Name | Description | Type | Package | Framework |
AABox | | Class | net.phys2d.raw.shapes | Phys2D |
AbstractShape | | Class | net.phys2d.raw.shapes | Phys2D |
AngleJoint | A joint that constrains the angle two bodies can be at in relation to each other. | Class | net.phys2d.raw | Phys2D |
Arbiter | | Class | net.phys2d.raw | Phys2D |
ArbiterList | | Class | net.phys2d.raw | Phys2D |
BasicJoint | A joint between two bodies. | Class | net.phys2d.raw | Phys2D |
Body | | Class | net.phys2d.raw | Phys2D |
BodyList | A typed list of BodyConstructor SummaryBodyList() | Class | net.phys2d.raw | Phys2D |
Box | A simple box in the engine - defined by a width and heightFields inherited from class net. | Class | net.phys2d.raw.shapes | Phys2D |
BoxBoxCollider | The implementation of box to box collision. | Class | net.phys2d.raw.collide | Phys2D |
BoxCircleCollider | A collider for boxes hitting circles. | Class | net.phys2d.raw.collide | Phys2D |
BroadCollisionStrategy | A description of any strategy for determining which bodies should be compared against each other for collision - some times referred to | Interface | net.phys2d.raw | Phys2D |
BruteCollisionStrategy | Brute force collision. | Class | net.phys2d.raw.strategies | Phys2D |
Circle | A simple Circle within the simulation, defined by its radius and the position of the body to which it belongs | Class | net.phys2d.raw.shapes | Phys2D |
CircleBoxCollider | A collider for circles hitting boxes, Circle = BodyA, Box = BodyB The create() method is used as a factory incase this class should | Class | net.phys2d.raw.collide | Phys2D |
CircleCircleCollider | A collider for circle 2 circle collisions The create() method is used as a factory just in case this | Class | net.phys2d.raw.collide | Phys2D |
Collide | A static utility for resolve the collision between shapes TODO: make this nonstatic to allow a user to provide his/her own factory | Class | net.phys2d.raw | Phys2D |
Collider | The description of any geometry collision resolver. | Interface | net.phys2d.raw.collide | Phys2D |
ColliderFactory | A collider factory to create colliders for arbitrary bodies, or actually their shapes. | Class | net.phys2d.raw.collide | Phys2D |
ColliderUnavailableException | An exception that is thrown by the ColliderFactory when no suitable collider has been found. | Class | net.phys2d.raw.collide | Phys2D |
CollisionContext | The description of a class which can compute the collisions of a set of bodies. | Interface | net.phys2d.raw | Phys2D |
CollisionEvent | | Class | net.phys2d.raw | Phys2D |
CollisionListener | A description of class that can recieve notifications of collisions within a CollisionSpace | Interface | net.phys2d.raw | Phys2D |
CollisionSpace | | Class | net.phys2d.raw | Phys2D |
ConstrainingJoint | A joint which only applys forces when the bodie's attempt to get too far apart, as suggested by Jesse on: | Class | net.phys2d.raw | Phys2D |
Contact | A description of a single contact point between two bodiesConstructor SummaryContact() | Class | net.phys2d.raw | Phys2D |
ConvexPolygon | Class representing a convex and closed polygon as a list of vertices in counterclockwise order. | Class | net.phys2d.raw.shapes | Phys2D |
DistanceJoint | | Class | net.phys2d.raw | Phys2D |
DynamicShape | A tagging interface used for shapes which the current implementation can use for dynamic bodies - i. | Interface | net.phys2d.raw.shapes | Phys2D |
EdgeSweep | two polygons. | Class | net.phys2d.raw.collide | Phys2D |
ElasticJoint | A joint between two bodies. | Class | net.phys2d.raw | Phys2D |
FeaturePair | An identifier for a pair of edges between two bodies. | Class | net.phys2d.raw.collide | Phys2D |
FixedAngleJoint | | Class | net.phys2d.raw | Phys2D |
FixedJoint | A joint between two bodies. | Class | net.phys2d.raw | Phys2D |
ForceSource | | Interface | net.phys2d.raw.forcesource | Phys2D |
Intersection | Class representing a single intersection. | Class | net.phys2d.raw.collide | Phys2D |
IntersectionGatherer | This is a very important class for collision detection between polygons for several reasons: | Class | net.phys2d.raw.collide | Phys2D |
Joint | | Interface | net.phys2d.raw | Phys2D |
JointList | A typed list of type JointConstructor SummaryJointList() | Class | net.phys2d.raw | Phys2D |
Line | Implemenation of a bunch of maths functions to do with lines. | Class | net.phys2d.raw.shapes | Phys2D |
LineBoxCollider | The logic for checking lines against boxesConstructor SummaryLineBoxCollider() | Class | net.phys2d.raw.collide | Phys2D |
LineCircleCollider | Collision routines betwene a circle and a line. | Class | net.phys2d.raw.collide | Phys2D |
LineLineCollider | Collides two lines with oneanother. | Class | net.phys2d.raw.collide | Phys2D |
LinePolygonCollider | Collider for a Line and a Convex Polygon. | Class | net.phys2d.raw.collide | Phys2D |
MathUtil | Simple utility wrapping up a bunch of math operations so that the rest of the code doesn't have to look so cluttered. | Class | net.phys2d.math | Phys2D |
Matrix2f | | Class | net.phys2d.math | Phys2D |
PenetrationSweep | This class will, given an intersection pair (an ingoing and outgoing intersection), calculate the penetration depth. | Class | net.phys2d.raw.collide | Phys2D |
Polygon | A polygon represented by a list of its vertices in counterclockwise ordering. | Class | net.phys2d.raw.shapes | Phys2D |
PolygonBoxCollider | Collide a Convex Polygon with a Box. | Class | net.phys2d.raw.collide | Phys2D |
PolygonCircleCollider | Collide a circle with a convex polygonConstructor SummaryPolygonCircleCollider() | Class | net.phys2d.raw.collide | Phys2D |
PolygonPolygonCollider | Collision detection functions for colliding two polygons. | Class | net.phys2d.raw.collide | Phys2D |
QuadSpaceStrategy | A strategy that divides the space into 4 repeatedly until either the target number of bodies is reached or the a given level of | Class | net.phys2d.raw.strategies | Phys2D |
ROVector2f | | Interface | net.phys2d.math | Phys2D |
Shape | | Interface | net.phys2d.raw.shapes | Phys2D |
SlideJoint | | Class | net.phys2d.raw | Phys2D |
SpringJoint | A joint representing a spring. | Class | net.phys2d.raw | Phys2D |
SpringyAngleJoint | A joint providing a springy resistance between bodies. | Class | net.phys2d.raw | Phys2D |
StaticBody | A body that will not moveFields inherited from class net. | Class | net.phys2d.raw | Phys2D |
SwapCollider | A collider wrapper that swaps the collision result of the collider. | Class | net.phys2d.raw.collide | Phys2D |
Triangulator | Triangulates a polygon into triangles - duh. | Class | net.phys2d.util | Phys2D |
Vector2f | | Class | net.phys2d.math | Phys2D |
WindSource | | Class | net.phys2d.raw.forcesource | Phys2D |
World | The physics model in which the bodies exist. | Class | net.phys2d.raw | Phys2D |