medium | Information about the media on which the resource can be distributed. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.distribution | GeoApi |
MediumFormat | Method used to write to the medium. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.distribution | GeoApi |
MediumName | | Class | org.opengis.metadata.distribution | GeoApi |
MemberName | The name to identify a member of a record. | Interface | org.opengis.util | GeoApi |
Metadata | Root entity which defines metadata about a resource or resources. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata | GeoApi |
MetadataExtensionInformation | Information describing metadata extensions. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata | GeoApi |
MismatchedDimensionException | Indicates that an operation cannot be completed properly because of a mismatch in the dimensions of object attributes. | Class | org.opengis.geometry | GeoApi |
NameFactory | Factory for generic names and international strings. | Interface | org.opengis.util | GeoApi |
NameSpace | A domain in which names given by character strings are defined. | Interface | org.opengis.util | GeoApi |
NominalResolution | Distance between consistent parts of (centre, left side, right side) adjacent pixels. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.lineage | GeoApi |
NoninvertibleTransformException | Thrown when MathTransform. | Class | org.opengis.referencing.operation | GeoApi |
NonQuantitativeAttributeAccuracy | Accuracy of non-quantitative attributes. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.quality | GeoApi |
NoSuchAuthorityCodeException | Thrown when an authority factory can't find the requested authority code. | Class | org.opengis.referencing | GeoApi |
NoSuchIdentifierException | Thrown when an identifier provided to a factory method can not be found. | Class | org.opengis.util | GeoApi |
ObjectFactory | Base interface for all factories of identified objects. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing | GeoApi |
Objective | | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.acquisition | GeoApi |
ObjectiveType | Temporal persistence of collection objective. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.acquisition | GeoApi |
Obligation | enum Obligationextends EnumObligation of the element or entity. | Class | org.opengis.annotation | GeoApi |
Obligation | Obligation of the element or entity. | Class | org.opengis.metadata | GeoApi |
OnLineFunction | Class of information to which the referencing entity applies. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.citation | GeoApi |
OnlineResource | Information about on-line sources from which the dataset, specification, or community profile name and extended metadata elements can be obtained. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.citation | GeoApi |
Operation | Designations for the operation used to acquire the dataset. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.acquisition | GeoApi |
OperationMethod | Definition of an algorithm used to perform a coordinate operation. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.operation | GeoApi |
OperationNotFoundException | Thrown when a coordinate operation is not found. | Class | org.opengis.referencing.operation | GeoApi |
OperationType | Code indicating whether the data contained in this packet is real (originates from live-fly or other non-simulated operational sources), simulated (originates from target simulator sources), | Class | org.opengis.metadata.acquisition | GeoApi |
ParameterDescriptor | The definition of a parameter used by an operation method. | Interface | org.opengis.parameter | GeoApi |
ParameterDescriptorGroup | The definition of a group of related parameters used by an operation method. | Interface | org.opengis.parameter | GeoApi |
ParameterNotFoundException | Thrown by ParameterValueGroup and ParameterDescriptorGroup when a parameter is requested but not found in that group. | Class | org.opengis.parameter | GeoApi |
ParameterValue | A parameter value used by an operation method. | Interface | org.opengis.parameter | GeoApi |
ParameterValueGroup | A group of related parameter values. | Interface | org.opengis.parameter | GeoApi |
PassThroughOperation | A pass-through operation specifies that a subset of a coordinate tuple is subject to a specific coordinate operation. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.operation | GeoApi |
PeriodDuration | | Interface | org.opengis.temporal | GeoApi |
PixelInCell | Specification of the way the image grid is associated with the image data attributes. | Class | org.opengis.referencing.datum | GeoApi |
PixelOrientation | Point in a pixel corresponding to the Earth location of the pixel. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.spatial | GeoApi |
Plan | Designations for the planning information related to meeting the data acquisition requirements. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.acquisition | GeoApi |
PlanarProjection | Base interface for for azimuthal (or planar) map projections. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.operation | GeoApi |
Platform | Designation of the platform used to acquire the dataset. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.acquisition | GeoApi |
PlatformPass | Identification of collection coverage. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.acquisition | GeoApi |
Point | | Interface | org.opengis.geometry.primitive | GeoApi |
PolarCS | A two-dimensional coordinate system in which position is specified by the distance from the origin and the angle between the line from the origin to a point and a reference direction. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.cs | GeoApi |
PolarizationOrientation | Polarization of the antenna relative to the waveform. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.content | GeoApi |
PortrayalCatalogueReference | Information identifying the portrayal catalogue used. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata | GeoApi |
