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#Cern.colt Classes and Interfaces - 164 results found.
AbstractBooleanListAbstract base class for resizable lists holding boolean elements; abstract.Classcern.colt.listColt
AbstractByteListAbstract base class for resizable lists holding byte elements; abstract.Classcern.colt.listColt
AbstractCharListAbstract base class for resizable lists holding char elements; abstract.Classcern.colt.listColt
AbstractCollectionAbstract base class for resizable collections holding objects or primitive data types such as int, float, etc.Classcern.colt.listColt
AbstractDoubleIntMapAbstract base class for hash maps holding (key,value) associations of type (double-->int).Classcern.colt.mapColt
AbstractDoubleListAbstract base class for resizable lists holding double elements; abstract.Classcern.colt.listColt
AbstractFloatListAbstract base class for resizable lists holding float elements; abstract.Classcern.colt.listColt
AbstractFormatterAbstract base class for flexible, well human readable matrix print formatting.Classcern.colt.matrix.implColt
AbstractIntDoubleMapAbstract base class for hash maps holding (key,value) associations of type (int-->double).Classcern.colt.mapColt
AbstractIntIntMapAbstract base class for hash maps holding (key,value) associations of type (int-->int).Classcern.colt.mapColt
AbstractIntListAbstract base class for resizable lists holding int elements; abstract.Classcern.colt.listColt
AbstractIntObjectMapAbstract base class for hash maps holding (key,value) associations of type (int-->Object).Classcern.colt.mapColt
AbstractListAbstract base class for resizable lists holding objects or primitive data types such as int, float, etc.Classcern.colt.listColt
AbstractLongListAbstract base class for resizable lists holding long elements; abstract.Classcern.colt.listColt
AbstractLongObjectMapAbstract base class for hash maps holding (key,value) associations of type (long-->Object).Classcern.colt.mapColt
AbstractMapAbstract base class for hash maps holding objects or primitive data types such as int, float, etc.Classcern.colt.mapColt
AbstractMatrixAbstract base class for arbitrary-dimensional matrices holding objects or primitive data types such as int, float, etc.Classcern.colt.matrix.implColt
AbstractMatrix1DAbstract base class for 1-d matrices (aka vectors) holding objects or primitive data types such as int, double, etc.Classcern.colt.matrix.implColt
AbstractMatrix2DAbstract base class for 2-d matrices holding objects or primitive data types such as int, double, etc.Classcern.colt.matrix.implColt
AbstractMatrix3DAbstract base class for 3-d matrices holding objects or primitive data types such as int, double, etc.Classcern.colt.matrix.implColt
AbstractShortListAbstract base class for resizable lists holding short elements; abstract.Classcern.colt.listColt
AlgebraLinear algebraic matrix operations operating on DoubleMatrix2D; concentrates most functionality of this package.Classcern.colt.matrix.linalgColt
ArraysArray manipulations; complements java.Classcern.coltColt
BenchmarkBenchmarks the classes of this package.Classcern.colt.mapColt
BenchmarkMatrixConfigurable matrix benchmark.Classcern.colt.matrix.benchColt
BitMatrixFixed sized (non resizable) n*m bit matrix.Classcern.colt.bitvectorColt
BitVectorFixed sized (non resizable) bitvector.Classcern.colt.bitvectorColt
BooleanArrayListResizable list holding boolean elements; implemented with arrays.Classcern.colt.listColt
BooleanProcedureInterface that represents a procedure object: a procedure that takes a single argument and does not return a value.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
ByteArrayListResizable list holding byte elements; implemented with arrays.Classcern.colt.listColt
ByteComparatorA comparison function which imposes a total ordering on some collection of elements.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
ByteProcedureInterface that represents a procedure object: a procedure that takes a single argument and does not return a value.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
CharArrayListResizable list holding char elements; implemented with arrays.Classcern.colt.listColt
CharComparatorA comparison function which imposes a total ordering on some collection of elements.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
CharProcedureInterface that represents a procedure object: a procedure that takes a single argument and does not return a value.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
