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#Dip.gui Classes and Interfaces - 121 results found.
AboutDialog A cached copy is kept since this dialog takes about 600+ ms to construct.Classdip.guiJDIP
BCSpinnerCreates a Year spinner that (if enabled) correctly handles BC years ('negative' years), and uses YearType objects toClassdip.gui.dialogJDIP
ColorRectIconCreates an Icon that is a solid color within a 1-pixel black rectangular border.Classdip.guiJDIP
ControlBarAll ControlBars must extend this Control bar.Classdip.guiJDIP
DMR2RenderCommandFactory .RCRenderAllRender (Refresh) the entire mapFields inherited from class dip.Classdip.guiJDIP
DMR2RenderCommandFactory .RCRenderProvinceRender a particular ProvinceFields inherited from class dip.Classdip.guiJDIP
DMR2RenderCommandFactory .RCSetDisplayDislodgedUnitsFields inherited from class dip.Classdip.guiJDIP
DMR2RenderCommandFactory .RCSetDisplaySCFields inherited from class dip.Classdip.guiJDIP
DMR2RenderCommandFactory .RCSetDisplayUnitsFields inherited from class dip.Classdip.guiJDIP
DMR2RenderCommandFactory .RCSetDisplayUnorderedFields inherited from class dip.Classdip.guiJDIP
DMR2RenderCommandFactory .RCSetInfluenceModeFields inherited from class dip.Classdip.guiJDIP
DMR2RenderCommandFactory .RCSetLabelChange how labels are displayedFields inherited from class dip.Classdip.guiJDIP
DMR2RenderCommandFactory .RCSetPowerOrdersDisplayedFields inherited from class dip.Classdip.guiJDIP
DMR2RenderCommandFactory .RCSetTurnstateRender the entire mapFields inherited from class dip.Classdip.guiJDIP
DMR2RenderCommandFactory .RCShowMapFields inherited from class dip.Classdip.guiJDIP
DOMUIEventHandlerHandles MapPanel DOM UI Events, such as KeyEvents and MouseEvents.Interfacedip.guiJDIP
DOMUIEventListenerHandles DOM UI Events, and dispatches the events (after some decoding) to the DOMUIEventHandler that is set.Classdip.guiJDIP
DefaultMapRenderer2Default Rendering logic.Classdip.guiJDIP
DisplayPreferencePanel Static methods are included to access (in a controlled manner) preference-controlledSee Also:Serialized FormClassdip.gui.dialogJDIP
EditControlBarCreates a ControlBar that allows units to be placed or removed, Supply Centers to See Also:Serialized FormClassdip.guiJDIP
EmptyControlBarDoes nothing, except take up space.Classdip.guiJDIP
ErrorDialogVarious error dialogs, which use HTML templates to display errors.Classdip.guiJDIP
ExportPreferencePanel Static methods are included to access (in a controlled manner) preference-controlledSee Also:Serialized FormClassdip.gui.dialogJDIP
GUIBuildGUIOrder implementation of Build order.Classdip.guiJDIP
GUIBuild .BuildParameterTypesafe Enumerated Parameter class for setting required Build parameters.Classdip.guiJDIP
GUIConvoyGUIOrder subclass of Convoy order.Classdip.guiJDIP
GUIDefineStateGUIOrder subclass of DefineState order.Classdip.guiJDIP
GUIDisbandGUIOrder implementation of Disband order.Classdip.guiJDIP
GUIHoldGUIOrder subclass of Hold order.Classdip.guiJDIP
GUIMoveGUIOrder subclass of Move order.Classdip.guiJDIP
GUIMove .MoveParameterTypesafe Enumerated Parameter class for setting optional Move parameters.Classdip.guiJDIP
GUIMoveExplicitGUIOrder subclass of Move order.Classdip.guiJDIP
GUIMoveExplicit .MoveParameterTypesafe Enumerated Parameter class for setting optional Move parameters.Classdip.guiJDIP
GUIOrderGUI extension of Orderable that is used for GUI input/handling and GUI order rendering.Interfacedip.guiJDIP
GUIOrder .MapInfoAllows GUIOrder objects to ascertain information about other GUIOrders and obtain Map metadata information.Classdip.guiJDIP
GUIOrder .ParameterTypesafe Enum base class for Order object parameters.Classdip.guiJDIP
