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#Com.jidesoft.chart.axis Classes and Interfaces - 21 results found.
AbstractTimeTickCalculatorAn abstract super class that makes it easier to create a custom time tick calculator.Classcom.jidesoft.chart.axisJideSoft
AxisRepresents an axis in the chart display.Classcom.jidesoft.chart.axisJideSoft
AxisComponentA visual axis component that can used independently from, but in conjunction with, a Chart.Classcom.jidesoft.chart.axisJideSoft
AxisPlacementEAxisPlacement is used to specify where to put an axis on a chart.Classcom.jidesoft.chart.axisJideSoft
AxisQuantityThis enum enables us to distinguish among numeric, time and category ranges without using details of Java classes (such as NumericAxis or TimeRange)Classcom.jidesoft.chart.axisJideSoft
AxisTypeOccasionally useful for specifying which of the axis you want to apply some processing to.Classcom.jidesoft.chart.axisJideSoft
CategoryAxisAn axis used specifically for displaying categorical values.Classcom.jidesoft.chart.axisJideSoft
DefaultCategoryTickCalculatorA default implementation of a tick calculator for category-based values.Classcom.jidesoft.chart.axisJideSoft
DefaultNumericTickCalculatorA default implementation of a tick calculator for numeric values.Classcom.jidesoft.chart.axisJideSoft
DefaultTimeTickCalculatorA default implementation of a tick calculator for time-based axes.Classcom.jidesoft.chart.axisJideSoft
IntegerAxisA NumericAxis that, by default, generates ticks for Integer values only.Classcom.jidesoft.chart.axisJideSoft
IntegerTickCalculatorA tick calculator that generates ticks only at integer values along the axis range.Classcom.jidesoft.chart.axisJideSoft
NumericAxisAn axis class specialised for numeric values.Classcom.jidesoft.chart.axisJideSoft
NumericTickCalculatorAn interface implemented by objects that calculate tick positions on numeric axes.Interfacecom.jidesoft.chart.axisJideSoft
SimpleNumericTickCalculatorThis class makes it easy to create custom ticks on a numeric axis by specifying an initial value for the location of a major tick and then specifying increments for major and (optionally) minor ticks.Classcom.jidesoft.chart.axisJideSoft
SimpleTimeTickCalculatorSimpleTimeTickCalculator provides an easy way of generating ticks on a time axis by specifying the Calendar.Classcom.jidesoft.chart.axisJideSoft
TickTicks are generated at regular intervals along an axis and displayed as little dashed lines on the axis to give an indication of the gradation.Classcom.jidesoft.chart.axisJideSoft
TickCalculatorThis interface is implemented by all objects that calculate tick positions for axes, whether for numeric, category or time-based axes.Interfacecom.jidesoft.chart.axisJideSoft
TimeAxisAn axis class specialised for time-based values.Classcom.jidesoft.chart.axisJideSoft
TimeTickCalculatorAn interface implemented by classes that calculate tick positions on time-based axes.Interfacecom.jidesoft.chart.axisJideSoft