Name | Description | Type | Package | Framework |
AbstractConverter | | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
AbstractKeys | A base class for generated static references This type is for JOOQ INTERNAL USE only. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
AbstractRoutine | A common base class for stored procedures This type is for JOOQ INTERNAL USE only. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
AbstractXMLasObjectBinding | A binding that binds JAXB-annotated Object types to SQLXML types from your database. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
AccessDataType | Supported data types for the SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.access | Jooq |
AccessDSL | The SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.access | Jooq |
AggregateFilterStep | The step in the specification of aggregate functions where the SQL:2003 standard FILTER clause can be added. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
AggregateFunction | An aggregate function is a special field that is usually used in a GROUP BY context. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
AlterSequenceFinalStep | A Query that can alter sequences. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
AlterSequenceRestartStep | A Query that can alter sequences. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
AlterTableAlterStep | The step in the ALTER TABLE DSL used to ALTERSpecify a new column DEFAULT. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
AlterTableDropStep | The step in the ALTER TABLE DSL used to DROPAdd a CASCADE clause to the | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
AlterTableFinalStep | The final step in the ALTER TABLE DSL. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
AlterTableStep | The step in the ALTER TABLE where the action can be decided. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ArrayAggOrderByStep | The SQL standard ARRAY_AGG() function. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ArrayRecord | A "record" that encapsulates an Oracle-style ARRAY (or VARRAY), additionally providing some convenience methods | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ArrayRecordImpl | A common base class for Oracle ARRAY types This type is for JOOQ INTERNAL USE only. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
ASEDataType | Supported data types for the SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.ase | Jooq |
ASEDSL | The SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.ase | Jooq |
Attachable | An object in jOOQ that can have an underlying Configuration attached Detaching an Attachable from its configuration means, that the | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
AttachableInternal | Base functionality declaration for all Attachables This interface is for JOOQ INTERNAL USE only. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BackslashEscaping | enum BackslashEscapingJava class for BackslashEscaping. | Class | org.jooq.conf | Jooq |
Batch | A wrapper for a JDBC batch operation. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BatchBindStep | This type is used for the Batch's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BetweenAndStep | An intermediate DSL type for the construction of a BETWEENCreate a condition to check this field against some bounds | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BetweenAndStep1 | An intermediate DSL type for the construction of a BETWEENCreate a condition to check this field against some bounds | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BetweenAndStep10 | | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BetweenAndStep11 | | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BetweenAndStep12 | | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BetweenAndStep13 | | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BetweenAndStep14 | | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BetweenAndStep15 | | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BetweenAndStep16 | | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BetweenAndStep17 | | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BetweenAndStep18 | | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BetweenAndStep19 | | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BetweenAndStep2 | | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BetweenAndStep20 | | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BetweenAndStep21 | | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BetweenAndStep22 | | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BetweenAndStep3 | | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BetweenAndStep4 | | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BetweenAndStep5 | | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BetweenAndStep6 | | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BetweenAndStep7 | | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BetweenAndStep8 | | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BetweenAndStep9 | | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BetweenAndStepN | An intermediate DSL type for the construction of a BETWEENCreate a condition to check this field against some bounds | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BindContext | The bind context is used for binding QueryPart's and their contained values to a PreparedStatement's bind variables. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Binding | An SPI (Service Provider Interface) that exposes all low-level interactions with JDBC bind variables. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BindingGetResultSetContext | A container type for Binding. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BindingGetSQLInputContext | A container type for Binding. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BindingGetStatementContext | A container type for Binding. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BindingRegisterContext | A container type for Binding. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BindingSetSQLOutputContext | A container type for Binding. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BindingSetStatementContext | A container type for Binding. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BindingSQLContext | A container type for Binding. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
BlobBinding | A binding that takes binary values but binds them as Blob to at the This is useful for workarounds for bugs in Oracle, like ORA-01461: can bind a | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
Case | The SQL case statement. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
CaseConditionStep | The final step in creating a case statement of the type CASE WHEN x < 1 THEN 'one' | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
CaseValueStep | An intermediary step in creating a case statement of the type CASE x WHEN 1 THEN 'one' | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
CaseWhenStep | The final step in creating a case statement of the type CASE x WHEN 1 THEN 'one' | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Catalog | An object representing a database catalog. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
CatalogImpl | A common base class for database catalogs This type is for JOOQ INTERNAL USE only. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
Clause | A listing of clauses that emit events VisitListener. | Class | org.jooq | Jooq |
ClobBinding | A binding that takes binary values but binds them as Clob to at the This is useful for workarounds for bugs in Oracle, like ORA-01461: can bind a | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
CommonTableExpression | | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Comparator | A comparator to be used in conditions to form comparison predicates. | Class | org.jooq | Jooq |
Condition | A condition to be used in a query's where part- 3. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ConditionProvider | A common interface for all objects holding conditions (e. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Configuration | A Configuration configures a DSLContext, providing it with information for query rendering and execution. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ConnectionCallable | | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ConnectionProvider | A connection lifecycle handler API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ConnectionRunnable | | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Constants | | Class | org.jooq | Jooq |
