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# Classes and Interfaces in #SLF4J - 101 results found.
ActivatorActivator implements a simple bundle that registers a LogServiceFactory for the creation of LogService implementations.Classorg.slf4j.osgi.logservice.implSLF4J
AgentOptions All recognized options in the string passed to the java agent.Classorg.slf4j.agentSLF4J
AgentPremainEntry point for slf4j-ext when used as a Java agent.Classorg.slf4j.agentSLF4J
BasicConfiguratorA minimal (nop) implementation of BasicConfigurator.Classorg.apache.log4jSLF4J
BasicMarkerA simple implementation of the Marker interface.Classorg.slf4j.helpersSLF4J
BasicMarkerFactoryAn almost trivial implementation of the IMarkerFactory interface which creates BasicMarker instances.Classorg.slf4j.helpersSLF4J
BasicMDCAdapterBasic MDC implementation, which can be used with logging systems that lack out-of-the-box MDC support.Classorg.slf4j.helpersSLF4J
Category This class is a minimal implementation of the original org.Classorg.apache.log4jSLF4J
DurationUnitAn enum of supported time units.Classorg.slf4j.profilerSLF4J
ErrorHandlerCreated by IntelliJ IDEA.Classorg.apache.log4j.spiSLF4J
EventDataBase class for Event Data.Classorg.slf4j.extSLF4J
EventExceptionException used to identify issues related to an event that is being logged.Classorg.slf4j.extSLF4J
EventLoggerSimple Logger used to log events.Classorg.slf4j.extSLF4J
FormattingTupleHolds the results of formatting done by MessageFormatter.Classorg.slf4j.helpersSLF4J
HierarchyEventListenerListen to events occuring within a Hierarchy.Interfaceorg.apache.log4j.spiSLF4J
ILoggerFactoryILoggerFactory instances manufacture Logger Most users retrieve Logger instances through the staticInterfaceorg.slf4jSLF4J
IMarkerFactory See the section Implementing the SLF4J API in the FAQ for details on how to make your logging Interfaceorg.slf4jSLF4J
JavassistHelperHelper methods for Javassist functionality.Classorg.slf4j.instrumentationSLF4J
JCLLoggerAdapterA wrapper over org.Classorg.slf4j.implSLF4J
JCLLoggerFactoryJCLLoggerFactory is an implementation of ILoggerFactory returning the appropriately named JCLLoggerAdapter instance.Classorg.slf4j.implSLF4J
JDK14LoggerAdapterA wrapper over java.Classorg.slf4j.implSLF4J
JDK14LoggerFactoryJDK14LoggerFactory is an implementation of ILoggerFactory returning the appropriately named JDK14LoggerAdapter instance.Classorg.slf4j.implSLF4J
LayoutThis class is a minimal implementation of the original Log4J class.Classorg.apache.log4jSLF4J
LevelDefines the minimum set of levels recognized by the system, that is OFF, FATAL, ERROR,Classorg.apache.log4jSLF4J
LocationAwareLoggerAn optional interface helping integration with logging systems capable of extracting location information.Interfaceorg.slf4j.spiSLF4J
LocLoggerA logger specialized in localized logging.Classorg.slf4j.cal10nSLF4J
LocLoggerFactoryThis class is essentially a wrapper around an LoggerFactory producing LocLogger instances.Classorg.slf4j.cal10nSLF4J
LogA simple logging interface abstracting logging APIs.Interfaceorg.apache.commons.loggingSLF4J
Log4jLoggerAdapterA wrapper over org.Classorg.slf4j.implSLF4J
Log4jLoggerFactoryLog4jLoggerFactory is an implementation of ILoggerFactory returning the appropriate named Log4jLoggerAdapter instance.Classorg.slf4j.implSLF4J
LogConfigurationException An exception that is thrown only if a suitable LogFactory or Log instance cannot be created by the corresponding factoryClassorg.apache.commons.loggingSLF4J
LogFactory Factory for creating Log instances, which always delegates to an instance of SLF4JLogFactory.Classorg.apache.commons.loggingSLF4J
Logger This class is a minimal implementation of the original org.Classorg.apache.log4jSLF4J
LoggerThe org.Interfaceorg.slf4jSLF4J
LoggerFactory a sub-class of Logger.Interfaceorg.apache.log4j.spiSLF4J
LoggerFactoryThe LoggerFactory is a utility class producing Loggers for various logging APIs, most notably for log4j, logback and JDK 1.Classorg.slf4jSLF4J
LoggerFactoryBinderAn internal interface which helps the static LoggerFactory class bind with the appropriate ILoggerFactory instance.Interfaceorg.slf4j.spiSLF4J
LoggerRepositoryA LoggerRepository is used to create and retrieve Loggers.Interfaceorg.apache.log4j.spiSLF4J
LoggerWrapperA helper class wrapping an Logger instance preserving location information if the wrapped instance supports it.Classorg.slf4j.extSLF4J
LogLogThis class used to output log statements from within the log4j package.Classorg.apache.log4j.helpersSLF4J