GUIOrder .StateInfoStateInfo is the object which is passed to GUIOrder subclasses that contains various information about the current game state.Classdip.guiJDIP
GUIOrderFactoryCreates GUIOrders.Classdip.guiJDIP
GUIRemoveGUIOrder implementation of Remove order.Classdip.guiJDIP
GUIRetreatGUIOrder subclass of Retreat order.Classdip.guiJDIP
GUISupportGUIOrder subclass of Support order.Classdip.guiJDIP
GUIWaiveGUIOrder implementation of the Waive order.Classdip.guiJDIP
GeneralPreferencePanelGeneral preferences.Classdip.gui.dialogJDIP
GradientJLabelA gradient-shaded background JLabel.Classdip.guiJDIP
HeaderDialogA Dialog with an HTML message header at the top, which may be of fixed height (or adjust to fit).Classdip.guiJDIP
HeaderDialog .GradientXJEditorPaneA gradient-shaded background XJEditorPane with a stylishSee Also:Serialized FormClassdip.guiJDIP
MapExceptionSee Also:Serialized FormConstructor SummaryMapException()Classdip.guiJDIP
MapMetadataExtracts map information, and SVG Elements, from the SVG file.Classdip.guiJDIP
MapMetadata .InfoEntryStores coordinate information for Symbol placement within a province.Classdip.guiJDIP
MapMetadata .SymbolSizeTextual width/height of a symbol, as valid SVG dimensions.Classdip.guiJDIP
MapPanelThe Main Map display component.Classdip.guiJDIP
MapPanelSVGActionActions for SVG, including: Takes care of error handling--errors go to a popup dialog.Classdip.guiJDIP
MapPanelSVGAction .ExportConstructor SummaryMapPanelSVGAction.Classdip.guiJDIP
MapPanelSVGAction .ExportJPGConstructor SummaryMapPanelSVGAction.Classdip.guiJDIP
MapPanelSVGAction .ExportPDFConstructor SummaryMapPanelSVGAction.Classdip.guiJDIP
MapPanelSVGAction .ExportPNGConstructor SummaryMapPanelSVGAction.Classdip.guiJDIP
MapPanelSVGAction .ExportSVGConstructor SummaryMapPanelSVGAction.Classdip.guiJDIP
MapPanelSVGAction .PrintConstructor SummaryMapPanelSVGAction.Classdip.guiJDIP
MapPickerThis redisplays the Map and Symbols tab from the New Game Dialog, allowing the user to change Map and Symbol parameters for a gameClassdip.guiJDIP
MapRenderer2Base class for the new MapRenderer.Classdip.guiJDIP
MetadataDialogMetadata Editing/Viewing dialog Although the PlayerMetadata object supports multiple email addresses per player, theClassdip.guiJDIP
MultiOrderEntryModal dialog for entering multiple orders Returns exceptions as a group, HTML-formatted.Classdip.guiJDIP
NGDMapAndUnitsAllows for the selection of the Variant Map and Units,See Also:Serialized FormClassdip.gui.dialogJDIP
NGDRuleOptionsDefines the game starting options for the New Game dialog.Classdip.gui.dialogJDIP
NGDStartOptionsDefines the game starting options for the New Game dialog.Classdip.gui.dialogJDIP
NGDVariantSelectPanel for New Game Dialog that allows selection of a map / variant / map graphic.Classdip.gui.dialogJDIP
NewGameDialogThe New game dialog, for starting new games.Classdip.gui.dialogJDIP
PreferenceDialogCreates a Preferences Dialog.Classdip.gui.dialogJDIP
PreferencePanelThis defines a Panel (tabbed Panel) in the PreferenceDialog.Classdip.gui.dialogJDIP
RenderCommandFactory .BooleanRenderCommandAll Render updates occur via RenderCommands.Classdip.guiJDIP
RenderCommandFactory .RCRenderAllRender the entire mapFields inherited from class dip.Classdip.guiJDIP
RenderCommandFactory .RCRenderProvinceClassdip.guiJDIP
RenderCommandFactory .RCSetDisplayDislodgedUnitsSets if Dislodged Units are displayed or not.Classdip.guiJDIP
RenderCommandFactory .RCSetDisplaySCSets whether Supply Centers are displayed or not.Classdip.guiJDIP
RenderCommandFactory .RCSetDisplayUnitsSets if Units are displayed or not.Classdip.guiJDIP
RenderCommandFactory .RCSetDisplayUnorderedSets if we highlight units without orders.Classdip.guiJDIP