Constraint | | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ConstraintFinalStep | | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ConstraintForeignKeyOnStep | The step in the Constraint construction DSL API that allows for adding ON DELETE and ON UPDATE clauses. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ConstraintForeignKeyReferencesStep1 | The step in the Constraint construction DSL API that allows for matching a FOREIGN KEY clause with a REFERENCES | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ConstraintForeignKeyReferencesStep10 | The step in the Constraint construction DSL API that allows for matching a FOREIGN KEY clause with a REFERENCES | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ConstraintForeignKeyReferencesStep11 | The step in the Constraint construction DSL API that allows for matching a FOREIGN KEY clause with a REFERENCES | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ConstraintForeignKeyReferencesStep12 | The step in the Constraint construction DSL API that allows for matching a FOREIGN KEY clause with a REFERENCES | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ConstraintForeignKeyReferencesStep13 | The step in the Constraint construction DSL API that allows for matching a FOREIGN KEY clause with a REFERENCES | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ConstraintForeignKeyReferencesStep14 | The step in the Constraint construction DSL API that allows for matching a FOREIGN KEY clause with a REFERENCES | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ConstraintForeignKeyReferencesStep15 | The step in the Constraint construction DSL API that allows for matching a FOREIGN KEY clause with a REFERENCES | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ConstraintForeignKeyReferencesStep16 | The step in the Constraint construction DSL API that allows for matching a FOREIGN KEY clause with a REFERENCES | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ConstraintForeignKeyReferencesStep17 | The step in the Constraint construction DSL API that allows for matching a FOREIGN KEY clause with a REFERENCES | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ConstraintForeignKeyReferencesStep18 | The step in the Constraint construction DSL API that allows for matching a FOREIGN KEY clause with a REFERENCES | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ConstraintForeignKeyReferencesStep19 | The step in the Constraint construction DSL API that allows for matching a FOREIGN KEY clause with a REFERENCES | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ConstraintForeignKeyReferencesStep2 | The step in the Constraint construction DSL API that allows for matching a FOREIGN KEY clause with a REFERENCES | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ConstraintForeignKeyReferencesStep20 | The step in the Constraint construction DSL API that allows for matching a FOREIGN KEY clause with a REFERENCES | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ConstraintForeignKeyReferencesStep21 | The step in the Constraint construction DSL API that allows for matching a FOREIGN KEY clause with a REFERENCES | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ConstraintForeignKeyReferencesStep22 | The step in the Constraint construction DSL API that allows for matching a FOREIGN KEY clause with a REFERENCES | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ConstraintForeignKeyReferencesStep3 | The step in the Constraint construction DSL API that allows for matching a FOREIGN KEY clause with a REFERENCES | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ConstraintForeignKeyReferencesStep4 | The step in the Constraint construction DSL API that allows for matching a FOREIGN KEY clause with a REFERENCES | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ConstraintForeignKeyReferencesStep5 | The step in the Constraint construction DSL API that allows for matching a FOREIGN KEY clause with a REFERENCES | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ConstraintForeignKeyReferencesStep6 | The step in the Constraint construction DSL API that allows for matching a FOREIGN KEY clause with a REFERENCES | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ConstraintForeignKeyReferencesStep7 | The step in the Constraint construction DSL API that allows for matching a FOREIGN KEY clause with a REFERENCES | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ConstraintForeignKeyReferencesStep8 | The step in the Constraint construction DSL API that allows for matching a FOREIGN KEY clause with a REFERENCES | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ConstraintForeignKeyReferencesStep9 | The step in the Constraint construction DSL API that allows for matching a FOREIGN KEY clause with a REFERENCES | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ConstraintForeignKeyReferencesStepN | The step in the Constraint construction DSL API that allows for matching a FOREIGN KEY clause with a REFERENCES | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ConstraintTypeStep | The step in the Constraint construction DSL API that allows for specifying the constraint type. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ContainerFactory | Container factory for creating containers for JSON object and JSON array. | Interface | | Jooq |
ContentHandler | A simplified and stoppable SAX-like content handler for stream processing of JSON text. | Interface | | Jooq |
Context | A context type that is used for rendering SQL or for binding. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ControlFlowSignal | An exception that is used to influence control flows. | Class | org.jooq.exception | Jooq |
Convert | Utility methods for type conversions This class provides less type-safety than the general jOOQ API methods. | Class | | Jooq |
Converter | A Converter for data types. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ConverterProvider | A ConverterProvider providers Converter implementations for any combination of types and . | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Converters | A chain of converters. | Class | org.jooq | Jooq |
CreateIndexFinalStep | A Query that can create indexes. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
CreateIndexStep | A Query that can create indexes. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
CreateSequenceFinalStep | A Query that can create sequences. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
CreateTableAsStep | A Query that can create tables. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
CreateTableColumnStep | A Query that can create tables. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
CreateTableFinalStep | A Query that can create tables. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
CreateTableOnCommitStep | A Query that can create tables. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
CreateViewAsStep | A Query that can create views. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
CreateViewFinalStep | A Query that can create views. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
CSVParser | A very simple CSV parser released under a commercial-friendly license. | Class | | Jooq |
CSVReader | A very simple CSV reader released under a commercial-friendly license. | Class | | Jooq |
CUBRIDDataType | Supported data types for the SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.cubrid | Jooq |
CUBRIDDSL | The SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.cubrid | Jooq |
Cursor | Cursors allow for lazy, sequential access to an underlying JDBC ResultSet. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
CustomCondition | A base class for custom Condition implementations in client code. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
CustomField | A base class for custom Field implementations in client code. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
CustomQueryPart | A base class for custom QueryPart implementations in client code. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
CustomRecord | A base class for custom TableRecord implementations in client code. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
CustomTable | A base class for custom Table implementations in client code. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
DAO | A generic DAO interface for a pojo and a primary key type. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
DAOImpl | A common base implementation for generated DAO. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
DataAccessException | The DataAccessException is a generic RuntimeException indicating that something went wrong while executing a SQL statement from | Class | org.jooq.exception | Jooq |
DataChangedException | An error occurred while storing a record whose underlying data had alreadyAuthor:Lukas EderSee Also:UpdatableRecord. | Class | org.jooq.exception | Jooq |