LogManager This class is a minimal implementation of the original org.Classorg.apache.log4jSLF4J
LogServiceFactoryLogServiceFactory creates LogService implementations.Classorg.slf4j.osgi.logservice.implSLF4J
LogServiceImplLogServiceImpl is a simple OSGi LogService implementation that delegates to a slf4jAuthor:John Conlon, Matt BishopClassorg.slf4j.osgi.logservice.implSLF4J
LogTransformer LogTransformer does the work of analyzing each class, and if appropriate add log statements to each method to allow logging entry/exit.Classorg.slf4j.instrumentationSLF4J
MarkerMarkers are named objects used to enrich log statements.Interfaceorg.slf4jSLF4J
MarkerFactoryMarkerFactory is a utility class producing Marker instances as appropriate for the logging system currently in use.Classorg.slf4jSLF4J
MarkerFactoryBinderAn internal interface which helps the static MarkerFactory class bind with the appropriate IMarkerFactory instance.Interfaceorg.slf4j.spiSLF4J
MarkerIgnoringBaseThis class serves as base for adapters or native implementations of logging systems lacking Marker support.Classorg.slf4j.helpersSLF4J
MDCThis class hides and serves as a substitute for the underlying logging system's MDC implementation.Classorg.slf4jSLF4J
MDCAdapterThis interface abstracts the service offered by various MDCSince:1.Interfaceorg.slf4j.spiSLF4J
MDCStrLookupThis class can be used with the Commons Lang StrSubstitutor to replace tokens that occur in Strings with their values in the MDC.Classorg.slf4j.extSLF4J
MessageFormatterFormats messages according to very simple substitution rules.Classorg.slf4j.helpersSLF4J
NDCA log4j's NDC implemented in terms of SLF4J MDC primitives.Classorg.apache.log4jSLF4J
NoOpLog Trivial implementation of Log that throws away all messages.Classorg.apache.commons.logging.implSLF4J
NOPLoggerA direct NOP (no operation) implementation of Logger.Classorg.slf4j.helpersSLF4J
NOPMDCAdapterThis adapter is an empty implementation of the MDCAdapter interface.Classorg.slf4j.helpersSLF4J
NullEnumerationAn always-empty Enumerator.Classorg.apache.log4j.helpersSLF4J
PatternLayoutThis class is a minimal implementation of the original Log4J class.Classorg.apache.log4jSLF4J
PriorityRefrain from using this class directly, use the Level class instead.Classorg.apache.log4jSLF4J
ProfilerRegistryA minimalist registry of profilers.Classorg.slf4j.profilerSLF4J
PropertyConfiguratorAn nop implementation of PropertyConfigurator.Classorg.apache.log4jSLF4J
RollingFileAppenderThis class is a minimal implementation of the original Log4J class.Classorg.apache.log4jSLF4J
SimpleLog Simple implementation of Log that sends all enabled log messages, for all defined loggers, to System.Classorg.apache.commons.logging.implSLF4J
SimpleLoggerSimple implementation of Logger that sends all enabled log messages, for all defined loggers, to the console (System.Classorg.slf4j.implSLF4J
SimpleLoggerFactoryAn implementation of ILoggerFactory which always returns SimpleLogger instances.Classorg.slf4j.implSLF4J
SLF4JBridgeHandlerBridge/route all JUL log records to the SLF4J API.Classorg.slf4j.bridgeSLF4J
SLF4JLocationAwareLog delegates all processing to a wrapped org.Classorg.apache.commons.logging.implSLF4J
SLF4JLog delegates all processing to a wrapped org.Classorg.apache.commons.logging.implSLF4J
SLF4JLogFactory Concrete subclass of LogFactory which always delegates to the org.Classorg.apache.commons.logging.implSLF4J
StaticLoggerBinderThe binding of LoggerFactory class with an actual instance of ILoggerFactory is performed using information returned by this class.Classorg.slf4j.implSLF4J
StaticMarkerBinderThe binding of MarkerFactory class with an actual instance of IMarkerFactory is performed using information returned by this class.Classorg.slf4j.implSLF4J
StaticMDCBinderThis class is only a stub.Classorg.slf4j.implSLF4J
StopWatchA very basic @{link TimeInstrument} which can be started and stopped once and only once.Classorg.slf4j.profilerSLF4J
SubstituteLoggerA logger implementation which logs via a delegate logger.Classorg.slf4j.helpersSLF4J
SubstituteLoggerFactorySubstituteLoggerFactory manages instances of SubstituteLogger.Classorg.slf4j.helpersSLF4J
TimeInstrumentThis interface sets the methods that must be implemented by Profiler and StopWatch classes.Interfaceorg.slf4j.profilerSLF4J
UtilAn internal utility class.Classorg.slf4j.helpersSLF4J
XLoggerFactoryThis class is essentially a wrapper around an LoggerFactory producing XLogger instances.Classorg.slf4j.extSLF4J