Name | Description | Type | Package | Framework |
Back | All implementations of this interface must be immutable and thread-safe. | Interface | org.takes.http | Takes |
BkBasic | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | org.takes.http | Takes |
BkParallel | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | org.takes.http | Takes |
BkReuse | | Class | org.takes.http | Takes |
BkSafe | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | org.takes.http | Takes |
BkTimeable | Back decorator with maximum lifetime. | Class | org.takes.http | Takes |
CcAES | AES codec which supports 128 bits key. | Class | org.takes.facets.auth.codecs | Takes |
CcBase64 | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | org.takes.facets.auth.codecs | Takes |
CcCompact | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | org.takes.facets.auth.codecs | Takes |
CcGzip | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | org.takes.facets.auth.codecs | Takes |
CcHex | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | org.takes.facets.auth.codecs | Takes |
CcPlain | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | org.takes.facets.auth.codecs | Takes |
CcSafe | Safe codec, never throws decoding exception. | Class | org.takes.facets.auth.codecs | Takes |
CcSalted | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | org.takes.facets.auth.codecs | Takes |
CcStrict | Decorator which check incoming and outgoing identities. | Class | org.takes.facets.auth.codecs | Takes |
CcXOR | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | org.takes.facets.auth.codecs | Takes |
Codec | All implementations of this interface must be immutable and thread-safe. | Interface | org.takes.facets.auth.codecs | Takes |
Concat | Concatenating iterables. | Class | org.takes.misc | Takes |
Condition | Condition to determine how Select behave when filtering an iterable. | Interface | org.takes.misc | Takes |
DecodingException | | Class | org.takes.facets.auth.codecs | Takes |
Exit | All implementations of this interface must be immutable and thread-safe. | Interface | org.takes.http | Takes |
Fallback | Fallback to dispatch an exceptional situation. | Interface | org.takes.facets.fallback | Takes |
FbChain | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | org.takes.facets.fallback | Takes |
FbEmpty | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | org.takes.facets.fallback | Takes |
FbFixed | Fallback with a fixed response. | Class | org.takes.facets.fallback | Takes |
FbSlf4j | Fallback that logs all problems through SFL4J. | Class | org.takes.facets.fallback | Takes |
FbStatus | Fallback on status code that equals to the provided value. | Class | org.takes.facets.fallback | Takes |
FbWrap | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | org.takes.facets.fallback | Takes |
FkAnonymous | Fork if no user is logged in now. | Class | org.takes.facets.fork | Takes |
FkAuthenticated | Fork if user is logged in now. | Class | org.takes.facets.fork | Takes |
FkContentType | Fork by Content-type accepted by Content-Type HTTP header. | Class | org.takes.facets.fork | Takes |
FkEncoding | Fork by encoding accepted by Accept-Encoding HTTP header. | Class | org.takes.facets.fork | Takes |
FkFixed | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | org.takes.facets.fork | Takes |
FkHitRefresh | Fork by hit-refresh header. | Class | org.takes.facets.fork | Takes |
FkMethods | Fork by method matching. | Class | org.takes.facets.fork | Takes |
FkParams | Fork by query params and their values, matched by regular express. | Class | org.takes.facets.fork | Takes |
FkRegex | Fork by regular expression pattern. | Class | org.takes.facets.fork | Takes |
FkTypes | Fork by types accepted by Accept HTTP header. | Class | org.takes.facets.fork | Takes |
FkWrap | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | org.takes.facets.fork | Takes |
Fork | All implementations of this interface must be immutable and thread-safe. | Interface | org.takes.facets.fork | Takes |
Front | All implementations of this interface must be thread-safe. | Interface | org.takes.http | Takes |
FtBasic | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | org.takes.http | Takes |
FtCLI | Front with a command line interface. | Class | org.takes.http | Takes |
FtRemote | Front remote control. | Class | org.takes.http | Takes |
HmRqHeader | Response Header Matcher. | Class | org.takes.facets.hamcrest | Takes |
HmRsHeader | Response Header Matcher. | Class | org.takes.facets.hamcrest | Takes |
HmRsStatus | Response Status Matcher. | Class | org.takes.facets.hamcrest | Takes |
Href | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | org.takes.misc | Takes |
HttpException | HTTP-aware exception. | Class | org.takes | Takes |
Identity | Authenticated identity. | Interface | org.takes.facets.auth | Takes |
MainRemote | Front remote control. | Class | org.takes.http | Takes |
Opt | Replacement a nullable T reference with a non-null value. | Interface | org.takes.misc | Takes |
Pass | Pass to enter a user and let him exit. | Interface | org.takes.facets.auth | Takes |
PsAll | A Pass which you can enter only if you can enter every Pass in a list. | Class | org.takes.facets.auth | Takes |
PsBasic | Pass that checks the user according RFC-2617. | Class | org.takes.facets.auth | Takes |
PsByFlag | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | org.takes.facets.auth | Takes |
PsChain | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | org.takes.facets.auth | Takes |
PsCookie | Pass via cookie information. | Class | org.takes.facets.auth | Takes |
PsEmpty | Pass that doesn't do anything. | Class | org.takes.facets.auth | Takes |
PsFacebook | Facebook OAuth landing/callback page. | Class | | Takes |
PsFake | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | org.takes.facets.auth | Takes |
PsFixed | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | org.takes.facets.auth | Takes |
PsGithub | Github OAuth landing/callback page. | Class | | Takes |
PsGoogle | Google OAuth landing/callback page. | Class | | Takes |
PsLinkedin | Linkedin OAuth landing/callback page. | Class | | Takes |
PsLogout | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | org.takes.facets.auth | Takes |
PsTwitter | Twitter OAuth landing/callback page. | Class | | Takes |
Request | An object implementing this interface can be parsed using one of the decorators available in org. | Interface | org.takes | Takes |
Response | Response interface is an abstraction of a HTTP response, that consists of a few headers and a body. | Interface | org.takes | Takes |
RqAuth | Request with auth information. | Class | org.takes.facets.auth | Takes |
RqBuffered | Request with a buffered body. | Class | org.takes.rq | Takes |
RqBytes | Request in which the body is a byte array. | Class | org.takes.rq | Takes |
RqCookies | HTTP cookies parsing. | Interface | org.takes.rq | Takes |
RqFake | Fake request (for unit tests). | Class | org.takes.rq | Takes |
RqFallback | Request with an error inside. | Interface | org.takes.facets.fallback | Takes |
RqForm | Request decorator that decodes FORM data from application/x-www-form-urlencoded format (RFC 1738). | Interface | org.takes.rq | Takes |
RqGreedy | Request decorator, for HTTP request caching. | Class | org.takes.rq | Takes |
RqHeaders | HTTP headers parsing All implementations of this interface must be immutable and | Interface | org.takes.rq | Takes |
RqHref | HTTP URI query parsing. | Interface | org.takes.rq | Takes |
RqLengthAware | Request decorator that limits its body, according to the Content-Length header in its head. | Class | org.takes.rq | Takes |
RqLive | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | org.takes.rq | Takes |
RqMethod | HTTP method parsing. | Interface | org.takes.rq | Takes |
RqMultipart | HTTP multipart FORM data decoding. | Interface | org.takes.rq | Takes |
RqOnce | Request decorator, to prevent multiple calls to body() method. | Class | org.takes.rq | Takes |
RqPrint | Request decorator, to print it all. | Class | org.takes.rq | Takes |
RqRegex | Request with a matcher of URI. | Interface | org.takes.facets.fork | Takes |
RqSimple | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | org.takes.rq | Takes |
RqSocket | Request decorator to get custom socket headers. | Class | org.takes.rq | Takes |
RqWithAuth | Request with already authenticated identity. | Class | org.takes.facets.auth | Takes |
RqWithBody | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | org.takes.rq | Takes |
RqWithHeader | Request with extra header. | Class | org.takes.rq | Takes |
RqWithHeaders | Request with extra header. | Class | org.takes.rq | Takes |
RqWithoutHeader | Request without a header (even if it was absent). | Class | org.takes.rq | Takes |
RqWrap | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | org.takes.rq | Takes |
RsBuffered | Response with buffered body. | Class | | Takes |
RsEmpty | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | | Takes |
RsFailure | Failure (combination of RsForward The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | org.takes.facets.forward | Takes |
RsFlash | Forwarding response. | Class | org.takes.facets.flash | Takes |
RsFluent | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | | Takes |
RsFork | Response based on forks. | Class | org.takes.facets.fork | Takes |
RsForward | Forwarding response. | Class | org.takes.facets.forward | Takes |
RsGzip | Response compressed with GZIP, according to RFC 1952. | Class | | Takes |
RsHTML | HTML response decorator. | Class | | Takes |
RsJSON | Response that converts Java object to JSON. | Class | | Takes |
RsLogout | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | org.takes.facets.auth | Takes |
RsPrettyJSON | Response with properly indented JSON body. | Class | | Takes |
RsPrettyXML | Response with properly indented XML body. | Class | | Takes |
RsPrint | Response decorator that can print an entire response in HTTP format. | Class | | Takes |
RsRedirect | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | | Takes |
RsReturn | Response decorator which sets cookie with return location. | Class | org.takes.facets.ret | Takes |
RsSimple | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | | Takes |
RsText | Plain text response decorator. | Class | | Takes |
RsVelocity | Response that converts Velocity template to text. | Class | | Takes |
RsWithBody | Response decorator, with body. | Class | | Takes |
RsWithCookie | Response decorator, with an additional cookie. | Class | | Takes |
RsWithHeader | Response decorator, with an additional header. | Class | | Takes |
RsWithHeaders | Response decorator, with an additional headers. | Class | | Takes |
RsWithoutHeader | Response decorator, without a header. | Class | | Takes |
RsWithStatus | Response decorator, with status code. | Class | | Takes |
RsWithType | Response decorator, with content type. | Class | | Takes |
RsWrap | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | | Takes |
RsXembly | Response that converts Xembly object to XML. | Class | | Takes |
RsXSLT | Response that converts XML into HTML using attached XSL stylesheet. | Class | | Takes |
Select | Select elements into a new iterable with given condition. | Class | org.takes.misc | Takes |
Sprintf | | Class | org.takes.misc | Takes |
Take | Take is a momentary snapshot of in-server reality, visible to the end user via printable Response. | Interface | org.takes | Takes |
TkAuth | Authenticating take. | Class | org.takes.facets.auth | Takes |
TkClasspath | Take reading resources from classpath. | Class | | Takes |
TkConsumes | Take that acts on request with specified Content-Type HTTP headers only. | Class | org.takes.facets.fork | Takes |
TkCORS | This take checks if the request (Origin) is allowed to perform the desired action against the list of the given domains. | Class | | Takes |
TkEmpty | This take always returns an instance of The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | | Takes |
TkFailure | Take that always fails. | Class | | Takes |
TkFallback | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | org.takes.facets.fallback | Takes |
TkFiles | Take reading resources from directory. | Class | | Takes |
TkFixed | Take with fixed response. | Class | | Takes |
TkFlash | Take that understands Flash cookie and converts it into a HTTP header. | Class | org.takes.facets.flash | Takes |
TkFork | This is the implementation of Take that routes the requests to another take, using a collection of forks | Class | org.takes.facets.fork | Takes |
