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# Classes and Interfaces in #HypergraphDb - 378 results found.
AbstractTypeConstructorThis type is a predefined type constructor that manages abstract types in the HyperGraph storage.Classorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
AccessibleObjectCache Utility class to maintain runtime caches of Field, Method and Constructor for use by HGAtomType implementations.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
ActionQueueThread This a simple queue that runs as a thread and executes passed in action object (i.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
AggregateFuture An AggregateFuture encapsulates several Future into a single one.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
AnalyzedQuery A query object that holds information collected during the compilation process.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
And Represents the conjunction operator of a query condition.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
AnyAtomCondition This condition is satisfied by any and all atoms in the HyperGraph database.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
ApplyNewIndexer The MaintenanceOperation will create index entries for a newlyAuthor:Borislav IordanovClassorg.hypergraphdb.maintenanceHypergraphDb
ArityCondition The ArityCondition is a simply predicate condition that checks the arity (i.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
ArrayBasedIterator Implements an Iterator over the elements of a built-in Java array.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
ArrayBasedSet An implementation SortedSet based on primitive arrays that grow as needed without ever shrinking.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
ArrayType An ArrayType handles fixed size arrays of values of the same type (i.Classorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
AsyncSearchResultImpl Default implementation of AsyncSearchResult based on an underlying HGSearchResult where each operation is submitted as a task to the Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
AtomPartCondition A condition that constraints the value of a component of a composite typed atom.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
AtomPartRegExPredicateA predicate that constrains the value of a component of a composite typed atom using a regular expression.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
AtomProjection This link represents a relationship between a composite type and one of its projections.Classorg.hypergraphdb.atomHypergraphDb
AtomProjectionCondition An AtomProjectionCondition will yield all atoms that are projections along a certain dimension of a given base atom set.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
AtomRefType Represents the type of a HGAtomRef value.Classorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
AtomRegExPredicateBase class for matching string values using a regular expression.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
AtomSetType Implements the HyperGraph type of HGAtomSet atoms.Classorg.hypergraphdb.atomHypergraphDb
AtomTypeCondition An AtomTypeCondition examines the type of a given atom and evaluates to true or false depending onClassorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
AtomValueCondition The AtomValueCondition represents a query condition on the atom value.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
AtomValueRegExPredicateA predicate that constrains the value of an atom using a regular expression.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
BAUtils This class contains some utilities methods to read/write primitively typed values from/toAuthor:Borislav IordanovClassorg.hypergraphdb.storageHypergraphDb
BFSCondition The breadth-first search variant of a TraversalCondition.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
BonesOfBeansThis is a utility class to handle bean introspection.Classorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
BooleanPrimitiveArrayType Boolean arrays are stored using a byte for each boolean value (as usual, 0 for false and 1 for true).Classorg.hypergraphdb.type.javaprimitiveHypergraphDb
ByPartIndexer Represents by the value of a part in a composite type.Classorg.hypergraphdb.indexingHypergraphDb
ByTargetIndexer Represents an index by a specific target position in ordered links.Classorg.hypergraphdb.indexingHypergraphDb
ByteArrayConverter A utility interface to define mappings between byte [] and object instances.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.storageHypergraphDb
CacheActionQueueSingleton Wrap a single instance of ActionQueueThread for use by all caches in a Author:Borislav IordanovClassorg.hypergraphdb.cacheHypergraphDb
CacheMap A simplified map interface for cache-only purposes.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.cacheHypergraphDb
CallbackFuture An CallbackFuture offers the possibility to call back a registered listener when it is completed.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
CloneMe Expose the clone method publicly so that it can be invoked at an interface/abstract class level.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
ColdAtomsThe purpose of this class is just to keep references to atoms in the WeakRefAtomCache for a little while so that they don't get evicted as soon as the garbage collectorClassorg.hypergraphdb.cacheHypergraphDb
