Name | Description | Type | Package | Framework |
PacketCollector | Provides a mechanism to collect packets into a result queue that pass a specified filter. | Class | org.jivesoftware.smack | Smack Ignite |
PacketListener | | Interface | org.jivesoftware.smack | Smack Ignite |
AboutDialog | | Class | org.apache.ignite.startup.cmdline | Ignite |
AbstractMarshaller | Base class for marshallers. | Class | org.apache.ignite.marshaller | Ignite |
AdaptiveCpuLoadProbe | Based on setUseAverage(boolean) parameter, this implementation will either use average CPU load | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing.adaptive | Ignite |
AdaptiveJobCountLoadProbe | Based on setUseAverage(boolean) parameter, this implementation will either use average job count values or current (default is to use averages). | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing.adaptive | Ignite |
AdaptiveLoadBalancingSpi | Load balancing SPI that adapts to overall node performance. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing.adaptive | Ignite |
AdaptiveLoadBalancingSpiMBean | Management MBean for AdaptiveLoadBalancingSpi SPI. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing.adaptive | Ignite |
AdaptiveLoadProbe | Pluggable implementation of node load probing. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing.adaptive | Ignite |
AdaptiveProcessingTimeLoadProbe | Based on setUseAverage(boolean) parameter, this implementation will either use average job execution | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing.adaptive | Ignite |
AddressResolver | Provides resolution between external and internal addresses. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.configuration | Ignite |
Affinity | Provides affinity information to detect which node is primary and which nodes are backups for a partitioned cache. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.cache.affinity | Ignite |
AffinityCentralizedFunction | Annotation marker which identifies affinity function that must be calculated on one centralized node instead of independently on each node. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache.affinity | Ignite |
AffinityFunction | Cache key affinity which maps keys to nodes. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.cache.affinity | Ignite |
AffinityFunctionContext | Affinity function context. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.cache.affinity | Ignite |
AffinityKey | Optional wrapper for cache keys to provide support for custom affinity mapping. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache.affinity | Ignite |
AffinityKeyMapped | Optional annotation to specify custom key-to-node affinity. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache.affinity | Ignite |
AffinityKeyMapper | Affinity mapper which maps cache key to an affinity key. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.cache.affinity | Ignite |
AffinityNodeAddressHashResolver | Node hash resolver which uses ClusterNode. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache.affinity | Ignite |
AffinityNodeHashResolver | Resolver which is used to provide node hash value for affinity function. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.cache.affinity | Ignite |
AffinityNodeIdHashResolver | Node hash resolver which uses generated node ID as node hash value. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache.affinity | Ignite |
AlwaysFailoverSpi | Failover SPI that always reroutes a failed job to another node. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.failover.always | Ignite |
AlwaysFailoverSpiMBean | Management bean for AlwaysFailoverSpi. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.failover.always | Ignite |
AtomicConfiguration | Configuration for atomic data structures. | Class | org.apache.ignite.configuration | Ignite |
AuthenticationContext | Authentication context. | Class | | Ignite |
BasicJdbcDialect | Basic implementation of dialect based on JDBC specification. | Class | | Ignite |
BasicWarmupClosure | Basic warm-up closure which warm-ups cache operations. | Class | org.apache.ignite.startup | Ignite |
CacheAbstractJdbcStore | Store works with database via SQL dialect. | Class | | Ignite |
CacheAtomicityMode | enum CacheAtomicityModeCache atomicity mode controls whether cache should maintain fully transactional semantics | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache | Ignite |
CacheAtomicUpdateTimeoutException | Exception thrown when atomic operation timeout occurs. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache | Ignite |
CacheAtomicWriteOrderMode | enum CacheAtomicWriteOrderModeCache write ordering mode. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache | Ignite |
CacheCheckpointSpi | This class defines cache-based implementation for checkpoint SPI. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint.cache | Ignite |
CacheCheckpointSpiMBean | Management bean that provides general administrative and configuration information about cache checkpoint SPI. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint.cache | Ignite |
CacheConfiguration | This class defines grid cache configuration. | Class | org.apache.ignite.configuration | Ignite |
CacheEntryEventSerializableFilter | This filter adds Serializable interface to CacheEntryEventFilter object. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.cache | Ignite |
CacheEntryProcessor | This processor adds Serializable interface to EntryProcessor object. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.cache | Ignite |
CacheEvent | In-memory database (cache) event. | Class | | Ignite |
CacheExistsException | Exception thrown when cache must be created but it already exists. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache | Ignite |
CacheInterceptor | Cache interceptor. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.cache | Ignite |
CacheInterceptorAdapter | Cache interceptor convenience adapter. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache | Ignite |
CacheJdbcBlobStore | CacheStore implementation backed by JDBC. | Class | | Ignite |
CacheJdbcPojoStore | This implementation stores objects in underlying database using java beans mapping description via reflection. | Class | | Ignite |
CacheJndiTmLookup | | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache.jta.jndi | Ignite |
CacheLoadOnlyStoreAdapter | This adapter designed to support stores with bulk loading from stream-like source. | Class | | Ignite |
CacheManager | | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache | Ignite |
CacheMemoryMode | enum CacheMemoryModeDefines set of memory modes. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache | Ignite |
CacheMetrics | Cache metrics used to obtain statistics on cache itself. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.cache | Ignite |
CacheMetricsMXBean | This interface defines JMX view on IgniteCache. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.mxbean | Ignite |
CacheMode | Enumeration of all supported caching modes. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache | Ignite |
CacheNameResource | Annotates a field or a setter method for injection of grid cache name. | Class | org.apache.ignite.resources | Ignite |
CachePartialUpdateException | Exception thrown from non-transactional cache in case when update succeeded only partially. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache | Ignite |
CachePeekMode | Enumeration of all supported cache peek modes. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache | Ignite |
CacheQueryExecutedEvent | Cache query execution event. | Class | | Ignite |
CacheQueryReadEvent | Cache query read event. | Class | | Ignite |
CacheRebalanceMode | enum CacheRebalanceModeCache rebalance mode. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache | Ignite |
CacheRebalancingEvent | In-memory database (cache) rebalancing event. | Class | | Ignite |
CacheReflectionTmLookup | JTA manager by calling static method on the class. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache.jta.reflect | Ignite |
CacheServerNotFoundException | Exception thrown when all data nodes left the grid. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache | Ignite |
CacheStore | API for cache persistent storage for read-through and write-through behavior. | Interface | | Ignite |
