Name | Description | Type | Package | Framework |
AbstractAnnotation | An abstract implementation of the Annotation interface, containing a mechanism for registering change listeners. | Class | org.jfree.chart.annotations | JFreeChart |
AbstractBlock | A convenience class for creating new classes that implement the Block interface. | Class | org.jfree.chart.block | JFreeChart |
AbstractCategoryItemLabelGenerator | A base class that can be used to create a label or tooltip generator that can be assigned to a | Class | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
AbstractCategoryItemRenderer | An abstract base class that you can use to implement a new CategoryItemRenderer. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.category | JFreeChart |
AbstractDataset | An abstract implementation of the Dataset interface, containing a mechanism for registering change listeners. | Class | | JFreeChart |
AbstractDialLayer | A base class that can be used to implement a DialLayer. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot.dial | JFreeChart |
AbstractIntervalXYDataset | An base class that you can use to create new implementations of the IntervalXYDataset interface. | Class | | JFreeChart |
AbstractMouseHandlerFX | A base class that can be used to implement the MouseHandlerFX THE API FOR THIS CLASS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE IN FUTURE RELEASES. | Class | org.jfree.chart.fx.interaction | JFreeChart |
AbstractOverlay | A base class for implementing overlays for a ChartPanel. | Class | org.jfree.chart.panel | JFreeChart |
AbstractPieItemLabelGenerator | A base class used for generating pie chart item labels. | Class | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
AbstractPieLabelDistributor | A base class for handling the distribution of pie section labels. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
AbstractRenderer | Base class providing common services for renderers. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer | JFreeChart |
AbstractSeriesDataset | An abstract implementation of the SeriesDataset interface, containing a mechanism for registering change listeners. | Class | | JFreeChart |
AbstractXYAnnotation | The interface that must be supported by annotations that are to be added toSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jfree.chart.annotations | JFreeChart |
AbstractXYDataset | An base class that you can use to create new implementations of the XYDataset interface. | Class | | JFreeChart |
AbstractXYItemLabelGenerator | A base class for creating item label generators. | Class | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
AbstractXYItemRenderer | A base class that can be used to create new XYItemRendererSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
AbstractXYZDataset | An base class that you can use to create new implementations of the XYZDataset interface. | Class | | JFreeChart |
AnchorHandlerFX | Handles mouse clicks on the ChartCanvas by updating the anchor and redrawing the chart. | Class | org.jfree.chart.fx.interaction | JFreeChart |
Annotation | The base interface for annotations. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.annotations | JFreeChart |
AnnotationChangeEvent | An event that can be forwarded to any AnnotationChangeListener to signal a change to an Annotation. | Class | org.jfree.chart.event | JFreeChart |
AnnotationChangeListener | The interface that must be supported by classes that wish to receive notification of changes to an Annotation. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.event | JFreeChart |
ArcDialFrame | A standard frame for the DialPlot class. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot.dial | JFreeChart |
AreaRenderer | A category item renderer that draws area charts. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.category | JFreeChart |
AreaRendererEndType | An enumeration of the 'end types' for an area renderer. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer | JFreeChart |
Arrangement | An object that is responsible for arranging a collection of Blocks within a BlockContainer. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.block | JFreeChart |
ArrowNeedle | A needle in the shape of an arrow. | Class | org.jfree.chart.needle | JFreeChart |
AttrStringUtils | Some AttributedString utilities. | Class | org.jfree.chart.util | JFreeChart |
Axis | The base class for all axes in JFreeChart. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
AxisChangeEvent | A change event that encapsulates information about a change to an axis. | Class | org.jfree.chart.event | JFreeChart |
AxisChangeListener | The interface that must be supported by classes that wish to receive notification of changes to an axis. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.event | JFreeChart |
AxisCollection | A collection of axes that have been assigned to the TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT or RIGHT of a chart. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
AxisEntity | A class that captures information about an Axis belonging to a Since:1. | Class | org.jfree.chart.entity | JFreeChart |
AxisLabelLocation | Used to indicate the location of an axis label. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
AxisLocation | Used to indicate the location of an axis on a 2D plot, prior to knowing the orientation of the plot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
AxisSpace | A record that contains the space required at each edge of a plot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
AxisState | Instances of this class are used to carry state information for an axis during the drawing process. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
BarChartDemo1 | A simple demonstration application showing how to create a bar chart. | Class | org.jfree.chart.demo | JFreeChart |
BarChartFXDemo1 | A demo showing the display of JFreeChart within a JavaFX application. | Class | org.jfree.chart.fx.demo | JFreeChart |
BarPainter | The interface for plugin painter for the BarRenderer class. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.renderer.category | JFreeChart |
BarRenderer | A CategoryItemRenderer that draws individual data items as bars. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.category | JFreeChart |
BarRenderer3D | A renderer for bars with a 3D effect, for use with the CategoryPlot class. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.category | JFreeChart |
Block | A block is an arbitrary item that can be drawn (in Java2D space) within a rectangular area, has a preferred size, and can be arranged by an | Interface | org.jfree.chart.block | JFreeChart |
BlockBorder | A border for a block. | Class | org.jfree.chart.block | JFreeChart |
BlockContainer | A container for a collection of Block objects. | Class | org.jfree.chart.block | JFreeChart |
BlockFrame | A block frame is a type of border that can be drawn around the outside of any AbstractBlock. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.block | JFreeChart |
BlockParams | A standard parameter object that can be passed to the draw() method defined by the Block class. | Class | org.jfree.chart.block | JFreeChart |
BlockResult | | Class | org.jfree.chart.block | JFreeChart |
BorderArrangement | An arrangement manager that lays out blocks in a similar way to Swing's BorderLayout class. | Class | org.jfree.chart.block | JFreeChart |
BoxAndWhiskerCalculator | A utility class that calculates the mean, median, quartiles Q1 and Q3, plus a list of outlier values. | Class | | JFreeChart |
BoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset | A category dataset that defines various medians, outliers and an average value for each item. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
BoxAndWhiskerItem | Represents one data item within a box-and-whisker dataset. | Class | | JFreeChart |
BoxAndWhiskerRenderer | A box-and-whisker renderer. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.category | JFreeChart |
BoxAndWhiskerToolTipGenerator | An item label generator for plots that use data from a BoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset. | Class | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
BoxAndWhiskerXYDataset | An interface that defines data in the form of (x, max, min, average, median) Example: JFreeChart uses this interface to obtain data for AIMS | Interface | | JFreeChart |
BoxAndWhiskerXYToolTipGenerator | An item label generator for plots that use data from a BoxAndWhiskerXYDataset. | Class | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
BubbleXYItemLabelGenerator | An item label generator defined for use with the XYBubbleRenderer class, or any other class that uses an XYZDataset. | Class | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
CandlestickRenderer | A renderer that draws candlesticks on an XYPlot (requires a OHLCDataset). | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
CategoryAnchor | Used to indicate one of three positions within a category: START, MIDDLE and END. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
CategoryAnnotation | The interface that must be supported by annotations that are to be added to a CategoryPlot. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.annotations | JFreeChart |
CategoryAxis | An axis that displays categories. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
CategoryAxis3D | An axis that displays categories and has a 3D effect. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
CategoryCrosshairState | Represents state information for the crosshairs in a CategoryPlot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
CategoryDataset | The interface for a dataset with one or more series, and values associated The categories are represented by Comparable instance, with the | Interface | | JFreeChart |
CategoryDatasetHandler | A SAX handler for reading a CategoryDataset from an XML file. | Class | | JFreeChart |
CategoryItemEntity | A chart entity that represents one item within a category plot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.entity | JFreeChart |
CategoryItemLabelGenerator | A category item label generator is an object that can be assigned to a CategoryItemRenderer and that | Interface | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
CategoryItemRenderer | A plug-in object that is used by the CategoryPlot class to display individual data items from a CategoryDataset. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.renderer.category | JFreeChart |