CollectionType A CollectionType instance is capable for managing collections of objects in the HyperGraph store.Classorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
CollectionTypeConstructor Represents the type of CollectionTypes.Classorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
ComparisonOperatorenum ComparisonOperator Type safe enum for comparison operators equals, less than etc.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
CompletedFuture Represents a Future that's already completed.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
ContradictoryCondition To simplify the logic of query compilation a bit - a step during the compilation process can throw that exception to indicate that it has detected a condition that is self-contradictory, it cannot be fullfilled and it will always lead to an emptyClassorg.hypergraphdb.query.cond2qryHypergraphDb
CopyGraphTraversal A breadth-first like traversal that will return the same atom multiple times - once for each distinct link leading to it.Classorg.hypergraphdb.algorithmsHypergraphDb
DBKeyedSortedSet A database-backed HGSortedSet implementation representing the ordered duplicate values associated with a single key.Classorg.hypergraphdb.storageHypergraphDb
DefaultALGenerator A default implementation of the HGALGenerator that should cover most common cases.Classorg.hypergraphdb.algorithmsHypergraphDb
DefaultAtomCache A default, simple implementation of a run-time cache of hypergraph atoms.Classorg.hypergraphdb.cacheHypergraphDb
DefaultTransactionContext A default implementation of HGTransactionContext using a stack of currently active transactions.Classorg.hypergraphdb.transactionHypergraphDb
DelayedSetLoadPredicate A predicate that check whether a handle is the member of a set of handles.Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
DelegateMapResolver A map-based resolver that will delegate to another resolved if the element is not in the map.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
DFSCondition The depth-first search variant of a TraversalCondition.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
DirectValueIndexer Index atoms directly by their values serialized as byte[].Classorg.hypergraphdb.indexingHypergraphDb
DisconnectedPredicate A predicate that returns true if the incidence set of a given atom is empty and false otherwise.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
DummyReadWriteLock A read-write lock that doesn't lock at all.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
EnumTypeConstructor Manages instances of EnumType.Classorg.hypergraphdb.type.javaprimitiveHypergraphDb
FilteredResultSet Filter a result set through a predicate.Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
FilterIterator A filtering iterator wraps a source iterator an filter out some of its elements based on a predicate.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
GenericObjectFactory An ObjectFactory implementation that simply uses a specific Class to fabricate instances.Classorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
GraphClassics A collection of classical graph algorithms implemented within the HyperGraphDB framework.Classorg.hypergraphdb.algorithmsHypergraphDb
HandleArrayResultSet Implements a HGSearchResult comprising the atoms in a given HGHandle array.Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
HashCodeUtilCollected methods which allow easy implementation of hashCode.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
HGAbstractCompositeType Represents an abstract type (can't be instantiated) that has some properties - modeled after and mainly used to represent an abstract Java bean.Classorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
HGAbstractType The implementation of a HyperGraph abstract types.Classorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
HGALGenerator This interface defines an adjacency list (AL) generator.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.algorithmsHypergraphDb
HGAtomAccessedEvent This event is triggered every time an atom is accessed by its handle in HyperGraph.Classorg.hypergraphdb.eventHypergraphDb
HGAtomAddedEvent This is triggered after a new atom, node or link, has been added to to HyperGraph.Classorg.hypergraphdb.eventHypergraphDb
HGAtomAttrib A simple structure that holds system-level atom attributes.Classorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
HGAtomCacheThe HGAtomCache interface abstracts the HyperGraph caching activities in order for different caching policies and implementationsInterfaceorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
HGAtomEvent This is a base class for various atom related events.Classorg.hypergraphdb.eventHypergraphDb
HGAtomEvictEvent An HGAtomEvictedEvent is triggered by the cache when an atom's run-time instance is removed from memory.Classorg.hypergraphdb.eventHypergraphDb
HGAtomPredicate This interface defines a predicate of a single atom.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
HGAtomProposeEvent Event triggered when a new atom is about to be added to the graph.Classorg.hypergraphdb.eventHypergraphDb
HGAtomRef An instance HGAtomRef represents a reference to a HyperGraph atom.Classorg.hypergraphdb.atomHypergraphDb
HGAtomRefusedException This exception is thrown when an attempt to add a new atom to a HyperGraph instance failed.Classorg.hypergraphdb.eventHypergraphDb