CacheStoreAdapter | Cache storage convenience adapter. | Class | | Ignite |
CacheStoreSession | Session for the cache store operations. | Interface | | Ignite |
CacheStoreSessionResource | Annotates a field or a setter method for injection of current CacheStoreSession instance. | Class | org.apache.ignite.resources | Ignite |
CacheTmLookup | Allows grid to use different transactional systems. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.cache.jta | Ignite |
CacheTypeFieldMetadata | Type field metadata. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache | Ignite |
CacheTypeMetadata | | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache | Ignite |
CacheWriteSynchronizationMode | enum CacheWriteSynchronizationModeMode indicating how Ignite should wait for write replies from other nodes. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache | Ignite |
CachingProvider | | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache | Ignite |
CheckpointEvent | Grid checkpoint event. | Class | | Ignite |
CheckpointListener | Listener for notifications of checkpoints removed by CheckpointSpi. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint | Ignite |
CheckpointSpi | Checkpoint SPI provides an ability to save an intermediate job state. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint | Ignite |
ClusterGroup | Defines a cluster group which contains all or a subset of cluster nodes. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.cluster | Ignite |
ClusterGroupEmptyException | This exception defines illegal call on empty cluster group. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cluster | Ignite |
ClusterLocalNodeMetricsMXBean | MBean for local node metrics. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.mxbean | Ignite |
ClusterMetrics | This class represents runtime information on a cluster. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.cluster | Ignite |
ClusterNode | Interface representing a single cluster node. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.cluster | Ignite |
ClusterTopologyException | This exception is used to indicate error with the cluster topology (e. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cluster | Ignite |
CollectionConfiguration | Configuration for Ignite collections. | Class | org.apache.ignite.configuration | Ignite |
CollisionContext | Context for resolving collisions. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.collision | Ignite |
CollisionExternalListener | Listener to be set on CollisionSpi for notification of external collision events (e. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.collision | Ignite |
CollisionJobContext | This interface defines set of operations that collision SPI implementation can perform on jobs that are either waiting or executing. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.collision | Ignite |
CollisionSpi | Collision SPI allows to regulate how grid jobs get executed when they arrive on a destination node for execution. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.collision | Ignite |
CommandLineRandomNumberGenerator | Generates a random number and prints it to the console. | Class | org.apache.ignite.startup.cmdline | Ignite |
CommandLineStartup | This class defines command-line Ignite startup. | Class | org.apache.ignite.startup.cmdline | Ignite |
CommandLineTransformer | This class is a workaround for a versatile problems with passing arguments to the Ignite Windows batch launcher scripts. | Class | org.apache.ignite.startup.cmdline | Ignite |
CommunicationListener | Listener SPI notifies IO manager with. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.communication | Ignite |
CommunicationSpi | Communication SPI is responsible for data exchange between nodes. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.communication | Ignite |
ComputeExecutionRejectedException | This exception defines execution rejection. | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute | Ignite |
ComputeJob | Defines executable unit for ComputeTask. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.compute | Ignite |
ComputeJobAdapter | Convenience adapter for ComputeJob implementations. | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute | Ignite |
ComputeJobAfterSend | This annotation allows to call a method right after the job has been successfully sent for execution. | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute | Ignite |
ComputeJobBeforeFailover | This annotation allows to call a method right before job is submitted to FailoverSpi. | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute | Ignite |
ComputeJobContext | Context attached to every job executed on the grid. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.compute | Ignite |
ComputeJobContinuation | Defines continuation support for grid job context. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.compute | Ignite |
ComputeJobContinuationAdapter | Convenience adapter for ComputeJob implementations. | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute | Ignite |
ComputeJobFailoverException | This runtime exception can be thrown from ComputeJob. | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute | Ignite |
ComputeJobMasterLeaveAware | Annotation for handling master node leave during job execution. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.compute | Ignite |
ComputeJobResult | Result of remote job which gets passed into ComputeTask. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.compute | Ignite |
ComputeJobResultPolicy | enum ComputeJobResultPolicyThis enumeration provides different types of actions following the last | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute | Ignite |
ComputeJobSibling | Job sibling interface defines a job from the same split. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.compute | Ignite |
ComputeLoadBalancer | Load balancer is used for finding the best balanced node according to load balancing policy. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.compute | Ignite |
ComputeTask | Grid task interface defines a task that can be executed on the grid. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.compute | Ignite |
ComputeTaskAdapter | Convenience adapter for ComputeTask interface. | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute | Ignite |
ComputeTaskCancelledException | This exception indicates that grid task was cancelled. | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute | Ignite |
ComputeTaskContinuousMapper | Defines a mapper that can be used for asynchronous job sending. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.compute | Ignite |
ComputeTaskFuture | This class defines a handler for asynchronous task execution. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.compute | Ignite |
ComputeTaskMapAsync | Annotation for asynchronous task mapping. | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute | Ignite |
ComputeTaskName | This annotation allows to assign optional name to grid task. | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute | Ignite |
ComputeTaskNoResultCache | This annotation disables caching of task results when attached to ComputeTask class being executed. | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute | Ignite |
ComputeTaskSession | Defines a distributed session for particular task execution. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.compute | Ignite |
ComputeTaskSessionAttributeListener | This interface defines listener for task session attributes. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.compute | Ignite |
ComputeTaskSessionFullSupport | Annotation for enabling task session attributes and checkpoints for tasks. | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute | Ignite |
ComputeTaskSessionScope | enum ComputeTaskSessionScopeDefines life-time scopes for checkpoint operations. | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute | Ignite |
ComputeTaskSpis | This annotation allows task to specify what SPIs it wants to use. | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute | Ignite |
ComputeTaskSplitAdapter | This class defines simplified adapter for ComputeTask. | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute | Ignite |
ComputeTaskTimeoutException | This exception indicates that task execution timed out. | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute | Ignite |
