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#Com.jidesoft.gauge Classes and Interfaces - 51 results found.
AbstractGaugeAn abstract superclass for gauge components.Classcom.jidesoft.gaugeJideSoft
BarIndicatorRendererA renderer to be used with the Bullet class and which renders its value as a horizontal or vertical bar whose length indicates the value.Classcom.jidesoft.gaugeJideSoft
BulletA Bullet Chart classSee Also:Serialized FormClasscom.jidesoft.gaugeJideSoft
BulletAxisPlacementenum BulletAxisPlacementA class that enables you to specify where a bullet axis should be placedClasscom.jidesoft.gaugeJideSoft
BulletBarRendererA renderer that displays each bar of a bar chart as a BulletSee Also:Serialized FormClasscom.jidesoft.gaugeJideSoft
BulletIntervalMarkerA marker class for a coloured region along a Bullet.Classcom.jidesoft.gaugeJideSoft
BulletLabelA resizable label that aligns itself with a BulletSee Also:Serialized FormClasscom.jidesoft.gaugeJideSoft
BulletPointMarkerA marker class for a specific value along a Bullet.Classcom.jidesoft.gaugeJideSoft
ClockAn extension of the Dial class that displays an analogue clock dial of the system time.Classcom.jidesoft.gaugeJideSoft
DefaultGaugeModelA default implementation of the GaugeModel interface.Classcom.jidesoft.gaugeJideSoft
DefaultNeedleRendererThe usual renderer for a needle.Classcom.jidesoft.gaugeJideSoft
DialThe main class for displaying circular gauges - or gauges that form part of a circle.Classcom.jidesoft.gaugeJideSoft
DialAxisThe axis from which values are read on a Dial.Classcom.jidesoft.gaugeJideSoft
DialConicalPaintA Paint for a Dial that allows you to specify which color(s) should appear at which angles, using the pivot point of the dial as the centre of the radius when computing the angles.Classcom.jidesoft.gaugeJideSoft
DialFrameA kind of border for a Dial, except that a frame can have a Paint as a fill and can itself be surrounded by a line border.Classcom.jidesoft.gaugeJideSoft
DialIndicatorAn indicator lamp with either an 'on' (or active) state or an 'off' (inactive) state.Classcom.jidesoft.gaugeJideSoft
DialLabelA Drawable class that can be used to add text to a Dial.Classcom.jidesoft.gaugeJideSoft
DialLabelOrientationenum DialLabelOrientationThe directions are named according to the direction in which you read the textClasscom.jidesoft.gaugeJideSoft
DialLinearPaintA linear gradient paint for a Dial in which the start and end coordinates are expressed in terms of the radius of the dial.Classcom.jidesoft.gaugeJideSoft
DialRadialPaintA Paint class where you can easily configure a radial paint that emanates from the pivot point of a dial.Classcom.jidesoft.gaugeJideSoft
DialTickStyleCopyright (c) Catalysoft Ltd, 2005-2012 All Rights Reserved Created: 07/04/2012 at 18:14Classcom.jidesoft.gaugeJideSoft
DialValueMarkerA class to use as a marker for a value on a dial.Classcom.jidesoft.gaugeJideSoft
GaugeTickStyleA class for specifying the appearance of a tick displayed on a Dial This class will be removed some time after JIDE release 3.Classcom.jidesoft.gaugeJideSoft
LineIndicatorRendererA marker class for a specific value along a Bullet.Classcom.jidesoft.gaugeJideSoft
LineLabelPlacementenum LineLabelPlacementCopyright (c) Catalysoft Ltd, 2005-2012 All Rights ReservedClasscom.jidesoft.gaugeJideSoft
MarkerShapeThis class acts both as a value to indicate a type of shape as well as a factory class to generate a Shape instance given some size and position parameters.Classcom.jidesoft.gaugeJideSoft
NeedleDescriptorA class that contains the name and shape of a needle.Classcom.jidesoft.gaugeJideSoft
NeedleEndShapeThe possible values for the end of a needle when rendered by a DefaultNeedleRenderer.Classcom.jidesoft.gaugeJideSoft
NeedleFillFactoryAn interface for a factory class that takes all needle parameters as input and generates a Paint to be used for filling the needle.Interfacecom.jidesoft.gaugeJideSoft
PivotA pivot is similar to a DialIntervalMarker, except that it uses a fromAngle and toAngle (specified in degrees) where a DialIntervalMarker is configured by values on the primary axis.Classcom.jidesoft.gaugeJideSoft
PointerIndicatorPlacementenum PointerIndicatorPlacementEnum Constant SummaryClasscom.jidesoft.gaugeJideSoft
PointerLabelPlacementenum PointerLabelPlacementCopyright (c) Catalysoft Ltd, 2005-2012 All Rights ReservedClasscom.jidesoft.gaugeJideSoft