HGAtomRemoveRequestEvent A HGAtomRemoveRequestEvent is triggered when an attempt is made to remove an from HyperGraph, but before the removal process proceeds.Classorg.hypergraphdb.eventHypergraphDb
HGAtomReplaceRequestEvent A HGAtomReplaceRequestEvent is triggered when an attempt is made to replace the value of an existing atom within the HyperGraph, but before the replacement process proceeds.Classorg.hypergraphdb.eventHypergraphDb
HGAtomSet A HGAtomSet represents a temporary construction of a set of atoms.Classorg.hypergraphdb.atomHypergraphDb
HGAtomType A HGAtomType is an object capable of translating run-time atom instances to/from data in HGStore as well as providing minimal semantic information aboutInterfaceorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
HGAtomTypeBase A base class for implementing HGAtomType.Classorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
HGBergeLink A HGBergeLink represent a hyperarc or hyperedge in the mathematical theory of hypergraphs.Classorg.hypergraphdb.atomHypergraphDb
HGBidirectionalIndex A HGBidirectionalIndex provides efficient searching of an index entry by value as well as by key.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
HGBreadthFirstTraversal Implements a breadth-first search of a graph.Classorg.hypergraphdb.algorithmsHypergraphDb
HGCache A simple generic, read-only caching interface.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.cacheHypergraphDb
HGClosingEvent A HGClosingEvent is generated right before the closing and cleanup process of currently opened HyperGraph is initiated.Classorg.hypergraphdb.eventHypergraphDb
HGCompositeType A HGCompositeType represents a HyperGraph type with several dimensions.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
HGConfiguration A bean that holds configuration parameters for a HyperGraphDB initialization.Classorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
HGDatabaseVersionFile Represents version information at a particular database instance.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
HGDepthFirstTraversal Implements a depth-first search of a graph.Classorg.hypergraphdb.algorithmsHypergraphDb
HGEnvironment This class provides some facilities to manage several open HyperGraph databases within a single virtual machine.Classorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
HGEvent This interface marks an object that is a HyperGraph event.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.eventHypergraphDb
HGEventManager A HGEventManager is bound to a single HyperGraph instance.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.eventHypergraphDb
HGException A HGException is thrown by HyperGraph code anywhere an abnormal situation, that cannot usually be handled in an obvious way besidesClassorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
HGExecutorService A wrapper of an underlying executor service implementation that ensures a transaction context is inherited from the calling thread when a taskClassorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
HGGraphHolder The interface is for atoms that need to hold a reference to the HyperGraph to which they belong.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
HGHandle A HGHandle represents a reference to a hypergraph atom.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
HGHandleFactory The HGHandleFactory is used to manage persistent handles for the atoms of HyperGraph instance.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
HGHandleHolder Implement this interface for atoms that will hold their HyperGraphDB handle as a bean property.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
HGIgnore This annotation can be used to mark a bean property to be ignored when a HyperGraph type is being automatically created for it.Classorg.hypergraphdb.annotationHypergraphDb
HGIndexThe HGIndex interface represents an user-created index in the HyperGraph Note that taking advantage of the fact that Java allows overriding methods toInterfaceorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
HGIndexer An HGIndexer represents an atom used internally by HyperGraphDB to manage indices.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.indexingHypergraphDb
HGIndexManager The HGIndexManager allows you to create atom indices.Classorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
HGKeyIndexer An HGKeyIndexer represents an atom used internally by HyperGraphDB to manage key-based indices.Classorg.hypergraphdb.indexingHypergraphDb
HGLink The HGLink interface defines a hypergraph link.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
HGListener A HGListener must be implemented in order to be receive notifications about HyperGraph events.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.eventHypergraphDb
HGListenerAtom This is a simple bean-like atom that can be used to register listeners that will be automatically loaded when a HyperGraph is open.Classorg.hypergraphdb.eventHypergraphDb
HGLiveHandle A LiveHandle represents an in memory handle to a HyperGraph atom.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.handleHypergraphDb
HGLoadPredefinedTypeEvent This event is triggered by the type system when the run-time instance of a predefined type needs to be loaded in the cache.Classorg.hypergraphdb.eventHypergraphDb
HGLock An implementation of ReadWriteLock that will use the currently active database transaction if there is one (through BDBTxLock) Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
