Name | Description | Type | Package | Framework |
Address | A representation of network addresses, i. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
AlreadyClosedException | Thrown when application tries to perform an action on connection/channel which was already closed | Class | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
AMQBasicProperties | | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
AMQChannel | Base class modelling an AMQ channel. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
AMQCommand | AMQ-specific implementation of Command which accumulates method, header and body from a series of frames, unless these are | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
AMQConnection | Concrete class representing and managing an AMQP connection to a broker. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
AMQContentHeader | | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
AMQImpl | | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
AMQP | | Interface | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
AuthenticationFailureException | Thrown when the broker refuses access due to an authentication failure. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
AutorecoveringChannel | Channel implementation that is automatically recovered during connection recovery. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl.recovery | RabbitMQ |
AutorecoveringConnection | Connection implementation that performs automatic recovery when connection shutdown is not initiated by the application (e. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl.recovery | RabbitMQ |
BasicProperties | | Interface | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
BlockedListener | | Interface | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
BlockingCell | Simple one-shot IPC mechanism. | Class | com.rabbitmq.utility | RabbitMQ |
BlockingValueOrException | | Class | com.rabbitmq.utility | RabbitMQ |
Channel | Interface to a channel. | Interface | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
ChannelManager | Manages a set of channels, indexed by channel number (1. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
ChannelN | Main interface to AMQP protocol functionality. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
ClientVersion | | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
Command | Interface to a container for an AMQP method-and-arguments, with optional content header and body. | Interface | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
ConfirmListener | Acks represent messages handled successfully; Nacks represent messages lost by the broker. | Interface | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
Connection | Public API: Interface to an AMQ connection. | Interface | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
ConnectionFactory | Convenience "factory" class to facilitate opening a Connection to an AMQP broker. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
ConnectionParams | | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
Consumer | Interface for application callback objects to receive notifications and messages from a queue by subscription. | Interface | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
ConsumerCancelledException | | Class | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
ConsumerRecoveryListener | Not part of the public API. | Interface | com.rabbitmq.client.impl.recovery | RabbitMQ |
ConsumerWorkService | | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
ContentHeader | Public API for abstract AMQP content header objects. | Interface | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
ContentHeaderPropertyReader | Parses an AMQP wire-protocol ContentHeader from a DataInputStream. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
ContentHeaderPropertyWriter | Generates an AMQP wire-protocol packet from a ContentHeader. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
CRDemoMechanism | Provides equivalent security to PLAIN but demos use of Connection. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
DefaultConsumer | Convenience class providing a default implementation of Consumer. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
DefaultExceptionHandler | Default implementation of ExceptionHandler used by AMQConnection. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
DefaultSaslConfig | Default SASL configuration. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
DefaultSocketConfigurator | | Class | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
Envelope | | Class | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
ExceptionHandler | Interface to an exception-handling object. | Interface | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
ExternalMechanism | | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
FlowListener | | Interface | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
ForgivingExceptionHandler | An implementation of ExceptionHandler that does not close channels on unhandled consumer and listener exception. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
Frame | Represents an AMQP wire-protocol frame, with frame type, channel number, and payload bytes. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
FrameHandler | Interface to a frame handler. | Interface | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
FrameHandlerFactory | | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
GetResponse | Encapsulates the response from a Channel. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
IntAllocator | A class for allocating integers from a given range that uses a BitSet representation of the free integers. | Class | com.rabbitmq.utility | RabbitMQ |
JDKSaslConfig | not the default since it does not work on Java 1. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
JSONReader | | Class | | RabbitMQ |
JsonRpcClient | JSON-RPC is a lightweight RPC mechanism using JSON | Class | | RabbitMQ |
JsonRpcException | Thrown when a JSON-RPC service indicates an error occurred during a call. | Class | | RabbitMQ |
JsonRpcServer | JSON-RPC Server class. | Class | | RabbitMQ |
JSONSerializable | Interface for classes that wish to control their own serialization. | Interface | | RabbitMQ |
JSONUtil | Utility methods for working with JSON objects in Java. | Class | | RabbitMQ |
JSONWriter | | Class | | RabbitMQ |
LongString | An object providing access to a LongString. | Interface | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
LongStringHelper | Utility for working with LongStrings. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
MalformedFrameException | Encapsulates a frame format error at the wire level. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
MapRpcServer | Subclass of RpcServer which uses AMQP wire-format encoded tables as requests and replies. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
MessageProperties | Constant holder class with useful static instances of AMQContentHeader. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
Method | | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
Method | Public interface to objects representing an AMQP method - see the spec for details. | Interface | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
