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# Classes and Interfaces in #Spock - 36 results found.
AsyncConditionsAlternative to class BlockingVariable(s) that allows to evaluate conditions in a thread other than the spec runner's thread(s).Classspock.util.concurrentSpock
AutoCleanupAutomatically cleans up the object stored in the annotated field or property at the end of its life time.Classspock.langSpock
BlockingVariableA statically typed variable whose get() method will block until some other thread has set a value with the set() method, or a timeout expires.Classspock.util.concurrentSpock
ConfigurationExceptionThrown to indicate that there is a problem with Spock's configuration (file).Classspock.configSpock
ConfineMetaClassChangesConfines any changes made to the meta classes of the specified classes to the annotated scope.Classspock.util.mopSpock
DetachedMockFactoryThis factory allows the creations of mocks outside of a Specification, e.Classspock.mockSpock
FailsWithIndicates that a feature method is expected to fail with the given exception.Classspock.langSpock
IgnoreIndicates that a specification or feature method should not be run.Classspock.langSpock
IgnoreIfIgnores the annotated spec or feature if the given condition holds.Classspock.langSpock
IncludeExcludeCriteriaConfiguration indicating which specs and methods should be included/excluded from a spec run.Classspock.configSpock
IssueIndicates that a feature method or specification relates to one or more issues in an external issue tracking system.Classspock.langSpock
JvmProvides information on the current JVM, such as its Java version.Classspock.util.environmentSpock
MockFactoryBase interface for Java based mocks see MockingApi or DetachedMockFactory for more examples.Interfacespock.mockSpock
MockingApiSpock's mocking API primarily consists of the following factory methods: Mock()Creates a general-purpose test double that supports both stubbing and mocking.Classspock.mockSpock
OperatingSystemProvides information on the current operating system, such as its name, version, and family.Classspock.util.environmentSpock
PendingFeatureIndicates that the feature is not fully implemented yet and should not be reported as error.Classspock.langSpock
PollingConditionsRepeatedly evaluates one or more conditions until they are satisfied or a timeout has elapsed.Classspock.util.concurrentSpock
RequiresIgnores the annotated spec or feature unless the given condition holds.Classspock.langSpock
RestoreSystemPropertiesSaves system properties before the annotated feature method (including any setup and cleanup methods) gets run, and restores them afterwards.Classspock.util.environmentSpock
RunnerConfigurationConfiguration settings for the spec runner.Classspock.configSpock
SeeOne or more references to external information related to a specification or feature.Classspock.langSpock
SpecificationBase class for Spock specifications.Classspock.langSpock
StepwiseIndicates that a spec's feature methods should be run sequentially in their declared order (even in the presence of a parallel spec runner),Classspock.langSpock
SubjectIndicates which objects/classes are the subjects of a specification.Classspock.langSpock
TimeoutIndicates that the execution of a method should time out after the given duration has elapsed.Classspock.langSpock
UnrollIndicates that iterations of a data-driven feature should be made visible as separate features to the outside world (IDEs, reports, etc.Classspock.langSpock
UseActivates one or more Groovy categories while the annotated spec method or class executes.Classspock.util.mopSpock
UseModulesActivates Guice integration for a specification.Classspock.guiceSpock