HGOpenedEvent A HGOpenedEvent is generated right after a new HyperGraph instance has been opened and fully initialized.Classorg.hypergraphdb.eventHypergraphDb
HGOrderedSearchable The HGOrderedSearchable interface specifies that an object can be viewed as an ordered collection from where a range of values can be obtained Interfaceorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
HGPersistentHandle A HGPersistentHandle is a HGHandle that survives system downtime.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
HGPlainLink A default HGLink implementation provided by hypergraph.Classorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
HGPredefinedTypes This class contains static references to all HyperGraphDB predefined types.Classorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
HGPrimitiveType A HGPrimitiveType is a HGAtomType that store its values directly as raw byte data.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
HGProjection A HGProjection represents a dimension of a composite type.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
HGQuery The HGQuery class represents an arbitrary query to the HyperGraph database.Classorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
HGQueryCondition The interface defines a HyperGraph query condition.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
HGQueryConfiguration Holds a set of configuration settings for the query sub-system of a HyperGraphAuthor:Borislav IordanovClassorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
HGRandomAccessResult A HGRandomAccessResult is a search result that is based on some kind of cursor that allows immediate positioning on some result value, if itInterfaceorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
HGRefCountedType A marker interface indicating that a given HGAtomType implementation is reference-counted.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
HGRel Represents a name relationship/link between entities.Classorg.hypergraphdb.atomHypergraphDb
HGRelType Represents the type a "semantic" relationship.Classorg.hypergraphdb.atomHypergraphDb
HGRelTypeConstructor The type of HGRelType.Classorg.hypergraphdb.atomHypergraphDb
HGReplaceRefusedException This exception is thrown when an attempt to replace the value of an existing atom failed.Classorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
HGSearchable The HGSearchable interface specifies that an object can be searched by a key.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
HGSearchResult Represents the result set of a HyperGraph query.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
HGSerializable This atom marks a Java class (or interface) for serialization in HyperGraph storage.Classorg.hypergraphdb.atomHypergraphDb
HGSortedSet A variation of the standard SortedSet interface that offers a HGRandomAccessResult of its elements in addition to an Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
HGSortIndex A HGSortIndex is a HGIndex that maintains its keys in an order relation.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
HGStats This is a singleton HyperGraph managed atom that the system uses to collect global statistics about the HyperGraph instance.Classorg.hypergraphdb.atomHypergraphDb
HGStore An instance of HGStore is associated with each HyperGraph to manage to low-level interaction with the underlying database mechanism.Classorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
HGStoreImplementation A HGStoreImplementation provides the crucial storage layer for a HyperGraphDB instance.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.storageHypergraphDb
HGStoreSubgraph A StorageGraph bound to a HGStore.Classorg.hypergraphdb.storageHypergraphDb
HGSubgraph A HyperNode that encapsulates a set of atoms from the global HyperGraph database.Classorg.hypergraphdb.atomHypergraphDb
HGSubsumes The HGSubsumes link represents a subsumes relationship between two atoms, either declared, or inferred by HyperGraph.Classorg.hypergraphdb.atomHypergraphDb
HGSystemFlags This interface defines a set of system-level atom flags that can be specified at atom addition time in order to control things like atom lifetime.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
HGTransact This annotation indicates that a given method should be wrapped in a transaction.Classorg.hypergraphdb.annotationHypergraphDb
HGTransaction Implements a transaction in HyperGraphDB.Classorg.hypergraphdb.transactionHypergraphDb
HGTransactionConfig Encapsulates configuration parameters for a single transaction.Classorg.hypergraphdb.transactionHypergraphDb
HGTransactionContext A transaction context maintains a stack of nested transactions.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.transactionHypergraphDb
HGTransactionEndEventAn event triggered upon completion (successful or not) of each transaction.Classorg.hypergraphdb.eventHypergraphDb
HGTransactionException A HGTransactionException is thrown from within the transaction handling of HyperGraph.Classorg.hypergraphdb.transactionHypergraphDb
HGTransactionManager The HGTransactionManager handles transactional activity for a single HyperGraph instance.Classorg.hypergraphdb.transactionHypergraphDb
HGTransactionStartedEventAn event triggered upon the start of every database transaction.Classorg.hypergraphdb.eventHypergraphDb
HGTraversal This interface represents a generic graph traversal.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.algorithmsHypergraphDb