CholeskyDecompositionFor a symmetric, positive definite matrix A, the Cholesky decompositionis a lower triangular matrix L so that A = L*L';Classcern.colt.matrix.linalgColt
DenseDoubleMatrix1DDense 1-d matrix (aka vector) holding double elements.Classcern.colt.matrix.implColt
DenseDoubleMatrix2DDense 2-d matrix holding double elements.Classcern.colt.matrix.implColt
DenseDoubleMatrix3DDense 3-d matrix holding double elements.Classcern.colt.matrix.implColt
DenseObjectMatrix1DDense 1-d matrix (aka vector) holding Object elements.Classcern.colt.matrix.implColt
DenseObjectMatrix2DDense 2-d matrix holding Object elements.Classcern.colt.matrix.implColt
DenseObjectMatrix3DDense 3-d matrix holding Object elements.Classcern.colt.matrix.implColt
DistinctNumberListResizable compressed list holding numbers; based on the fact that a number from a large list with few distinct values need not take more than log(distinctValues) bits; implemented with a MinMaxNumberList.Classcern.colt.listColt
Double27FunctionInterface that represents a function object: a function that takes 27 arguments and returns a single value.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
Double5FunctionInterface that represents a function object: a function that takes 5 arguments and returns a single value.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
Double9FunctionInterface that represents a function object: a function that takes 9 arguments and returns a single value.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
DoubleArrayListResizable list holding double elements; implemented with arrays.Classcern.colt.listColt
DoubleBufferFixed sized (non resizable) streaming buffer connected to a target DoubleBufferConsumer to which data is automatically flushed upon buffer overflow.Classcern.colt.bufferColt
DoubleBuffer2DFixed sized (non resizable) streaming buffer connected to a target DoubleBuffer2DConsumer to which data is automatically flushed upon buffer overflow.Classcern.colt.bufferColt
DoubleBuffer2DConsumerTarget of a streaming DoubleBuffer2D into which data is flushed upon buffer overflow.Interfacecern.colt.bufferColt
DoubleBuffer3DFixed sized (non resizable) streaming buffer connected to a target DoubleBuffer3DConsumer to which data is automatically flushed upon buffer overflow.Classcern.colt.bufferColt
DoubleBuffer3DConsumerTarget of a streaming DoubleBuffer3D into which data is flushed upon buffer overflow.Interfacecern.colt.bufferColt
DoubleBufferConsumerTarget of a streaming DoubleBuffer into which data is flushed upon buffer overflow.Interfacecern.colt.bufferColt
DoubleComparatorA comparison function which imposes a total ordering on some collection of elements.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
DoubleDoubleFunctionInterface that represents a function object: a function that takes two arguments and returns a single value.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
DoubleDoubleProcedureInterface that represents a procedure object: a procedure that takes two arguments and does not return a value.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
DoubleFactory1DFactory for convenient construction of 1-d matrices holding double cells.Classcern.colt.matrixColt
DoubleFactory2DFactory for convenient construction of 2-d matrices holding double cells.Classcern.colt.matrixColt
DoubleFactory3DFactory for convenient construction of 3-d matrices holding double cells.Classcern.colt.matrixColt
DoubleFunctionInterface that represents a function object: a function that takes a single argument and returns a single value.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
DoubleIntProcedureInterface that represents a procedure object: a procedure that takes two arguments and does not return a value.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
DoubleListAdapterAdapter that permits an AbstractDoubleList to be viewed and treated as a JDK 1.Classcern.colt.list.adapterColt
DoubleMatrix1DAbstract base class for 1-d matrices (aka vectors) holding double elements.Classcern.colt.matrixColt
DoubleMatrix1DComparatorA comparison function which imposes a total ordering on some collection of elements.Interfacecern.colt.matrix.doublealgoColt
DoubleMatrix1DProcedureInterface that represents a condition or procedure object: takes a single argument and returns a boolean value.Interfacecern.colt.matrixColt
DoubleMatrix2DAbstract base class for 2-d matrices holding double elements.Classcern.colt.matrixColt
DoubleMatrix2DComparatorA comparison function which imposes a total ordering on some collection of elements.Interfacecern.colt.matrix.doublealgoColt