MethodArgumentReader | Parses AMQP wire-protocol Method arguments from a DataInputStream. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
MethodArgumentWriter | Generates AMQP wire-protocol encoded arguments. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
MissedHeartbeatException | Encapsulates an exception indicating that the connection has missed too many heartbeats and is being shut down. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
NetworkConnection | | Interface | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
NullTrustManager | Convenience class providing a default implementation of javax. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
ParameterDescription | Description of a single JSON-RPC procedure parameter. | Class | | RabbitMQ |
PlainMechanism | | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
PossibleAuthenticationFailureException | Thrown when the likely cause is an authentication failure. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
ProcedureDescription | Description of a single JSON-RPC procedure. | Class | | RabbitMQ |
ProtocolVersionMismatchException | Thrown to indicate that the server does not support the wire protocol version we requested immediately after opening the TCP socket. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
QueueingConsumer | Convenience class: an implementation of Consumer with straightforward blocking semantics. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
QueueRecoveryListener | Not part of the public API. | Interface | com.rabbitmq.client.impl.recovery | RabbitMQ |
RecordedBinding | | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl.recovery | RabbitMQ |
RecordedConsumer | | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl.recovery | RabbitMQ |
RecordedEntity | | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl.recovery | RabbitMQ |
RecordedExchange | | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl.recovery | RabbitMQ |
RecordedExchangeBinding | | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl.recovery | RabbitMQ |
RecordedNamedEntity | | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl.recovery | RabbitMQ |
RecordedQueue | | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl.recovery | RabbitMQ |
RecordedQueueBinding | | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl.recovery | RabbitMQ |
Recoverable | Provides a way to register (network, AMQP 0-9-1) connection recovery When connection recovery is enabled via ConnectionFactory, | Interface | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
RecoveryAwareAMQConnection | | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl.recovery | RabbitMQ |
RecoveryAwareAMQConnectionFactory | | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl.recovery | RabbitMQ |
RecoveryAwareChannelManager | | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl.recovery | RabbitMQ |
RecoveryAwareChannelN | ChannelN modification that keeps track of delivery tags and avoids sending basic. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl.recovery | RabbitMQ |
RecoveryListener | | Interface | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
ReturnListener | deliveries when basicPublish is called with "mandatory" or "immediate" flags set. | Interface | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
RpcClient | Convenience class which manages simple RPC-style communication. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
RpcServer | Class which manages a request queue for a simple RPC-style service. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
SaslConfig | This interface represents a hook to allow you to control how exactly a sasl client is selected during authentication. | Interface | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
SaslMechanism | Our own view of a SASL authentication mechanism, introduced to remove a dependency on javax. | Interface | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
SensibleClone | This interface exists as a workaround for the annoyingness of java. | Interface | com.rabbitmq.utility | RabbitMQ |
ServiceDescription | Description of a JSON-RPC service. | Class | | RabbitMQ |
SetQueue | A generic queue-like implementation (supporting operations addIfNotPresent, poll, contains, and isEmpty) | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
ShutdownListener | A ShutdownListener receives information about the shutdown of connections and channels. | Interface | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
ShutdownNotifier | Interface for components that are shutdown capable and that allow listeners to be added for shutdown signals | Interface | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
ShutdownNotifierComponent | A class that manages ShutdownListeners and remembers the reason for a shutdown. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
ShutdownSignalException | Encapsulates a shutdown condition for a connection to an AMQP broker. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
SingleShotLinearTimer | This class provides a very stripped-down clone of some of the functionality in java. | Class | com.rabbitmq.utility | RabbitMQ |
SocketConfigurator | | Interface | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
SocketFrameHandler | A socket-based frame handler. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
StrictExceptionHandler | An implementation of ExceptionHandler that does close channels on unhandled consumer exception. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
StringRpcServer | Subclass of RpcServer which accepts UTF-8 string requests. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
TopologyRecoveryException | Indicates an exception thrown during topology recovery. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
Tracer | AMQP Protocol Analyzer program. | Class | | RabbitMQ |
TruncatedInputStream | Utility stream: proxies another stream, making it appear to be no longer than a preset limit. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
UnexpectedFrameError | Thrown when the command parser hits an unexpected frame type. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
UnexpectedMethodError | Indicates that a Method object was supplied that was not expected. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
UnknownClassOrMethodId | Thrown when the protocol handlers detect an unknown class number orSee Also:Serialized Form | Class | com.rabbitmq.client | RabbitMQ |
Utility | Catch-all holder class for static helper methods. | Class | com.rabbitmq.utility | RabbitMQ |
ValueOrException | | Class | com.rabbitmq.utility | RabbitMQ |
ValueReader | Helper class to read AMQP wire-protocol encoded values. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
ValueWriter | Helper class to generate AMQP wire-protocol encoded values. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
VariableLinkedBlockingQueue | A clone of LinkedBlockingQueue with the addition of a setCapacity(int) method, allowing us to | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
Version | | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |
WorkPool | This is a generic implementation of the Channels specification in Channeling Work, Nov 2010 (channels. | Class | com.rabbitmq.client.impl | RabbitMQ |