HGTypeConfiguration This class encapsulates startup configuration parameters for the HyperGraphDB type system.Classorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
HGTypedValue This is a utility class to manipulate arbitrary HyperGraph typed objects, that are not necessarily stored as HyperGraph atoms.Classorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
HGTypeHolder Implement this interface for atoms that will hold the instance of their HyperGraphDB type as a bean property.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
HGTypeStructuralInfo The HGTypeStructuralInfo class represents a HyperGraph atom that provides fixed structural information about atoms of a definite type.Classorg.hypergraphdb.atomHypergraphDb
HGTypeSystem The HGTypeSystem manages atom type information for a given HyperGraph database.Classorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
HGUniquenessConstraint A HGUniquenessContraint defines what makes an atom of a given type unique.Classorg.hypergraphdb.atomHypergraphDb
HGUserAbortException This exception is to be thrown by application code to force aborting the current transaction within a transaction closure.Classorg.hypergraphdb.transactionHypergraphDb
HGUtils The mandatory bag of static utility method class.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
HGValueIndexer An indexer that not only determines the key in an index entry, but the value as well.Classorg.hypergraphdb.indexingHypergraphDb
HGValueLink HGValueLink is a HGLink that can hold an arbitrary object as payload.Classorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
HyperGraph This is the main class representing a HyperGraph database.Classorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
HyperTraversal This class is work in progress - it was done to solve the immediate problem of transferring a sub-graph from one location to another.Classorg.hypergraphdb.algorithmsHypergraphDb
IncidenceSet Represents an atom incidence set.Classorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
IncidenceSetRef An implementation that will lazily query for the incidence set of an atom.Classorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
IncidentCondition The IncidentCondition specifies that a search result atom should be a member of the incidence set of a given atom.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
IndexBasedQuery A simple query that operates on a single index.Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
IndexScanQuery This queries simply scans all elements in a given index.Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
IntersectionQuery An IntersectionQuery combines the results of two underlying queries and produces a result set containing only elements that appearClassorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
IntHandleFactory Produces integer valued persistent handles.Classorg.hypergraphdb.handleHypergraphDb
IntType The implementation of the primitive Integer type.Classorg.hypergraphdb.type.javaprimitiveHypergraphDb
IsCondition An "identity" condition that evaluates to true for a specific handle.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
JavaAbstractBinding Acts as an atom type for Java interfaces and abstract classes that have declared/visible bean properties or private fields translated into Classorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
JavaBeanBinding Acts as a HGAtomType for Java beans.Classorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
JavaInterfaceBinding Acts as an atom type for Java interfaces and abstract classes with no declared/visible bean properties.Classorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
JavaTypeFactory The JavaTypeFactory is used to infer HyperGraph types based on Java beans.Classorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
JavaTypeMapper A JavaTypeMapper is used to create HyperGraphDB type out of Java classes and to provide appropriate run-time representations.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
KeyBasedQuery A KeyBasedQuery is a HGQuery that produces a result based on a single key value.Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
LazyRef Encapsulate the reference of an object for loading on demand.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
LinkCondition A LinkCondition constraints the query result set to links pointing to a target set of atoms.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
LinkIndexer A LinkIndexer indexes atoms by their target ordered set.Classorg.hypergraphdb.indexingHypergraphDb
LinkRecord This class represents a generic implementation of a record that is also aAuthor:Borislav IordanovClassorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
LinkTargetsResultSet This is the same as HandleArrayResultSet, but it uses a loaded link atom instance instead of a HGHandle[].Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
LLRBTree Implements a set of elements as a left-leaning red-black tree.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
LRUCache Implements a cache that keeps most recently used elements in memory while discarding the least recently used ones.Classorg.hypergraphdb.cacheHypergraphDb
MaintenanceException Represents an exception that occurred during the execution of a MaintenanceOperation.Classorg.hypergraphdb.maintenanceHypergraphDb
