Name | Description | Type | Package | Framework |
AccessControlEntry | An AccessControlEntry represents the association of one or more Privilege objects with a specific Principal. | Interface | | JCR |
AccessControlException | Exception thrown by access control related methods of AccessControlManager. | Class | | JCR |
AccessControlList | The AccessControlList is an AccessControlPolicy representing a list of access control entries. | Interface | | JCR |
AccessControlManager | The AccessControlManager object is accessed via Session. | Interface | | JCR |
AccessControlPolicy | The AccessControlPolicy is a marker interface for all kind of access control policies. | Interface | | JCR |
AccessControlPolicyIterator | Allows easy iteration through a list of AccessControlPolicys with nextAccessControlPolicy as well as a skip | Interface | | JCR |
AccessDeniedException | Exception thrown by access-related methods. | Class | javax.jcr | JCR |
ActivityViolationException | Exception will be thrown by Node. | Class | javax.jcr.version | JCR |
And | Performs a logical conjunction of two other constraints. | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
Binary | A Binary object holds a JCR property value of type BINARY. | Interface | javax.jcr | JCR |
BindVariableValue | Evaluates to the value of a bind variable. | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
ChildNode | Tests whether the selector node is a child of a node reachable by absolute path path. | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
ChildNodeJoinCondition | Tests whether the childSelector node is a child of the parentSelector node. | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
Column | Defines a column to include in the tabular view of query results. | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
Comparison | Filters node-tuples based on the outcome of a binary operation. | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
Constraint | Filters the set of node-tuples formed by evaluating the query's selectors and the joins between them. | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
ConstraintViolationException | Exception thrown when an action would violate a constraint on repository structure. | Class | javax.jcr.nodetype | JCR |
Credentials | Interface for all credentials that may be passed to the Repository. | Interface | javax.jcr | JCR |
DescendantNode | Tests whether the selector node is a descendant of a node reachable by absolute path path. | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
DescendantNodeJoinCondition | Tests whether the descendantSelector node is a descendant of the ancestorSelector | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
DynamicOperand | | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
EquiJoinCondition | Tests whether the value of a property in a first selector is equal to the value of a property in a second selector. | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
Event | An event fired by the observation mechanism. | Interface | javax.jcr.observation | JCR |
EventIterator | Allows easy iteration through a list of Events with nextEvent as well as a skip method inherited from | Interface | javax.jcr.observation | JCR |
EventJournal | An EventJournal is an extension of EventIterator that provides the additional method skipTo(long). | Interface | javax.jcr.observation | JCR |
EventListener | An EventListener can be registered via the ObservationManager object. | Interface | javax.jcr.observation | JCR |
EventListenerIterator | Allows easy iteration through a list of EventListeners with nextEventListener as well as a skip method | Interface | javax.jcr.observation | JCR |
FullTextSearch | Performs a full-text search. | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
FullTextSearchScore | Evaluates to a DOUBLE value equal to the full-text search score Full-text search score ranks a selector's nodes by their relevance to the | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
GuestCredentials | GuestCredentials implements the Credentials interface and is used to obtain a "guest", "public" or "anonymous" session. | Class | javax.jcr | JCR |
Hold | Hold represents a hold that can be applied to an existing node in order to prevent the node from being modified or removed. | Interface | javax.jcr.retention | JCR |
ImportUUIDBehavior | The possible actions specified by the uuidBehavior parameter in Workspace. | Interface | javax.jcr | JCR |
InvalidItemStateException | Exception thrown by the write methods of Node and Property and by Session. | Class | javax.jcr | JCR |
InvalidLifecycleTransitionException | Exception thrown by Lifecycle management-related methods. | Class | javax.jcr | JCR |
InvalidNodeTypeDefinitionException | Exception thrown when an attempt is made to register an invalid node type definition template. | Class | javax.jcr.nodetype | JCR |
InvalidQueryException | Thrown by methods of Query. | Class | javax.jcr.query | JCR |