ComputeUserUndeclaredException | This exception is thrown when user's code throws undeclared runtime exception. | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute | Ignite |
ConnectorConfiguration | REST access configuration. | Class | org.apache.ignite.configuration | Ignite |
ConnectorMessageInterceptor | Interface for user-defined object interceptors. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.configuration | Ignite |
ContinuousQuery | API for configuring continuous cache queries. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache.query | Ignite |
DB2Dialect | A dialect compatible with the IBM DB2 database. | Class | | Ignite |
DeploymentEvent | Grid deployment event. | Class | | Ignite |
DeploymentListener | Listener for deployment events. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.deployment | Ignite |
DeploymentMode | Grid deployment mode. | Class | org.apache.ignite.configuration | Ignite |
DeploymentResource | Generic abstraction over deployed resource containing resource's name, class and corresponding class loader. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.deployment | Ignite |
DeploymentResourceAdapter | Simple adapter for DeploymentResource interface. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.deployment | Ignite |
DeploymentSpi | Grid deployment SPI is in charge of deploying tasks and classes from different Class loaders that are in charge of loading task classes (and other classes) | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.deployment | Ignite |
DiscoveryEvent | Grid discovery event. | Class | | Ignite |
DiscoveryMetricsProvider | Provides metrics to discovery SPI. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery | Ignite |
DiscoverySpi | Grid discovery SPI allows to discover remote nodes in grid. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery | Ignite |
DiscoverySpiDataExchange | Handler for initial data exchange between Ignite nodes. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery | Ignite |
DiscoverySpiHistorySupport | This annotation is for all implementations of DiscoverySpi that support topology snapshots history. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery | Ignite |
DiscoverySpiListener | Listener for grid node discovery events. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery | Ignite |
DiscoverySpiNodeAuthenticator | | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery | Ignite |
DiscoverySpiOrderSupport | This annotation is for all implementations of DiscoverySpi that support proper node ordering. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery | Ignite |
Event | Grid events are used for notification about what happens within the grid. | Interface | | Ignite |
EventAdapter | Base adapter for the events. | Class | | Ignite |
EventStorageSpi | This SPI provides local node events storage. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.eventstorage | Ignite |
EventType | Contains event type constants. | Interface | | Ignite |
EvictableEntry | Evictable cache entry passed into EvictionPolicy. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.cache.eviction | Ignite |
EvictionFilter | Eviction filter to specify which entries should not be evicted. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.cache.eviction | Ignite |
EvictionPolicy | Pluggable cache eviction policy. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.cache.eviction | Ignite |
Extension | Marker interface for extensions. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.plugin | Ignite |
ExtensionRegistry | Context that allows to register extensions. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.plugin | Ignite |
FailoverContext | This interface defines a set of operations available to failover SPI one a given failed job. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.failover | Ignite |
FailoverSpi | Failover SPI provides developer with ability to supply custom logic for handling failed execution of a grid job. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.failover | Ignite |
FairAffinityFunction | Fair affinity function which tries to ensure that all nodes get equal number of partitions with minimum amount of reassignments between existing nodes. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache.affinity.fair | Ignite |
FifoEvictionPolicy | Eviction policy based on First In First Out (FIFO) algorithm. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache.eviction.fifo | Ignite |
FifoEvictionPolicyMBean | MBean for FIFO eviction policy. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.cache.eviction.fifo | Ignite |
FifoQueueCollisionSpi | This class provides implementation for Collision SPI based on FIFO queue. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.collision.fifoqueue | Ignite |
FifoQueueCollisionSpiMBean | Management bean that provides access to the FIFO queue collision SPI configuration. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.collision.fifoqueue | Ignite |
FileSwapSpaceSpi | File-based swap space SPI implementation which holds keys in memory. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.swapspace.file | Ignite |
FileSwapSpaceSpiMBean | Management bean for FileSwapSpaceSpi. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.swapspace.file | Ignite |
FileSystemConfiguration | IGFS configuration. | Class | org.apache.ignite.configuration | Ignite |
Gridify | @Gridify(taskClass = GridifyHelloWorldTask. | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute.gridify | Ignite |
GridifyArgument | Gridify task argument created by the system for task execution. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.compute.gridify | Ignite |
GridifyArgumentAdapter | Convenience adapter for GridifyArgument interface. | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute.gridify.aop | Ignite |
GridifyAspectJAspect | AspectJ aspect that cross-cuts on all methods grid-enabled with Gridify annotation and potentially executes them on | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute.gridify.aop.aspectj | Ignite |
GridifyDefaultRangeTask | Default gridify task which simply executes a method on remote node. | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute.gridify.aop | Ignite |
GridifyDefaultTask | Default gridify task which simply executes a method on remote node. | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute.gridify.aop | Ignite |
GridifyInput | This annotation can be applied to method parameter for grid-enabled method. | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute.gridify | Ignite |
GridifyInterceptor | This interface defines an interceptor apply for Gridify annotation. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.compute.gridify | Ignite |
GridifyNodeFilter | Predicate node filter. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.compute.gridify | Ignite |
GridifyRuntimeException | This defines gridify exception. | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute.gridify | Ignite |
GridifySetToSet | GridifySetToSet annotation allows to grid-enable existing code with specific semantics. | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute.gridify | Ignite |
GridifySetToSetAbstractAspect | Convenience adapter with common methods for different aspect implementations (AspectJ, JBoss AOP, Spring AOP). | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute.gridify.aop | Ignite |
GridifySetToSetAspectJAspect | AspectJ aspect that cross-cuts on all methods grid-enabled with GridifySetToSet annotation and potentially executes them on | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute.gridify.aop.aspectj | Ignite |
GridifySetToSetSpringAspect | Spring aspect that cross-cuts on all methods grid-enabled with GridifySetToSet annotation and potentially executes them on | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute.gridify.aop.spring | Ignite |
GridifySetToValue | GridifySetToValue annotation is the way to grid-enable existing code with specific semantics. | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute.gridify | Ignite |
GridifySetToValueAbstractAspect | Convenience adapter with common methods for different aspect implementations (AspectJ, JBoss AOP, Spring AOP). | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute.gridify.aop | Ignite |
GridifySetToValueAspectJAspect | AspectJ aspect that cross-cuts on all methods grid-enabled with GridifySetToValue annotation and potentially executes them on | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute.gridify.aop.aspectj | Ignite |
GridifySetToValueSpringAspect | Spring aspect that cross-cuts on all methods grid-enabled with GridifySetToValue annotation and potentially executes them on | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute.gridify.aop.spring | Ignite |
GridifySpringAspect | Spring aspect that cross-cuts on all methods grid-enabled with Gridify annotation and potentially executes them on | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute.gridify.aop.spring | Ignite |
GridifySpringEnhancer | Spring AOP enhancer. | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute.gridify.aop.spring | Ignite |
GridifySpringPointcut | Pointcut used by gridified aspects to find methods annotated with Gridify, GridifySetToValue and | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute.gridify.aop.spring | Ignite |
GridifyTaskAdapter | Convenience adapter for tasks that work with Gridify annotation for grid-enabling methods. | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute.gridify | Ignite |
GridifyTaskSplitAdapter | Convenience adapter for tasks that work with Gridify annotation for grid-enabling methods. | Class | org.apache.ignite.compute.gridify | Ignite |
GridSecurityCredentials | Security credentials used for client or node authentication. | Class | | Ignite |
GridSecurityCredentialsBasicProvider | Basic implementation for GridSecurityCredentialsProvider. | Class | | Ignite |
GridSecurityCredentialsProvider | Security credentials provider for specifying security credentials. | Interface | | Ignite |
GridSecurityException | Common security exception for the grid. | Class | | Ignite |
GridSecurityPermission | enum GridSecurityPermissionSupported security permissions within grid. | Class | | Ignite |
GridSecurityPermissionSet | Security permission set for authorized security subjects. | Interface | | Ignite |
GridSecuritySubject | Security subject representing authenticated node or client with a set of permissions. | Interface | | Ignite |
GridSecuritySubjectType | enum GridSecuritySubjectTypeSupported security subject types. | Class | | Ignite |
GridSegmentationPolicy | enum GridSegmentationPolicyPolicy that defines how node will react on topology segmentation. | Class | org.apache.ignite.plugin.segmentation | Ignite |
GridSegmentationResolver | This is interface for segmentation (a. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.plugin.segmentation | Ignite |
GridSlf4jLogger | SLF4J-based implementation for logging. | Class | org.apache.ignite.logger.slf4j | Ignite |
H2Dialect | A dialect compatible with the H2 database. | Class | | Ignite |
HadoopConfiguration | Ignite Hadoop Accelerator configuration. | Class | org.apache.ignite.configuration | Ignite |
IgfsBlockLocation | IGFS file's data block location in the grid. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.igfs | Ignite |
IgfsByteDelimiterRecordResolver | Record resolver which adjusts records based on provided delimiters. | Class | org.apache.ignite.igfs.mapreduce.records | Ignite |
IgfsConcurrentModificationException | IGFS exception indicating that file system structure was modified concurrently. | Class | org.apache.ignite.igfs | Ignite |
IgfsCorruptedFileException | Exception thrown when target file's block is not found in data cache. | Class | org.apache.ignite.igfs | Ignite |
IgfsDirectoryNotEmptyException | Exception indicating that directory can not be deleted because it is not empty. | Class | org.apache.ignite.igfs | Ignite |
IgfsEvent | Grid events are used for notification about what happens within the grid. | Class | | Ignite |
IgfsEvictionFilter | IGFS eviction filter which will not evict blocks of particular files. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache.eviction.igfs | Ignite |
IgfsException | IGFS exception thrown by file system components. | Class | org.apache.ignite.igfs | Ignite |
IgfsFile | IGFS file or directory descriptor. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.igfs | Ignite |
IgfsFileRange | Entity representing part of IGFS file identified by file path, start position, and length. | Class | org.apache.ignite.igfs.mapreduce | Ignite |
IgfsFixedLengthRecordResolver | Record resolver which adjusts records to fixed length. | Class | org.apache.ignite.igfs.mapreduce.records | Ignite |
IgfsGroupDataBlocksKeyMapper | IGFS class providing ability to group file's data blocks together on one node. | Class | org.apache.ignite.igfs | Ignite |
IgfsInputStream | IGFS input stream to read data from the file system. | Class | org.apache.ignite.igfs | Ignite |
IgfsInputStreamJobAdapter | Convenient IgfsJob adapter. | Class | org.apache.ignite.igfs.mapreduce | Ignite |
IgfsInvalidHdfsVersionException | Exception thrown when Ignite detects that remote HDFS version differs from version of HDFS libraries in Ignite classpath. | Class | org.apache.ignite.igfs | Ignite |
IgfsInvalidPathException | IGFS exception indicating that operation target is invalid (e. | Class | org.apache.ignite.igfs | Ignite |
IgfsIpcEndpointConfiguration | IGFS IPC endpoint configuration. | Class | org.apache.ignite.igfs | Ignite |
IgfsIpcEndpointType | enum IgfsIpcEndpointTypeEnum Constant Summary | Class | org.apache.ignite.igfs | Ignite |
IgfsJob | Defines executable unit for IgfsTask. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.igfs.mapreduce | Ignite |
IgfsJobAdapter | Adapter for IgfsJob with no-op implementation of cancel() method. | Class | org.apache.ignite.igfs.mapreduce | Ignite |
IgfsMetrics | IGFS metrics snapshot for the file system. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.igfs | Ignite |
IgfsMode | IGFS mode defining interactions with underlying secondary Hadoop file system. | Class | org.apache.ignite.igfs | Ignite |
IgfsNewLineRecordResolver | Record resolver based on new line detection. | Class | org.apache.ignite.igfs.mapreduce.records | Ignite |
IgfsOutOfSpaceException | IGFS exception that is thrown when it detected out-of-space condition. | Class | org.apache.ignite.igfs | Ignite |
IgfsOutputStream | IGFS output stream to write data into the file system. | Class | org.apache.ignite.igfs | Ignite |
IgfsParentNotDirectoryException | Exception thrown when parent supposed to be a directory is a file. | Class | org.apache.ignite.igfs | Ignite |
IgfsPath | IGFS path to file in the file system. | Class | org.apache.ignite.igfs | Ignite |
IgfsPathAlreadyExistsException | Exception thrown when target path supposed to be created already exists. | Class | org.apache.ignite.igfs | Ignite |
IgfsPathIsDirectoryException | Exception indicating that path is directory, while it is expected to be a file. | Class | org.apache.ignite.igfs | Ignite |
IgfsPathIsNotDirectoryException | Exception indicating that path is not directory. | Class | org.apache.ignite.igfs | Ignite |
IgfsPathNotFoundException | IGFS exception indicating that target resource is not found. | Class | org.apache.ignite.igfs | Ignite |
IgfsPathSummary | Path summary: total files count, total directories count, total length. | Class | org.apache.ignite.igfs | Ignite |
IgfsPerBlockLruEvictionPolicy | IGFS eviction policy which evicts particular blocks. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache.eviction.igfs | Ignite |
IgfsPerBlockLruEvictionPolicyMXBean | MBean for IGFS per-block LRU eviction policy. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.cache.eviction.igfs | Ignite |
IgfsRangeInputStream | Decorator for regular IgfsInputStream which streams only data within the given range. | Class | org.apache.ignite.igfs.mapreduce | Ignite |
IgfsRecordResolver | IGFS record resolver. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.igfs.mapreduce | Ignite |
IgfsSecondaryFileSystem | Secondary file system interface. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.igfs.secondary | Ignite |
IgfsSecondaryFileSystemPositionedReadable | The simplest data input interface to read from secondary file system. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.igfs.secondary | Ignite |
IgfsStringDelimiterRecordResolver | Record resolver based on delimiters represented as strings. | Class | org.apache.ignite.igfs.mapreduce.records | Ignite |
IgfsTask | IGFS task which can be executed on the grid using one of IgniteFs. | Class | org.apache.ignite.igfs.mapreduce | Ignite |
IgfsTaskArgs | IGFS task arguments. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.igfs.mapreduce | Ignite |
IgfsTaskNoReduceAdapter | Convenient IgfsTask adapter with empty reduce step. | Class | org.apache.ignite.igfs.mapreduce | Ignite |
Ignite | Main entry-point for all Ignite APIs. | Class | org.apache.ignite | Ignite |
IgniteAsyncSupport | Allows to enable asynchronous mode on Ignite APIs. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.lang | Ignite |
IgniteAsyncSupported | Annotation to indicate that method can be executed asynchronously if async mode is enabled. | Class | org.apache.ignite.lang | Ignite |
IgniteAtomicLong | This interface provides a rich API for working with distributedly cached atomic long value. | Interface | org.apache.ignite | Ignite |
IgniteAtomicReference | This interface provides a rich API for working with distributed atomic reference. | Interface | org.apache.ignite | Ignite |
IgniteAtomicSequence | This interface provides a rich API for working with distributed atomic sequence. | Interface | org.apache.ignite | Ignite |
IgniteAtomicStamped | This interface provides a rich API for working with distributed atomic stamped value. | Interface | org.apache.ignite | Ignite |
IgniteAuthenticationException | Exception that represents authentication failure. | Class | org.apache.ignite | Ignite |
IgniteBiClosure | Defines generic closure with two parameters. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.lang | Ignite |
IgniteBiInClosure | Closure with two in-parameters and void return type. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.lang | Ignite |
IgniteBiPredicate | Defines a predicate which accepts two parameters and returns true or false. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.lang | Ignite |
IgniteBiTuple | Convenience class representing mutable tuple of two values. | Class | org.apache.ignite.lang | Ignite |
IgniteCache | Main entry point for all Data Grid APIs. | Interface | org.apache.ignite | Ignite |
IgniteCallable | Grid-aware adapter for Callable implementations. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.lang | Ignite |
IgniteCheckedException | General grid exception. | Class | org.apache.ignite | Ignite |
IgniteClosure | Defines generic closure with one parameter. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.lang | Ignite |
IgniteCluster | Represents whole cluster (all available nodes) and also provides a handle on nodeLocalMap() which provides map-like functionality linked to current grid node. | Interface | org.apache.ignite | Ignite |
IgniteCompute | Defines compute grid functionality for executing tasks and closures over nodes in the ClusterGroup. | Interface | org.apache.ignite | Ignite |
IgniteConfiguration | This class defines grid runtime configuration. | Class | org.apache.ignite.configuration | Ignite |
IgniteCountDownLatch | This interface provides a rich API for working with distributed count down latch. | Interface | org.apache.ignite | Ignite |
IgniteDataStreamer | Data streamer is responsible for streaming external data into cache. | Interface | org.apache.ignite | Ignite |
IgniteDeploymentException | Deployment or re-deployment failed. | Class | org.apache.ignite | Ignite |
IgniteEvents | Provides functionality for local and remote event notifications on nodes defined by clusterGroup(). | Interface | org.apache.ignite | Ignite |
IgniteException | General grid exception. | Class | org.apache.ignite | Ignite |
IgniteFileSystem | IGnite File System API. | Interface | org.apache.ignite | Ignite |
IgniteFuture | Future with simplified exception handling, functional programming support and ability to listen for future completion via functional callback. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.lang | Ignite |
IgniteFutureCancelledException | Future computation cannot be retrieved because it was cancelled. | Class | org.apache.ignite.lang | Ignite |
IgniteFutureTimeoutException | Future computation completion is timed out. | Class | org.apache.ignite.lang | Ignite |
IgniteHadoopClientProtocolProvider | Ignite Hadoop client protocol provider. | Class | org.apache.ignite.hadoop.mapreduce | Ignite |
IgniteHadoopFileSystem | IGFS Hadoop 1. | Class | org.apache.ignite.hadoop.fs.v1 | Ignite |
IgniteHadoopFileSystem | IGFS Hadoop 2. | Class | org.apache.ignite.hadoop.fs.v2 | Ignite |
IgniteHadoopFileSystemCounterWriter | Statistic writer implementation that writes info into any Hadoop file system. | Class | org.apache.ignite.hadoop.fs | Ignite |
IgniteHadoopIgfsSecondaryFileSystem | Adapter to use any Hadoop file system FileSystem as IgfsSecondaryFileSystem. | Class | org.apache.ignite.hadoop.fs | Ignite |
IgniteHadoopMapReducePlanner | Default map-reduce planner implementation. | Class | org.apache.ignite.hadoop.mapreduce | Ignite |
IgniteIllegalStateException | This exception indicates the ignite access in invalid state. | Class | org.apache.ignite | Ignite |
IgniteImmutable | Immutable types should be annotated with this annotation to avoid unnecessary copying (e. | Class | org.apache.ignite.lang | Ignite |
IgniteInClosure | Closure with one in-parameter and void return type. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.lang | Ignite |
IgniteInstanceResource | Annotates a field or a setter method for injection of current Ignite instance. | Class | org.apache.ignite.resources | Ignite |
IgniteInterruptedException | This exception is used to wrap standard InterruptedException into IgniteException. | Class | org.apache.ignite | Ignite |
IgniteJclLogger | This logger wraps any JCL (Jakarta Commons Logging) loggers. | Class | org.apache.ignite.logger.jcl | Ignite |
IgniteJdbcDriver | JDBC driver implementation for In-Memory Data Grid. | Class | org.apache.ignite | Ignite |
IgniteLogger | This interface defines basic logging functionality used throughout the system. | Interface | org.apache.ignite | Ignite |
IgniteMessaging | Provides functionality for topic-based message exchange among nodes defined by clusterGroup(). | Interface | org.apache.ignite | Ignite |
IgniteMXBean | This interface defines JMX view on kernal. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.mxbean | Ignite |
IgniteNotPeerDeployable | This annotations should be used to mark any type that should not be peer deployable. | Class | org.apache.ignite.lang | Ignite |
IgniteOutClosure | Closure that does not take any parameters and returns a value. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.lang | Ignite |
IgnitePlugin | Marker interface for all Ignite plugins. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.plugin | Ignite |
IgnitePortProtocol | enum IgnitePortProtocolProtocols supported by port processor. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi | Ignite |
IgnitePredicate | Defines a predicate which accepts a parameter and returns true or false. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.lang | Ignite |
IgniteProductVersion | Represents node version. | Class | org.apache.ignite.lang | Ignite |
IgniteQueue | This interface provides a rich API for working with distributed queues based on In-Memory Data Grid. | Interface | org.apache.ignite | Ignite |
IgniteReducer | Defines generic reducer that collects multiple values and reduces them into one. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.lang | Ignite |
IgniteReflectionFactory | Convenience class for reflection-based object creation. | Class | org.apache.ignite.configuration | Ignite |
IgniteRunnable | Grid-aware adapter for Runnable implementations. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.lang | Ignite |
IgniteScheduler | Provides functionality for scheduling jobs locally using UNIX cron-based syntax. | Interface | org.apache.ignite | Ignite |
IgniteServices | Defines functionality necessary to deploy distributed services on the grid. | Interface | org.apache.ignite | Ignite |
IgniteSet | Set implementation based on on In-Memory Data Grid. | Interface | org.apache.ignite | Ignite |
IgniteSpi | This interface defines life-cycle of SPI implementation. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi | Ignite |
IgniteSpiAdapter | This class provides convenient adapter for SPI implementations. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi | Ignite |
IgniteSpiCloseableIterator | | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi | Ignite |
IgniteSpiConfiguration | Annotates SPI configuration setters on whether or not it is optional. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi | Ignite |
IgniteSpiConsistencyChecked | SPIs that have this annotation present will be checked for consistency within grid. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi | Ignite |
IgniteSpiContext | SPI context provides common functionality for all SPI implementations. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi | Ignite |
IgniteSpiException | Exception thrown by SPI implementations. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi | Ignite |
IgniteSpiManagementMBean | This interface defines basic MBean for all SPI implementations. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi | Ignite |
IgniteSpiMultiException | Grid SPI exception which may contain more than one failure. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi | Ignite |
IgniteSpiMultipleInstancesSupport | Annotates whether or not multiple instances of this SPI can be started in the same VM. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi | Ignite |
IgniteSpiNodeValidationResult | Result of joining node validation. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi | Ignite |
IgniteSpiNoop | Annotates NO-OP SPI implementations. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi | Ignite |
IgniteSpiThread | This class provides convenient adapter for threads used by SPIs. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi | Ignite |
IgniteSpiThreadFactory | This class provides implementation of ThreadFactory factory for creating grid SPI threads. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi | Ignite |
IgniteSpiVersionCheckException | Grid SPI exception for version check failure. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi | Ignite |
IgniteSpring | Factory methods to start Ignite with optional Spring application context, this context can be injected into grid tasks and grid jobs using @IgniteSpringApplicationContextResource | Class | org.apache.ignite | Ignite |
IgniteSpringBean | Grid Spring bean allows to bypass Ignition methods. | Class | org.apache.ignite | Ignite |
IgniteState | Possible states of Ignition. | Class | org.apache.ignite | Ignite |
IgniteStripedThreadPoolExecutor | An ExecutorService that executes submitted tasks using pooled grid threads. | Class | org.apache.ignite.thread | Ignite |
IgniteSystemProperties | Contains constants for all system properties and environmental variables in Ignite. | Class | org.apache.ignite | Ignite |
IgniteThread | This class adds some necessary plumbing on top of the Thread class. | Class | org.apache.ignite.thread | Ignite |
IgniteThreadFactory | This class provides implementation of ThreadFactory factory for creating grid threads. | Class | org.apache.ignite.thread | Ignite |
IgniteThreadPoolExecutor | An ExecutorService that executes submitted tasks using pooled grid threads. | Class | org.apache.ignite.thread | Ignite |
IgniteTransactions | Transactions facade provides ACID-compliant semantic when working with caches. | Interface | org.apache.ignite | Ignite |
IgniteUuid | This is a faster performing version of UUID. | Class | org.apache.ignite.lang | Ignite |
Ignition | This class defines a factory for the main Ignite API. | Class | org.apache.ignite | Ignite |
IgnitionListener | Listener for gird state change notifications. | Interface | org.apache.ignite | Ignite |
IgnitionMXBean | This interface defines JMX view on Ignition. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.mxbean | Ignite |
IgnoreIfPeerClassLoadingDisabled | This annotation is for all implementations of DeploymentSpi that may be ignored if peer class loading is disabled. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.deployment | Ignite |
IndexingQueryFilter | | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.indexing | Ignite |
IndexingSpi | Indexing SPI allows user to index cache content. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.indexing | Ignite |
JavaLogger | Logger to use with Java logging. | Class | | Ignite |
JavaLoggerFileHandler | File logging handler which skips all the messages until node ID is set. | Class | | Ignite |
JavaLoggerFormatter | Formatter for JUL logger. | Class | | Ignite |
JdbcCheckpointSpi | This class defines JDBC checkpoint SPI implementation. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint.jdbc | Ignite |
JdbcCheckpointSpiMBean | Management bean that provides general administrative and configuration information about jdbc checkpoint SPI. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint.jdbc | Ignite |
JdbcDialect | Represents a dialect of SQL implemented by a particular RDBMS. | Interface | | Ignite |
JdkMarshaller | This marshaller has no mandatory configuration parameters. | Class | org.apache.ignite.marshaller.jdk | Ignite |
JobContextResource | Annotates a field or a setter method for injection of ComputeJobContext instance. | Class | org.apache.ignite.resources | Ignite |
JobEvent | Grid events are used for notification about what happens within the grid. | Class | | Ignite |
JobStealingCollisionSpi | Collision SPI that supports job stealing from over-utilized nodes to under-utilized nodes. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.collision.jobstealing | Ignite |
JobStealingCollisionSpiMBean | Management MBean for job stealing based collision SPI. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.collision.jobstealing | Ignite |
JobStealingDisabled | This annotation disables job stealing if corresponding feature is configured. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.collision.jobstealing | Ignite |
JobStealingFailoverSpi | Job stealing failover SPI needs to always be used in conjunction with JobStealingCollisionSpi SPI. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.failover.jobstealing | Ignite |
JobStealingFailoverSpiMBean | Management bean for JobStealingFailoverSpi. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.failover.jobstealing | Ignite |
JobStealingRequest | Job stealing request. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.collision.jobstealing | Ignite |
LifecycleAware | All components provided in Ignite configuration can implement this interface. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.lifecycle | Ignite |
LifecycleBean | A bean that reacts to node lifecycle events defined in LifecycleEventType. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.lifecycle | Ignite |
LifecycleEventType | enum LifecycleEventTypeNode lifecycle event types. | Class | org.apache.ignite.lifecycle | Ignite |
LoadBalancerResource | Annotates a field or a setter method for injection of ComputeLoadBalancer. | Class | org.apache.ignite.resources | Ignite |
LoadBalancingSpi | Load balancing SPI provides the next best balanced node for job execution. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing | Ignite |
LocalDeploymentSpi | Local deployment SPI that implements only within VM deployment on local node via register(ClassLoader, Class) method. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.deployment.local | Ignite |
LocalDeploymentSpiMBean | Management MBean for LocalDeploymentSpi SPI. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.deployment.local | Ignite |
Log4JDailyRollingFileAppender | Log4J DailyRollingFileAppender with added support for grid node IDs. | Class | org.apache.ignite.logger.log4j | Ignite |
Log4JExternallyRolledFileAppender | Log4J ExternallyRolledFileAppender with added support for grid node IDs. | Class | org.apache.ignite.logger.log4j | Ignite |
Log4JFileAppender | Log4J FileAppender with added support for grid node IDs. | Class | org.apache.ignite.logger.log4j | Ignite |
Log4JLogger | Log4j-based implementation for logging. | Class | org.apache.ignite.logger.log4j | Ignite |
Log4jRollingFileAppender | Log4J RollingFileAppender with added support for grid node IDs. | Class | org.apache.ignite.logger.log4j | Ignite |
LoggerNodeIdAware | Interface for Ignite file appenders to attach node ID to log file names. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.logger | Ignite |
LoggerResource | Annotates a field or a setter method for injection of IgniteLogger. | Class | org.apache.ignite.resources | Ignite |
LruEvictionPolicy | Eviction policy based on Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache.eviction.lru | Ignite |