CategoryItemRendererState | An object that retains temporary state information for a CategoryItemRenderer. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.category | JFreeChart |
CategoryLabelEntity | An entity to represent the labels on a CategoryAxis. | Class | org.jfree.chart.entity | JFreeChart |
CategoryLabelPosition | The attributes that control the position of the labels for the categories on a CategoryAxis. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
CategoryLabelPositions | Records the label positions for a category axis. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
CategoryLabelWidthType | Represents the width types for a category label. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
CategoryLineAnnotation | A line annotation that can be placed on a CategoryPlot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.annotations | JFreeChart |
CategoryMarker | A marker for a category. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
CategoryPlot | A general plotting class that uses data from a CategoryDataset and renders each data item using a CategoryItemRenderer. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
CategoryPointerAnnotation | An arrow and label that can be placed on a CategoryPlot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.annotations | JFreeChart |
CategoryRangeInfo | An interface that can (optionally) be implemented by a dataset to assist in determining the minimum and maximum y-values. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
CategorySeriesHandler | A handler for reading a series for a category dataset. | Class | | JFreeChart |
CategorySeriesLabelGenerator | A generator that creates labels for the series in a CategoryDataset. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
CategoryStepRenderer | A step renderer similar to XYStepRenderer but that can be used with the CategoryPlot class. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.category | JFreeChart |
CategoryTableXYDataset | An implementation variant of the TableXYDataset where every series shares the same x-values (required for generating stacked area charts). | Class | | JFreeChart |
CategoryTextAnnotation | A text annotation that can be placed on a CategoryPlot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.annotations | JFreeChart |
CategoryTick | A tick for a CategoryAxis. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
CategoryToolTipGenerator | A category tool tip generator is an object that can be assigned to a CategoryItemRenderer and that | Interface | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
CategoryToPieDataset | A PieDataset implementation that obtains its data from one row or column of a CategoryDataset. | Class | | JFreeChart |
CategoryURLGenerator | A URL generator for items in a CategoryDataset. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.urls | JFreeChart |
CenterArrangement | Arranges a block in the center of its container. | Class | org.jfree.chart.block | JFreeChart |
CenterTextMode | The mode for the center text on a RingPlot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
ChartCanvas | A canvas for displaying a JFreeChart in JavaFX. | Class | org.jfree.chart.fx | JFreeChart |
ChartChangeEvent | A change event that encapsulates information about a change to a chart. | Class | org.jfree.chart.event | JFreeChart |
ChartChangeEventType | Defines tokens used to indicate an event type. | Class | org.jfree.chart.event | JFreeChart |
ChartChangeListener | The interface that must be supported by classes that wish to receive notification of chart events. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.event | JFreeChart |
ChartColor | Class to extend the number of Colors available to the charts. | Class | org.jfree.chart | JFreeChart |
ChartDeleter | Used for deleting charts from the temporary directory when the users sessionSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jfree.chart.servlet | JFreeChart |
ChartEditor | A chart editor is typically a JComponent containing a user interface for modifying the properties of a chart. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.editor | JFreeChart |
ChartEditorFactory | A factory for creating new ChartEditor instances. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.editor | JFreeChart |
ChartEditorManager | The central point for obtaining ChartEditor instances for editing charts. | Class | org.jfree.chart.editor | JFreeChart |
ChartEntity | A class that captures information about some component of a chart (a bar,See Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jfree.chart.entity | JFreeChart |
ChartFactory | | Class | org.jfree.chart | JFreeChart |
ChartFrame | A frame for displaying a chart. | Class | org.jfree.chart | JFreeChart |
ChartHints | Special rendering hints that can be used internally by JFreeChart or by specialised implementations of the Graphics2D API. | Class | org.jfree.chart | JFreeChart |
ChartMouseEvent | A mouse event for a chart that is displayed in a ChartPanel. | Class | org.jfree.chart | JFreeChart |
ChartMouseEventFX | A mouse event for a chart that is displayed in a (JavaFX) Since:1. | Class | org.jfree.chart.fx.interaction | JFreeChart |
ChartMouseListener | The interface that must be implemented by classes that wish to receive ChartMouseEvent notifications from a ChartPanel. | Interface | org.jfree.chart | JFreeChart |
ChartMouseListenerFX | A mouse listener that can receive event notifications from a (JavaFX) ChartViewer instance. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.fx.interaction | JFreeChart |
ChartPanel | A Swing GUI component for displaying a JFreeChart object. | Class | org.jfree.chart | JFreeChart |
ChartProgressEvent | An event that contains information about the drawing progress of a chart. | Class | org.jfree.chart.event | JFreeChart |
ChartProgressListener | The interface that must be supported by classes that wish to receive notification of chart progress events. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.event | JFreeChart |
ChartRenderingInfo | A structure for storing rendering information from one call to the JFreeChart. | Class | org.jfree.chart | JFreeChart |
ChartTheme | A ChartTheme a class that can apply a style or 'theme' to a chart. | Interface | org.jfree.chart | JFreeChart |
ChartTransferable | A class used to represent a chart on the clipboard. | Class | org.jfree.chart | JFreeChart |
ChartUtilities | A collection of utility methods for JFreeChart. | Class | org.jfree.chart | JFreeChart |
ChartViewer | A control for displaying a JFreeChart in JavaFX (embeds a ChartCanvas, adds drag zooming and provides a popup menu for export | Class | org.jfree.chart.fx | JFreeChart |
ChartViewerSkin | A default skin for the ChartViewer control. | Class | org.jfree.chart.fx | JFreeChart |
ClipPath | This class would typically be used with a ContourPlot. | Class | org.jfree.chart | JFreeChart |
CloneUtils | Utilities for cloning. | Class | org.jfree.chart.util | JFreeChart |
ClusteredXYBarRenderer | An extension of XYBarRenderer that displays bars for different series values at the same x next to each other. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
ColorBar | | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
ColorBlock | A block that is filled with a single color. | Class | org.jfree.chart.block | JFreeChart |
ColorPalette | Defines palette used by ContourPlot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
ColumnArrangement | Arranges blocks in a column layout. | Class | org.jfree.chart.block | JFreeChart |
CombinationDataset | Interface that describes the new methods that any combined dataset needs to implement. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
CombinedDataset | This class can combine instances of XYDataset, OHLCDataset and IntervalXYDataset together exposing the union of all the series | Class | | JFreeChart |
CombinedDomainCategoryPlot | A combined category plot where the domain axis is shared. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
CombinedDomainXYPlot | An extension of XYPlot that contains multiple subplots that share a common domain axis. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
CombinedRangeCategoryPlot | A combined category plot where the range axis is shared. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
CombinedRangeXYPlot | An extension of XYPlot that contains multiple subplots that share aSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
ComparableObjectItem | Represents one (Comparable, Object) data item for use in a ComparableObjectSeries. | Class | | JFreeChart |
ComparableObjectSeries | A (possibly ordered) list of (Comparable, Object) data items. | Class | | JFreeChart |
CompassFormat | A formatter that displays numbers as directions. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
CompassPlot | A specialised plot that draws a compass to indicate a direction based on the value from a ValueDataset. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
CompositeTitle | A title that contains multiple titles within a BlockContainer. | Class | org.jfree.chart.title | JFreeChart |
ContourDataset | The interface through which JFreeChart obtains data in the form of (x, y, z) items - used for XY and XYZ plots. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
ContourEntity | Represents an item on a contour chart. | Class | org.jfree.chart.entity | JFreeChart |
ContourPlot | A class for creating shaded contours. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
ContourPlotUtilities | Some utility methods for the ContourPlot class. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
ContourToolTipGenerator | | Interface | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
ContourValuePlot | An interface defining methods related to contour plots. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
Crosshair | A crosshair for display on a plot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
CrosshairLabelGenerator | A label generator for crosshairs. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
CrosshairOverlay | An overlay for a ChartPanel that draws crosshairs on a plot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.panel | JFreeChart |
CrosshairState | Maintains state information about crosshairs on a plot between successive calls to the renderer's draw method. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
CSV | A utility class for reading CategoryDataset data from a CSV file. | Class | | JFreeChart |
CustomCategoryURLGenerator | A custom URL generator. | Class | org.jfree.chart.urls | JFreeChart |
CustomPieURLGenerator | A custom URL generator for pie charts. | Class | org.jfree.chart.urls | JFreeChart |
CustomXYToolTipGenerator | A tool tip generator that stores custom tooltips. | Class | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
CustomXYURLGenerator | A custom URL generator. | Class | org.jfree.chart.urls | JFreeChart |
CyclicNumberAxis | This class extends NumberAxis and handles cycling. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
CyclicXYItemRenderer | The Cyclic XY item renderer is specially designed to handle cyclic axis. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
DataPackageResources | A resource bundle that stores all the items that might need localisation. | Class | | JFreeChart |
DataPackageResources_de | A resource bundle that stores all the items that might need localisation. | Class | | JFreeChart |
DataPackageResources_es | A resource bundle that stores all the items that might need localisation. | Class | | JFreeChart |
DataPackageResources_fr | A resource bundle that stores all the items that might need localisation. | Class | | JFreeChart |
DataPackageResources_pl | A resource bundle that stores all the items that might need localisation. | Class | | JFreeChart |
DataPackageResources_ru | A resource bundle that stores all the items that might need localisation. | Class | | JFreeChart |
Dataset | The base interface for data sets. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
DatasetChangeEvent | A change event that encapsulates information about a change to a dataset. | Class | | JFreeChart |
DatasetChangeListener | The interface that must be supported by classes that wish to receive notification of changes to a dataset. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
DatasetGroup | A class that is used to group datasets (currently not used for any specificSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | | JFreeChart |
DatasetReader | A utility class for reading datasets from XML. | Class | | JFreeChart |
DatasetRenderingOrder | Defines the tokens that indicate the rendering order for datasets in aSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
DatasetTags | Constants for the tags that identify the elements in the XML files. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
DatasetUtilities | A collection of useful static methods relating to datasets. | Class | | JFreeChart |
DataUtilities | Utility methods for use with some of the data classes (but not the datasets, see DatasetUtilities). | Class | | JFreeChart |
DateAxis | The base class for axes that display dates. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
DateRange | A range specified in terms of two java. | Class | | JFreeChart |
DateTick | A tick used by the DateAxis class. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
DateTickMarkPosition | Used to indicate the required position of tick marks on a date axis relative to the underlying time period. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
DateTickUnit | A tick unit for use by subclasses of DateAxis. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
DateTickUnitType | An enumeration of the unit types for a DateTickUnit instance. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
DateTitle | A chart title that displays the date. | Class | org.jfree.chart.title | JFreeChart |
Day | Represents a single day in the range 1-Jan-1900 to 31-Dec-9999. | Class | | JFreeChart |
DefaultBoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset | A convenience class that provides a default implementation of the BoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset interface. | Class | | JFreeChart |
DefaultBoxAndWhiskerXYDataset | A simple implementation of the BoxAndWhiskerXYDataset interface. | Class | | JFreeChart |
DefaultCategoryDataset | A default implementation of the CategoryDataset interface. | Class | | JFreeChart |
DefaultCategoryItemRenderer | A default renderer for the CategoryPlot class. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.category | JFreeChart |
DefaultChartEditorFactory | A default implementation of the ChartEditorFactory interface. | Class | org.jfree.chart.editor | JFreeChart |
DefaultContourDataset | A convenience class that provides a default implementation of the ContourDataset interface. | Class | | JFreeChart |
DefaultDrawingSupplier | A default implementation of the DrawingSupplier interface. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
DefaultHeatMapDataset | A default implementation of the HeatMapDataset interface. | Class | | JFreeChart |
DefaultHighLowDataset | A simple implementation of the OHLCDataset interface. | Class | | JFreeChart |
DefaultIntervalCategoryDataset | A convenience class that provides a default implementation of the IntervalCategoryDataset interface. | Class | | JFreeChart |
DefaultIntervalXYDataset | A dataset that defines a range (interval) for both the x-values and the y-values. | Class | | JFreeChart |
DefaultKeyedValue | A (key, value) pair. | Class | | JFreeChart |
DefaultKeyedValueDataset | A default implementation of the KeyedValueDataset interface. | Class | | JFreeChart |
DefaultKeyedValues | An ordered list of (key, value) items. | Class | | JFreeChart |
DefaultKeyedValues2D | A data structure that stores zero, one or many values, where each value is associated with two keys (a 'row' key and a 'column' key). | Class | | JFreeChart |
DefaultKeyedValues2DDataset | A default implementation of the KeyedValues2DDataset interface. | Class | | JFreeChart |
DefaultKeyedValuesDataset | A default implementation of the KeyedValuesDataset interface. | Class | | JFreeChart |
DefaultLogAxisEditor | A panel for editing properties of a LogAxis. | Class | org.jfree.chart.editor | JFreeChart |
DefaultMultiValueCategoryDataset | A category dataset that defines multiple values for each item. | Class | | JFreeChart |
DefaultOHLCDataset | A simple implementation of the OHLCDataset interface. | Class | | JFreeChart |
DefaultPieDataset | A default implementation of the PieDataset interface. | Class | | JFreeChart |
DefaultPolarItemRenderer | A renderer that can be used with the PolarPlot class. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer | JFreeChart |
DefaultPolarPlotEditor | A panel for editing the properties of a PolarPlot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.editor | JFreeChart |
DefaultShadowGenerator | A default implementation of the ShadowGenerator interface, based on post by Romain Guy. | Class | org.jfree.chart.util | JFreeChart |
DefaultStatisticalCategoryDataset | A convenience class that provides a default implementation of the StatisticalCategoryDataset interface. | Class | | JFreeChart |
DefaultTableXYDataset | An XYDataset where every series shares the same x-values (required for generating stacked area charts). | Class | | JFreeChart |
DefaultValueDataset | A dataset that stores a single value (that is possibly null). | Class | | JFreeChart |
DefaultWindDataset | A default implementation of the WindDataset interface. | Class | | JFreeChart |
DefaultXYDataset | A default implementation of the XYDataset interface that stores data values in arrays of double primitives. | Class | | JFreeChart |
DefaultXYItemRenderer | A default renderer for the XYPlot class. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
DefaultXYZDataset | A default implementation of the XYZDataset interface that stores data values in arrays of double primitives. | Class | | JFreeChart |
DeviationRenderer | A specialised subclass of the XYLineAndShapeRenderer that requires an IntervalXYDataset and represents the y-interval by shading an | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
DialBackground | A regular dial layer that can be used to draw the background for a dial. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot.dial | JFreeChart |
DialCap | A regular dial layer that can be used to draw a cap over the center of the dial (the base of the dial pointer(s)). | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot.dial | JFreeChart |
DialFrame | A dial frame is the face plate for a dial plot - it is always drawn last. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.plot.dial | JFreeChart |
DialLayer | A dial layer draws itself within a reference frame. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.plot.dial | JFreeChart |
DialLayerChangeEvent | An event that can be forwarded to any DialLayerChangeListener to signal a change to a DialLayer. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot.dial | JFreeChart |
DialLayerChangeListener | The interface via which an object is notified of changes to a DialLayer. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.plot.dial | JFreeChart |
DialPlot | A dial plot composed of user-definable layers. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot.dial | JFreeChart |
DialPointer | A base class for the pointer in a DialPlot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot.dial | JFreeChart |
DialScale | A dial scale is a specialised layer that has the ability to convert data values into angles. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.plot.dial | JFreeChart |
DialShape | Used to indicate the background shape for aSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
DialTextAnnotation | A text annotation for a DialPlot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot.dial | JFreeChart |
DialValueIndicator | A value indicator for a DialPlot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot.dial | JFreeChart |
DirectionalGradientPaintTransformer | Transforms a GradientPaint to range over the width of a target shape. | Class | org.jfree.chart.util | JFreeChart |
DispatchHandlerFX | Handles mouse move and click events on the ChartCanvas by dispatching ChartMouseEventFX events to listeners that are | Class | org.jfree.chart.fx.interaction | JFreeChart |
DisplayChart | Servlet used for streaming charts to the client browser from the temporary directory. | Class | org.jfree.chart.servlet | JFreeChart |
DomainInfo | An interface (optional) that can be implemented by a dataset to assist in determining the minimum and maximum values. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
DomainOrder | Used to indicate sorting order if any (ascending, descending or none). | Class | | JFreeChart |
DrawableLegendItem | This class contains a single legend item along with position details for drawing the item on a particular chart. | Class | org.jfree.chart | JFreeChart |
DrawingSupplier | A supplier of Paint, Stroke and Shape objects for use by plots and renderers. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
DynamicDriveToolTipTagFragmentGenerator | Generates tooltips using the Dynamic Drive DHTML Tip Message library (http://www. | Class | org.jfree.chart.imagemap | JFreeChart |
DynamicTimeSeriesCollection | Like FastTimeSeriesCollection, this class is a functional replacement for JFreeChart's TimeSeriesCollection _and_ TimeSeries classes. | Class | | JFreeChart |
Effect3D | An interface that should be implemented by renderers that use a 3D effect. | Interface | org.jfree.chart | JFreeChart |
EmptyBlock | An empty block with a fixed size. | Class | org.jfree.chart.block | JFreeChart |
EncoderUtil | A collection of utility methods for encoding images and returning them as a byte[] or writing them directly to an OutputStream. | Class | org.jfree.chart.encoders | JFreeChart |
EntityBlockParams | An interface that is used by the draw() method of some Block implementations to determine whether or not to generate entities for the | Interface | org.jfree.chart.block | JFreeChart |
EntityBlockResult | Provides access to the EntityCollection generated when a block isReturns the entity collection. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.block | JFreeChart |
EntityCollection | This interface defines the methods used to access an ordered list of ChartEntity objects. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.entity | JFreeChart |
ExportUtils | Utility functions for exporting charts to SVG and PDF format. | Class | org.jfree.chart.util | JFreeChart |
ExtendedCategoryAxis | An extended version of the CategoryAxis class that supports sublabels on the axis. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
FastScatterPlot | A fast scatter plot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
FixedMillisecond | Wrapper for a java. | Class | | JFreeChart |
FlowArrangement | Arranges blocks in a flow layout. | Class | org.jfree.chart.block | JFreeChart |
Function2D | A function of the form y = f(x). | Interface | | JFreeChart |
FXGraphics2D | A Graphics2D implementation that writes to a JavaFX Canvas. | Class | org.jfree.chart.fx | JFreeChart |
GanttCategoryDataset | An extension of the IntervalCategoryDataset interface that adds support for multiple sub-intervals. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
GanttRenderer | A renderer for simple Gantt charts. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.category | JFreeChart |
GradientBarPainter | An implementation of the BarPainter interface that uses several gradient fills to enrich the appearance of the bars. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.category | JFreeChart |
GradientXYBarPainter | An implementation of the XYBarPainter interface that uses several gradient fills to enrich the appearance of the bars. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
GrayPaintScale | A paint scale that returns shades of gray. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer | JFreeChart |
GreyPalette | A grey color palette. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
GridArrangement | Arranges blocks in a grid within their container. | Class | org.jfree.chart.block | JFreeChart |
GroupedStackedBarRenderer | A renderer that draws stacked bars within groups. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.category | JFreeChart |
HashUtilities | Some utility methods for calculating hash codes. | Class | org.jfree.chart | JFreeChart |
HeatMapDataset | A dataset that represents a rectangular grid of (x, y, z) values. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
HeatMapUtilities | A utility class for the HeatMapDataset. | Class | | JFreeChart |
HexNumberFormat | A custom number formatter that formats numbers as hexadecimal strings. | Class | org.jfree.chart.util | JFreeChart |
HighLowItemLabelGenerator | A standard item label generator for plots that use data from a See Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
HighLowRenderer | A renderer that draws high/low/open/close markers on an XYPlot (requires a OHLCDataset). | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
HistogramBin | A bin for the HistogramDataset class. | Class | | JFreeChart |
HistogramDataset | A dataset that can be used for creating histograms. | Class | | JFreeChart |
HistogramType | A class for creating constants to represent the histogram type. | Class | | JFreeChart |
HMSNumberFormat | A custom number formatter that formats numbers (in seconds) as HH:MM:SS. | Class | org.jfree.chart.util | JFreeChart |
Hour | Represents an hour in a specific day. | Class | | JFreeChart |
ImageEncoder | Interface for abstracting different types of image encoders. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.encoders | JFreeChart |
ImageEncoderFactory | | Class | org.jfree.chart.encoders | JFreeChart |
ImageFormat | Interface used for referencing different image formats. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.encoders | JFreeChart |
ImageMapUtilities | Collection of utility methods related to producing image maps. | Class | org.jfree.chart.imagemap | JFreeChart |
ImageTitle | A chart title that displays an image. | Class | org.jfree.chart.title | JFreeChart |
IntervalBarRenderer | A renderer that handles the drawing of bars for a bar plot where each bar has a high and low value. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.category | JFreeChart |
IntervalCategoryDataset | A category dataset that defines a value range for each series/category java. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
IntervalCategoryItemLabelGenerator | A label generator for plots that use data from an IntervalCategoryDataset. | Class | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
IntervalCategoryToolTipGenerator | A tooltip generator for plots that use data from an IntervalCategoryDataset. | Class | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
IntervalMarker | Represents an interval to be highlighted in some way. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
IntervalXYDataset | An extension of the XYDataset interface that allows an x-interval and a y-interval to be defined. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
IntervalXYDelegate | A delegate that handles the specification or automatic calculation of the interval surrounding the x-values in a dataset. | Class | | JFreeChart |
IntervalXYItemLabelGenerator | An item label generator for datasets that implement the IntervalXYDataset interface. | Class | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
IntervalXYZDataset | An extension of the XYZDataset interface that allows a range of data to be defined for any of the X values, the Y values, and the Z values. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
ItemHandler | A handler for reading key-value items. | Class | | JFreeChart |
ItemLabelAnchor | An enumeration of the positions that a value label can take, relative to an item in a CategoryPlot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
ItemLabelPosition | The attributes that control the position of the label for each data item on a chart. | Class | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
JDBCCategoryDataset | A CategoryDataset implementation over a database JDBC result set. | Class | | JFreeChart |
JDBCPieDataset | A PieDataset that reads data from a database via JDBC. | Class | | JFreeChart |
JDBCXYDataset | This class provides an XYDataset implementation over a database JDBC result set. | Class | | JFreeChart |
JFreeChart | A chart class implemented using the Java 2D APIs. | Class | org.jfree.chart | JFreeChart |
JFreeChartEntity | A class that captures information about an entire chart. | Class | org.jfree.chart.entity | JFreeChart |
JFreeChartResources | Localised resources for JFreeChart. | Class | org.jfree.chart.resources | JFreeChart |
JThermometer | An initial quick and dirty. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
KeyedObject | A (key, object) pair. | Class | | JFreeChart |
KeyedObjects | A collection of (key, object) pairs. | Class | | JFreeChart |
KeyedObjects2D | A data structure that stores zero, one or many objects, where each object is associated with two keys (a 'row' key and a 'column' key). | Class | | JFreeChart |
KeyedValue | A (key, value) pair. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
KeyedValueComparator | A utility class that can compare and order two KeyedValue instances and sort them into ascending or descending order by key or by value. | Class | | JFreeChart |
KeyedValueComparatorType | Used to indicate the type of a KeyedValueComparator : 'by key' orSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | | JFreeChart |
KeyedValueDataset | A dataset containing a single value. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
KeyedValues | An ordered list of (key, value) items where the keys are unique andReturns the index for a given key. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
KeyedValues2D | An extension of the Values2D interface where a unique key is associated with the row and column indices. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
KeyedValues2DDataset | A dataset containing (key, value) data items. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
KeyedValuesDataset | A dataset containing (key, value) data items. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
KeyHandler | A SAX handler for reading a key. | Class | | JFreeChart |
KeypointPNGEncoderAdapter | Adapter class for the Keypoint PNG Encoder. | Class | org.jfree.chart.encoders | JFreeChart |
KeyToGroupMap | A class that maps keys (instances of Comparable) to groups. | Class | | JFreeChart |
LabelBlock | A block containing a label. | Class | org.jfree.chart.block | JFreeChart |
LayeredBarRenderer | A CategoryItemRenderer that represents data using bars which are superimposed. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.category | JFreeChart |
LegendGraphic | The graphical item within a legend item. | Class | org.jfree.chart.title | JFreeChart |
LegendItem | A temporary storage object for recording the properties of a legend item, without any consideration for layout issues. | Class | org.jfree.chart | JFreeChart |
LegendItemBlockContainer | A container that holds all the pieces of a single legend item. | Class | org.jfree.chart.title | JFreeChart |
LegendItemCollection | A collection of legend items. | Class | org.jfree.chart | JFreeChart |
LegendItemEntity | An entity that represents an item within a legend. | Class | org.jfree.chart.entity | JFreeChart |
LegendItemSource | A source of legend items. | Interface | org.jfree.chart | JFreeChart |
LegendRenderingOrder | Represents the order for rendering legend items. | Class | org.jfree.chart | JFreeChart |
LegendTitle | A chart title that displays a legend for the data in the chart. | Class | org.jfree.chart.title | JFreeChart |
LengthConstraintType | Defines tokens used to indicate a length constraint type. | Class | org.jfree.chart.block | JFreeChart |
LevelRenderer | A CategoryItemRenderer that draws individual data items as horizontal lines, spaced in the same way as bars in a bar chart. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.category | JFreeChart |
LineAndShapeRenderer | A renderer that draws shapes for each data item, and lines between data items (for use with the CategoryPlot class). | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.category | JFreeChart |
LineBorder | A line border for any AbstractBlock. | Class | org.jfree.chart.block | JFreeChart |
LineFunction2D | A function in the form y = a + bx. | Class | | JFreeChart |
LineNeedle | A needle that is represented by a line. | Class | org.jfree.chart.needle | JFreeChart |
LineRenderer3D | A line renderer with a 3D effect. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.category | JFreeChart |
LineUtilities | Some utility methods for Line2D objects. | Class | org.jfree.chart.util | JFreeChart |
LogarithmicAxis | A numerical axis that uses a logarithmic scale. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
LogAxis | A numerical axis that uses a logarithmic scale. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
LogFormat | A number formatter for logarithmic values. | Class | org.jfree.chart.util | JFreeChart |
LogTick | A tick from a LogAxis. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
LongNeedle | A needle that is represented by a long line. | Class | org.jfree.chart.needle | JFreeChart |
LookupPaintScale | A paint scale that uses a lookup table to associate paint instances with data value ranges. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer | JFreeChart |
Marker | The base class for markers that can be added to plots to highlight a value or range of values. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
MarkerAxisBand | A band that can be added to a number axis to display regions. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
MarkerChangeEvent | An event that can be forwarded to any MarkerChangeListener to signal a change to a Marker. | Class | org.jfree.chart.event | JFreeChart |
MarkerChangeListener | The interface that must be supported by classes that wish to receive notification of changes to a Marker. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.event | JFreeChart |
MatrixSeries | Represents a dense matrix M[i,j] where each Mij item of the matrix has a value (default is 0). | Class | | JFreeChart |
MatrixSeriesCollection | Represents a collection of MatrixSeries that can be used as aSee Also:MatrixSeries, | Class | | JFreeChart |
MeanAndStandardDeviation | A simple data structure that holds a mean value and a standard deviation value. | Class | | JFreeChart |
MeterInterval | An interval to be highlighted on a MeterPlot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
MeterNeedle | The base class used to represent the needle on aSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jfree.chart.needle | JFreeChart |
MeterPlot | A plot that displays a single value in the form of a needle on a dial. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
MiddlePinNeedle | A needle that is drawn as a pin shape. | Class | org.jfree.chart.needle | JFreeChart |
Millisecond | Represents a millisecond. | Class | | JFreeChart |
MinMaxCategoryRenderer | Renderer for drawing min max plot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.category | JFreeChart |
Minute | Represents a minute. | Class | | JFreeChart |
ModuloAxis | An axis that displays numerical values within a fixed range using a moduloSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
Month | Represents a single month. | Class | | JFreeChart |
MonthDateFormat | A formatter that formats dates to show the initial letter(s) of the month name and, as an option, the year for the first or last month of each year. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
MouseHandlerFX | The interface for a mouse handler, which is an object that listens for mouse events on a ChartCanvas and performs a function in response | Interface | org.jfree.chart.fx.interaction | JFreeChart |
MovingAverage | A utility class for calculating moving averages of time series data. | Class | | JFreeChart |
MultiplePiePlot | A plot that displays multiple pie plots using data from aSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
MultipleXYSeriesLabelGenerator | A series label generator for plots that use data fromSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
MultiValueCategoryDataset | A category dataset that defines multiple values for each item. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
NonGridContourDataset | A convenience class that extends the DefaultContourDataset to accommodate non-grid data. | Class | | JFreeChart |
NormalDistributionFunction2D | A normal distribution function. | Class | | JFreeChart |
NormalizedMatrixSeries | Represents a dense normalized matrix M[i,j] where each Mij item of the matrix has a value (default is 0). | Class | | JFreeChart |
NotOutlierException | An exception that is generated by the Outlier, OutlierList and OutlierListCollection classes. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer | JFreeChart |
NumberAxis | An axis for displaying numerical data. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
NumberAxis3D | A standard linear value axis with a 3D effect corresponding to the offset specified by some renderers. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
NumberTick | | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
NumberTickUnit | A numerical tick unit. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
NumberTickUnitSource | A tick unit source implementation that returns NumberTickUnit instances that are multiples of 1, 2 or 5 times some power of 10. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
OHLC | A data record containing open-high-low-close data (immutable). | Class | | JFreeChart |
OHLCDataItem | Represents a single (open-high-low-close) data item in an DefaultOHLCDataset. | Class | | JFreeChart |
OHLCDataset | An interface that defines data in the form of (x, high, low, open, close)Returns the y-value for the specified series and item. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
OHLCItem | An item representing data in the form (time-period, open, high, low, Since:1. | Class | | JFreeChart |
OHLCSeries | A list of (RegularTimePeriod, open, high, low, close) data items. | Class | | JFreeChart |
OHLCSeriesCollection | A collection of OHLCSeries objects. | Class | | JFreeChart |
Outlier | Represents one outlier in the box and whisker plot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer | JFreeChart |
OutlierList | A collection of outliers for a single entity in a box and whisker plot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer | JFreeChart |
OutlierListCollection | A collection of outlier lists for a box and whisker plot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer | JFreeChart |
Overlay | Defines the interface for an overlay that can be added to aRegisters a change listener with the overlay. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.panel | JFreeChart |
OverlayChangeEvent | A change event for an Overlay. | Class | org.jfree.chart.event | JFreeChart |
OverlayChangeListener | A listener for changes to an Overlay. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.event | JFreeChart |
OverLIBToolTipTagFragmentGenerator | Generates tooltips using the OverLIB library (http://www. | Class | org.jfree.chart.imagemap | JFreeChart |
PaintAlpha | This class contains static methods for the manipulation of objects of type Paint | Class | org.jfree.chart.util | JFreeChart |
PaintMap | A storage structure that maps Comparable instances with To support cloning and serialization, you should only use keys that are | Class | org.jfree.chart | JFreeChart |
PaintScale | A source for Paint instances, used by the NOTE: Classes that implement this interface should also implement | Interface | org.jfree.chart.renderer | JFreeChart |
PaintScaleLegend | A legend that shows a range of values and their associated colors, driven by an underlying PaintScale implementation. | Class | org.jfree.chart.title | JFreeChart |
PaletteSample | A panel that displays a palette sample. | Class | org.jfree.chart.editor | JFreeChart |
PanHandlerFX | Handles panning of charts on a ChartCanvas. | Class | org.jfree.chart.fx.interaction | JFreeChart |
Pannable | An interface that the ChartPanel class uses to communicate with plots that support panning. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
ParamChecks | A utility class for checking parameters. | Class | org.jfree.chart.util | JFreeChart |
PeriodAxis | An axis that displays a date scale based on a RegularTimePeriod. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
PeriodAxisLabelInfo | A record that contains information for one band of date labels inSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
PieChartDemo1 | A simple demonstration application showing how to create a pie chart using data from a DefaultPieDataset. | Class | org.jfree.chart.demo | JFreeChart |
PieChartFXDemo1 | A pie chart demo in JavaFX. | Class | org.jfree.chart.fx.demo | JFreeChart |
PieDataset | A general purpose dataset where values are associated with keys. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
PieDatasetHandler | A SAX handler for reading a PieDataset from an XML file. | Class | | JFreeChart |
PieLabelDistributor | This class distributes the section labels for one side of a pie chart so that they do not overlap. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
PieLabelLinkStyle | Used to indicate the style for the lines linking pie sections to their corresponding labels. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
PieLabelRecord | A structure that retains information about the label for a section in a pieSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
PiePlot | A plot that displays data in the form of a pie chart, using data from any class that implements the PieDataset interface. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
PiePlot3D | A plot that displays data in the form of a 3D pie chart, using data from any class that implements the PieDataset interface. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
PiePlotState | | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
PieSectionEntity | A chart entity that represents one section within a pie plot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.entity | JFreeChart |
PieSectionLabelGenerator | Interface for a label generator for plots that use data from java. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
PieToolTipGenerator | A tool tip generator that is used by the java. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
PieURLGenerator | Interface for a URL generator for plots that use data from a PieDataset. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.urls | JFreeChart |
PinNeedle | A needle that is drawn as a pin shape. | Class | org.jfree.chart.needle | JFreeChart |
Plot | The base class for all plots in JFreeChart. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
PlotChangeEvent | An event that can be forwarded to any PlotChangeListener to signal a change to a | Class | org.jfree.chart.event | JFreeChart |
PlotChangeListener | The interface that must be supported by classes that wish to receive notification of changes to a plot. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.event | JFreeChart |
PlotEntity | A class that captures information about a plot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.entity | JFreeChart |
PlotOrientation | Used to indicate the orientation (horizontal or vertical) of a 2D plot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
PlotRenderingInfo | Stores information about the dimensions of a plot and its subplots. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
PlotState | Records information about the state of a plot during the drawing process. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
PlotUtilities | Some utility methods related to the plot classes. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
PlumNeedle | A needle for use with the CompassPlot class. | Class | org.jfree.chart.needle | JFreeChart |
PointerNeedle | A needle in the shape of a pointer, for use with theSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jfree.chart.needle | JFreeChart |
PolarAxisLocation | Used to indicate the location of an axis on a PolarPlot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
PolarChartPanel | PolarChartPanel is the top level object for using the PolarPlot. | Class | org.jfree.chart | JFreeChart |
PolarItemRenderer | The interface for a renderer that can be used by the PolarPlot Adds a change listener. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.renderer | JFreeChart |
PolarPlot | Plots data that is in (theta, radius) pairs where theta equal to zero is due north and increases clockwise. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
PolynomialFunction2D | A function in the form y = a0 + a1 * x + a2 * x^2 + . | Class | | JFreeChart |
PowerFunction2D | A function of the form y = a * x ^ b. | Class | | JFreeChart |
Quarter | Defines a quarter (in a given year). | Class | | JFreeChart |
QuarterDateFormat | A formatter that formats dates to show the year and quarter (for example, '2004 IV' for the last quarter of 2004. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
RainbowPalette | Contains the data to construct an 8-bit rainbow palette This come from an old application which ran on 8-bit graphics device. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
Range | Represents an immutable range of values. | Class | | JFreeChart |
RangeInfo | An interface (optional) that can be implemented by a dataset to assist in determining the minimum and maximum values. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
RangeType | Used to indicate the type of range to display on an axis (full, positive orSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | | JFreeChart |
RectangleConstraint | A description of a constraint for resizing a rectangle. | Class | org.jfree.chart.block | JFreeChart |
Regression | A utility class for fitting regression curves to data. | Class | | JFreeChart |
RegularTimePeriod | An abstract class representing a unit of time. | Class | | JFreeChart |
RelativeDateFormat | A formatter that formats dates to show the elapsed time relative to someSince:1. | Class | org.jfree.chart.util | JFreeChart |
RendererChangeEvent | An event that can be forwarded to any RendererChangeListener to signal a change to a renderer. | Class | org.jfree.chart.event | JFreeChart |
RendererChangeListener | The interface that must be supported by classes that wish to receive notification of changes to a renderer. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.event | JFreeChart |
RendererState | Represents the current state of a renderer. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer | JFreeChart |
RendererUtilities | Utility methods related to the rendering process. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer | JFreeChart |
ResourceBundleWrapper | Wrapper of ResourceBundle. | Class | org.jfree.chart.util | JFreeChart |
RingPlot | A customised pie plot that leaves a hole in the middle. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
RootHandler | A SAX handler that delegates work to sub-handlers. | Class | | JFreeChart |
SamplingXYLineRenderer | A renderer that draws line charts. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
ScatterRenderer | A renderer that handles the multiple values from a MultiValueCategoryDataset by plotting a shape for each value for | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.category | JFreeChart |
ScrollHandlerFX | Handles scroll events (mouse wheel etc) on a ChartCanvas. | Class | org.jfree.chart.fx.interaction | JFreeChart |
Second | Represents a second in a particular day. | Class | | JFreeChart |
SegmentedTimeline | A Timeline that implements a segmented timeline with included, excluded and exception segments. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
Series | Base class representing a data series. | Class | | JFreeChart |
SeriesChangeEvent | An event with details of a change to a series. | Class | | JFreeChart |
SeriesChangeListener | Methods for receiving notification of changes to a data series. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
SeriesDataset | The interface for a dataset consisting of one or many series of data. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
SeriesException | A general purpose exception class for data series. | Class | | JFreeChart |
SeriesRenderingOrder | Defines the tokens that indicate the rendering order for series in aSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
ServletUtilities | Utility class used for servlet related JFreeChart operations. | Class | org.jfree.chart.servlet | JFreeChart |
ShadowGenerator | An interface that defines the API for a shadow generator. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.util | JFreeChart |
ShipNeedle | A needle in the shape of a ship, for use with theSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jfree.chart.needle | JFreeChart |
ShortTextTitle | A text title that is only displayed if the entire text will be visible without line wrapping. | Class | org.jfree.chart.title | JFreeChart |
SimpleHistogramBin | A bin for the SimpleHistogramDataset. | Class | | JFreeChart |
SimpleHistogramDataset | A dataset used for creating simple histograms with custom defined bins. | Class | | JFreeChart |
SimpleTimePeriod | An arbitrary period of time, measured to millisecond precision using This class is intentionally immutable (that is, once constructed, you cannot | Class | | JFreeChart |
SlidingCategoryDataset | A CategoryDataset implementation that presents a subset of the categories in an underlying dataset. | Class | | JFreeChart |
SlidingGanttCategoryDataset | A GanttCategoryDataset implementation that presents a subset of the categories in an underlying dataset. | Class | | JFreeChart |
SpiderWebPlot | A plot that displays data from a CategoryDataset in the form of a spider web. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
StackedAreaRenderer | A renderer that draws stacked area charts for a CategoryPlot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.category | JFreeChart |
StackedBarRenderer | A stacked bar renderer for use with the CategoryPlot class. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.category | JFreeChart |
StackedBarRenderer3D | Renders stacked bars with 3D-effect, for use with the CategoryPlot class. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.category | JFreeChart |
StackedXYAreaRenderer | A stacked area renderer for the XYPlot class. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
StackedXYAreaRenderer2 | A stacked area renderer for the XYPlot class. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
StackedXYBarRenderer | A bar renderer that displays the series items stacked. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
StandardBarPainter | An implementation of the BarPainter interface that preserves the behaviour of bar painting that existed prior to the introduction of the | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.category | JFreeChart |
StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator | A standard label generator that can be used with a CategoryItemRenderer. | Class | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
StandardCategorySeriesLabelGenerator | A standard series label generator for plots that use data fromSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
StandardCategoryToolTipGenerator | A standard tool tip generator that can be used with a CategoryItemRenderer. | Class | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
StandardCategoryURLGenerator | A URL generator that can be assigned to a CategoryItemRenderer. | Class | org.jfree.chart.urls | JFreeChart |
StandardChartTheme | A default implementation of the ChartTheme interface. | Class | org.jfree.chart | JFreeChart |
StandardContourToolTipGenerator | A standard tooltip generator for plots that use data from anSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
StandardCrosshairLabelGenerator | A default label generator. | Class | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
StandardDialFrame | A simple circular frame for the DialPlot class. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot.dial | JFreeChart |
StandardDialRange | A layer that draws a range highlight on a dial plot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot.dial | JFreeChart |
StandardDialScale | A scale for a DialPlot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot.dial | JFreeChart |
StandardEntityCollection | A standard implementation of the EntityCollection interface. | Class | org.jfree.chart.entity | JFreeChart |
StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator | A standard item label generator for plots that use data from a For the label format, use {0} where the pie section key should be inserted, | Class | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
StandardPieToolTipGenerator | A standard item label generator for plots that use data from a For the label format, use {0} where the pie section key should be inserted, | Class | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
StandardPieURLGenerator | A URL generator for pie charts. | Class | org.jfree.chart.urls | JFreeChart |
StandardTickUnitSource | A source that can used by the NumberAxis class to obtain a suitable TickUnit. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
StandardToolTipTagFragmentGenerator | Generates tooltips using the HTML title attribute for image map area tags. | Class | org.jfree.chart.imagemap | JFreeChart |
StandardURLTagFragmentGenerator | Generates URLs using the HTML href attribute for image map area tags. | Class | org.jfree.chart.imagemap | JFreeChart |
StandardXYBarPainter | An implementation of the XYBarPainter interface that preserves the behaviour of bar painting that existed prior to the introduction of the | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
StandardXYItemLabelGenerator | A standard item label generator for plots that use data from anSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
StandardXYItemRenderer | Standard item renderer for an XYPlot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
StandardXYSeriesLabelGenerator | A standard series label generator for plots that use data from This class implements PublicCloneable by mistake but we retain | Class | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
StandardXYToolTipGenerator | A standard tool tip generator for use with anSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
StandardXYURLGenerator | | Class | org.jfree.chart.urls | JFreeChart |
StandardXYZToolTipGenerator | A standard item label generator for use with XYZDataset data. | Class | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
StandardXYZURLGenerator | | Class | org.jfree.chart.urls | JFreeChart |
StatisticalBarRenderer | A renderer that handles the drawing a bar plot where each bar has a mean value and a standard deviation line. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.category | JFreeChart |
StatisticalCategoryDataset | A category dataset that defines a mean and standard deviation value for java. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
StatisticalLineAndShapeRenderer | A renderer that draws shapes for each data item, and lines between data items. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.category | JFreeChart |
Statistics | A utility class that provides some common statistical functions. | Class | | JFreeChart |
StrokeMap | A storage structure that maps Comparable instances with To support cloning and serialization, you should only use keys that are | Class | org.jfree.chart | JFreeChart |
SubCategoryAxis | A specialised category axis that can display sub-categories. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
SubSeriesDataset | This class will create a dataset with one or more series from anotherSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | | JFreeChart |
SunJPEGEncoderAdapter | Adapter class for the Sun JPEG Encoder. | Class | org.jfree.chart.encoders | JFreeChart |
SunPNGEncoderAdapter | Adapter class for the Sun PNG Encoder. | Class | org.jfree.chart.encoders | JFreeChart |
SymbolAxis | A standard linear value axis that replaces integer values with symbols. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
SymbolicXYItemLabelGenerator | A standard item label generator for plots that use data from anSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
TableXYDataset | A dataset containing one or more data series containing (x, y) data items, where all series in the dataset share the same set of x-values. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
Task | A simple representation of a task. | Class | | JFreeChart |
TaskSeries | A series that contains zero, one or many Task objects. | Class | | JFreeChart |
TaskSeriesCollection | A collection of TaskSeries objects. | Class | | JFreeChart |
TextAnnotation | A base class for text annotations. | Class | org.jfree.chart.annotations | JFreeChart |
TextTitle | A chart title that displays a text string with automatic wrapping asSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jfree.chart.title | JFreeChart |
TextUtils | Text utility functions. | Class | org.jfree.chart.util | JFreeChart |
ThermometerPlot | A plot that displays a single value (from a ValueDataset) in a thermometer type display. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
Tick | The base class used to represent labeled ticks along an axis. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
TickLabelEntity | A chart entity representing a tick label. | Class | org.jfree.chart.entity | JFreeChart |
TickType | Used to indicate the tick type (MAJOR or MINOR). | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
TickUnit | Base class representing a tick unit. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
TickUnits | A collection of tick units, used by the DateAxis and NumberAxis classes. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
TickUnitSource | An interface used by the DateAxis and NumberAxis classes to obtain a suitable TickUnit. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
Timeline | An interface that defines the contract for a Timeline. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
TimePeriod | A period of time measured to millisecond precision using two instances ofReturns the end date/time. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
TimePeriodAnchor | Used to indicate one of three positions in a time period: START, MIDDLE and END. | Class | | JFreeChart |
TimePeriodFormatException | An exception that indicates an invalid format in a string representing aSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | | JFreeChart |
TimePeriodValue | Represents a time period and an associated value. | Class | | JFreeChart |
TimePeriodValues | A structure containing zero, one or many TimePeriodValue instances. | Class | | JFreeChart |
TimePeriodValuesCollection | A collection of TimePeriodValues objects. | Class | | JFreeChart |
TimeSeries | Represents a sequence of zero or more data items in the form (period, value) where 'period' is some instance of a subclass of RegularTimePeriod. | Class | | JFreeChart |
TimeSeriesChartDemo1 | An example of a time series chart. | Class | org.jfree.chart.demo | JFreeChart |
TimeSeriesChartFXDemo1 | A demo showing the display of JFreeChart within a JavaFX application. | Class | org.jfree.chart.fx.demo | JFreeChart |
TimeSeriesCollection | A collection of time series objects. | Class | | JFreeChart |
TimeSeriesDataItem | Represents one data item in a time series. | Class | | JFreeChart |
TimeSeriesTableModel | Wrapper around a time series to convert it to a table model for use inSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | | JFreeChart |
TimeSeriesURLGenerator | A URL generator for time series charts. | Class | org.jfree.chart.urls | JFreeChart |
TimeTableXYDataset | A dataset for regular time periods that implements the TableXYDataset interface. | Class | | JFreeChart |
Title | The base class for all chart titles. | Class | org.jfree.chart.title | JFreeChart |
TitleChangeEvent | A change event that encapsulates information about a change to a chart title. | Class | org.jfree.chart.event | JFreeChart |
TitleChangeListener | The interface that must be supported by classes that wish to receive notification of changes to a chart title. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.event | JFreeChart |
TitleEntity | A class that captures information about a Title of a chart. | Class | org.jfree.chart.entity | JFreeChart |
TooltipHandlerFX | Handles the updating of tooltips on a ChartCanvas. | Class | org.jfree.chart.fx.interaction | JFreeChart |
ToolTipTagFragmentGenerator | Interface for generating the tooltip fragment of an HTML image map area tag. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.imagemap | JFreeChart |
UnknownKeyException | An exception that indicates an unknown key value. | Class | | JFreeChart |
URLTagFragmentGenerator | Interface for generating the URL fragment of an HTML image map area tag. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.imagemap | JFreeChart |
URLUtilities | General utility methods for URLs. | Class | org.jfree.chart.urls | JFreeChart |
Value | A general purpose interface for accessing a value. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
ValueAxis | The base class for axes that display value data, where values are measured using the double primitive. | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
ValueAxisPlot | An interface that is implemented by plots that use a ValueAxis, providing a standard method to find the current data range. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
ValueDataset | An interface for a dataset that returns a single value. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
ValueHandler | A handler for reading a 'Value' element. | Class | | JFreeChart |
ValueMarker | A marker that represents a single value. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
Values | An interface through which (single-dimension) data values can be accessed. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
Values2D | A general purpose interface that can be used to access a table of values. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
ValueTick | | Class | org.jfree.chart.axis | JFreeChart |
Vector | | Class | | JFreeChart |
VectorDataItem | A data item representing data in the form (x, y, deltaX, deltaY), intended for use by the VectorSeries class. | Class | | JFreeChart |
VectorRenderer | A renderer that represents data from an VectorXYDataset by drawing a line with an arrow at each (x, y) point. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
VectorSeries | A list of (x,y, deltaX, deltaY) data items. | Class | | JFreeChart |
VectorSeriesCollection | A collection of VectorSeries objects. | Class | | JFreeChart |
VectorXYDataset | An extension of the XYDataset interface that allows a vector to be defined at a specific (x, y) location. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
WaferMapDataset | A dataset that can be used with the WaferMapPlotSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | | JFreeChart |
WaferMapPlot | | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
WaferMapRenderer | A renderer for wafer map plots. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer | JFreeChart |
WaterfallBarRenderer | A renderer that handles the drawing of waterfall bar charts, for use with the CategoryPlot class. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.category | JFreeChart |
Week | A calendar week. | Class | | JFreeChart |
WindDataset | Interface for a dataset that supplies wind intensity and direction values observed at various points in time. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
WindItemRenderer | A specialised renderer for displaying wind intensity/direction data. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
WindNeedle | A needle that indicates wind direction, for use with theSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jfree.chart.needle | JFreeChart |
XIntervalDataItem | An item representing data in the form (x, x-low, x-high, y). | Class | | JFreeChart |
XIntervalSeries | A list of (x, x-low, x-high, y) data items. | Class | | JFreeChart |
XIntervalSeriesCollection | A collection of XIntervalSeries objects. | Class | | JFreeChart |
XisSymbolic | Represent a data set where X is a symbolic values. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
XYAnnotation | The interface that must be supported by annotations that are to be added to an XYPlot. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.annotations | JFreeChart |
XYAnnotationBoundsInfo | An interface that supplies information about the bounds of the annotation. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.annotations | JFreeChart |
XYAnnotationEntity | A chart entity that represents an annotation on anSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jfree.chart.entity | JFreeChart |
XYAreaRenderer | Area item renderer for an XYPlot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
XYAreaRenderer2 | Area item renderer for an XYPlot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
XYBarDataset | A dataset wrapper class that converts a standard XYDataset into an IntervalXYDataset suitable for use in creating XY bar charts. | Class | | JFreeChart |
XYBarPainter | The interface for plugin painter for the XYBarRenderer class. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
XYBarRenderer | A renderer that draws bars on an XYPlot (requires an IntervalXYDataset). | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
XYBlockRenderer | A renderer that represents data from an XYZDataset by drawing a color block at each (x, y) point, where the color is a function of the | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
XYBoxAndWhiskerRenderer | A renderer that draws box-and-whisker items on an XYPlot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
XYBoxAnnotation | A box annotation that can be placed on an XYPlot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.annotations | JFreeChart |
XYBubbleRenderer | A renderer that draws a circle at each data point with a diameter that is determined by the z-value in the dataset (the renderer requires the dataset | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
XYCoordinate | Represents an (x, y) coordinate. | Class | | JFreeChart |
XYCoordinateType | Represents several possible interpretations for an (x, y) coordinate. | Class | org.jfree.chart.util | JFreeChart |
XYCrosshairState | | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
XYDataImageAnnotation | An annotation that allows an image to be placed within a rectangle specified in data coordinates on an XYPlot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.annotations | JFreeChart |
XYDataItem | Represents one (x, y) data item for an XYSeries. | Class | | JFreeChart |
XYDataset | An interface through which data in the form of (x, y) items can be accessed. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
XYDatasetTableModel | A READ-ONLY wrapper around a TableXYDataset to convert it to a table model for use in a JTable. | Class | | JFreeChart |
XYDifferenceRenderer | A renderer for an XYPlot that highlights the differences between two series. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
XYDomainInfo | An interface that can (optionally) be implemented by a dataset to assist in determining the minimum and maximum x-values in the dataset. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
XYDotRenderer | A renderer that draws a small dot at each data point for an XYPlot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
XYDrawableAnnotation | A general annotation that can be placed on an XYPlot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.annotations | JFreeChart |
XYErrorRenderer | A line and shape renderer that can also display x and/or y-error values. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
XYImageAnnotation | An annotation that allows an image to be placed at some location on TODO: implement serialization properly (image is not serializable). | Class | org.jfree.chart.annotations | JFreeChart |
XYInterval | An xy-interval. | Class | | JFreeChart |
XYIntervalDataItem | An item representing data in the form (x, x-low, x-high, y, y-low, y-high). | Class | | JFreeChart |
XYIntervalSeries | A list of (x, x-low, x-high, y, y-low, y-high) data items. | Class | | JFreeChart |
XYIntervalSeriesCollection | A collection of XYIntervalSeries objects. | Class | | JFreeChart |
XYItemEntity | A chart entity that represents one item within anSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jfree.chart.entity | JFreeChart |
XYItemLabelGenerator | | Interface | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
XYItemRenderer | Interface for rendering the visual representation of a single (x, y) item on To support cloning charts, it is recommended that renderers implement both | Interface | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
XYItemRendererState | The state for an XYItemRenderer. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
XYLine3DRenderer | A XYLineAndShapeRenderer that adds a shadow line to the graph to emulate a 3D-effect. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
XYLineAndShapeRenderer | A renderer that connects data points with lines and/or draws shapes at each data point. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
XYLineAnnotation | A simple line annotation that can be placed on an XYPlot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.annotations | JFreeChart |
XYPlot | A general class for plotting data in the form of (x, y) pairs. | Class | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
XYPointerAnnotation | An arrow and label that can be placed on an XYPlot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.annotations | JFreeChart |
XYPolygonAnnotation | A polygon annotation that can be placed on an XYPlot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.annotations | JFreeChart |
XYRangeInfo | An interface that can (optionally) be implemented by a dataset to assist in determining the minimum and maximum y-values. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
XYSeries | Represents a sequence of zero or more data items in the form (x, y). | Class | | JFreeChart |
XYSeriesCollection | Represents a collection of XYSeries objects that can be used as aSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | | JFreeChart |
XYSeriesLabelGenerator | A generator that creates labels for the series in an XYDataset. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
XYShapeAnnotation | A simple Shape annotation that can be placed on an XYPlot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.annotations | JFreeChart |
XYShapeRenderer | A renderer that draws shapes at (x, y) coordinates and, if the dataset is an instance of XYZDataset, fills the shapes with a paint that | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
XYSplineRenderer | A renderer that connects data points with natural cubic splines and/or draws shapes at each data point. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
XYStepAreaRenderer | A step chart renderer that fills the area between the step and the x-axis. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
XYStepRenderer | Line/Step item renderer for an XYPlot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
XYTaskDataset | A dataset implementation that wraps a TaskSeriesCollection and presents it as an IntervalXYDataset, allowing a set of tasks to | Class | | JFreeChart |
XYTextAnnotation | A text annotation that can be placed at a particular (x, y) location on anSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jfree.chart.annotations | JFreeChart |
XYTitleAnnotation | An annotation that allows any Title to be placed at a location onSince:1. | Class | org.jfree.chart.annotations | JFreeChart |
XYToolTipGenerator | | Interface | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
XYURLGenerator | Interface for a URL generator for plots that uses data from an XYDataset. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.urls | JFreeChart |
XYZDataset | The interface through which JFreeChart obtains data in the form of (x, y, z) items - used for XY and XYZ plots. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
XYZToolTipGenerator | | Interface | org.jfree.chart.labels | JFreeChart |
XYZURLGenerator | Interface for a URL generator for plots that uses data from an XYZDataset. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.urls | JFreeChart |
Year | Represents a year in the range -9999 to 9999. | Class | | JFreeChart |
YInterval | A y-interval. | Class | | JFreeChart |
YIntervalDataItem | An item representing data in the form (x, y, y-low, y-high). | Class | | JFreeChart |
YIntervalRenderer | A renderer that draws a line connecting the start and end Y values for an XYPlot. | Class | org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | JFreeChart |
YIntervalSeries | A list of (x, y, y-low, y-high) data items. | Class | | JFreeChart |
YIntervalSeriesCollection | A collection of YIntervalSeries objects. | Class | | JFreeChart |
YisSymbolic | Represent a data set where Y is a symbolic values. | Interface | | JFreeChart |
YWithXInterval | A y-value plus the bounds for the related x-interval. | Class | | JFreeChart |
Zoomable | A plot that is zoomable must implement this interface to provide a mechanism for the ChartPanel to control the zooming. | Interface | org.jfree.chart.plot | JFreeChart |
ZoomHandlerFX | Handles drag zooming of charts on a ChartCanvas. | Class | org.jfree.chart.fx.interaction | JFreeChart |