MaintenanceOperation Represents a maintenance operation performed on a HyperGraph database.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.maintenanceHypergraphDb
MappedResult A MappedResult is a HGSearchResult with an applied transformation to each of its elements.Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
MappingAn interface specifying a single argument function.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
MemoryWarningSystem This memory warning system will call all registered listeners when we exceed the percentage of available heap memory specified.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
NoHyperGraphTypeException Thrown when the type system is not able to create a HyperGraph type for a given type identifier (e.Classorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
Not A generic negating HGQueryCondition.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
Nothing This condition represents the negation of everything.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
ObjectFactory An ObjectFactory is capable of constructing concrete run-time instances of a certain Class.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
Or Represents the disjunction operator of a query condition.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
OrderedLinkCondition A OrderedLinkCondition constraints the query result set to ordered links pointing to a target set of atoms.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
Pair The inexplicably missing class from the java.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
PhantomHandle An implementation of a live handle that tracks garbage collection activity by extending PhantomReference.Classorg.hypergraphdb.handleHypergraphDb
PipedResult A piped query result takes the output of a query, in the form of a HGSearchResult instance and uses it as input to a "pipe"Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
PipeQuery A PipeQuery pipes the output of one query as the input of another.Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
PositionedIncidentCondition A PositionedLinkCondition constraints the query result set to links pointing to a target atom positioned within a predetermined range in Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
PredefinedTypeDescriptor This is a simple structure that hold information about a predefined HyperGraph type.Classorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
PredefinedTypesConfig Utility to read and hold configuration of predefined HyperGraphDB types.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
PredicateBasedFilter A HGQuery whose result is constructed by filtering the result set of another HGQuery according to a HGQueryCondition.Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
PredicateBasedRAFilter A HGQuery whose result is constructed by filtering the result set of another HGQuery according to a HGQueryCondition.Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
PrimitiveTypeBase A generic, base implementation of the primitive Java types.Classorg.hypergraphdb.type.javaprimitiveHypergraphDb
QueryCompile A controller-type of class that maintains context during the query compilation process.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
RABasedPredicate Make a random access result set as a predicate.Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
RAMStorageGraph A StorageGraph bound to a RAM map to be populated explicitly Author:Borislav IordanovClassorg.hypergraphdb.storageHypergraphDb
ReadyRef An implementation of LazyRef that simply encapsulates an existing value.Classorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
Record The Record implements a generic hypergraph record structure.Classorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
RecordType A RecordType represents a particular combination of slots that can be used to construct records.Classorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
RecordTypeConstructor A RecordTypeConstructor represents the HG (meta) type of a RecordType.Classorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
RefCountedMap A variation on a map where values are managed like resources: a put increments a reference count on an existing key-value entry and a removeClassorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
RefResolver Defines a generic capability to resolve a reference of type Key to an object of type Value.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
ResultMapQuery A HGQuery that transforms the result of an underlying query by applying a provided mapping.Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
SearchableBasedQuery A simple query that operates on a single HGSearchable entity, usuallyAuthor:Borislav IordanovClassorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
SearchResultWrapper Used to wrap a HGRandomAccessResult in order to "disable" it.Classorg.hypergraphdb.storageHypergraphDb
SequentialUUIDHandleFactory A handle factory that generates UUID persistent handles out of a base long and an increment counter long value.Classorg.hypergraphdb.handleHypergraphDb
SerializableType This type implementation handles values as serializable Java blobs.Classorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
SimpleALGenerator The SimpleALGenerator produces all atoms linked to the given atom, regardless of the link type and regardless of how an outgoing set is ordered.Classorg.hypergraphdb.algorithmsHypergraphDb
SimpleStack A simple, non thread-safe stack, missing from java.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
SimpleValueCondition Basic class for conditions examining individual primitive values.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
Slot A Slot represents a placeholder in a record type.Classorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
SlotType The SlotType handles atoms of type Slot.Classorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
SoftHashMap This is similar to the standard WeakHashMap, but it uses SoftReferences for the map's values instead Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
SortedIntersectionResult Combines two ordered result sets into a (ordered) result representing their set theoretical intersection.Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
StorageGraph Represents a storage layout graph.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.storageHypergraphDb
StorageWithAnnotatedIncidence TODO - this could be used as a wrapper for any storage implementation, a wrapper that allows incidence set indexing to be augmented with additional attributes.Classorg.hypergraphdb.storageHypergraphDb
StringType The implementation of the primitive String type.Classorg.hypergraphdb.type.javaprimitiveHypergraphDb
SubsumedCondition The SubsumedCondition examines a given atom and is satisfied if that atom is subsumed by the atom specified in the condition.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
SubsumesCondition The SubsumesCondition examines a given atom and is satisfied if that atom subsumes the atom specified in the condition.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
TargetCondition A query condition that constraints the result set to atoms that are targets toAuthor:Borislav IordanovClassorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
TargetSetIterator An iterator over the target set of a given link.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
TargetToTargetIndexer A HGValueIndexer for HyperGraph links where the key in the index is one of the targets within a link and the value is another one of the targets.Classorg.hypergraphdb.indexingHypergraphDb
TempLink This class represents a simple, temporary link used during various query and graph traversal activities.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
TextType The implementation of the primitive String type for large This implementation records the string using its getBytesClassorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
Top The Top HGAtomType represents the type of predefined types.Classorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
TraversalCondition A condition that gets translated into a graph traversal.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
TraversalResult TraversalResult wraps a graph HGTraversal as a query HGSearchResult.Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
TwoWayIterator This interface defines a bi-directional iterator over a collection of objects.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdbHypergraphDb
TwoWayMap A bi-directional map X Y.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
TxList Transactional linked list - random access is O(n)Author:Borislav IordanovClassorg.hypergraphdb.transactionHypergraphDb
TxMap A transactional map - every operation on this map is conducted within a transaction and becomes void if the transaction is aborted.Classorg.hypergraphdb.transactionHypergraphDb
TxSet A transactional HGSortedSet that implements MVCC for concurrency instead of locking.Classorg.hypergraphdb.transactionHypergraphDb
TypedValueCondition This is a HGQueryCondition that constrains the value of an atom as well as its type.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
TypeUtils A set of static utility methods operating on types.Classorg.hypergraphdb.typeHypergraphDb
UnionQuery An UnionQuery combines the results of two underlying queries and produces a result set containing elements that appearClassorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
UnionResult Combines two result set into a result representing their set theoretic union.Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
UUIDNOTE - code adapted from JUG libary (Copyright (c) 2002- Tatu Saloranta, tatu.Classorg.hypergraphdb.handleHypergraphDb
UUIDHandleFactory A persistent handle factory based on type IV (crypto-strong) UUIDs.Classorg.hypergraphdb.handleHypergraphDb
UUIDTrieAn implementation of a trie for storing UUIDs.Classorg.hypergraphdb.atom.implHypergraphDb
ValueSetter A simple interface to be implemented by objects that set values in specific dynamic contexts.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
VanillaTransaction This is a HGTransaction implementation that only maintains the attribute map.Classorg.hypergraphdb.transactionHypergraphDb
VarContext This is a glorified name/value map implementing the handling of query variables.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
WeakIdentityHashMapThis is a modified version of @see{WeakHashMap} from JDK 1.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
WeakRefAtomCache This cache implementation interacts with the Java garbage collector, by using the java.Classorg.hypergraphdb.cacheHypergraphDb
ZigZagIntersectionResult The ZigZagIntersectionResult operates on two sorted, random accessAuthor:Borislav IordanovClassorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb