Name | Description | Type | Package | Framework |
AbstractCsvReader | Defines the standard behaviour of a CSV reader. | Class | | SuperCSV |
AbstractCsvWriter | Defines the standard behaviour of a CSV writer. | Class | | SuperCSV |
AbstractJodaFormattingProcessor | Abstract base class for cell processors converting Joda types to Strings. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.joda | SuperCSV |
AbstractJodaParsingProcessor | Abstract base class for cell processors converting Strings to Joda types. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.joda | SuperCSV |
AbstractTemporalAccessorFormattingProcessor | Abstract base class for cell processors converting TemporalAccessor types to Strings. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.time | SuperCSV |
AbstractTemporalAccessorParsingProcessor | Abstract base class for cell processors converting Strings to TemporalAccessor types. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.time | SuperCSV |
AbstractTokenizer | Defines the standard behaviour of a Tokenizer. | Class | | SuperCSV |
AlwaysQuoteMode | When using AlwaysQuoteMode surrounding quotes are always applied. | Class | org.supercsv.quote | SuperCSV |
BeanInterfaceProxy | This is part of the internal implementation of Super CSV. | Class | org.supercsv.util | SuperCSV |
BoolCellProcessor | Interface to indicate the a CellProcessor is capable of processing Boolean values. | Interface | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.ift | SuperCSV |
CellProcessor | Defines the interface of all CellProcessors. | Interface | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.ift | SuperCSV |
CellProcessorAdaptor | Abstract super class containing shared behaviour of all cell processors. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor | SuperCSV |
Collector | This processor collects each value it encounters and adds it to the supplied Collection. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor | SuperCSV |
ColumnQuoteMode | When using ColumnQuoteMode surrounding quotes are only applied if required to escape special characters (per RFC4180), or if a particular column should always be quoted. | Class | org.supercsv.quote | SuperCSV |
CommentMatcher | Interface for comment matchers. | Interface | org.supercsv.comment | SuperCSV |
CommentMatches | CommentMatcher that matches lines that match a specified regular expression. | Class | org.supercsv.comment | SuperCSV |
CommentStartsWith | CommentMatcher that matches lines that begin with a specified String. | Class | org.supercsv.comment | SuperCSV |
ConvertNullTo | This processor returns a specified default value if the input is null. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor | SuperCSV |
CsvBeanReader | CsvBeanReader reads a CSV file by instantiating a bean for every row and mapping each column to a field on the bean (using the supplied name mapping). | Class | | SuperCSV |
CsvBeanWriter | CsvBeanWriter writes a CSV file by mapping each field on the bean to a column in the CSV file (using the suppliedAuthor:Kasper B. | Class | | SuperCSV |
CsvContext | This object represents the current context of a given CSV file being either read or written to. | Class | org.supercsv.util | SuperCSV |
CsvDozerBeanData | Class used internally by CsvDozerBeanReader and CsvDozerBeanWriter for Dozer mapping between CSV columns and beans. | Class | | SuperCSV |
CsvDozerBeanReader | CsvDozerBeanReader is a powerful replacement for CsvBeanReader that uses Dozer to map from CSV to a bean. | Class | | SuperCSV |
CsvDozerBeanWriter | CsvDozerBeanWriter is a powerful replacement for CsvBeanWriter that uses Dozer to map from a bean to CSV. | Class | | SuperCSV |
CsvEncoder | Defines the interface for all CSV encoders. | Interface | org.supercsv.encoder | SuperCSV |
CsvListReader | CsvListReader is a simple reader that reads a row from a CSV file into a List of Strings. | Class | | SuperCSV |
CsvListWriter | CsvListWriter is a simple writer capable of writing arrays and Lists to a CSV file. | Class | | SuperCSV |
CsvMapReader | CsvMapReader reads each CSV row into a Map with the column name as the map key, and the column value as the mapAuthor:Kasper B. | Class | | SuperCSV |
CsvMapWriter | CsvMapWriter writes Maps of Objects to a CSV file. | Class | | SuperCSV |
CsvPreference | Before reading or writing CSV files, you must supply the reader/writer with some preferences. | Class | org.supercsv.prefs | SuperCSV |
CsvResultSetWriter | CsvResultSetWriter writes a CSV file by mapping each column of the ResultSet to a column in CSV file using the column names stored in ResultSetMetaData | Class | | SuperCSV |
DateCellProcessor | Interface to indicate the a CellProcessor is capable of processing Date values. | Interface | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.ift | SuperCSV |
DefaultCsvEncoder | The default CsvEncoder implementation. | Class | org.supercsv.encoder | SuperCSV |
DMinMax | Converts the input data to a Double and ensures that number is within a specified numeric range (inclusive). | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.constraint | SuperCSV |
DoubleCellProcessor | Interface to indicate the a CellProcessor is capable of processing Double values. | Interface | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.ift | SuperCSV |
Equals | This constraint ensures that all input data is equal (to each other, or to a supplied constant value). | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.constraint | SuperCSV |
FmtBool | Converts a Boolean into a formatted string. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor | SuperCSV |
FmtDate | Converts a date into a formatted string using the SimpleDateFormat class. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor | SuperCSV |
FmtDateTime | Converts a Joda DateTime to a String. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.joda | SuperCSV |
FmtDateTimeZone | Converts a Joda DateTimeZone to a String (the ID of the timezone, e. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.joda | SuperCSV |
FmtDuration | Converts a Joda Duration to a String in the ISO8601 duration format including only seconds and milliseconds. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.joda | SuperCSV |
FmtDuration | Converts a Duration to a String. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.time | SuperCSV |
FmtInterval | Converts a Joda Interval to a String in ISO8601 interval format. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.joda | SuperCSV |
FmtLocalDate | Converts a Joda LocalDate to a String. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.joda | SuperCSV |
FmtLocalDate | Converts a LocalDate to a String. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.time | SuperCSV |
FmtLocalDateTime | Converts a Joda LocalDateTime to a String. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.joda | SuperCSV |
FmtLocalDateTime | Converts a LocalDateTime to a String. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.time | SuperCSV |
FmtLocalTime | Converts a Joda LocalTime to a String. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.joda | SuperCSV |
FmtLocalTime | Converts a LocalTime to a String. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.time | SuperCSV |
FmtNumber | Converts a double into a formatted string using the DecimalFormat class and the default locale. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor | SuperCSV |
FmtPeriod | Converts a Joda Period to a String. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.joda | SuperCSV |
FmtPeriod | Converts a Period to a String. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.time | SuperCSV |
FmtZonedDateTime | Converts a ZonedDateTime to a String. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.time | SuperCSV |
FmtZoneId | Converts a ZoneId to a String. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.time | SuperCSV |
ForbidSubStr | Converts the input to a String and ensures that it doesn't contain any of the supplied substrings. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.constraint | SuperCSV |
HashMapper | Maps from one object to another, by looking up a Map with the input as the key, and returning its corresponding value. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor | SuperCSV |
ICsvBeanReader | Interface for CSV readers reading into objects/beans. | Interface | | SuperCSV |
ICsvBeanWriter | Interface for all CSV writers writing to beans. | Interface | | SuperCSV |
ICsvDozerBeanReader | Interface for CSV readers reading into objects/beans using Dozer. | Interface | | SuperCSV |
ICsvDozerBeanWriter | Interface for CSV writers writing objects/beans to CSV using Dozer. | Interface | | SuperCSV |
ICsvListReader | Interface for readers that read into Lists. | Interface | | SuperCSV |
ICsvListWriter | Interface for writers that write to a List. | Interface | | SuperCSV |
ICsvMapReader | The interface for MapReaders, which read each CSV row into a Map. | Interface | | SuperCSV |
ICsvMapWriter | The interface for writers that write from Maps. | Interface | | SuperCSV |
ICsvReader | The interface for CSV readers. | Interface | | SuperCSV |
ICsvResultSetWriter | Interface for CSV writers writing JDBC ResultSetSince:2. | Interface | | SuperCSV |
ICsvWriter | The interface for CSV writers. | Interface | | SuperCSV |
IsElementOf | This processor ensures that the input value is an element of a Collection. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.constraint | SuperCSV |
IsIncludedIn | This processor ensures that the input value belongs to a specific set of (unchangeable) values. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.constraint | SuperCSV |
ITokenizer | The interface for tokenizers, which are responsible for reading the CSV file, line by line. | Interface | | SuperCSV |
LMinMax | Converts the input data to a Long and and ensures the value is between the supplied min and max values (inclusive). | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.constraint | SuperCSV |
LongCellProcessor | Interface to indicate the a CellProcessor is capable of processing Long values. | Interface | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.ift | SuperCSV |
MethodCache | This class cache's method lookups. | Class | org.supercsv.util | SuperCSV |
NormalQuoteMode | When using NormalQuoteMode surrounding quotes are only applied if required to escape special characters (perSince:2. | Class | org.supercsv.quote | SuperCSV |
NotNull | This processor ensures that the input is not null. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.constraint | SuperCSV |
Optional | This processor is used to indicate that a cell is optional, and will avoid executing further processors if it encounters null. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor | SuperCSV |
ParseBigDecimal | Convert a String to a BigDecimal. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor | SuperCSV |
ParseBool | Converts a String to a Boolean. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor | SuperCSV |
ParseChar | Converts a String to a Character. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor | SuperCSV |
ParseDate | Converts a String to a Date using the SimpleDateFormat class. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor | SuperCSV |
ParseDateTime | Converts a String to a Joda DateTime. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.joda | SuperCSV |
ParseDateTimeZone | Converts a String (the ID of the timezone, e. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.joda | SuperCSV |
ParseDouble | Converts a String to a Double. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor | SuperCSV |
ParseDuration | Converts a String to a Joda Duration. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.joda | SuperCSV |