InvalidSerializedDataException | Exception thrown by the deserialization methods of Session if the serialized data being input has an invalid format. | Class | javax.jcr | JCR |
Item | | Interface | javax.jcr | JCR |
ItemDefinition | Superclass of NodeDefinition and PropertyDefinition. | Interface | javax.jcr.nodetype | JCR |
ItemExistsException | An exception thrown when an attempt is made to place an item in a position where another item already exists. | Class | javax.jcr | JCR |
ItemNotFoundException | Exception thrown by methods of Item, Node and Workspace when an item is not found. | Class | javax.jcr | JCR |
ItemVisitor | This interface defines two signatures of the visit method; one taking a Node, the other a Property. | Interface | javax.jcr | JCR |
Join | Performs a join between two node-tuple sources. | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
JoinCondition | | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
LabelExistsVersionException | Exception thrown by VersionHistory. | Class | javax.jcr.version | JCR |
Length | Evaluates to the length (or lengths, if multi-valued) of a property. | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
Literal | Evaluates to a literal value. | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
Lock | Represents a lock placed on an item. | Interface | javax.jcr.lock | JCR |
LockException | Exception thrown by when a lock-related error occurs. | Class | javax.jcr.lock | JCR |
LockManager | This interface encapsulates methods for the management of locks. | Interface | javax.jcr.lock | JCR |
LoginException | Exception thrown by Repository. | Class | javax.jcr | JCR |
LowerCase | Evaluates to the lower-case string value (or values, if multi-valued) of If operand does not evaluate to a string value, its value | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
MergeException | Exception thrown by Node. | Class | javax.jcr | JCR |
NamedAccessControlPolicy | An NamedAccessControlPolicy is an opaque access control policy that is described by a JCR name and optionally a description. | Interface | | JCR |
NamespaceException | Exception thrown by Session. | Class | javax.jcr | JCR |
NamespaceRegistry | Each repository has a single, persistent namespace registry represented by the NamespaceRegistry object, accessed via Workspace. | Interface | javax.jcr | JCR |
Node | The Node interface represents a node in a workspace. | Interface | javax.jcr | JCR |
NodeDefinition | A node definition. | Interface | javax.jcr.nodetype | JCR |
NodeDefinitionTemplate | The NodeDefinitionTemplate interface extends NodeDefinition with the addition of write methods, enabling the | Interface | javax.jcr.nodetype | JCR |
NodeIterator | Allows easy iteration through a list of Nodes with nextNode as well as a skip method inherited from | Interface | javax.jcr | JCR |
NodeLocalName | | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
NodeName | | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
NodeType | A NodeType object represents a "live" node type that is registered in the repository. | Interface | javax.jcr.nodetype | JCR |
NodeTypeDefinition | The NodeTypeDefinition interface provides methods for discovering the static definition of a node type. | Interface | javax.jcr.nodetype | JCR |
NodeTypeExistsException | Exception thrown when an attempt is made to register a node type that already exists, and allowUpdate has not been set to true. | Class | javax.jcr.nodetype | JCR |
NodeTypeIterator | An iterator for NodeType objects. | Interface | javax.jcr.nodetype | JCR |
NodeTypeManager | Allows for the retrieval and (in implementations that support it) the registration of node types. | Interface | javax.jcr.nodetype | JCR |
NodeTypeTemplate | The NodeTypeTemplate interface is used to define node types which are then registered through the NodeTypeManager. | Interface | javax.jcr.nodetype | JCR |
NoSuchNodeTypeException | Exception thrown by node type-related methods. | Class | javax.jcr.nodetype | JCR |
NoSuchWorkspaceException | Exception thrown by Repository. | Class | javax.jcr | JCR |
Not | Performs a logical negation of another constraint. | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
ObservationManager | The ObservationManager object. | Interface | javax.jcr.observation | JCR |
OnParentVersionAction | The possible actions specified by the onParentVersion attribute in a property definition within a node type definition. | Class | javax.jcr.version | JCR |
Operand | | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
Or | Performs a logical disjunction of two other constraints. | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
Ordering | Determines the relative order of two node-tuples by evaluating operand for each. | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
PathNotFoundException | Exception thrown when no Item exists at the specified path or when the specified path implies intermediary Nodes that do not | Class | javax.jcr | JCR |
Privilege | A privilege represents the capability of performing a particular set of operations on items in the JCR repository. | Interface | | JCR |
