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# Classes and Interfaces in #HttpUnit - 91 results found.
AuthorizationRequiredExceptionThis exception is thrown when an unauthorized request is made for a page that requires authentication.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
Base64A utility class to convert to and from base 64 encoding.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
BlockElementRepresents a block-level element such as a paragraph or table cell, which can contain other elements.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
ClientPropertiesA class which represents the properties of a web client.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
CookieAn HTTP client-side cookie.Classcom.meterware.httpunit.cookiesHttpUnit
CookieJarA collection of HTTP cookies, which can interact with cookie and set-cookie header values.Classcom.meterware.httpunit.cookiesHttpUnit
CookieListenerAn interface for classes which can listen for cookies being rejected and the reason.Interfacecom.meterware.httpunit.cookiesHttpUnit
CookiePropertiesControls behavior for cookies.Classcom.meterware.httpunit.cookiesHttpUnit
CookieSourceThis interface represents a source from which to parse out cookies.Interfacecom.meterware.httpunit.cookiesHttpUnit
DNSListenerA listener for DNS Requests.Interfacecom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
DialogResponderInterface for an object to supply user responses to dialogs.Interfacecom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
FormControlRepresents a control in an HTML form.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
FormParameterRepresents the aggregate of all form controls with a particular name.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
FrameSelectorAn immutable class which describes the position of a frame in the window hierarchy.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
GetMethodWebRequestAn HTTP request using the GET method.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
HTMLElementAn interface which defines the common properties for an HTML element, which can correspond to any HTML tag.Interfacecom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
HTMLElementPredicateAn interface which can be used to define matching criteria for an HTML element.Interfacecom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
HTMLPageThis class represents an HTML page returned from a request.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
HTMLParserA front end to a DOM parser that can handle HTML.Interfacecom.meterware.httpunit.parsingHttpUnit
HTMLParserFactoryFactory for creating HTML parsers.Classcom.meterware.httpunit.parsingHttpUnit
HTMLParserListenerA listener for messages from the HTMLParser.Interfacecom.meterware.httpunit.parsingHttpUnit
HTMLSegmentRepresents the parse tree for a segment of HTML.Interfacecom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
HeadMethodWebRequestA web request using the HEAD method.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
HeaderOnlyWebRequestA web request which has no information in its message body.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
HtmlErrorListenerThis interface represents a listener which can receive notification of errors and warnings during the parsingAuthor:Benoit Xhenseval, Russell GoldInterfacecom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
HttpExceptionThis exception is thrown when an Http error (response code 4xx or 5xx) is detected.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
HttpHeaderConstructor SummaryHttpHeader(java.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
HttpInternalErrorExceptionThis exception is thrown when an internal error is found on the server.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
HttpNotFoundExceptionThis exception is thrown when the desired URL is not found.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
HttpRequestRepresents a single HTTP request, extracted from the input stream.Classcom.meterware.pseudoserverHttpUnit
HttpUnitOptionsA collection of global options to control HttpUnit's behavior.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
HttpUnitUtilsUtility code shared by httpunit and servletunit.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
HttpUserAgentTestA base class for test cases that use the pseudo server.Classcom.meterware.pseudoserverHttpUnit
HttpsProtocolSupportEncapsulates support for the HTTPS protocol.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
IllegalRequestParameterExceptionThis exception is thrown on an attempt to set a form parameter in a way not possible from a browser.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
InputAn interface for scriptable delegates which represent form controls.Interfacecom.meterware.httpunit.scriptingHttpUnit
InvocationContextAn interface which represents the invocation of a servlet.Interfacecom.meterware.servletunitHttpUnit
JSPServletDescriptorDescribes a servlet used to handle JSPs.Interfacecom.meterware.servletunitHttpUnit
JUnitServletA servlet which can run unit tests inside a servlet context.Classcom.meterware.servletunitHttpUnit
MessageBodyWebRequestA web request which contains a non-empty message body.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
NodeUtilsSome common utilities for manipulating DOM nodes.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
PostMethodWebRequestAn HTTP request using the POST method.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
PseudoServerA basic simulated web-server for testing user agents without a web server.Classcom.meterware.pseudoserverHttpUnit
PseudoServletA basic simulated servlet for testing the HttpUnit library.Classcom.meterware.pseudoserverHttpUnit
PutMethodWebRequestA web request using the PUT protocol.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
RadioButtonFormControlFields inherited from class com.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
RecursiveRedirectionExceptionClass used to indicate when a request to a resource resulted in an HTTP redirect response that lead to a recursive loop of redirectionsClasscom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
ResetButtonRepresents a form 'reset' button.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
ScriptExceptionAn exception thrown when there is a problem running a script.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
ScriptableDelegateAn interface for objects which will be accessible via scripting.Classcom.meterware.httpunit.scriptingHttpUnit
ScriptingEventHandlerinterface for every object that may have excutable events and their scripts attachedInterfacecom.meterware.httpunit.scriptingHttpUnit
ServletRunnerThis class acts as a test environment for servlets.Classcom.meterware.servletunitHttpUnit
ServletTestCaseA base class for test cases to be run via JUnitServlet.Classcom.meterware.servletunitHttpUnit
ServletUnitClientA client for use with the servlet runner class, allowing the testing of servlets without an actual servlet container.Classcom.meterware.servletunitHttpUnit
ServletUnitServletContextThis class is a private implementation of the ServletContext class.Classcom.meterware.servletunitHttpUnit
SubmitButtonThis class represents a submit button in an HTML form.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
TableCellA single cell in an HTML table.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
TextBlockA class which represents a block of text in a web page.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
UnsupportedActionExceptionAn exception thrown when an action URL is not supported.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
WebAppletThis class represents the embedding of an applet in a web page.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
WebClientThe context for a series of web requests.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
WebClientListenerA listener for messages sent and received by a web client.Interfacecom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
WebConversationThe context for a series of HTTP requests.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
WebFormThis class represents a form in an HTML page.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
WebImageRepresents an image in an HTML document.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
WebLinkThis class represents a link in an HTML page.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
WebListRepresents an HTML list.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
WebRequestA request sent to a web server.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
WebRequestSourceBase class for objects which can be clicked to generate new web requests.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
WebResourceA resource to be returned from the simulated server.Classcom.meterware.pseudoserverHttpUnit
WebResponseA response to a web request from a web server.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
WebTableThis class represents a table in an HTML page.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
WebWindowA window managed by a WebClient.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
WebWindowListenerA listener for web window openings and closings.Interfacecom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit