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#Freemarker.template.Template Classes and Interfaces - 26 results found.
TemplateStores an already parsed template, ready to be processed (rendered) for unlimited times, possibly from Typically, you will use Configuration.Classfreemarker.templateFreeMarker Template
Template .WrongEncodingExceptionThrown by the Template constructors that specify a non-null encoding whoch doesn't match the encoding specified in the #ftl header of the template.Classfreemarker.template.TemplateFreeMarker Template
TemplateBooleanModelboolean template language data type; same as in Java; either true or false.Interfacefreemarker.templateFreeMarker Template
TemplateCollectionModelcollection template language data type: a collection of values that can be enumerated, but can't be or not meant to be accessed by index or key.Interfacefreemarker.templateFreeMarker Template
TemplateCollectionModelExExperimental - subject to change: "extended collection" template language data type: Adds size/emptiness querybility and "contains" test to TemplateCollectionModel.Interfacefreemarker.templateFreeMarker Template
TemplateDateModel"date", "time" and "date-time" template language data types: corresponds to Date.Interfacefreemarker.templateFreeMarker Template
TemplateDirectiveBodyRepresents the nested content of a directive (TemplateDirectiveModel) invocation.Interfacefreemarker.templateFreeMarker Template
TemplateDirectiveModel"directive" template language data type: used as user-defined directives (much like macros) in templates.Interfacefreemarker.templateFreeMarker Template
TemplateExceptionRuntime exception in a template (as opposed to a parsing-time exception: ParseException).Classfreemarker.templateFreeMarker Template
TemplateExceptionHandlerUsed for the template_exception_handler configuration setting; see Configurable.Interfacefreemarker.templateFreeMarker Template
TemplateHashModel"hash" template language data type: an object that contains other objects accessible through string keys (sub-variable names).Interfacefreemarker.templateFreeMarker Template
TemplateHashModelEx"extended hash" template language data type; extends TemplateHashModel by allowing iterating through its keys and values.Interfacefreemarker.templateFreeMarker Template
TemplateMethodModel"method" template language data type: Objects that act like functions.Interfacefreemarker.templateFreeMarker Template
TemplateMethodModelEx"extended method" template language data type: Objects that act like functions.Interfacefreemarker.templateFreeMarker Template
TemplateModelThe common super-interface of the interfaces that stand for the FreeMarker Template Language (FTL) data types.Interfacefreemarker.templateFreeMarker Template
TemplateModelAdapter some other object model.Interfacefreemarker.templateFreeMarker Template
TemplateModelExceptionTemplateModel methods throw this exception if the requested data can't be retrieved.Classfreemarker.templateFreeMarker Template
TemplateModelIteratorUsed to iterate over a set of template models once; usually returned from TemplateCollectionModel.Interfacefreemarker.templateFreeMarker Template
TemplateModelListSequenceA sequence that wraps a List of TemplateModel-s.Classfreemarker.templateFreeMarker Template
TemplateModelWithAPISupportExperimental - subject to change: A TemplateModel on which the ?api operation can be applied.Interfacefreemarker.templateFreeMarker Template
TemplateNodeModel"node" template language data type: an object that is a node in a tree.Interfacefreemarker.templateFreeMarker Template
TemplateNotFoundExceptionThrown when Configuration.Classfreemarker.templateFreeMarker Template
TemplateNumberModel"number" template language data type; an object that stores a number.Interfacefreemarker.templateFreeMarker Template
TemplateScalarModel"string" template language data-type; like in Java, an unmodifiable UNICODE character sequence.Interfacefreemarker.templateFreeMarker Template
TemplateSequenceModel"sequence" template language data type; an object that contains other objects accessible through an integer 0-based Used in templates like: mySeq[index], <#list mySeq as i>.Interfacefreemarker.templateFreeMarker Template
TemplateTransformModel"transform" template language data type: user-defined directives (much like macros) specialized on filtering output; you should rather use the newer TemplateDirectiveModelInterfacefreemarker.templateFreeMarker Template