DataSourceConnectionProvider | A default implementation for a pooled DataSource-oriented This implementation wraps a JDBC DataSource. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
DataType | A common interface to all dialect-specific data types. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
DataTypeException | An error occurred while handling data types. | Class | org.jooq.exception | Jooq |
DateAsTimestampBinding | A binding that implements the date-as-timestamp semantics of the jOOQ codeAuthor:Lukas EderSee Also:https://github. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
DatePart | A date part can be used with SQL functions such as extract(). | Class | org.jooq | Jooq |
DayToSecond | An implementation for the SQL standard INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND DayToSecond is a Number whose Number. | Class | org.jooq.types | Jooq |
DB2DataType | Supported data types for the SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.db2 | Jooq |
DB2DSL | The SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.db2 | Jooq |
DDLQuery | A marker interface for all DDL queries. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
DefaultBinding | | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
DefaultCallableStatement | A default JDBC CallableStatement implementation delegating all JDBC 4. | Class | | Jooq |
DefaultConfiguration | A default implementation for configurations within a DSLContext, if no custom configuration was supplied to DSL. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
DefaultConnection | A default JDBC Connection implementation delegating all JDBC 4. | Class | | Jooq |
DefaultConnectionProvider | A default implementation for ConnectionProvider. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
DefaultConverterProvider | | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
DefaultDataType | A common base class for data types. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
DefaultDSLContext | A default implementation for DSLContext. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
DefaultExecuteListener | A publicly available default implementation of ExecuteListener. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
DefaultExecuteListenerProvider | A default implementation for ExecuteListenerProvider. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
DefaultPreparedStatement | A default JDBC PreparedStatement implementation delegating all JDBC 4. | Class | | Jooq |
DefaultRecordListener | A publicly available default implementation of RecordListener. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
DefaultRecordListenerProvider | A default implementation for RecordListenerProvider. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
DefaultRecordMapper | This is the default implementation for RecordMapper types. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
DefaultRecordMapperProvider | A default RecordMapperProvider implementation, providing a DefaultRecordMapper instance. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
DefaultResultSet | A default JDBC ResultSet implementation delegating all JDBC 4. | Class | | Jooq |
DefaultStatement | A default JDBC Statement implementation delegating all JDBC 4. | Class | | Jooq |
DefaultTransactionProvider | A default implementation for the TransactionProvider SPI. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
DefaultVisitListener | A publicly available default implementation of VisitListener. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
DefaultVisitListenerProvider | A default implementation for VisitListenerProvider. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
Delete | A Query that can delete data in the database. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
DeleteConditionStep | This type is used for the Delete's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
DeleteFinalStep | This type is used for the Delete's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
DeleteQuery | A query used for deletion of dataAdds new conditions to the query, connecting them to existing | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
DeleteResultStep | This type is used for the Delete's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
DeleteReturningStep | This type is used for the Delete's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
DeleteWhereStep | This type is used for the Delete's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
DerbyDataType | Supported data types for the SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.derby | Jooq |
DerbyDSL | The SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.derby | Jooq |
DerivedColumnList | A DerivedColumnList is a name of a table expression with optional derived column list. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
DetachedException | An operation was invoked on a detached object (Query, QueryPart, or UpdatableRecord). | Class | org.jooq.exception | Jooq |
DivideByOnConditionStep | An intermediate type for the construction of a relational division. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
DivideByOnStep | An intermediate type for the construction of a relational division- 3. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
DivideByReturningStep | An intermediate type for the construction of a relational divisionSpecify the fields that you want the division to return from the dividend | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
DropIndexFinalStep | A Query that can create indexes. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
DropIndexOnStep | A Query that can create indexes. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
DropSequenceFinalStep | A Query that can drop sequences. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
DropTableFinalStep | The final step in the DROP TABLE DSL. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
DropTableStep | The step in the DROP TABLE DSL used to specify DROPAdd a CASCADE clause to the DROP TABLE | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
DropViewFinalStep | The final step in the DROP VIEW DSL. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
DSL | A DSL "entry point" providing implementations to the org. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
DSLContext | A contextual DSL providing "attached" implementations to the org. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
EnumConverter | A base class for enum conversion. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
EnumType | A SQL enum type. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ExecuteContext | A context object for Query execution passed to registeredAuthor:Lukas EderSee Also:ExecuteListener | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ExecuteListener | An event listener for Query, Routine, or ResultSet render, prepare, bind, execute, fetch steps. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ExecuteListenerProvider | A provider for ExecuteListener instances. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ExecuteType | The type of database interaction that is being executed with this context. | Class | org.jooq | Jooq |
Field | A field used in tables and conditions Note that all fields qualify as GroupField, i. | Class | org.jooq | Jooq |
FieldLike | An object that can behave like a field (a field-like object)The underlying field representation of this object | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
FieldOrRow | A common base type for Field and Row where DSL API accepts This is useful for expressions like GROUPING SETS, when | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
FirebirdDataType | Supported data types for the SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.firebird | Jooq |
FirebirdDSL | The SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.firebird | Jooq |
ForeignKey | A ForeignKey is an object referencing a UniqueKey. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
FutureResult | Fetch results asynchronously. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
GroupConcatOrderByStep | MySQL's GROUP_CONCAT function. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
GroupConcatSeparatorStep | MySQL's GROUP_CONCAT function. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
GroupField | | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
H2DataType | Supported data types for the SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.h2 | Jooq |
H2DSL | The SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.h2 | Jooq |
HanaDataType | Supported data types for the SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.hana | Jooq |
