Name | Description | Type | Package | Framework |
AbstractContext | Abstract Context. | Class | ninja.utils | Ninja |
AbstractStandalone | Abstract Standalone that implements most functionality required to write a concrete Standalone. | Class | ninja.standalone | Ninja |
ApplicationRoutes | | Interface | ninja.application | Ninja |
ArgumentClassHolder | This is used to hold the argument class, so that it can be injected into extractors/validators so they can know what type they are extracting. | Class | ninja.params | Ninja |
ArgumentExtractor | Extracts a controller argument from the contextExtract the argument from the context | Interface | ninja.params | Ninja |
ArgumentExtractors | | Class | ninja.params | Ninja |
AssetsController | This controller serves public resources under /assets. | Class | ninja | Ninja |
AssetsControllerHelper | | Class | ninja | Ninja |
AsyncResult | | Class | ninja | Ninja |
Attribute | Injects an attribute value into a controller method invocation. | Class | ninja.params | Ninja |
AuthenticityFilter | | Class | ninja | Ninja |
BadRequestException | A convenience unchecked exception. | Class | ninja.exceptions | Ninja |
BasicAuthFilter | A Ninja filter that implements HTTP BASIC Authentication. | Class | ninja | Ninja |
BodyParserEngine | The content type this BodyParserEngine can handle MUST BE THREAD SAFE TO CALL! | Interface | ninja.bodyparser | Ninja |
BodyParserEngineJson | Built in Json body parser. | Class | ninja.bodyparser | Ninja |
BodyParserEngineManager | Find the body parser engine for the given content typejava. | Interface | ninja.bodyparser | Ninja |
BodyParserEngineManagerImpl | | Class | ninja.bodyparser | Ninja |
BodyParserEnginePost | | Class | ninja.bodyparser | Ninja |
BodyParserEngineXml | Built in Xml body parser. | Class | ninja.bodyparser | Ninja |
Bootstrap | Bootstrap for a Ninja application. | Class | ninja | Ninja |
Cache | Interface hiding cache implementation. | Interface | ninja.cache | Ninja |
CacheEhCacheImpl | EhCache implementation. | Class | ninja.cache | Ninja |
CacheMemcachedImpl | Memcached implementation (using http://code. | Class | ninja.cache | Ninja |
CacheProvider | A provider that determines which implementation to load as Cache based on the value of key CacheConstant#CACHE_IMPLEMENTATION in | Class | ninja.cache | Ninja |
Clock | | Interface | ninja.utils | Ninja |
ClockImpl | | Class | ninja.utils | Ninja |
CommonsmailHelper | Creates a MultiPartEmail. | Interface | ninja.postoffice.commonsmail | Ninja |
CommonsmailHelperImpl | | Class | ninja.postoffice.commonsmail | Ninja |
Configuration | The basic configuration of the main ninja framework. | Class | ninja | Ninja |
ConstraintViolation | | Class | ninja.validation | Ninja |
ContentTypes | | Interface | ninja | Ninja |
Context | | Interface | ninja | Ninja |
ControllerMethodInvoker | Invokes methods on the controller, extracting arguments out com. | Class | ninja.params | Ninja |
Cookie | | Class | ninja | Ninja |
CookieDataCodec | CookieDataCodec and CookieDataCodecTest are imported from Play Framework. | Class | ninja.utils | Ninja |
CookieEncryption | This class encrypts/decrypts session cookie data. | Class | ninja.utils | Ninja |
Crypto | | Class | ninja.utils | Ninja |
DateUtil | | Class | ninja.utils | Ninja |
DiagnosticError | Represents an application error/exception that includes extra information in order to diagnose it. | Class | ninja.diagnostics | Ninja |
DiagnosticErrorBuilder | Utility class for building DiagnosticError instances. | Class | ninja.diagnostics | Ninja |
DiagnosticErrorRenderer | Utility class for rendering DiagnosticError instances as a Result. | Class | ninja.diagnostics | Ninja |
DiskFileItemProvider | FileItemProvider that save uploaded files on disk, in a temporary folder. | Class | ninja.uploads | Ninja |
Dispose | Annotation indicating this method should be called on application shut down. | Class | ninja.lifecycle | Ninja |
FailedDisposeException | Exception thrown when an error occurs when disposing of a beanAuthor:James RoperSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | ninja.lifecycle | Ninja |
FailedStartException | Exception thrown when an error occurs while starting a beanAuthor:James RoperSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | ninja.lifecycle | Ninja |
FieldViolation | | Class | ninja.validation | Ninja |
FileItem | This interface represents a file or form item that was received within a multipart/form-data POST request. | Interface | ninja.uploads | Ninja |
FileItemProvider | This interface represents a file item provider, to create FileItem for each uploaded file. | Interface | ninja.uploads | Ninja |
FileProvider | Indicates that this annotation should use the given file provider to handle uploaded files. | Class | ninja.uploads | Ninja |
Filter | A simple filter that can be applied to controller methods or while classes. | Interface | ninja | Ninja |
FilterChain | | Interface | ninja | Ninja |
FilterWith | A simple annotation that let's you put a filter on a controller method or The filter will then be executed before the controller method is executed. | Class | ninja | Ninja |
FlashScope | Flash scope: A client side cookie that can be used to transfer information from one request to another. | Interface | ninja.session | Ninja |
FlashScopeImpl | Flash scope: A client side cookie that can be used to transfer information from one request to another. | Class | ninja.session | Ninja |
Header | Just an idea to inject a header right into the methods. | Class | ninja.params | Ninja |
Headers | Injects a multi-valued header right into the methods. | Class | ninja.params | Ninja |
HttpCacheToolkit | | Interface | ninja.utils | Ninja |
HttpCacheToolkitImpl | | Class | ninja.utils | Ninja |
HttpHeaderConstants | Yet another Http Header Constants file. | Interface | ninja.utils | Ninja |
HttpHeaderUtils | | Class | ninja.utils | Ninja |
InternalServerErrorException | A convenience unchecked exception. | Class | ninja.exceptions | Ninja |
IsEnum | Validates that the field is a valid enum constant. | Class | ninja.validation | Ninja |
IsFloat | Validates that the field is a floating point number. | Class | ninja.validation | Ninja |
IsInteger | Validates that the field is an integer. | Class | ninja.validation | Ninja |
JpaInitializer | Initializes the guice-persist JPA support. | Class | ninja.jpa | Ninja |
JpaModule | | Class | ninja.jpa | Ninja |
JSR303Validation | | Class | ninja.validation | Ninja |
Lang | Clears the current language. | Interface | ninja.i18n | Ninja |
LangImpl | | Class | ninja.i18n | Ninja |
Length | Validates that the length of the field meets the given length constraintsOptional Element Summary | Class | ninja.validation | Ninja |
LifecycleException | Exception thrown when an error occurs in the lifecycleAuthor:James RoperSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | ninja.lifecycle | Ninja |
LifecycleService | Responsible for starting/stopping the applicationGet the state of the lifecycle | Interface | ninja.lifecycle | Ninja |
LifecycleServiceImpl | | Class | ninja.lifecycle | Ninja |
LifecycleSupport | Guice support for lifecycleGet the lifecycle support module | Class | ninja.lifecycle | Ninja |
LogbackConfigurator | Helps to configure Logback from application. | Class | ninja.logging | Ninja |
LoggerProvider | | Class | ninja.utils | Ninja |
Mail | It is modeled after org. | Interface | ninja.postoffice | Ninja |
MailImpl | Simple implementation of Mail. | Class | ninja.postoffice.common | Ninja |
Matches | Validates that the parameter matches the given regular expressionRequired Element Summary | Class | ninja.validation | Ninja |
MemoryFileItemProvider | FileItemProvider that save uploaded files in memory. | Class | ninja.uploads | Ninja |
Message | A pojo to be renderd as Json or Xml. | Class | ninja.utils | Ninja |
Messages | com. | Interface | ninja.i18n | Ninja |
MessagesImpl | | Class | ninja.i18n | Ninja |
MigrationEngine | Runs the migration scripts. | Interface | ninja.migrations | Ninja |
MigrationEngineFlyway | | Class | ninja.migrations | Ninja |
MigrationInitializer | | Class | ninja.migrations | Ninja |
MimeTypes | MimeTypes utils Adapted from play 1. | Class | ninja.utils | Ninja |
Ninja | java. | Interface | ninja | Ninja |
NinjaCache | A convenience class to access the underlaying cache implementation. | Class | ninja.cache | Ninja |
NinjaConstant | | Interface | ninja.utils | Ninja |
NinjaDefault | | Class | ninja | Ninja |
NinjaException | A convenience unchecked exception. | Class | ninja.exceptions | Ninja |
NinjaMode | | Class | ninja.utils | Ninja |
NinjaModeHelper | | Class | ninja.utils | Ninja |
NinjaProperties | | Interface | ninja.utils | Ninja |
NinjaPropertiesImpl | | Class | ninja.utils | Ninja |
NinjaPropertiesImplTool | | Class | ninja.utils | Ninja |
NoFileItemProvider | FileItemProvider default's implementation, to indicate to not handle uploaded files, and let the users deal with the request by themselves | Class | ninja.uploads | Ninja |
NoHttpBody | This is a marker class used to handle Results in ResultHandler. | Class | ninja.utils | Ninja |
NumberValue | Validates that the value of a number meets certain parametersOptional Element Summary | Class | ninja.validation | Ninja |
ObjectMapperProvider | ObjectMapper is used in several classes. | Class | ninja.utils | Ninja |
OverlayedNinjaProperties | Helper utility for handling Ninja properties using a simple overlayed view of them. | Class | ninja.utils | Ninja |
Param | Just an idea to inject parameters right into the methods. | Class | ninja.params | Ninja |
ParamParser | Parses a String parameterGet the type that this parser parses to | Interface | ninja.params | Ninja |
ParamParsers | | Class | ninja.params | Ninja |
Params | Injects a multi-valued parameter right into the methods. | Class | ninja.params | Ninja |
ParsingArgumentExtractor | | Class | ninja.params | Ninja |
ParsingArrayExtractor | | Class | ninja.params | Ninja |
PathParam | Just an idea to inject parameters right into the methods. | Class | ninja.params | Ninja |
Postoffice | Simply takes a Mail and sends it. | Interface | ninja.postoffice | Ninja |
PostofficeCommonsmailImpl | | Class | ninja.postoffice.commonsmail | Ninja |
PostofficeConstant | | Interface | ninja.postoffice.guice | Ninja |
PostofficeMockImpl | | Class | ninja.postoffice.mock | Ninja |
PostofficeProvider | | Class | ninja.postoffice.guice | Ninja |
Renderable | Renderables can be returned inside a result. | Interface | ninja | Ninja |
RenderingException | A convenience unchecked exception for rendering exceptions. | Class | ninja.exceptions | Ninja |
Required | Validates that the length of the field meets the given length constraintsOptional Element Summary | Class | ninja.validation | Ninja |
ResponseStreams | Make sure to only write to either the OutputStream OR the Writer. | Interface | ninja.utils | Ninja |
Result | | Class | ninja | Ninja |
ResultHandler | | Class | ninja.utils | Ninja |
Results | Convenience methods for the generation of Results. | Class | ninja | Ninja |
Route | | Class | ninja | Ninja |
RouteBuilder | java. | Interface | ninja | Ninja |
Router | Compile all the routes that have been registered with the router. | Interface | ninja | Ninja |
RouterImpl | | Class | ninja | Ninja |
RoutingException | Exception thrown when an error in route configuration is foundAuthor:James RoperSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | ninja | Ninja |
Schedule | | Class | ninja.scheduler | Ninja |
Scheduler | | Class | ninja.scheduler | Ninja |
SchedulerSupport | Support for scheduling using annotationsSince:1. | Class | ninja.scheduler | Ninja |
SecretGenerator | | Class | ninja.utils | Ninja |
SecureFilter | A simple default implementation of a SecureFilter. | Class | ninja | Ninja |
Session | | Interface | ninja.session | Ninja |
SessionImpl | | Class | ninja.session | Ninja |
SessionParam | Inject a session value to a controller method invocationRequired Element Summary | Class | ninja.params | Ninja |
SourceSnippet | Represents a snippet of a source file (1 or more lines). | Class | ninja.diagnostics | Ninja |
SourceSnippetHelper | Utility class for reading lines (snippet) from a source file. | Class | ninja.diagnostics | Ninja |
Standalone | Interface for wrapping an underlying server (e. | Interface | ninja.standalone | Ninja |
StandaloneHelper | Helper utilities for working with standalone applications. | Class | ninja.standalone | Ninja |
Start | Annotation indicating this method should be called when the application starts up. | Class | ninja.lifecycle | Ninja |
State | States that are possible for a service. | Class | ninja.lifecycle | Ninja |
SwissKnife | | Class | ninja.utils | Ninja |
TemplateEngine | Get the content type this template engine rendersjava. | Interface | ninja.template | Ninja |
TemplateEngineFreemarker | | Class | ninja.template | Ninja |
TemplateEngineFreemarkerAssetsAtMethod | | Class | ninja.template | Ninja |
TemplateEngineFreemarkerAuthenticityFormDirective | | Class | ninja.template.directives | Ninja |
TemplateEngineFreemarkerAuthenticityTokenDirective | | Class | ninja.template.directives | Ninja |
TemplateEngineFreemarkerEscapedLoader | This class html-escapes variables like ${. | Class | ninja.template | Ninja |
TemplateEngineFreemarkerExceptionHandler | A general exception handler for Freemarker. | Class | ninja.template | Ninja |
TemplateEngineFreemarkerI18nMethod | | Class | ninja.template | Ninja |
TemplateEngineFreemarkerPrettyTimeMethod | PrettyTime integration for Ninja-FreeMarker. | Class | ninja.template | Ninja |
TemplateEngineFreemarkerReverseRouteHelper | | Class | ninja.template | Ninja |
TemplateEngineFreemarkerReverseRouteMethod | | Class | ninja.template | Ninja |
TemplateEngineFreemarkerWebJarsAtMethod | | Class | ninja.template | Ninja |
TemplateEngineHelper | | Class | ninja.template | Ninja |
