Name | Description | Type | Package | Framework |
Action | An object that fakes the behaviour of an InvocationExpectation. | Interface | org.jmock.api | JMock |
ActionClause | | Interface | org.jmock.syntax | JMock |
ActionSequence | Returns the next of a sequence of elements each time it is invoked. | Class | org.jmock.lib.action | JMock |
ArgumentConstraintPhrases | | Interface | org.jmock.syntax | JMock |
AssertionErrorTranslator | Translates ExpectationErrors into AssertionErrors that several | Class | org.jmock.lib | JMock |
Auto | | Class | | JMock |
Blitzer | A class that "blitzes" an object by calling it many times, from multiple threads. | Class | org.jmock.lib.concurrent | JMock |
CamelCaseNamingScheme | A naming scheme in which the implicit name for a mock object is the mocked type's name with the first character in lower case. | Class | org.jmock.lib | JMock |
CardinalityClause | | Interface | org.jmock.syntax | JMock |
ClassImposteriser | This class lets you imposterise abstract and concrete classes without calling the constructors of the mocked class. | Class | org.jmock.lib.legacy | JMock |
CurrentStateMatcher | | Class | org.jmock.lib | JMock |
CustomAction | A partial implementation of the Action interface that makes it convenient to implement application-specific actions with inline anonymous classes. | Class | org.jmock.lib.action | JMock |
DeterministicExecutor | An Executor that executes commands on the thread that calls runPendingCommands or runUntilIdle. | Class | org.jmock.lib.concurrent | JMock |
DeterministicScheduler | A ScheduledExecutorService that executes commands on the thread that calls runNextPendingCommand, runUntilIdle or | Class | org.jmock.lib.concurrent | JMock |
DoAllAction | Performs multiple actions every time it is invoked. | Class | org.jmock.lib.action | JMock |
Expectation | | Interface | org.jmock.api | JMock |
ExpectationError | An error thrown when an expectation is violated during a test. | Class | org.jmock.api | JMock |
ExpectationErrorTranslator | | Interface | org.jmock.api | JMock |
Expectations | Provides most of the syntax of jMock's "domain-specific language" API. | Class | org.jmock | JMock |
IdentityExpectationErrorTranslator | An ExpectationErrorTranslator that doesn't do any translation. | Class | org.jmock.lib | JMock |
Imposteriser | An object that can creates a proxy of the given type to capture Invocations and pass them to an | Interface | org.jmock.api | JMock |
Invocation | The static details about a method and the run-time details of its invocation. | Class | org.jmock.api | JMock |
Invokable | An object that can receive an Invocation. | Interface | org.jmock.api | JMock |
JavaReflectionImposteriser | An Imposteriser that uses the Proxy class of the Java Reflection API. | Class | org.jmock.lib | JMock |
JMock | A test Runner that asserts that all expectations have been met after the test has finished and before the fixture is torn down. | Class | org.jmock.integration.junit4 | JMock |
JUnit3ErrorTranslator | Translates ExpectationErrors into JUnit's AssertionFailedErrors. | Class | org.jmock.integration.junit3 | JMock |
JUnit3Mockery | A Mockery that reports expectation errors as JUnit 3 test failures. | Class | org.jmock.integration.junit3 | JMock |
JUnit4Mockery | A Mockery that reports expectation errors as JUnit 4 test failures. | Class | org.jmock.integration.junit4 | JMock |
JUnitRuleMockery | A JUnitRuleMockery is a JUnit Rule that manages JMock expectations and allowances, and asserts that expectations have been met after each test | Class | org.jmock.integration.junit4 | JMock |
LastWordNamingScheme | A naming scheme in which the implicit name for a mock object is the last word of the mocked type's name in lower case. | Class | org.jmock.lib | JMock |
MethodClause | | Interface | org.jmock.syntax | JMock |
Mock | | Class | | JMock |
Mockery | A Mockery represents the context, or neighbourhood, of the object(s) under test. | Class | org.jmock | JMock |
MockObjectNamingScheme | | Interface | org.jmock.api | JMock |
MockObjectTestCase | A TestCase that supports testing with mock objects. | Class | org.jmock.integration.junit3 | JMock |
ParametersClause | | Interface | org.jmock.syntax | JMock |
ReceiverClause | | Interface | org.jmock.syntax | JMock |
RetroNamingScheme | A naming scheme in which the implicit name for a mock object is the mocked type's name prepend with "mock". | Class | org.jmock.lib | JMock |
ReturnEnumerationAction | Returns an Enumeration over a collection. | Class | org.jmock.lib.action | JMock |
ReturnIteratorAction | Returns an Iterator over a collection. | Class | org.jmock.lib.action | JMock |
ReturnValueAction | | Class | org.jmock.lib.action | JMock |
ScriptedAction | An Action that executes a BeanShell script. | Class | org.jmock.lib.script | JMock |
Sequence | A sequence of expectations; invocations can be constrained to occur in a strict order defined by a sequence. | Interface | org.jmock | JMock |
States | A state machine that is used to constrain the order of invocations. | Interface | org.jmock | JMock |
StatesClause | | Interface | org.jmock.syntax | JMock |
Synchroniser | A ThreadingPolicy that makes the Mockery thread-safe and helps tests synchronise with background threads. | Class | org.jmock.lib.concurrent | JMock |
ThreadingPolicy | | Interface | org.jmock.api | JMock |
ThrowAction | Throws an exception. | Class | org.jmock.lib.action | JMock |
UnsupportedSynchronousOperationException | Thrown to report that a DeterministicScheduler has been asked to perform a blocking wait, which is not supported. | Class | org.jmock.lib.concurrent | JMock |
VerifyingTestCase | A TestCase that verifies postconditions after the test has run and before the fixture has been torn down. | Class | org.jmock.integration.junit3 | JMock |
VoidAction | Returns nothing from a void method. | Class | org.jmock.lib.action | JMock |
WithClause | | Interface | org.jmock.syntax | JMock |