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AreasThis class provides methods for computing the area under a curve (but assumes the points of the curves are joined by straight line segments)Classcom.jidesoft.chart.fitJideSoft
CurveFitterAn interface used by different implementations that derive a ChartModel from a set of points.Interfacecom.jidesoft.chart.fitJideSoft
FunctionMapThe idea is to provide a class that, given a chart model and an x or y value, can read off the corresponding value from the other axis.Classcom.jidesoft.chart.fitJideSoft
LineFitterUses Ordinary Least Squares regression to fit a line to a data setSee Also:Wikipedia on Simple Linear RegressionClasscom.jidesoft.chart.fitJideSoft
PolynomialThis class represents a polynomial of any number of terms (provided the powers of x are all positive integers).Classcom.jidesoft.chart.fitJideSoft
PolynomialFitterA class for fitting a polynomial to a set of data provided as a ChartModel.Classcom.jidesoft.chart.fitJideSoft