TemplateEngineJson | | Class | ninja.template | Ninja |
TemplateEngineJsonP | JSONP engine. | Class | ninja.template | Ninja |
TemplateEngineManager | Template engine manager. | Interface | ninja.template | Ninja |
TemplateEngineManagerImpl | | Class | ninja.template | Ninja |
TemplateEngineText | | Class | ninja.template | Ninja |
TemplateEngineXml | | Class | ninja.template | Ninja |
TimeUtil | | Class | ninja.utils | Ninja |
Tuple | Simple tuple class for convenience. | Class | ninja.postoffice.common | Ninja |
UnitOfWork | This annotation is the equivalent to @Transactional without transactions. | Class | ninja.jpa | Ninja |
UnitOfWorkInterceptor | This interceptor tracks and opens and closes your database connections. | Class | ninja.jpa | Ninja |
UsernamePasswordValidator | Defines a validator for authentication filters like ninja. | Interface | ninja | Ninja |
ValidatingArgumentExtractor | | Class | ninja.params | Ninja |
Validation | This interface means the validation context (implemented by ValidationImpl) and can be injected in your There are several types of violations that can occur: field violations (on controller method fields), bean violations | Interface | ninja.validation | Ninja |
ValidationImpl | | Class | ninja.validation | Ninja |
Validator | A validator for validating parametersAuthor:James Roper, Thibault Meyer | Interface | ninja.validation | Ninja |
Validators | Built in validators. | Class | ninja.validation | Ninja |
WithArgumentExtractor | Indicates that this annotation should use the given argument extractorRequired Element Summary | Class | ninja.params | Ninja |
WithArgumentExtractors | Indicates that this annotation should use the given argument extractors Allows to specify more than one argument extractor, see WithArgumentExtractor | Class | ninja.params | Ninja |
WithValidator | Indicates that the annotation should have this validator class applied to itRequired Element Summary | Class | ninja.validation | Ninja |
WrappedContext | A wrapped context. | Class | ninja | Ninja |
XmlMapperProvider | This provider makes it simple to configure the XmlMapper in one place for all places where it is used. | Class | ninja.utils | Ninja |
Counted | An annotation for marking a controller method to be Counted for metrics A counter increments on method execution and optionally decrements at execution completion. | Class | ninja.metrics | Ninja |
CountedInterceptor | | Class | ninja.metrics | Ninja |
InstrumentedCache | Instruments the configured Ninja Cache instance for Metrics collection. | Class | ninja.metrics | Ninja |
InstrumentedEhCache | | Class | ninja.metrics | Ninja |
InstrumentedMemcached | | Class | ninja.metrics | Ninja |
InstrumentedNinja | | Class | ninja.metrics | Ninja |
Metered | An annotation for marking a controller method to be Metered for metrics A meter measures the rate of events over time (e. | Class | ninja.metrics | Ninja |
MeteredInterceptor | | Class | ninja.metrics | Ninja |
MetricsModule | | Class | ninja.metrics | Ninja |
MetricsService | Responsible for managing the Ninja Metrics module. | Interface | ninja.metrics | Ninja |
MetricsServiceImpl | | Class | ninja.metrics | Ninja |
Timed | An annotation for marking a controller method to be Timed for metrics A timer measures both the rate that a particular piece of code is called | Class | ninja.metrics | Ninja |
TimedInterceptor | | Class | ninja.metrics | Ninja |
AsyncStrategy | | Interface | ninja.servlet.async | Ninja |
AsyncStrategyFactory | | Interface | ninja.servlet.async | Ninja |
AsyncStrategyFactoryHolder | | Class | ninja.servlet.async | Ninja |
BlockingAsyncStrategy | | Class | ninja.servlet.async | Ninja |
NinjaServletBootstrap | Ninja bootstrap for servlet environments. | Class | ninja.servlet | Ninja |
NinjaServletContext | Ninja context for servlet environments. | Class | ninja.servlet | Ninja |
NinjaServletDispatcher | A simple servlet that allows us to run Ninja inside any servletAuthor:raSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | ninja.servlet | Ninja |
NinjaServletListener | ninja. | Class | ninja.servlet | Ninja |
Request | | Class | ninja.servlet.util | Ninja |
RequestExtractor | | Class | ninja.servlet.util | Ninja |
Response | | Class | ninja.servlet.util | Ninja |
ResponseExtractor | | Class | ninja.servlet.util | Ninja |
ResponseStreamsServlet | Make sure to only write to either the OutputStream OR the Writer. | Class | ninja.servlet | Ninja |
Servlet3AsyncStrategy | | Class | ninja.servlet.async | Ninja |
ServletCookieHelper | | Class | ninja.servlet | Ninja |
NinjaJetty | Ninja standalone implemented with Jetty. | Class | ninja.standalone | Ninja |