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# Classes and Interfaces in #MapDB - 36 results found.
AsyncWriteEngineEngine wrapper which provides asynchronous serialization and asynchronous write.Classorg.mapdbMapDB
AtomicA small toolkit of classes that support lock-free thread-safe programming on single records.Classorg.mapdbMapDB
BindBinding is simple yet powerful way to keep secondary collection synchronized with primary collection.Classorg.mapdbMapDB
BTreeKeySerializerCustom serializer for BTreeMap keys which enables Delta encoding.Classorg.mapdbMapDB
BTreeMapA scalable concurrent ConcurrentNavigableMap implementation.Classorg.mapdbMapDB
CCCompiler Configuration.Interfaceorg.mapdbMapDB
CompressLZFThis class implements the LZF lossless data compression algorithm.Classorg.mapdbMapDB
DBA database with easy access to named maps and other collections.Classorg.mapdbMapDB
DBMakerA builder class for creating and opening a database.Classorg.mapdbMapDB
EncryptionXTEAAn implementation of the EncryptionXTEA block cipher algorithm.Classorg.mapdbMapDB
EngineCenterpiece for record management, Engine is simple key value store.Interfaceorg.mapdbMapDB
EngineWrapperEngineWrapper adapter.Classorg.mapdbMapDB
FunFunctional stuff.Classorg.mapdbMapDB
HasherCalculates hash from an object.Interfaceorg.mapdbMapDB
HTreeMapThread safe concurrent HashMap This map uses full 32bit hash from beginning, There is no initial load factor and rehash.Classorg.mapdbMapDB
LongConcurrentHashMapThread safe LongMap.Classorg.mapdbMapDB
LongConcurrentLRUMapA LRU cache implementation based upon ConcurrentHashMap and other techniques to reduce contention and synchronization overhead to utilize multiple CPU cores more effectively.Classorg.mapdbMapDB
LongHashMapLongHashMap is an implementation of LongMap without concurrency locking.Classorg.mapdbMapDB
PumpData Pump moves data from one source to other.Classorg.mapdbMapDB
SerializerPojoSerializer which handles POJO, object graphs etc.Classorg.mapdbMapDB
StoreLow level record store.Classorg.mapdbMapDB
StoreDirectStorage Engine which saves record directly into file.Classorg.mapdbMapDB
StoreHeapStore which keeps all instances on heap.Classorg.mapdbMapDB
TxEngineNaive implementation of Snapshots on top of StorageEngine.Classorg.mapdbMapDB
TxRollbackExceptionException thrown when transaction is rolled back.Classorg.mapdbMapDB