DoubleMatrix2DProcedureInterface that represents a condition or procedure object: takes a single argument and returns a boolean value.Interfacecern.colt.matrixColt
DoubleMatrix3DAbstract base class for 3-d matrices holding double elements.Classcern.colt.matrixColt
DoubleMatrix3DProcedureInterface that represents a condition or procedure object: takes a single argument and returns a boolean value.Interfacecern.colt.matrixColt
DoubleProcedureInterface that represents a procedure object: a procedure that takes a single argument and does not return a value.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
EigenvalueDecompositionEigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real matrix A.Classcern.colt.matrix.linalgColt
FloatArrayListResizable list holding float elements; implemented with arrays.Classcern.colt.listColt
FloatComparatorA comparison function which imposes a total ordering on some collection of elements.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
FloatListAdapterAdapter that permits an AbstractFloatList to be viewed and treated as a JDK 1.Classcern.colt.list.adapterColt
FloatProcedureInterface that represents a procedure object: a procedure that takes a single argument and does not return a value.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
FormatterFlexible, well human readable matrix print formatting; By default decimal point aligned.Classcern.colt.matrix.doublealgoColt
FormatterFlexible, well human readable matrix print formatting.Classcern.colt.matrix.objectalgoColt
FormerFormats a double into a string (like sprintf in C).Interfacecern.colt.matrix.implColt
FormerFactoryFactory producing implementations of Former via method create(); Implementations of can use existing libraries such as corejava.Classcern.colt.matrix.implColt
GenericPermutingGenerically reorders (permutes) arbitrary shaped data (for example, an array, three arrays, a 2-d matrix, two linked lists) using an in-place swapping algorithm.Classcern.coltColt
GenericSortingGenerically sorts arbitrary shaped data (for example multiple arrays, 1,2 or 3-d matrices, and so on) using a quicksort or mergesort.Classcern.coltColt
HashFunctionsProvides various hash functions.Classcern.colt.mapColt
IntArrayListResizable list holding int elements; implemented with arrays.Classcern.colt.listColt
IntBufferFixed sized (non resizable) streaming buffer connected to a target IntBufferConsumer to which data is automatically flushed upon buffer overflow.Classcern.colt.bufferColt
IntBuffer2DFixed sized (non resizable) streaming buffer connected to a target IntBuffer2DConsumer to which data is automatically flushed upon buffer overflow.Classcern.colt.bufferColt
IntBuffer2DConsumerTarget of a streaming IntBuffer2D into which data is flushed upon buffer overflow.Interfacecern.colt.bufferColt
IntBuffer3DFixed sized (non resizable) streaming buffer connected to a target IntBuffer3DConsumer to which data is automatically flushed upon buffer overflow.Classcern.colt.bufferColt
IntBuffer3DConsumerTarget of a streaming IntBuffer3D into which data is flushed upon buffer overflow.Interfacecern.colt.bufferColt
IntBufferConsumerTarget of a streaming IntBuffer into which data is flushed upon buffer overflow.Interfacecern.colt.bufferColt
IntComparatorA comparison function which imposes a total ordering on some collection of elements.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
IntDoubleFunctionInterface that represents a function object: a function that takes two arguments.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
IntDoubleProcedureInterface that represents a procedure object: a procedure that takes two arguments and does not return a value.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
IntFunctionInterface that represents a function object: a function that takes a single argument and returns a single value.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
IntIntDoubleFunctionInterface that represents a function object: a function that takes three arguments.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
IntIntDoubleProcedureInterface that represents a procedure object: a procedure that takes three arguments and does not return a value.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
IntIntFunctionInterface that represents a function object: a function that takes two arguments and returns a single value.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
IntIntIntProcedureInterface that represents a procedure object: a procedure that takes three arguments and does not return a value.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
IntIntProcedureInterface that represents a procedure object: a procedure that takes two arguments and does not return a value.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
IntListAdapterAdapter that permits an AbstractIntList to be viewed and treated as a JDK 1.Classcern.colt.list.adapterColt
IntObjectProcedureInterface that represents a procedure object: a procedure that takes two arguments and does not return a value.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
IntProcedureInterface that represents a procedure object: a procedure that takes a single argument and does not return a value.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
LUDecompositionFor an m x n matrix A with m >= n, the LU decomposition is an m x nunit lower triangular matrix L, an n x n upper triangular matrix U,Classcern.colt.matrix.linalgColt
LUDecompositionQuickA low level version of LUDecomposition, avoiding unnecessary memory allocation and copying.Classcern.colt.matrix.linalgColt
LongArrayListResizable list holding long elements; implemented with arrays.Classcern.colt.listColt
LongComparatorA comparison function which imposes a total ordering on some collection of elements.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
LongListAdapterAdapter that permits an AbstractLongList to be viewed and treated as a JDK 1.Classcern.colt.list.adapterColt
LongObjectProcedureInterface that represents a procedure object: a procedure that takes two arguments and does not return a value.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
LongProcedureInterface that represents a procedure object: a procedure that takes a single argument and does not return a value.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
Matrix2DMatrix2DFunctionInterface that represents a function object: a function that takes two arguments and returns a single value.Interfacecern.colt.matrix.linalgColt
MinMaxNumberListResizable compressed list holding numbers; based on the fact that a value in a given interval need not take more than log(max-min+1) bits; implemented with a cern.Classcern.colt.listColt
ObjectArrayListResizable list holding Object elements; implemented with arrays.Classcern.colt.listColt
ObjectBufferFixed sized (non resizable) streaming buffer connected to a target ObjectBufferConsumer to which data is automatically flushed upon buffer overflow.Classcern.colt.bufferColt
ObjectBufferConsumerTarget of a streaming ObjectBuffer into which data is flushed upon buffer overflow.Interfacecern.colt.bufferColt
ObjectFactory1DFactory for convenient construction of 1-d matrices holding Object cells.Classcern.colt.matrixColt
ObjectFactory2DFactory for convenient construction of 2-d matrices holding Object cells.Classcern.colt.matrixColt
ObjectFactory3DFactory for convenient construction of 3-d matrices holding Object cells.Classcern.colt.matrixColt
ObjectFunctionInterface that represents a function object: a function that takes a single argument and returns a single value.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
ObjectListAdapterAdapter that permits an ObjectArrayList to be viewed and treated as a JDK 1.Classcern.colt.list.adapterColt
ObjectMatrix1DAbstract base class for 1-d matrices (aka vectors) holding Object elements.Classcern.colt.matrixColt
ObjectMatrix1DComparatorA comparison function which imposes a total ordering on some collection of elements.Interfacecern.colt.matrix.objectalgoColt
ObjectMatrix1DProcedureInterface that represents a condition or procedure object: takes a single argument and returns a boolean value.Interfacecern.colt.matrixColt
ObjectMatrix2DAbstract base class for 2-d matrices holding Object elements.Classcern.colt.matrixColt
ObjectMatrix2DComparatorA comparison function which imposes a total ordering on some collection of elements.Interfacecern.colt.matrix.objectalgoColt
ObjectMatrix2DProcedureInterface that represents a condition or procedure object: takes a single argument and returns a boolean value.Interfacecern.colt.matrixColt
ObjectMatrix3DAbstract base class for 3-d matrices holding Object elements.Classcern.colt.matrixColt
ObjectMatrix3DProcedureInterface that represents a condition or procedure object: takes a single argument and returns a boolean value.Interfacecern.colt.matrixColt
ObjectObjectFunctionInterface that represents a function object: a function that takes two arguments and returns a single value.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
ObjectProcedureInterface that represents a procedure object: a procedure that takes a single argument and does not return a value.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
