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#Com.jogamp.opengl.math Classes and Interfaces - 18 results found.
AABBoxAxis Aligned Bounding Box.Classcom.jogamp.opengl.math.geomJogAmp
Binary16 Functions to convert values to/from the binary16 format specified in IEEE 754 2008.Classcom.jogamp.opengl.mathJogAmp
Binary32Functions for interrogating binary32 (float) values.Classcom.jogamp.opengl.mathJogAmp
Binary64Functions for interrogating binary64 (double) values.Classcom.jogamp.opengl.mathJogAmp
FloatUtilBasic Float math utility functions.Classcom.jogamp.opengl.mathJogAmp
FovHVHalvesHorizontal and vertical field of view (FOV) halves, allowing a non-centered projection.Classcom.jogamp.opengl.mathJogAmp
FrustumProviding frustum planes derived by different inputs (P*MV, .Classcom.jogamp.opengl.math.geomJogAmp
Frustum .FovDescFrustum description by fovhv and zNear, zFar.Classcom.jogamp.opengl.math.geom.FrustumJogAmp
Frustum .LocationClasscom.jogamp.opengl.math.geom.FrustumJogAmp
Frustum .PlanePlane equation := dot(n, x - p) = 0 -> ax + bc + cx + d == 0 In order to work w/ isOutside(.Classcom.jogamp.opengl.math.geom.FrustumJogAmp
Matrix4Simple float array-backed float 4x4 matrix exposing FloatUtil matrix functionality in an object oriented manner.Classcom.jogamp.opengl.mathJogAmp
QuaternionQuaternion implementation supporting Gimbal-Lock free rotations.Classcom.jogamp.opengl.mathJogAmp
RaySimple compound denoting a ray.Classcom.jogamp.opengl.mathJogAmp
VectorUtil .WindingClasscom.jogamp.opengl.math.VectorUtilJogAmp