HanaDSL | The SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.hana | Jooq |
HSQLDBDataType | Supported data types for the SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.hsqldb | Jooq |
HSQLDBDSL | The SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.hsqldb | Jooq |
Identity | An Identity is an object representing an IDENTITY column as understood by the SQL:2003 standard. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InformixDataType | Supported data types for the SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.informix | Jooq |
InformixDSL | The SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.informix | Jooq |
IngresDataType | Supported data types for the SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.ingres | Jooq |
IngresDSL | The SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.ingres | Jooq |
Insert | A Query that can insert data in the database. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InsertFinalStep | This type is used for the Insert's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InsertOnDuplicateSetMoreStep | This type is used for the Insert's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InsertOnDuplicateSetStep | This type is used for the Insert's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InsertOnDuplicateStep | This type is used for the Insert's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InsertQuery | | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InsertResultStep | This type is used for the Insert's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InsertReturningStep | This type is used for the Insert's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InsertSetMoreStep | This type is used for the Insert's alternative DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InsertSetStep | This type is used for the Insert's alternative DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InsertValuesStep1 | This type is used for the Insert's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InsertValuesStep10 | This type is used for the Insert's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InsertValuesStep11 | This type is used for the Insert's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InsertValuesStep12 | This type is used for the Insert's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InsertValuesStep13 | This type is used for the Insert's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InsertValuesStep14 | This type is used for the Insert's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InsertValuesStep15 | This type is used for the Insert's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InsertValuesStep16 | This type is used for the Insert's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InsertValuesStep17 | This type is used for the Insert's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InsertValuesStep18 | This type is used for the Insert's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InsertValuesStep19 | This type is used for the Insert's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InsertValuesStep2 | This type is used for the Insert's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InsertValuesStep20 | This type is used for the Insert's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InsertValuesStep21 | This type is used for the Insert's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InsertValuesStep22 | This type is used for the Insert's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InsertValuesStep3 | This type is used for the Insert's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InsertValuesStep4 | This type is used for the Insert's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InsertValuesStep5 | This type is used for the Insert's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InsertValuesStep6 | This type is used for the Insert's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InsertValuesStep7 | This type is used for the Insert's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InsertValuesStep8 | This type is used for the Insert's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InsertValuesStep9 | This type is used for the Insert's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
InsertValuesStepN | This type is used for the Insert's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Interval | A substitute for JDBC's missing java. | Interface | org.jooq.types | Jooq |
InvalidResultException | An unexpected result was encountered after executing a Query. | Class | org.jooq.exception | Jooq |
IOException | The jOOQ IOException is a wrapper for aAuthor:Lukas EderSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jooq.exception | Jooq |
JDBC41Connection | Add JDBC 4. | Class | | Jooq |
JDBC41ResultSet | Add JDBC 4. | Class | | Jooq |
JDBC41Statement | Add JDBC 4. | Class | | Jooq |
JDBCUtils | JDBC-related utility methods. | Class | | Jooq |
JoinType | | Class | org.jooq | Jooq |
JooqLogger | The jOOQ logger abstraction. | Class | | Jooq |
JSONArray | A JSON array. | Class | | Jooq |
JSONObject | A JSON object. | Class | | Jooq |
JSONParser | Parser for JSON text. | Class | | Jooq |
JSONValue | | Class | | Jooq |
Key | A Key is an object representing a UNIQUE KEY, a PRIMARY KEY, or a FOREIGN KEY. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Keyword | A SQL keyword QueryPart. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
KeywordImpl | A default Keyword implementation. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
Link | A database link reference. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Loader | The Loader API is used for configuring data loads. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
LoaderConfigurationException | The LoaderConfigurationException indicates that a Loader was executed with an illegal execution configuration. | Class | org.jooq.exception | Jooq |
LoaderContext | A context object that provides information about a loader's current state toA list of errors that might have happened during the load. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
LoaderCSVOptionsStep | The Loader API is used for configuring data loads. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
LoaderCSVStep | The Loader API is used for configuring data loads. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
LoaderError | An error that occurred during loading. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
LoaderJSONOptionsStep | The Loader API is used for configuring data loads. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
LoaderJSONStep | The Loader API is used for configuring data loads. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
LoaderListenerStep | The Loader API is used for configuring data loads. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
LoaderLoadStep | The Loader API is used for configuring data loads. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
LoaderOptionsStep | The Loader API is used for configuring data loads. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
LoaderRowListener | A listener for Loader progress. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
LoaderRowsStep | The Loader API is used for configuring data loads. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
LoaderSourceStep | The Loader API is used for configuring data loads. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
LoaderXMLStep | | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
LoggerListener | A default ExecuteListener that just logs events to java. | Class | | Jooq |
MappedSchema | Java class for MappedSchema complex type. | Class | org.jooq.conf | Jooq |
MappedTable | Java class for MappedTable complex type. | Class | org.jooq.conf | Jooq |
MappingException | An error occurred while fetching data into a user defined Java object with any of these methods: | Class | org.jooq.exception | Jooq |
MariaDBDataType | Supported data types for the SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.mariadb | Jooq |
MariaDBDSL | The SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.mariadb | Jooq |
