Name | Description | Type | Package | Framework |
Attr | The Attr interface represents an attribute in an Element object. | Interface | org.w3c.dom | JaxP |
AttributeList | Interface for an element's attribute specifications. | Interface | org.xml.sax | JaxP |
AttributeListImpl | Default implementation for AttributeList. | Class | org.xml.sax.helpers | JaxP |
Attributes | Interface for a list of XML attributes. | Interface | org.xml.sax | JaxP |
Attributes2 | SAX2 extension to augment the per-attribute information provided though Attributes. | Interface | org.xml.sax.ext | JaxP |
Attributes2Impl | SAX2 extension helper for additional Attributes information, implementing the Attributes2 interface. | Class | org.xml.sax.ext | JaxP |
AttributesImpl | Default implementation of the Attributes interface. | Class | org.xml.sax.helpers | JaxP |
CDATASection | CDATA sections are used to escape blocks of text containing characters that would otherwise be regarded as markup. | Interface | org.w3c.dom | JaxP |
CharacterData | The CharacterData interface extends Node with a set of attributes and methods for accessing character data in the DOM. | Interface | org.w3c.dom | JaxP |
Comment | This interface inherits from CharacterData and represents the content of a comment, i. | Interface | org.w3c.dom | JaxP |
ContentHandler | Receive notification of the logical content of a document. | Interface | org.xml.sax | JaxP |
DOMConfiguration | The DOMConfiguration interface represents the configuration of a document and maintains a table of recognized parameters. | Interface | org.w3c.dom | JaxP |
DOMError | DOMError is an interface that describes an error. | Interface | org.w3c.dom | JaxP |
DOMErrorHandler | DOMErrorHandler is a callback interface that the DOM implementation can call when reporting errors that happens while | Interface | org.w3c.dom | JaxP |
DOMException | DOM operations only raise exceptions in "exceptional" circumstances, i. | Class | org.w3c.dom | JaxP |
DOMImplementation | The DOMImplementation interface provides a number of methods for performing operations that are independent of any particular instance | Interface | org.w3c.dom | JaxP |
DOMImplementationLS | DOMImplementationLS contains the factory methods for creating Load and Save objects. | Interface | | JaxP |
DOMImplementationList | The DOMImplementationList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of DOM implementations, without defining or | Interface | org.w3c.dom | JaxP |
DOMImplementationRegistry | A factory that enables applications to obtain instances of // get an instance of the DOMImplementation registry | Class | org.w3c.dom.bootstrap | JaxP |
DOMImplementationSource | This interface permits a DOM implementer to supply one or more implementations, based upon requested features and versions, as specified | Interface | org.w3c.dom | JaxP |
DOMLocator | Indicates the position of a node in a source DOM, intended primarily for error reporting. | Interface | javax.xml.transform.dom | JaxP |
DOMLocator | DOMLocator is an interface that describes a location (e. | Interface | org.w3c.dom | JaxP |
DOMResult | Acts as a holder for a transformation result tree in the form of a Document Object Model (DOM) tree. | Class | javax.xml.transform.dom | JaxP |
DOMSource | Acts as a holder for a transformation Source tree in the form of a Document Object Model (DOM) tree. | Class | javax.xml.transform.dom | JaxP |
DOMStringList | The DOMStringList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of DOMString values, without defining or | Interface | org.w3c.dom | JaxP |
DTDHandler | Receive notification of basic DTD-related events. | Interface | org.xml.sax | JaxP |
DatatypeConfigurationException | Indicates a serious configuration error. | Class | javax.xml.datatype | JaxP |
DatatypeConstants | Utility class to contain basic Datatype values as constants. | Class | javax.xml.datatype | JaxP |
DatatypeFactory | Factory that creates new javax. | Class | javax.xml.datatype | JaxP |
DeclHandler | SAX2 extension handler for DTD declaration events. | Interface | org.xml.sax.ext | JaxP |
DefaultHandler | Default base class for SAX2 event handlers. | Class | org.xml.sax.helpers | JaxP |
DefaultHandler2 | This class extends the SAX2 base handler class to support the SAX2 LexicalHandler, DeclHandler, and | Class | org.xml.sax.ext | JaxP |
Document | The Document interface represents the entire HTML or XML document. | Interface | org.w3c.dom | JaxP |
DocumentBuilder | Defines the API to obtain DOM Document instances from an XML document. | Class | javax.xml.parsers | JaxP |