Position | A type consisting of either a direct position or of a point from which a direct position | Interface | org.opengis.geometry.coordinate | GeoApi |
PositionalAccuracy | Accuracy of the position of features. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.quality | GeoApi |
PresentationForm | Mode in which the data is represented. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.citation | GeoApi |
PrimeMeridian | A prime meridian defines the origin from which longitude values are determined. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.datum | GeoApi |
Priority | Ordered list of priorities. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.acquisition | GeoApi |
Processing | Comprehensive information about the procedure(s), process(es) and algorithm(s) applied in the process step. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.lineage | GeoApi |
ProcessStep | Description of the event, including related parameters or tolerances. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.lineage | GeoApi |
ProcessStepReport | Report of what occurred during the process step. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.lineage | GeoApi |
Profile | An annotation mapping an interface, methods or fields to a profile. | Class | org.opengis.annotation | GeoApi |
Progress | Status of the dataset or progress of a review. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.identification | GeoApi |
ProjectedCRS | A 2D coordinate reference system used to approximate the shape of the earth on a planar surface. | Interface | | GeoApi |
Projection | A conversion transforming (longitude,latitude) coordinates to cartesian coordinates | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.operation | GeoApi |
QuantitativeAttributeAccuracy | Accuracy of quantitative attributes. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.quality | GeoApi |
QuantitativeResult | Information about the value (or set of values) obtained from applying a data quality measure. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.quality | GeoApi |
RangeDimension | Information on the range of each dimension of a cell measurement value. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.content | GeoApi |
RangeElementDescription | Description of specific range elements. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.content | GeoApi |
RangeMeaning | Meaning of the axis value range specified throughSince:GeoAPI 2. | Class | org.opengis.referencing.cs | GeoApi |
Record | A list of logically related elements as (name, value) pairs in a dictionary. | Interface | org.opengis.util | GeoApi |
RecordSchema | A collection of record types. | Interface | org.opengis.util | GeoApi |
RecordType | The type definition of a record. | Interface | org.opengis.util | GeoApi |
ReferenceIdentifier | Identifier used for reference systems. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing | GeoApi |
ReferenceSystem | Description of a spatial and temporal reference system used by a dataset. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing | GeoApi |
RelativeInternalPositionalAccuracy | Closeness of the relative positions of features in the scope to their respective relative positions accepted as or being true. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.quality | GeoApi |
RepresentativeFraction | A scale defined as the inverse of a denominator. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.identification | GeoApi |
RequestedDate | Range of date validity. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.acquisition | GeoApi |
Requirement | Requirement to be satisfied by the planned data acquisition. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.acquisition | GeoApi |
Resolution | Level of detail expressed as a scale factor or a ground distance. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.identification | GeoApi |
ResponsibleParty | Identification of, and means of communication with, person(s) and organizations associated with the dataset. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.citation | GeoApi |
Restriction | Limitation(s) placed upon the access or use of the data. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.constraint | GeoApi |
Result | | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.quality | GeoApi |
Role | Function performed by the responsible party. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.citation | GeoApi |
Scope | Description of the data specified by the scope. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.quality | GeoApi |
ScopeCode | Class of information to which the referencing entity applies. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.maintenance | GeoApi |
ScopeDescription | Description of the class of information covered by the information. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.maintenance | GeoApi |
ScopedName | A composite of a local name (as head) for locating another name space, and a generic name (as | Interface | org.opengis.util | GeoApi |
SecurityConstraints | Handling restrictions imposed on the resource for national security or similar security concerns. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.constraint | GeoApi |
Sequence | Temporal relation of activation. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.acquisition | GeoApi |
Series | Information about the series, or aggregate dataset, to which a dataset belongs. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.citation | GeoApi |
ServiceIdentification | Identification of capabilities which a service provider makes available to a service user through a set of interfaces that define a behaviour - See ISO 19119 for further information. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.identification | GeoApi |
SingleCRS | Abstract coordinate reference system, consisting of a single Coordinate System and a single | Interface | | GeoApi |
