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#Api.exceptions Classes and Interfaces - 35 results found.
CCExceptionAn exception representing the failure of a CCC command.Classapi.exceptionsContent Control
ConflictExceptionAn API call failed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource.Classapi.exceptionsContent Control
CycleDetectedExceptionThis exception indicates that a cycle was detected where a resource refers to itself, either directly or indirectly.Classapi.exceptionsContent Control
EntityNotFoundExceptionException indicating that the look up of an entity failed.Classapi.exceptionsContent Control
InsufficientPrivilegesExceptionThis exception indicates that a user attempted to perform an operation without sufficient privileges.Classapi.exceptionsContent Control
InvalidExceptionThis request indicates that an API method was invoked with incorrect inputs.Classapi.exceptionsContent Control
LockMismatchExceptionAn exception used to indicate that a resource is locked by another user.Classapi.exceptionsContent Control
ResourceExistsExceptionIndicates a resource cannot be created because an existing resource already has the same absolute path.Classapi.exceptionsContent Control
UnauthorizedExceptionAn exception indicating that access to an entity was denied.Classapi.exceptionsContent Control
UnlockedExceptionAn exception used to indicate that a resource is unlocked.Classapi.exceptionsContent Control
WorkingCopyNotSupportedExceptionIndicates that a resource that doesn't support working copies.Classapi.exceptionsContent Control NetWeaver
NoSuchRoomRoleExceptionSee Also:Serialized FormFields inherited from class NetWeaver
RoomCreationExceptionClass implementing an exception that occured during room NetWeaver
RoomDeletionExceptionSee Also:Serialized FormFields inherited from class NetWeaver
RoomExceptionSee Also:Serialized FormFields inherited from class NetWeaver
RoomInstantiationExceptionClass implementing an exception that occured during room NetWeaver
RoomVersionExceptionSee Also:Serialized FormFields inherited from class NetWeaver
TemplateInstantiationExceptionSee Also:Serialized FormFields inherited from class NetWeaver
ATCommandExceptionThis exception will be thrown when receiving a command response containing a status different than ATCommandStatus#OK after sending an XBee Classcom.digi.xbee.api.exceptionsXBee
CommunicationExceptionThis exception will be thrown when any problem related to the communication with the XBee device occurs.Classcom.digi.xbee.api.exceptionsXBee
ConnectionExceptionThis exception will be thrown when any problem related to the connection with the XBee device occurs.Classcom.digi.xbee.api.exceptionsXBee
InterfaceAlreadyOpenExceptionThis exception will be thrown when trying to open an interface that is already opened by the application.Classcom.digi.xbee.api.exceptionsXBee
InterfaceInUseExceptionThis exception will be thrown when trying to open the port/communication interface but it is already in use by other applications.Classcom.digi.xbee.api.exceptionsXBee
InterfaceNotOpenExceptionThis exception will be thrown when trying to perform any operation with the XBee device and its communication interface is closed.Classcom.digi.xbee.api.exceptionsXBee
InvalidConfigurationExceptionThis exception will be thrown when trying to open an interface with an invalid configuration.Classcom.digi.xbee.api.exceptionsXBee
InvalidInterfaceExceptionThis exception will be thrown when trying to open a non-existing interface.Classcom.digi.xbee.api.exceptionsXBee
InvalidOperatingModeExceptionThis exception will be thrown when performing any action with the XBee device and its operating mode is different than OperatingMode.Classcom.digi.xbee.api.exceptionsXBee
InvalidPacketExceptionThis exception will be thrown when there is an error parsing an API packet from the input stream.Classcom.digi.xbee.api.exceptionsXBee
OperationNotSupportedExceptionThis exception will be thrown when the operation performed is not supported by the XBee device.Classcom.digi.xbee.api.exceptionsXBee
PermissionDeniedExceptionThis exception will be thrown when the user does not have the appropriate access to the connection interface.Classcom.digi.xbee.api.exceptionsXBee
TimeoutExceptionThis exception will be thrown when performing synchronous operations and the configured time expires.Classcom.digi.xbee.api.exceptionsXBee
TransmitExceptionThis exception will be thrown when receiving a transmit status different than XBeeTransmitStatus#SUCCESS after sending an XBee API packet.Classcom.digi.xbee.api.exceptionsXBee
XBeeDeviceExceptionThis exception will be thrown when any problem related to the XBee deviceSee Also:XBeeException, Classcom.digi.xbee.api.exceptionsXBee
XBeeExceptionGeneric XBee API exception.Classcom.digi.xbee.api.exceptionsXBee