DocumentBuilderFactory | Defines a factory API that enables applications to obtain a parser that produces DOM object trees from XML documents. | Class | javax.xml.parsers | JaxP |
DocumentEvent | The DocumentEvent interface provides a mechanism by which the user can create an Event of a type supported by the implementation. | Interface | | JaxP |
DocumentFragment | DocumentFragment is a "lightweight" or "minimal" Document object. | Interface | org.w3c.dom | JaxP |
DocumentHandler | Receive notification of general document events. | Interface | org.xml.sax | JaxP |
DocumentRange | See also the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Traversal and Range Specification. | Interface | org.w3c.dom.ranges | JaxP |
DocumentTraversal | DocumentTraversal contains methods that create NodeIterators and TreeWalkers to traverse a | Interface | org.w3c.dom.traversal | JaxP |
DocumentType | Each Document has a doctype attribute whose value is either null or a DocumentType object. | Interface | org.w3c.dom | JaxP |
Duration | Immutable representation of a time span as defined in the W3C XML Schema 1. | Class | javax.xml.datatype | JaxP |
Element | The Element interface represents an element in an HTML or XML document. | Interface | org.w3c.dom | JaxP |
Entity | This interface represents a known entity, either parsed or unparsed, in an XML document. | Interface | org.w3c.dom | JaxP |
EntityReference | EntityReference nodes may be used to represent an entity reference in the tree. | Interface | org.w3c.dom | JaxP |
EntityResolver | Basic interface for resolving entities. | Interface | org.xml.sax | JaxP |
EntityResolver2 | sources, or providing a missing external subset. | Interface | org.xml.sax.ext | JaxP |
ErrorHandler | Basic interface for SAX error handlers. | Interface | org.xml.sax | JaxP |
ErrorListener | To provide customized error handling, implement this interface and use the setErrorListener method to register an instance of the | Interface | javax.xml.transform | JaxP |
Event | The Event interface is used to provide contextual information about an event to the handler processing the event. | Interface | | JaxP |
EventException | Event operations may throw an EventException as specified in their method descriptions. | Class | | JaxP |
EventListener | The EventListener interface is the primary method for handling events. | Interface | | JaxP |
EventTarget | The EventTarget interface is implemented by all Nodes in an implementation which supports the DOM Event | Interface | | JaxP |
FactoryConfigurationError | Thrown when a problem with configuration with the Parser Factories exists. | Class | javax.xml.parsers | JaxP |
HandlerBase | Default base class for handlers. | Class | org.xml.sax | JaxP |
InputSource | A single input source for an XML entity. | Class | org.xml.sax | JaxP |
LSException | Parser or write operations may throw an LSException if the processing is stopped. | Class | | JaxP |
LSInput | This interface represents an input source for data. | Interface | | JaxP |
LSLoadEvent | This interface represents a load event object that signals the completion of a document load. | Interface | | JaxP |
LSOutput | This interface represents an output destination for data. | Interface | | JaxP |
LSParser | An interface to an object that is able to build, or augment, a DOM tree from various input sources. | Interface | | JaxP |
LSParserFilter | LSParserFilters provide applications the ability to examine nodes as they are being constructed while parsing. | Interface | | JaxP |
LSProgressEvent | This interface represents a progress event object that notifies the application about progress as a document is parsed. | Interface | | JaxP |
LSResourceResolver | LSResourceResolver provides a way for applications to redirect references to external resources. | Interface | | JaxP |
LSSerializer | A LSSerializer provides an API for serializing (writing) a DOM document out into XML. | Interface | | JaxP |
LSSerializerFilter | LSSerializerFilters provide applications the ability to examine nodes as they are being serialized and decide what nodes should | Interface | | JaxP |
LexicalHandler | SAX2 extension handler for lexical events. | Interface | org.xml.sax.ext | JaxP |
Locator | Interface for associating a SAX event with a document location. | Interface | org.xml.sax | JaxP |
Locator2 | SAX2 extension to augment the entity information provided If an implementation supports this extension, the Locator | Interface | org.xml.sax.ext | JaxP |
Locator2Impl | SAX2 extension helper for holding additional Entity information, implementing the Locator2 interface. | Class | org.xml.sax.ext | JaxP |
LocatorImpl | Provide an optional convenience implementation of Locator. | Class | org.xml.sax.helpers | JaxP |
MouseEvent | The MouseEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with Mouse events. | Interface | | JaxP |
MutationEvent | The MutationEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with Mutation events. | Interface | | JaxP |
NameList | The NameList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of parallel pairs of name and namespace values (which could be | Interface | org.w3c.dom | JaxP |
NamedNodeMap | Objects implementing the NamedNodeMap interface are used to represent collections of nodes that can be accessed by name. | Interface | org.w3c.dom | JaxP |
NamespaceContext | Interface for read only XML Namespace context processing. | Interface | javax.xml.namespace | JaxP |
NamespaceSupport | Encapsulate Namespace logic for use by applications using SAX, or internally by SAX drivers. | Class | org.xml.sax.helpers | JaxP |
Node | The Node interface is the primary datatype for the entire Document Object Model. | Interface | org.w3c.dom | JaxP |
NodeFilter | Filters are objects that know how to "filter out" nodes. | Interface | org.w3c.dom.traversal | JaxP |
NodeIterator | NodeIterators are used to step through a set of nodes, e. | Interface | org.w3c.dom.traversal | JaxP |
NodeList | The NodeList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of nodes, without defining or constraining how this collection | Interface | org.w3c.dom | JaxP |
Notation | This interface represents a notation declared in the DTD. | Interface | org.w3c.dom | JaxP |
OutputKeys | Provides string constants that can be used to set output properties for a Transformer, or to retrieve | Class | javax.xml.transform | JaxP |
Parser | Basic interface for SAX (Simple API for XML) parsers. | Interface | org.xml.sax | JaxP |
ParserAdapter | Adapt a SAX1 Parser as a SAX2 XMLReader. | Class | org.xml.sax.helpers | JaxP |
ParserConfigurationException | Indicates a serious configuration error. | Class | javax.xml.parsers | JaxP |
ParserFactory | Java-specific class for dynamically loading SAX parsers. | Class | org.xml.sax.helpers | JaxP |
ProcessingInstruction | The ProcessingInstruction interface represents a "processing instruction", used in XML as a way to keep processor-specific information | Interface | org.w3c.dom | JaxP |
QName | QName represents a qualified name as defined in the XML specifications: XML Schema Part2: | Class | javax.xml.namespace | JaxP |
Range | See also the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Traversal and Range Specification. | Interface | org.w3c.dom.ranges | JaxP |
RangeException | Range operations may throw a RangeException as specified in their method descriptions. | Class | org.w3c.dom.ranges | JaxP |
Result | An object that implements this interface contains the information needed to build a transformation result tree. | Interface | javax.xml.transform | JaxP |
SAXException | Encapsulate a general SAX error or warning. | Class | org.xml.sax | JaxP |
SAXNotRecognizedException | Exception class for an unrecognized identifier. | Class | org.xml.sax | JaxP |
SAXNotSupportedException | Exception class for an unsupported operation. | Class | org.xml.sax | JaxP |
SAXParseException | Encapsulate an XML parse error or warning. | Class | org.xml.sax | JaxP |
SAXParser | Defines the API that wraps an XMLReader implementation class. | Class | javax.xml.parsers | JaxP |
SAXParserFactory | Defines a factory API that enables applications to configure and obtain a SAX based parser to parse XML documents. | Class | javax.xml.parsers | JaxP |
SAXResult | Acts as an holder for a transformation Result. | Class | javax.xml.transform.sax | JaxP |
SAXSource | Acts as an holder for SAX-style Source. | Class | javax.xml.transform.sax | JaxP |
SAXTransformerFactory | This class extends TransformerFactory to provide SAX-specific factory methods. | Class | javax.xml.transform.sax | JaxP |
Schema | Immutable in-memory representation of grammar. | Class | javax.xml.validation | JaxP |
SchemaFactory | Factory that creates Schema objects. | Class | javax.xml.validation | JaxP |
Source | An object that implements this interface contains the information needed to act as source input (XML source or transformation instructions). | Interface | javax.xml.transform | JaxP |
SourceLocator | This interface is primarily for the purposes of reporting where an error occurred in the XML source or transformation instructions. | Interface | javax.xml.transform | JaxP |
StreamResult | Acts as an holder for a transformation result, which may be XML, plain Text, HTML, or some other form of markup. | Class | | JaxP |
StreamSource | Acts as an holder for a transformation Source in the form of a stream of XML markup. | Class | | JaxP |
Templates | An object that implements this interface is the runtime representation of processed transformation instructions. | Interface | javax.xml.transform | JaxP |
TemplatesHandler | A SAX ContentHandler that may be used to process SAX parse events (parsing transformation instructions) into a Templates object. | Interface | javax.xml.transform.sax | JaxP |
Text | The Text interface inherits from CharacterData and represents the textual content (termed character data in XML) of an Element or Attr. | Interface | org.w3c.dom | JaxP |
Transformer | An instance of this abstract class can transform a source tree into a result tree. | Class | javax.xml.transform | JaxP |
TransformerConfigurationException | Indicates a serious configuration error. | Class | javax.xml.transform | JaxP |
TransformerException | This class specifies an exceptional condition that occured during the transformation process. | Class | javax.xml.transform | JaxP |
TransformerFactory | A TransformerFactory instance can be used to create The system property that determines which Factory implementation | Class | javax.xml.transform | JaxP |
TransformerFactoryConfigurationError | Thrown when a problem with configuration with the Transformer Factories exists. | Class | javax.xml.transform | JaxP |
TransformerHandler | A TransformerHandler listens for SAX ContentHandler parse events and transforms | Interface | javax.xml.transform.sax | JaxP |
TreeWalker | TreeWalker objects are used to navigate a document tree or subtree using the view of the document defined by their | Interface | org.w3c.dom.traversal | JaxP |
TypeInfo | The TypeInfo interface represents a type referenced from Element or Attr nodes, specified in the schemas | Interface | org.w3c.dom | JaxP |
TypeInfoProvider | This class provides access to the type information determined by ValidatorHandler. | Class | javax.xml.validation | JaxP |
UIEvent | The UIEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with User Interface events. | Interface | | JaxP |
URIResolver | An object that implements this interface that can be called by the processor to turn a URI used in document(), xsl:import, or xsl:include into a Source object. | Interface | javax.xml.transform | JaxP |
UserDataHandler | When associating an object to a key on a node using Node. | Interface | org.w3c.dom | JaxP |
Validator | A processor that checks an XML document against Schema. | Class | javax.xml.validation | JaxP |
ValidatorHandler | Streaming validator that works on SAX stream. | Class | javax.xml.validation | JaxP |
XMLConstants | Utility class to contain basic XML values as constants. | Class | javax.xml | JaxP |
XMLFilter | Interface for an XML filter. | Interface | org.xml.sax | JaxP |
XMLFilterImpl | Base class for deriving an XML filter. | Class | org.xml.sax.helpers | JaxP |
XMLGregorianCalendar | Representation for W3C XML Schema 1. | Class | javax.xml.datatype | JaxP |
XMLReader | Interface for reading an XML document using callbacks. | Interface | org.xml.sax | JaxP |
XMLReaderAdapter | Adapt a SAX2 XMLReader as a SAX1 Parser. | Class | org.xml.sax.helpers | JaxP |
XMLReaderFactory | Factory for creating an XML reader. | Class | org.xml.sax.helpers | JaxP |
XPath | XPath provides access to the XPath evaluation environment and expressions. | Interface | javax.xml.xpath | JaxP |
XPathConstants | | Class | javax.xml.xpath | JaxP |
XPathException | XPathException represents a generic XPath exception. | Class | javax.xml.xpath | JaxP |
XPathExpression | XPathExpression provides access to compiled XPath expressions. | Interface | javax.xml.xpath | JaxP |
XPathExpressionException | XPathExpressionException represents an error in an XPath expression. | Class | javax.xml.xpath | JaxP |
XPathFactory | An XPathFactory instance can be used to createSee newInstance(String uri) for lookup mechanism. | Class | javax.xml.xpath | JaxP |
XPathFactoryConfigurationException | XPathFactoryConfigurationException represents a configuration error in a XPathFactory environment. | Class | javax.xml.xpath | JaxP |
XPathFunction | XPathFunction provides access to XPath functions. | Interface | javax.xml.xpath | JaxP |
XPathFunctionException | XPathFunctionException represents an error with an XPath function. | Class | javax.xml.xpath | JaxP |
XPathFunctionResolver | XPathFunctionResolver provides access to the set of user defined XPathFunctions. | Interface | javax.xml.xpath | JaxP |
XPathVariableResolver | XPathVariableResolver provides access to the set of user defined XPath variables. | Interface | javax.xml.xpath | JaxP |