LruEvictionPolicyMBean | MBean for LRU eviction policy. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.cache.eviction.lru | Ignite |
Marshaller | GridMarshaller allows to marshal or unmarshal objects in grid. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.marshaller | Ignite |
MarshallerContext | | Interface | org.apache.ignite.marshaller | Ignite |
MarshallerExclusions | Controls what classes should be excluded from marshalling by default. | Class | org.apache.ignite.marshaller | Ignite |
MBeanServerResource | Annotates a field or a setter method for injection of MBeanServer resource. | Class | org.apache.ignite.resources | Ignite |
MemoryEventStorageSpi | In-memory EventStorageSpi implementation. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.eventstorage.memory | Ignite |
MemoryEventStorageSpiMBean | Management bean for MemoryEventStorageSpi. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.eventstorage.memory | Ignite |
Message | Base class for all communication messages. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.plugin.extensions.communication | Ignite |
MessageCollectionItemType | enum MessageCollectionItemTypeEnum representing possible types of collection items. | Class | org.apache.ignite.plugin.extensions.communication | Ignite |
MessageFactory | Factory for communication messages. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.plugin.extensions.communication | Ignite |
MessageFormatter | Provides a custom format for communication messages. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.plugin.extensions.communication | Ignite |
MessageReader | Communication message reader. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.plugin.extensions.communication | Ignite |
MessageWriter | Communication message writer. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.plugin.extensions.communication | Ignite |
MessagingListenActor | Convenience actor-base adapter for IgniteMessaging. | Class | org.apache.ignite.messaging | Ignite |
MXBeanDescription | Provides description for MBean classes and methods. | Class | org.apache.ignite.mxbean | Ignite |
MXBeanParametersDescriptions | Provides MBean method parameters description. | Class | org.apache.ignite.mxbean | Ignite |
MXBeanParametersNames | Provides MBean method parameters names. | Class | org.apache.ignite.mxbean | Ignite |
MySQLDialect | A dialect compatible with the MySQL database. | Class | | Ignite |
NearCacheConfiguration | Client cache configuration. | Class | org.apache.ignite.configuration | Ignite |
NeverFailoverSpi | This class provides failover SPI implementation that never fails over. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.failover.never | Ignite |
NeverFailoverSpiMBean | Management bean for NeverFailoverSpi. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.failover.never | Ignite |
NoopCheckpointSpi | No-op implementation of CheckpointSpi. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint.noop | Ignite |
NoopCollisionSpi | No-op implementation of CollisionSpi. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.collision.noop | Ignite |
NoopIndexingSpi | Default implementation of IndexingSpi which does not index cache. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.indexing.noop | Ignite |
NoopSwapSpaceSpi | No-op implementation of SwapSpaceSpi. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.swapspace.noop | Ignite |
NullLogger | Logger which does not output anything. | Class | org.apache.ignite.logger | Ignite |
OptimizedMarshaller | Optimized implementation of Marshaller. | Class | org.apache.ignite.marshaller.optimized | Ignite |
OptimizedMarshallerIdMapper | | Interface | org.apache.ignite.marshaller.optimized | Ignite |
OracleDialect | A dialect compatible with the Oracle database. | Class | | Ignite |
PluginConfiguration | TODO: Add class description. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.plugin | Ignite |
PluginContext | TODO: Add class description. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.plugin | Ignite |
PluginNotFoundException | Exception thrown if plugin is not found. | Class | org.apache.ignite.plugin | Ignite |
PluginProvider | Pluggable ignite component. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.plugin | Ignite |
PluginValidationException | TODO: Add class description. | Class | org.apache.ignite.plugin | Ignite |
PriorityQueueCollisionSpi | This class provides implementation for Collision SPI based on priority queue. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.collision.priorityqueue | Ignite |
PriorityQueueCollisionSpiMBean | Management bean that provides access to the priority queue collision SPI configuration. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.collision.priorityqueue | Ignite |
Query | Base class for all Ignite cache queries. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache.query | Ignite |
QueryCursor | Query result cursor. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.cache.query | Ignite |
QueryGroupIndex | Describes group index. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache.query.annotations | Ignite |
QueryMetrics | Cache query metrics used to obtain statistics on query. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.cache.query | Ignite |
QuerySqlField | Annotates fields for SQL queries. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache.query.annotations | Ignite |
QuerySqlFunction | Annotates public static methods in classes to be used in SQL queries as custom functions. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache.query.annotations | Ignite |
QueryTextField | Annotation for fields or getters to be indexed for full text search using Lucene. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache.query.annotations | Ignite |
RandomEvictionPolicy | Cache eviction policy which will select random cache entry for eviction if cache size exceeds the getMaxSize() parameter. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache.eviction.random | Ignite |
RandomEvictionPolicyMBean | MBean for random eviction policy. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.cache.eviction.random | Ignite |
RendezvousAffinityFunction | Affinity function for partitioned cache based on Highest Random Weight algorithm. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache.affinity.rendezvous | Ignite |
RoundRobinLoadBalancingSpi | This SPI iterates through nodes in round-robin fashion and pick the next sequential node. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing.roundrobin | Ignite |
RoundRobinLoadBalancingSpiMBean | Management bean for RoundRobinLoadBalancingSpi SPI. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing.roundrobin | Ignite |
S3CheckpointSpi | This class defines Amazon S3-based implementation for checkpoint SPI. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint.s3 | Ignite |
S3CheckpointSpiMBean | Management bean for S3CheckpointSpi. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint.s3 | Ignite |
ScanQuery | Scan query over cache entries. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache.query | Ignite |
SchedulerFuture | Future for cron-based scheduled execution. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.scheduler | Ignite |
Service | An instance of grid-managed service. | Interface | | Ignite |
ServiceConfiguration | Managed service configuration. | Class | | Ignite |
ServiceContext | Service execution context. | Interface | | Ignite |
ServiceDescriptor | Service deployment descriptor. | Interface | | Ignite |
ServiceResource | Annotates a field or a setter method for injection of Ignite service(s) by specified service name. | Class | org.apache.ignite.resources | Ignite |
ServletContextListenerStartup | This class defines Ignite startup based on servlet context listener. | Class | org.apache.ignite.startup.servlet | Ignite |
ServletStartup | This class defines servlet-based Ignite startup. | Class | org.apache.ignite.startup.servlet | Ignite |
SharedFsCheckpointSpi | This class defines shared file system CheckpointSpi implementation for checkpoint SPI. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint.sharedfs | Ignite |
SharedFsCheckpointSpiMBean | Management bean that provides general administrative and configuration information about shared file system checkpoints. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint.sharedfs | Ignite |