Property | A Property object represents the smallest granularity of content storage. | Interface | javax.jcr | JCR |
PropertyDefinition | A property definition. | Interface | javax.jcr.nodetype | JCR |
PropertyDefinitionTemplate | The PropertyDefinitionTemplate interface extends PropertyDefinition with the addition of write methods, enabling | Interface | javax.jcr.nodetype | JCR |
PropertyExistence | Tests the existence of a property. | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
PropertyIterator | Allows easy iteration through a list of Propertys with nextProperty as well as a skip method. | Interface | javax.jcr | JCR |
PropertyType | The property types supported by the JCR standard. | Class | javax.jcr | JCR |
PropertyValue | Evaluates to the value (or values, if multi-valued) of a property. | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
Query | | Interface | javax.jcr.query | JCR |
QueryManager | This interface encapsulates methods for the management of search queries. | Interface | javax.jcr.query | JCR |
QueryObjectModel | A query in the JCR query object model. | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
QueryObjectModelConstants | Defines constants used in the query object model. | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
QueryObjectModelFactory | A QueryObjectModelFactory creates instances of the JCR query Refer to QueryObjectModel for a description of the query object | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
QueryResult | A QueryResult object. | Interface | javax.jcr.query | JCR |
RangeIterator | getSize and getPosition methods. | Interface | javax.jcr | JCR |
ReferentialIntegrityException | Exception thrown on referential integrity violation. | Class | javax.jcr | JCR |
Repository | The entry point into the content repository. | Interface | javax.jcr | JCR |
RepositoryException | Main exception thrown by classes in this package. | Class | javax.jcr | JCR |
RepositoryFactory | RepositoryFactory is a factory for Repository An implementation of this interface must have a zero-argument public | Interface | javax.jcr | JCR |
RetentionManager | The RetentionManager object is accessed via Session. | Interface | javax.jcr.retention | JCR |
RetentionPolicy | An RetentionPolicy is an object with a name and an optionalSince:JCR 2. | Interface | javax.jcr.retention | JCR |
Row | A row in the query result table. | Interface | javax.jcr.query | JCR |
RowIterator | Allows easy iteration through a list of Rows with nextRow as well as a skip method inherited from | Interface | javax.jcr.query | JCR |
SameNode | Tests whether the selector node is reachable by absolute path path. | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
SameNodeJoinCondition | Tests whether two nodes are "the same" according to the isSame method of javax. | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
Selector | Selects a subset of the nodes in the repository based on node type. | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
Session | The Session object provides read and (in level 2) write access to the content of a particular workspace in the repository. | Interface | javax.jcr | JCR |
SimpleCredentials | SimpleCredentials implements the Credentials interface and represents simple user ID/password credentials. | Class | javax.jcr | JCR |
Source | | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
StaticOperand | | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
TraversingItemVisitor | An implementation of ItemVisitor. | Class | javax.jcr.util | JCR |
UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException | Thrown by methods that are not supported by a particular implementation. | Class | javax.jcr | JCR |
UpperCase | Evaluates to the upper-case string value (or values, if multi-valued) of If operand does not evaluate to a string value, its value | Interface | javax.jcr.query.qom | JCR |
Value | A generic holder for the value of a property. | Interface | javax.jcr | JCR |
ValueFactory | The ValueFactory object provides methods for the creation Value objects that can then be used to set properties. | Interface | javax.jcr | JCR |
ValueFormatException | Exception thrown when an attempt is made to assign a value to a property that has an invalid format, given the type of the property. | Class | javax.jcr | JCR |
Version | A Version object wraps an nt:version node. | Interface | javax.jcr.version | JCR |
VersionException | Exception thrown by Version. | Class | javax.jcr.version | JCR |
VersionHistory | A VersionHistory object wraps an nt:versionHistory node. | Interface | javax.jcr.version | JCR |
VersionIterator | Allows easy iteration through a list of Versions objects with nextVersion as well as a skip method inherited from | Interface | javax.jcr.version | JCR |
VersionManager | The VersionManager object is accessed via Workspace. | Interface | javax.jcr.version | JCR |
Workspace | A Workspace object represents a view onto a persitent workspace within a repository. | Interface | javax.jcr | JCR |