Merge | A Query that can merge data in the database. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeFinalStep | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeKeyStep1 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeKeyStep10 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeKeyStep11 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeKeyStep12 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeKeyStep13 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeKeyStep14 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeKeyStep15 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeKeyStep16 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeKeyStep17 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeKeyStep18 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeKeyStep19 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeKeyStep2 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeKeyStep20 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeKeyStep21 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeKeyStep22 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeKeyStep3 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeKeyStep4 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeKeyStep5 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeKeyStep6 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeKeyStep7 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeKeyStep8 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeKeyStep9 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeKeyStepN | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeMatchedDeleteStep | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeMatchedSetMoreStep | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeMatchedSetStep | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeMatchedStep | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeMatchedWhereStep | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeNotMatchedSetMoreStep | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeNotMatchedSetStep | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeNotMatchedStep | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeNotMatchedValuesStep1 | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeNotMatchedValuesStep10 | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeNotMatchedValuesStep11 | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeNotMatchedValuesStep12 | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeNotMatchedValuesStep13 | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeNotMatchedValuesStep14 | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeNotMatchedValuesStep15 | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeNotMatchedValuesStep16 | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeNotMatchedValuesStep17 | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeNotMatchedValuesStep18 | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeNotMatchedValuesStep19 | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeNotMatchedValuesStep2 | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeNotMatchedValuesStep20 | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeNotMatchedValuesStep21 | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeNotMatchedValuesStep22 | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeNotMatchedValuesStep3 | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeNotMatchedValuesStep4 | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeNotMatchedValuesStep5 | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeNotMatchedValuesStep6 | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeNotMatchedValuesStep7 | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeNotMatchedValuesStep8 | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeNotMatchedValuesStep9 | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeNotMatchedValuesStepN | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeNotMatchedWhereStep | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeOnConditionStep | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeOnStep | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeUsingStep | This type is used for the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeValuesStep1 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeValuesStep10 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeValuesStep11 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeValuesStep12 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeValuesStep13 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeValuesStep14 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeValuesStep15 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeValuesStep16 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeValuesStep17 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeValuesStep18 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeValuesStep19 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeValuesStep2 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeValuesStep20 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeValuesStep21 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeValuesStep22 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeValuesStep3 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeValuesStep4 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeValuesStep5 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeValuesStep6 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeValuesStep7 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeValuesStep8 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeValuesStep9 | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MergeValuesStepN | This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Meta | A wrapping object for DatabaseMetaData This object can be obtained through DSLContext. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
MockArray | | Class | | Jooq |
MockCallable | An FunctionalInterface that wraps mockable code. | Interface | | Jooq |
MockConfiguration | A mock configuration. | Class | | Jooq |
MockConnection | Mock connections can be used to supply jOOQ with unit test data, avoiding the round-trip of using an actual in-memory test database, such as Derby, H2 or | Class | | Jooq |
MockConnectionProvider | A mock connection provider. | Class | | Jooq |
MockDataProvider | A data provider for mock query executions. | Interface | | Jooq |
MockExecuteContext | A mock execution context. | Class | | Jooq |
MockFileDatabase | A file-based MockDataProvider. | Class | | Jooq |
MockResult | This type is used to wrap unified results of DDL and DML query executions. | Class | | Jooq |
MockResultSet | | Class | | Jooq |
MockResultSetMetaData | A mock result set meta data object. | Class | | Jooq |
MockRunnable | An FunctionalInterface that wraps mockable code. | Interface | | Jooq |
MockSavepoint | | Class | | Jooq |
MockStatement | This statement can be used to mock any of these: Statement PreparedStatement CallableStatement | Class | | Jooq |
MySQLDataType | Supported data types for the SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.mysql | Jooq |
MySQLDSL | The SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.mysql | Jooq |
Name | A SQL identifier QueryPart. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
NoConnectionProvider | An "empty" implementation that is never connected. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
NoDataFoundException | No rows were returned from a ResultQuery, when exactly one row wasAuthor:Lukas EderSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jooq.exception | Jooq |
NoTransactionProvider | An "empty" implementation that is never transactional. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
NullIf | | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
ObjectFactory | This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface | Class | org.jooq.conf | Jooq |
Operator | An operator used for combining conditionsEnum Constant Summary | Class | org.jooq | Jooq |
OracleDataType | Supported data types for the SQLDialect. | Class | | Jooq |
OracleDSL | The SQLDialect. | Class | | Jooq |
OrderedAggregateFunction | An ordered aggregate function. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Package | A container for stored procedures and functions This is only supported in the SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq | Jooq |
PackageImpl | A default implementation for packages (containers of stored procedures and Currently, this is only supported for the SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
Param | A named parameter and/or bind value. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Parameter | A parameter to a stored procedure or function. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ParamType | Java class for ParamType. | Class | org.jooq.conf | Jooq |
ParseException | ParseException explains why and where the error occurs in source JSON text. | Class | | Jooq |
PivotForStep | This type is used for the Oracle PIVOT clause DSL API, pivoting Table objects to new tables. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
PivotInStep | This type is used for the Oracle PIVOT clause DSL API, pivoting Table objects to new tables. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
PlainSQL | This annotation marks all methods and types that allow for producing a QueryPart that generates "plain SQL" inside of an AST. | Class | org.jooq | Jooq |
PostgresDataType | Supported data types for the SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.postgres | Jooq |
PostgresDSL | The SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.postgres | Jooq |
PostgresUtils | A collection of utilities to cover the Postgres JDBC driver's missing The Postgres JDBC driver is known to miss out on quite a few JDBC feature | Class | org.jooq.util.postgres | Jooq |
QuantifiedSelect | A participant of a quantified comparison predicate A QuantifiedSelect models the right hand side of a quantified | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Query | Bind a new value to an indexed parameter. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
QueryPart | The common base type for all objects that can be used for query composition. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
QueryPartInternal | Base functionality declaration for all query objects This interface is for JOOQ INTERNAL USE only. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Queue | An Oracle AQ specification. | Interface | | Jooq |
QueueImpl | A common base class for AQ. | Class | | Jooq |
Record | A database result record. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Record1 | A model type for a records with degree 1Author:Lukas EderSee Also:Row1 | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Record10 | A model type for a records with degree 10Author:Lukas EderSee Also:Row10 | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Record11 | A model type for a records with degree 11Author:Lukas EderSee Also:Row11 | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Record12 | A model type for a records with degree 12Author:Lukas EderSee Also:Row12 | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Record13 | A model type for a records with degree 13Author:Lukas EderSee Also:Row13 | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Record14 | A model type for a records with degree 14Author:Lukas EderSee Also:Row14 | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Record15 | A model type for a records with degree 15Author:Lukas EderSee Also:Row15 | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Record16 | A model type for a records with degree 16Author:Lukas EderSee Also:Row16 | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Record17 | A model type for a records with degree 17Author:Lukas EderSee Also:Row17 | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Record18 | A model type for a records with degree 18Author:Lukas EderSee Also:Row18 | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Record19 | A model type for a records with degree 19Author:Lukas EderSee Also:Row19 | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Record2 | A model type for a records with degree 2Author:Lukas EderSee Also:Row2 | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Record20 | A model type for a records with degree 20Author:Lukas EderSee Also:Row20 | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Record21 | A model type for a records with degree 21Author:Lukas EderSee Also:Row21 | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Record22 | A model type for a records with degree 22Author:Lukas EderSee Also:Row22 | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Record3 | A model type for a records with degree 3Author:Lukas EderSee Also:Row3 | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Record4 | A model type for a records with degree 4Author:Lukas EderSee Also:Row4 | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Record5 | A model type for a records with degree 5Author:Lukas EderSee Also:Row5 | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Record6 | A model type for a records with degree 6Author:Lukas EderSee Also:Row6 | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Record7 | A model type for a records with degree 7Author:Lukas EderSee Also:Row7 | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Record8 | A model type for a records with degree 8Author:Lukas EderSee Also:Row8 | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Record9 | A model type for a records with degree 9Author:Lukas EderSee Also:Row9 | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
RecordContext | A context object for Record manipulation passed to registeredThe Record(s) that are being manipulated in batch mode. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
RecordHandler | A RecordHandler is a handler that can receive Record objects, when fetching data from the database. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
RecordListener | A listener for manipulation events on UpdatableRecords. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
RecordListenerProvider | A provider for RecordListener instances. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
RecordMapper | A RecordMapper is a mapper that can receive Record objects, when fetching data from the database, transforming them into a | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
RecordMapperProvider | A provider for RecordMapper instances. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
RecordType | A record type for Table, Cursor, Result and other This type differs from Row in several ways: | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
RedshiftDataType | Supported data types for the SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.redshift | Jooq |
RedshiftDSL | The SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.redshift | Jooq |
Reflect | A wrapper for an Object or Class upon which reflective calls An example of using Reflect is | Class | | Jooq |
ReflectException | A unchecked wrapper for any of Java's checked reflection exceptions: These exceptions are | Class | | Jooq |
RenderContext | The render context is used for rendering QueryPart's to SQL. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
RenderKeywordStyle | enum RenderKeywordStyleJava class for RenderKeywordStyle. | Class | org.jooq.conf | Jooq |
RenderMapping | Java class for RenderMapping complex type. | Class | org.jooq.conf | Jooq |
RenderNameStyle | enum RenderNameStyleJava class for RenderNameStyle. | Class | org.jooq.conf | Jooq |
Result | A wrapper for database results returned by SelectQueryAuthor:Lukas EderSee Also:ResultQuery. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ResultOrRows | A type that contains either a Result or an update count. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
ResultQuery | A query that can return results. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Results | A list of Result and update counts that can be returned by ResultQuery. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Routine | A routine is a callable object in your RDBMS. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Row | A model type for a row value expression. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Row1 | A model type for a row value expression with degree 1. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Row10 | A model type for a row value expression with degree 10. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Row11 | A model type for a row value expression with degree 11. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Row12 | A model type for a row value expression with degree 12. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Row13 | A model type for a row value expression with degree 13. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Row14 | A model type for a row value expression with degree 14. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Row15 | A model type for a row value expression with degree 15. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Row16 | A model type for a row value expression with degree 16. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Row17 | A model type for a row value expression with degree 17. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Row18 | A model type for a row value expression with degree 18. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Row19 | A model type for a row value expression with degree 19. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Row2 | A model type for a row value expression with degree 2. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Row20 | A model type for a row value expression with degree 20. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Row21 | A model type for a row value expression with degree 21. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Row22 | A model type for a row value expression with degree 22. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Row3 | A model type for a row value expression with degree 3. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Row4 | A model type for a row value expression with degree 4. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Row5 | A model type for a row value expression with degree 5. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Row6 | A model type for a row value expression with degree 6. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Row7 | A model type for a row value expression with degree 7. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Row8 | A model type for a row value expression with degree 8. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Row9 | A model type for a row value expression with degree 9. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
RowN | A model type for a row value expression with degree N > 22. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Schema | An object representing a database schemaThe name of this schema | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SchemaImpl | A common base class for database schemata This type is for JOOQ INTERNAL USE only. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
SchemaMapping | General mapping of generated artefacts onto run-time substitutes. | Class | org.jooq | Jooq |
Scope | Scope implementations provide access to a variety of objects that are available from a given scope. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Select | A Query that can provide a Result after executionApply the EXCEPT (or MINUS) set operation. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectConditionStep | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectConnectByConditionStep | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectConnectByStep | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectDistinctOnStep | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectField | A QueryPart to be used exclusively in SELECTThe field's underlying Binding. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectFinalStep | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectForUpdateOfStep | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectForUpdateStep | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectForUpdateWaitStep | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectFromStep | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectGroupByStep | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectHavingConditionStep | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectHavingStep | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectIntoStep | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectJoinPartitionByStep | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectJoinStep | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectLimitStep | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectOffsetStep | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectOnConditionStep | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectOnStep | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectOptionalOnStep | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectOptionStep | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectOrderByStep | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectQuery | A query for data selectionAdds new conditions to the query, connecting them to existing | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectSeekLimitStep | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectSeekStep1 | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectSeekStep10 | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectSeekStep11 | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectSeekStep12 | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectSeekStep13 | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectSeekStep14 | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectSeekStep15 | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectSeekStep16 | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectSeekStep17 | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectSeekStep18 | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectSeekStep19 | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectSeekStep2 | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectSeekStep20 | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectSeekStep21 | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectSeekStep22 | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectSeekStep3 | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectSeekStep4 | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectSeekStep5 | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectSeekStep6 | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectSeekStep7 | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectSeekStep8 | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectSeekStep9 | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectSeekStepN | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectSelectStep | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectStartWithStep | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectUnionStep | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectWhereStep | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SelectWindowStep | This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic -- get all authors' first and last names, and the number | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Sequence | A type representing sequences in databases that support this. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SequenceImpl | A common base class for sequences This type is for JOOQ INTERNAL USE only. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
Settings | Java class for Settings complex type. | Class | org.jooq.conf | Jooq |
SettingsTools | Convenience methods for jOOQ runtime settings. | Class | org.jooq.conf | Jooq |
SortField | A wrapper for a Field and a SortFieldAuthor:Lukas EderSee Also:Field. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SortOrder | The sorting order used in OrderByFieldListsEnum Constant Summary | Class | org.jooq | Jooq |
SQL | A plain SQL QueryPart. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
SQLDataType | The SQL standard data types, as described in Types. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
SQLDialect | Dialects and dialect families as supported by jOOQ. | Class | org.jooq | Jooq |
SQLDialectNotSupportedException | An exception thrown if an SQL construct is used, which is not supported by the dialect set in Configuration. | Class | org.jooq.exception | Jooq |
SQLiteDataType | Supported data types for the SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.sqlite | Jooq |
SQLiteDSL | The SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.sqlite | Jooq |
SQLServerDataType | Supported data types for the SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.sqlserver | Jooq |
SQLServerDSL | The SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.sqlserver | Jooq |
State | Defines a "state" in the state machine modelled by the DSL API. | Class | org.jooq.api.annotation | Jooq |
StatementType | Java class for StatementType. | Class | org.jooq.conf | Jooq |
StopWatch | | Class | | Jooq |
StopWatchListener | A default ExecuteListener that just logs events to java. | Class | | Jooq |
StoreQuery | A query storing objects to the database. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
StringUtils | Operations on String that are null safe. | Class | | Jooq |
Support | A formal declaration of whether any API element is supported by a given The annotation is mainly used in three modes: | Class | org.jooq | Jooq |
SybaseDataType | Supported data types for the SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.sybase | Jooq |
SybaseDSL | The SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.sybase | Jooq |
Table | A table to be used in queriesCreate an alias for this table. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
TableField | | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
TableImpl | A common base type for tables This type is for JOOQ INTERNAL USE only. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
TableLike | An object that can behave like a table (a table-like object)The underlying table representation of this object | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
TableOnConditionStep | An intermediate (optional) type for the construction of a JOIN clause, where the join criteria is added using an ON clause | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
TableOnStep | An intermediate type for the construction of a JOIN clause, where there must be a join criteria added using an ON clause | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
TableOptionalOnStep | An intermediate type for the construction of a JOIN clause, where there may optionally be a join criteria added using an ON | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
TablePartitionByStep | An intermediate type for the construction of a partitioned SQLDialect. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
TableRecord | A record originating from a single tableFetch a parent record of this record, given a foreign key. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
TableRecordImpl | A record implementation for a record originating from a single table This type is for JOOQ INTERNAL USE only. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
TooManyRowsException | Too many rows (more than 1) were returned from a ResultQuery. | Class | org.jooq.exception | Jooq |
Transaction | | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
TransactionalCallable | An FunctionalInterface that wraps transactional code. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
TransactionalRunnable | An FunctionalInterface that wraps transactional code. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
TransactionContext | A context object that is used to pass arguments to the various methods of TransactionProvider. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
TransactionProvider | The TransactionProvider SPI can be used to implement custom transaction behaviour that is applied when calling | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Transition | Defines a "transition" in the state machine modelled by the DSL API. | Class | org.jooq.api.annotation | Jooq |
Truncate | A Query that can truncate a table in the database. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
TruncateCascadeStep | A Query that can truncate a table in the database. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
TruncateFinalStep | A Query that can truncate a table in the database. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
TruncateIdentityStep | A Query that can truncate a table in the database. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
UByte | The unsigned byte typeAuthor:Lukas Eder, Ed SchallerSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jooq.types | Jooq |
UDT | Get a specific field from this UDT. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
UDTField | | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
UDTImpl | A common base type for UDT's This type is for JOOQ INTERNAL USE only. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
UDTRecord | An object holding data of a UDTThe UDT from which this record was read | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
UDTRecordImpl | A record implementation for a record originating from a single UDT This type is for JOOQ INTERNAL USE only. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
UInteger | The unsigned int typeAuthor:Lukas Eder, Ed SchallerSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jooq.types | Jooq |
ULong | The unsigned long typeAuthor:Lukas EderSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jooq.types | Jooq |
UniqueKey | A UniqueKey is an object representing a UNIQUE KEY or a PRIMARY KEY. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
Unsigned | A utility class for static access to unsigned number functionality. | Class | org.jooq.types | Jooq |
UNumber | A base type for unsigned numbers. | Class | org.jooq.types | Jooq |
UpdatableRecord | A common interface for records that can be stored back to the database again. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
UpdatableRecordImpl | A record implementation for a record holding a primary key This type is for JOOQ INTERNAL USE only. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
Update | A Query that can update data in the database. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
UpdateConditionStep | This type is used for the Update's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
UpdateFinalStep | This type is used for the Update's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
UpdateFromStep | This type is used for the Update's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
UpdateQuery | A query for data updatingAdds new conditions to the query, connecting them to existing | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
UpdateResultStep | This type is used for the Update's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
UpdateReturningStep | This type is used for the Update's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
UpdateSetFirstStep | This type is used for the Update's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
UpdateSetMoreStep | This type is used for the Update's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
UpdateSetStep | This type is used for the Update's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
UpdateWhereStep | This type is used for the Update's DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
UShort | The unsigned short typeAuthor:Lukas EderSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | org.jooq.types | Jooq |
VersionsBetweenAndStep | This type is used for the Oracle VERSIONS clause DSL API, providing access to the flashback versions query clauses. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
VerticaDataType | Supported data types for the SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.vertica | Jooq |
VerticaDSL | The SQLDialect. | Class | org.jooq.util.vertica | Jooq |
VisitContext | A context object for QueryPart traversal passed to registeredAuthor:Lukas EderSee Also:VisitListener | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
VisitListener | A listener for QueryPart traversal events. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
VisitListenerProvider | A provider for VisitListener instances. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
WindowBeforeOverStep | This type is used for the window function DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
WindowDefinition | A window definition. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
WindowFinalStep | This type is used for the window function DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
WindowIgnoreNullsStep | This type is used for the window function DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
WindowOrderByStep | This type is used for the window function DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
WindowOverStep | This type is used for the window function DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
WindowPartitionByStep | This type is used for the window function DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
WindowRowsAndStep | This type is used for the window function DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
WindowRowsStep | This type is used for the window function DSL API. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
WindowSpecification | A window specification. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
WindowSpecificationFinalStep | An intermediate step in the construction of a WindowSpecification. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
WindowSpecificationOrderByStep | An intermediate step in the construction of a WindowSpecification. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
WindowSpecificationPartitionByStep | An intermediate step in the construction of a WindowSpecification. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
WindowSpecificationRowsAndStep | An intermediate step in the construction of a WindowSpecification. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
WindowSpecificationRowsStep | An intermediate step in the construction of a WindowSpecification. | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
WithAsStep | This type is part of the jOOQ DSL to create Select, Insert, Update, Delete, Merge statements prefixed with a | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
WithStep | This type is part of the jOOQ DSL to create Select, Insert, Update, Delete, Merge statements prefixed with a | Interface | org.jooq | Jooq |
XMLasDOMBinding | A binding that binds Node types to SQLXML types from your database. | Class | org.jooq.impl | Jooq |
YearToMonth | An implementation for the SQL standard INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH YearToMonth is a Number whose Number. | Class | org.jooq.types | Jooq |
Yytoken | | Class | | Jooq |