TkForward | Redirect on exception. | Class | org.takes.facets.forward | Takes |
TkGreedy | Take with a greedy request. | Class | | Takes |
TkGzip | Take that compresses responses with GZIP. | Class | | Takes |
TkHTML | This take returns an HTML response by wrapping the provided content into RsHTML. | Class | | Takes |
TkLogged | Logs Take. | Class | org.takes.facets.slf4j | Takes |
TkMeasured | Take that measures response printing time and adds HTTP header X-Take-Millis with the amount of milliseconds. | Class | | Takes |
TkMethods | Take that acts on request with specified methods only. | Class | org.takes.facets.fork | Takes |
TkOnce | Take with a read-only-once request. | Class | | Takes |
TkProduces | Take that acts on request with specified Accept HTTP headers only. | Class | org.takes.facets.fork | Takes |
TkRedirect | Take that redirects. | Class | | Takes |
TkRegex | Target for a FkRegex fork. | Interface | org.takes.facets.fork | Takes |
TkReturn | Take that understands Return cookie. | Class | org.takes.facets.ret | Takes |
TkSecure | Take available for authenticated users. | Class | org.takes.facets.auth | Takes |
TkText | This take returns an HTML response by wrapping the provided content into RsText. | Class | | Takes |
TkVerbose | Take that makes all not-found exceptions location aware. | Class | | Takes |
TkVersioned | Take that adds an HTTP header to each response with a version The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | | Takes |
TkWithCookie | This take wraps all responses of another take, adding cookies to them, through RsWithCookie. | Class | | Takes |
TkWithHeader | Take with an extra header. | Class | | Takes |
TkWithHeaders | This take wraps all responses of another take, adding headers to them, through RsWithHeaders. | Class | | Takes |
TkWithType | This take wraps all responses of another take, adding content type to them, through RsWithType. | Class | | Takes |
TkWrap | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | | Takes |
Transform | Transform elements in an iterable (in type T) into others (in type K). | Class | org.takes.misc | Takes |
TransformAction | Action for Transform to perform actual transformation. | Interface | org.takes.misc | Takes |
VerboseIterable | | Class | org.takes.misc | Takes |
VerboseIterator | | Class | org.takes.misc | Takes |
XeAppend | Xembly source to append something to an existing element. | Class | | Takes |
XeChain | The class is immutable and thread-safe. | Class | | Takes |
XeDate | Xembly source to create SLA attribute with current date/time in ISO 8601. | Class | | Takes |
XeDirectives | Chain of directives. | Class | | Takes |
XeFacebookLink | Xembly source to create a LINK to Facebook OAuth page. | Class | | Takes |
XeFlash | Xembly source to show flash message in XML. | Class | org.takes.facets.flash | Takes |
XeGithubLink | Xembly source to create a LINK to Github OAuth page. | Class | | Takes |
XeGoogleLink | Xembly source to create a LINK to Google OAuth page. | Class | | Takes |
XeIdentity | Xembly source to show authenticated identity. | Class | org.takes.facets.auth | Takes |
XeLink | Xembly source to create an Atom LINK element. | Class | | Takes |
XeLinkHome | Xembly source to create an HOME Atom LINK element. | Class | | Takes |
XeLinkSelf | Xembly source to create an SELF Atom LINK element. | Class | | Takes |
XeLocalhost | Xembly source to create SLA attribute with server IP address. | Class | | Takes |
XeLogoutLink | Xembly source to create a LINK to logout. | Class | org.takes.facets.auth | Takes |
XeMillis | Xembly source to create millis element at the root. | Class | | Takes |
XeSLA | Xembly source to create SLA attribute with server load average. | Class | | Takes |
XeSource | Source with Xembly directives. | Interface | | Takes |
XeStylesheet | Xembly source to create an XSL stylesheet processing instruction. | Class | | Takes |
XeTransform | Iterable to transform an iterable of some objects into an iterable of Xembly sources. | Class | | Takes |
XeWhen | Xembly source that could be empty of could return an encapsulated other Xembly source. | Class | | Takes |
XeWrap | Wrap of Xembly source. | Class | | Takes |