OpenDoubleIntHashMapHash map holding (key,value) associations of type (double-->int); Automatically grows and shrinks as needed; Implemented using open addressing with double hashing.Classcern.colt.mapColt
OpenIntDoubleHashMapHash map holding (key,value) associations of type (int-->double); Automatically grows and shrinks as needed; Implemented using open addressing with double hashing.Classcern.colt.mapColt
OpenIntIntHashMapHash map holding (key,value) associations of type (int-->int); Automatically grows and shrinks as needed; Implemented using open addressing with double hashing.Classcern.colt.mapColt
OpenIntObjectHashMapHash map holding (key,value) associations of type (int-->Object); Automatically grows and shrinks as needed; Implemented using open addressing with double hashing.Classcern.colt.mapColt
OpenLongObjectHashMapHash map holding (key,value) associations of type (long-->Object); Automatically grows and shrinks as needed; Implemented using open addressing with double hashing.Classcern.colt.mapColt
PartitioningGiven some interval boundaries, partitions arrays such that all elements falling into an interval are placed next to each other.Classcern.coltColt
PartitioningGiven some interval boundaries, partitions matrices such that cell values falling into an interval are placed next to each other.Classcern.colt.matrix.doublealgoColt
PartitioningGiven some interval boundaries, partitions matrices such that cell values falling into an interval are placed next to each other.Classcern.colt.matrix.objectalgoColt
PersistentObjectThis empty class is the common root for all persistent capable classes.Classcern.coltColt
PrimeFinderNot of interest for users; only for implementors of hashtables.Classcern.colt.mapColt
PropertyTests matrices for linear algebraic properties (equality, tridiagonality, symmetry, singularity, etc).Classcern.colt.matrix.linalgColt
QRDecompositionFor an m x n matrix A with m >= n, the QR decomposition is an m x northogonal matrix Q and an n x n upper triangular matrix R so thatClasscern.colt.matrix.linalgColt
QuickBitVector Includes some operations that interpret sub-bitstrings as long integers.Classcern.colt.bitvectorColt
RCDoubleMatrix2DSparse row-compressed 2-d matrix holding double elements.Classcern.colt.matrix.implColt
ShortArrayListResizable list holding short elements; implemented with arrays.Classcern.colt.listColt
ShortComparatorA comparison function which imposes a total ordering on some collection of elements.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
ShortProcedureInterface that represents a procedure object: a procedure that takes a single argument and does not return a value.Interfacecern.colt.functionColt
SimpleLongArrayListResizable list holding long elements; implemented with arrays; not efficient; just to demonstrate which methods you must override to implement a fully functional list.Classcern.colt.listColt
SingularValueDecompositionFor an m x n matrix A with m >= n, the singular value decomposition isan m x n orthogonal matrix U, an n x n diagonal matrix S, andClasscern.colt.matrix.linalgColt
SortingQuicksorts, mergesorts and binary searches; complements java.Classcern.coltColt
SortingMatrix quicksorts and mergesorts.Classcern.colt.matrix.doublealgoColt
SortingMatrix quicksorts and mergesorts.Classcern.colt.matrix.objectalgoColt
SparseDoubleMatrix1DSparse hashed 1-d matrix (aka vector) holding double elements.Classcern.colt.matrix.implColt
SparseDoubleMatrix2DSparse hashed 2-d matrix holding double elements.Classcern.colt.matrix.implColt
SparseDoubleMatrix3DSparse hashed 3-d matrix holding double elements.Classcern.colt.matrix.implColt
SparseObjectMatrix1DSparse hashed 1-d matrix (aka vector) holding Object elements.Classcern.colt.matrix.implColt
SparseObjectMatrix2DSparse hashed 2-d matrix holding Object elements.Classcern.colt.matrix.implColt
SparseObjectMatrix3DSparse hashed 3-d matrix holding Object elements.Classcern.colt.matrix.implColt
StatisticBasic statistics operations on matrices.Classcern.colt.matrix.doublealgoColt
Statistic .VectorVectorFunction two argument vectors and returns a single value.Interfacecern.colt.matrix.doublealgoColt
StencilStencil operations.Classcern.colt.matrix.doublealgoColt
SwapperInterface for an object that knows how to swap elements at two positions (a,b).Interfacecern.coltColt
TimerA handy stopwatch for benchmarking.Classcern.coltColt
TransformDeprecated; Basic element-by-element transformations on DoubleMatrix1D and DoubleMatrix2D.Classcern.colt.matrix.doublealgoColt
VersionInformation about the current release.Classcern.coltColt