RenderCommandFactory .RCSetInfluenceModeSets if we are in Influence mode or not.Classdip.guiJDIP
RenderCommandFactory .RCSetLabelClassdip.guiJDIP
RenderCommandFactory .RCSetPowerOrdersDisplayedSets which Powers have their orders displayed.Classdip.guiJDIP
RenderCommandFactory .RCSetTurnstateClassdip.guiJDIP
RenderCommandFactory .RCShowMapShow/hide the map (as opposed to background)Fields inherited from class dip.Classdip.guiJDIP
RenderCommandFactory .RenderCommandAll Render updates occur via RenderCommands.Classdip.guiJDIP
ResultWriterWrites a summary of adjudication results in HTML format.Classdip.guiJDIP
SCHistoryWriterWrites the Supply Center (SC) History as HTML.Classdip.guiJDIP
SVGColorParserParses SVG colors, and returns a java.Classdip.guiJDIP
SVGUtilsAssorted utilities for altering the Batik SVG DOM.Classdip.guiJDIP
SelectPhaseDialogShows a list of Phases, for a given world, so that the user may select a Phase.Classdip.guiJDIP
StateWriterWrites the current game state as HTML.Classdip.guiJDIP
StatusBarUtilsConvenience methods for displaying information on the StatusBar.Classdip.guiJDIP
SymbolInjectorAdds Symbols from a SymbolPack into a Variant map.Classdip.guiJDIP
TextViewerDisplay and (optionally) edit Text inside a HeaderDialog.Classdip.guiJDIP
TextViewer .AcceptListenerAcceptListener: This class is called when the Accept button in clicked.Interfacedip.guiJDIP
TextViewer .TVRunnableLazy Loading worker thread; must be subclassedConstructor SummaryTextViewer.Classdip.guiJDIP
UndoAddMultipleOrdersUndoAddMultipleOrders is created any time multiple orders are added.Classdip.guiJDIP
UndoAddOrderUndoAddOrder is created any time an order is entered.Classdip.guiJDIP
UndoClearAll Just a fancy name for a compound edit.Classdip.guiJDIP
UndoClearSelected Just a fancy name for a compound edit.Classdip.guiJDIP
UndoDeleteMultipleOrdersUndoDeleteMultipleOrders is created any time multiple orders are deleted.Classdip.guiJDIP
UndoDeleteOrderUndoDeleteOrder is created any time an order is deleted.Classdip.guiJDIP
UndoEditAddUnitUndoEditAddUnit is created any time a unit is added in Edit mode.Classdip.guiJDIP
UndoEditRemoveUnitUndoEditAddUnit is created any time a unit is added in Edit mode.Classdip.guiJDIP
UndoEditSCOwnerUndoEditSCOwner is created any time a supply center changes ownership.Classdip.guiJDIP
UndoRedoManagerManages Undo/Redo events, and associated Edit menu items involving This is not a singleton.Classdip.guiJDIP
UndoResolveUndoResolve is created when orders are resolved (adjudicated).Classdip.guiJDIP
ValidationOptionsDialogAllows setting of validation options (from any legal validation options object)Classdip.guiJDIP
VariantInfoWriterWrites information about the current Variant as HTML, and, also displays the current rule settings (RuleOptions).Classdip.guiJDIP
ViewControlBar This is the control bar that implements basic zooming and revert capability.Classdip.guiJDIP
XAbstractUndoableEditXAbstractUndoableEdit is the base class for all jDip undoable edits.Classdip.guiJDIP
XDialog Automatically disposes dialog if close-button pressed, although this behavior can be changed by over-riding close()Classdip.guiJDIP
XJEditorPane Implements antialiased text.Classdip.guiJDIP
XJPanel Implements antialiased text.Classdip.guiJDIP
XJSVGCanvasProvides for enhanced functionality over a standard JSVGCanvas.Classdip.guiJDIP
XJSVGScrollerModified Batik JSVGScrollPane classSee Also:Serialized FormClassdip.guiJDIP
XJScrollPane Modified to always show scrollbars (both) on Mac OS X.Classdip.guiJDIP
XJTextField Converts unicode arrows (?) to -> arrows, if the component font is not Unicode-aware.Classdip.guiJDIP
XJTextPane Implements antialiased text.Classdip.guiJDIP