SingleOperation | A parameterized mathematical operation on coordinates that transforms or converts coordinates to another coordinate reference system. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.operation | GeoApi |
Source | Information about the source data used in creating the data specified by the scope. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.lineage | GeoApi |
SpatialRepresentation | | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.spatial | GeoApi |
SpatialRepresentationType | Method used to represent geographic information in the dataset. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.spatial | GeoApi |
SpatialTemporalExtent | Extent with respect to date/time and spatial boundaries. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.extent | GeoApi |
Specification | enum Specificationextends EnumThe specifications from which an interface, method or code list was derived. | Class | org.opengis.annotation | GeoApi |
SphericalCS | A three-dimensional coordinate system with one distance measured from the origin and two angular coordinates. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.cs | GeoApi |
StandardOrderProcess | Common ways in which the resource may be obtained or received, and related instructions and fee information. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.distribution | GeoApi |
Telephone | Telephone numbers for contacting the responsible individual or organization. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.citation | GeoApi |
TemporalAccuracy | Accuracy of the temporal attributes and temporal relationships of features. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.quality | GeoApi |
TemporalConsistency | Correctness of ordered events or sequences, if reported. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.quality | GeoApi |
TemporalCRS | A 1D coordinate reference system used for the recording of time. | Interface | | GeoApi |
TemporalDatum | A temporal datum defines the origin of a temporal coordinate reference system. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.datum | GeoApi |
TemporalExtent | Time period covered by the content of the dataset. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.extent | GeoApi |
TemporalPrimitive | | Interface | org.opengis.temporal | GeoApi |
TemporalValidity | Validity of data specified by the scope with respect to time. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.quality | GeoApi |
ThematicAccuracy | Accuracy of quantitative attributes and the correctness of non-quantitative attributes and of the classifications of features and their relationships. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.quality | GeoApi |
ThematicClassificationCorrectness | Comparison of the classes assigned to features or their attributes to a universe of discourse. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.quality | GeoApi |
TimeCS | A one-dimensional coordinate system containing a single time axis, used to describe the temporal position of a point in the specified time units from a specified time origin. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.cs | GeoApi |
TopicCategory | High-level geographic data thematic classification to assist in the grouping and search of available geographic data sets. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.identification | GeoApi |
TopologicalConsistency | Correctness of the explicitly encoded topological characteristics of the dataset as described by the scope. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.quality | GeoApi |
TopologyLevel | Degree of complexity of the spatial relationships. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.spatial | GeoApi |
TransferFunctionType | Transform function to be used when scaling a physical value for a given element. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.content | GeoApi |
Transformation | An operation on coordinates that usually includes a change of Datum. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.operation | GeoApi |
TransformException | Common superclass for a number of transformation-related exceptions. | Class | org.opengis.referencing.operation | GeoApi |
Trigger | Mechanism of activation. | Class | org.opengis.metadata.acquisition | GeoApi |
Type | The type definition. | Interface | org.opengis.util | GeoApi |
TypeName | The name of an attribute type. | Interface | org.opengis.util | GeoApi |
UML | An annotation mapping each interface, methods or fields to the UML identifier where they come from. | Class | org.opengis.annotation | GeoApi |
Usability | Degree of adherence of a dataset to a specific set of user requirements. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.quality | GeoApi |
Usage | Brief description of ways in which the resource(s) is/are currently used. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.identification | GeoApi |
UserDefinedCS | A two- or three-dimensional coordinate system that consists of any combination of coordinate axes not covered by any other Coordinate System type. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.cs | GeoApi |
VectorSpatialRepresentation | Information about the vector spatial objects in the dataset. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.spatial | GeoApi |
VerticalCRS | A 1D coordinate reference system used for recording heights or depths. | Interface | | GeoApi |
VerticalCS | A one-dimensional coordinate system used to record the heights (or depths) of points. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.cs | GeoApi |
VerticalDatum | A textual description and/or a set of parameters identifying a particular reference level surface used as a zero-height surface. | Interface | org.opengis.referencing.datum | GeoApi |
VerticalDatumType | Type of a vertical datum. | Class | org.opengis.referencing.datum | GeoApi |
VerticalExtent | Vertical domain of dataset. | Interface | org.opengis.metadata.extent | GeoApi |