ParseDuration | Converts a String to a Duration. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.time | SuperCSV |
ParseEnum | Converts a String to an Enum. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor | SuperCSV |
ParseInt | Converts a String to an Integer. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor | SuperCSV |
ParseInterval | Converts a String (in ISO8601 interval format) to a Joda Interval. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.joda | SuperCSV |
ParseLocalDate | Converts a String to a Joda LocalDate. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.joda | SuperCSV |
ParseLocalDate | Converts a String to a LocalDate. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.time | SuperCSV |
ParseLocalDateTime | Converts a String to a Joda LocalDateTime. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.joda | SuperCSV |
ParseLocalDateTime | Converts a String to a LocalDateTime. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.time | SuperCSV |
ParseLocalTime | Converts a String to a Joda LocalTime. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.joda | SuperCSV |
ParseLocalTime | Converts a String to a LocalTime. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.time | SuperCSV |
ParseLong | Converts a String to a Long. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor | SuperCSV |
ParsePeriod | Converts a String to a Joda Period. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.joda | SuperCSV |
ParsePeriod | Converts a String to a Period. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.time | SuperCSV |
ParseZonedDateTime | Converts a String to a ZonedDateTime. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.time | SuperCSV |
ParseZoneId | Converts a String to a ZoneId. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.time | SuperCSV |
QuoteMode | The interface for quoting modes. | Interface | org.supercsv.quote | SuperCSV |
ReflectionUtils | Provides useful utility methods for reflection. | Class | org.supercsv.util | SuperCSV |
RequireHashCode | This processor converts the input to a String, and ensures that the input's hash function matches any of a given set of hashcodes. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.constraint | SuperCSV |
RequireSubStr | Converts the input to a String and ensures that the input contains at least one of the specified substrings. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.constraint | SuperCSV |
SelectiveCsvEncoder | A selective CsvEncoder implementation - only the desired column numbers (if any) are encoded. | Class | org.supercsv.encoder | SuperCSV |
StringCellProcessor | Interface to indicate the a CellProcessor is capable of processing String values. | Interface | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.ift | SuperCSV |
Strlen | This processor ensures that the input String has a length equal to any of the supplied lengths. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.constraint | SuperCSV |
StrMinMax | This constraint ensures that the input data has a string length between the supplied min and max values (both inclusive). | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.constraint | SuperCSV |
StrNotNullOrEmpty | This processor checks if the input is null or an empty string, and raises an exception in that case. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.constraint | SuperCSV |
StrRegEx | This constraint ensures that the input data matches the given regular expression. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.constraint | SuperCSV |
StrReplace | Replaces each substring of the input string that matches the given regular expression with the given replacement. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor | SuperCSV |
SuperCsvCellProcessorException | Exception thrown when CellProcessor execution fails (typically due to invalid input) - constraint validating CellProcessors should throw SuperCsvConstraintViolationException for constraint validation failures. | Class | org.supercsv.exception | SuperCSV |
SuperCsvConstraintViolationException | Exception thrown by CellProcessors when constraint validation fails. | Class | org.supercsv.exception | SuperCSV |
SuperCsvException | Generic SuperCSV Exception class. | Class | org.supercsv.exception | SuperCSV |
SuperCsvReflectionException | Wraps the following reflection related checked exceptions: ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, InvocationTargetException, | Class | org.supercsv.exception | SuperCSV |
ThreeDHashMap | A 3-dimensional HashMap is a HashMap that enables you to refer to values via three keys rather than one. | Class | org.supercsv.util | SuperCSV |
Token | This processor is used in the situations you want to be able to check for the presence of a "special token". | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor | SuperCSV |
Tokenizer | Reads the CSV file, line by line. | Class | | SuperCSV |
Trim | Ensure that Strings or String-representations of objects are trimmed (contain no surrounding whitespace). | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor | SuperCSV |
Truncate | Ensure that Strings or String-representations of objects are truncated to a maximum size. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor | SuperCSV |
TwoDHashMap | A two-dimensional hashmap, is a HashMap that enables you to refer to values via two keys rather than one. | Class | org.supercsv.util | SuperCSV |
Unique | Ensure that upon processing a CSV file (reading or writing), that values of the column all are unique. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.constraint | SuperCSV |
UniqueHashCode | Ensure that upon processing a CSV file (reading or writing), that values of the column are all unique. | Class | org.supercsv.cellprocessor.constraint | SuperCSV |
Util | Useful utility methods. | Class | org.supercsv.util | SuperCSV |