SpiQuery | Query to be used by IndexingSpi implementations. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache.query | Ignite |
SpringApplicationContextResource | Annotates a field or a setter method for injection of Spring ApplicationContext resource. | Class | org.apache.ignite.resources | Ignite |
SpringCacheManager | Spring cache abstraction allows to enable caching for Java methods so that the result of a method execution is stored in some storage. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache.spring | Ignite |
SpringResource | Annotates a field or a setter method for injection of resource from Spring ApplicationContext. | Class | org.apache.ignite.resources | Ignite |
SqlFieldsQuery | See Also:IgniteCache. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache.query | Ignite |
SqlQuery | See Also:IgniteCache. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache.query | Ignite |
SQLServerDialect | A dialect compatible with the Microsoft SQL Server database. | Class | | Ignite |
StreamReceiver | Updates cache with batch of entries. | Interface | | Ignite |
StreamTransformer | Convenience adapter to transform update existing values in streaming cache based on the previously cached value. | Class | | Ignite |
StreamVisitor | Convenience adapter to visit every key-value tuple in the stream. | Class | | Ignite |
SwapContext | Context for swap operations. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.swapspace | Ignite |
SwapKey | Utility wrapper class that represents swap key. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.swapspace | Ignite |
SwapSpaceEvent | Grid swap space event. | Class | | Ignite |
SwapSpaceSpi | Provides a mechanism in grid for storing data on disk. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.swapspace | Ignite |
SwapSpaceSpiListener | Swap space SPI eviction listener. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.swapspace | Ignite |
TaskContinuousMapperResource | Annotates a field or a setter method for injection of ComputeTaskContinuousMapper resource. | Class | org.apache.ignite.resources | Ignite |
TaskEvent | Grid events are used for notification about what happens within the grid. | Class | | Ignite |
TaskSessionResource | Annotates a field or a setter method for injection of ComputeTaskSession resource. | Class | org.apache.ignite.resources | Ignite |
TcpClientDiscoverySpi | Client discovery SPI implementation that uses TCP/IP for node discovery. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp | Ignite |
TcpClientDiscoverySpiMBean | Management bean for TcpClientDiscoverySpi. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp | Ignite |
TcpCommunicationSpi | GridTcpCommunicationSpi is default communication SPI which uses TCP/IP protocol and Java NIO to communicate with other nodes. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.communication.tcp | Ignite |
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean | MBean provide access to TCP-based communication SPI. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.communication.tcp | Ignite |
TcpDiscoveryIpFinder | IP finder interface for TcpDiscoverySpi. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder | Ignite |
TcpDiscoveryIpFinderAdapter | IP finder interface implementation adapter. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder | Ignite |
TcpDiscoveryJdbcIpFinder | JDBC-based IP finder. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.jdbc | Ignite |
TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder | Multicast-based IP finder. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.multicast | Ignite |
TcpDiscoveryS3IpFinder | AWS S3-based IP finder. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.s3 | Ignite |
TcpDiscoverySharedFsIpFinder | Shared filesystem-based IP finder. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.sharedfs | Ignite |
TcpDiscoverySpi | Discovery SPI implementation that uses TCP/IP for node discovery. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp | Ignite |
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean | Management bean for TcpDiscoverySpi. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp | Ignite |
TcpDiscoveryVmIpFinder | IP Finder which works only with pre-configured list of IP addresses specified via setAddresses(Collection) method. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.vm | Ignite |
TextQuery | Query for Lucene based fulltext search. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache.query | Ignite |
ThreadPoolMXBean | MBean that provides access to information about executor service. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.mxbean | Ignite |
Transaction | Grid cache transaction. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.transactions | Ignite |
TransactionConcurrency | enum TransactionConcurrencyTransaction concurrency control. | Class | org.apache.ignite.transactions | Ignite |
TransactionConfiguration | Transactions configuration. | Class | org.apache.ignite.configuration | Ignite |
TransactionHeuristicException | Exception thrown whenever grid transaction enters an unknown state. | Class | org.apache.ignite.transactions | Ignite |
TransactionIsolation | enum TransactionIsolationDefines different cache transaction isolation levels. | Class | org.apache.ignite.transactions | Ignite |
TransactionMetrics | Transaction metrics, shared across all caches. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.transactions | Ignite |
TransactionOptimisticException | Exception thrown whenever grid transactions fail optimistically. | Class | org.apache.ignite.transactions | Ignite |
TransactionRollbackException | Exception thrown whenever grid transactions has been automatically rolled back. | Class | org.apache.ignite.transactions | Ignite |
TransactionState | enum TransactionStateCache transaction state. | Class | org.apache.ignite.transactions | Ignite |
TransactionSynchronization | Synchronization callback for transaction. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.transactions | Ignite |
TransactionTimeoutException | Exception thrown whenever grid transactions time out. | Class | org.apache.ignite.transactions | Ignite |
UriDeploymentSpi | different sources like file system folders, FTP, email and HTTP. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.deployment.uri | Ignite |
UriDeploymentSpiMBean | Management bean for UriDeploymentSpi. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.deployment.uri | Ignite |
VisorExtensionPoint | Abstract base class for Visor plugin extension point. | Class | org.apache.ignite.visor.plugin | Ignite |
VisorPluggableTab | Abstract base class for Visor pluggable tabs. | Class | org.apache.ignite.visor.plugin | Ignite |
VisorPlugin | Base class for Visor plugins. | Class | org.apache.ignite.visor.plugin | Ignite |
VisorPluginComponent | Base interface for Visor components. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.visor.plugin | Ignite |
VisorPluginComponentsFactory | Factory for creating ready Visor UI blocks like nodes panel, log panel, etc. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.visor.plugin | Ignite |
VisorPluginLogPanel | Standard Visor panel with log entries. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.visor.plugin | Ignite |
VisorPluginModel | Gateway to Visor functionality from plugins. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.visor.plugin | Ignite |
VisorPluginNodesPanel | Standart Visor panel with nodes. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.visor.plugin | Ignite |
VisorSelectionListener | The listener interface for receiving "selection" events from standard Visor panels. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.visor.plugin | Ignite |
VisorTopologyListener | Listener for grid node topology changes. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.visor.plugin | Ignite |
WebSessionFilter | Filter for web sessions caching. | Class | org.apache.ignite.cache.websession | Ignite |
WeightedRandomLoadBalancingSpi | Load balancing SPI that picks a random node for job execution. | Class | org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing.weightedrandom | Ignite |
WeightedRandomLoadBalancingSpiMBean | Management MBean for WeightedRandomLoadBalancingSpi SPI. | Interface | org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing.weightedrandom | Ignite |