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#Ij.gui Classes and Interfaces - 44 results found.
ShapeRoiHelperWrapper to extract the java.Classij.guiFiji
ArrowThis is an Roi subclass for creating and displaying arrows.Classij.guiImageJ
ColorChooserDisplays a dialog that allows the user to select a color using three sliders.Classij.guiImageJ
DialogListenerPlugIns or PlugInFilters that want to listen to changes in a GenericDialog without adding listeners for each dialog field should implementthis method.Interfaceij.guiImageJ
EllipseRoiElliptical region of interest.Classij.guiImageJ
FreehandRoiFreehand region of interest or freehand line of interestSee Also:Serialized FormClassij.guiImageJ
GenericDialogThis class is a customizable modal dialog box.Classij.guiImageJ
GUIThis class consists of static GUI utility methods.Classij.guiImageJ
HistogramWindowThis class is an extended ImageWindow that displays histograms.Classij.guiImageJ
HTMLDialogThis is modal or non-modal dialog box that displays HTML formated text.Classij.guiImageJ
ImageCanvasThis is a Canvas used to display images in a Window.Classij.guiImageJ
ImageLayoutThis is a custom layout manager that supports resizing of zoomedimages.Classij.guiImageJ
ImagePanelThis class is used by GenericDialog to add images to dialogs.Classij.guiImageJ
ImageRoiAn ImageRoi is an Roi that overlays an image.Classij.guiImageJ
ImageWindowA frame for displaying images.Classij.guiImageJ
LineThis class represents a straight line selection.Classij.guiImageJ
MessageDialogA modal dialog box that displays information.Classij.guiImageJ
MultiLineLabelCustom component for displaying multiple lines.Classij.guiImageJ
NewImageNew image dialog box plus several static utility methods for creating images.Classij.guiImageJ
NonBlockingGenericDialogThis is an extension of GenericDialog that is non-model.Classij.guiImageJ
OvalRoiOval region of interestSee Also:Serialized FormClassij.guiImageJ
OverlayAn Overlay is a list of ROIs that can be drawn non-destructively on an Image.Classij.guiImageJ
PlotThis class creates an image that line graphs, scatter plots and plots of vector fields (arrows) can be drawn on and displayed.Classij.guiImageJ
PlotCanvasThis subclass of ImageCanvas has special provisions for plots: - Zooming: sets the plot rangeClassij.guiImageJ
PlotMakerPlugins that generate "Live" profile plots (Profiler and ZAxisProfiler) displayed in PlotWindows implement this interface.Interfaceij.guiImageJ
PlotWindowThis class implements the Analyze/Plot Profile command.Classij.guiImageJ
PointRoiThis class represents a collection of points.Classij.guiImageJ
PolygonRoiThis class represents a polygon region of interest or polyline of interest.Classij.guiImageJ
ProfilePlotCreates a density profile plot of a rectangular selection or line selection.Classij.guiImageJ
ProgressBarThis is the progress bar that is displayed in the lower right hand corner of the ImageJ window.Classij.guiImageJ
RoiA rectangular region of interest and superclass for the other ROI classes.Classij.guiImageJ
RoiListenerPlugins that implement this interface are notified when an ROI is created, modified or deleted.Interfaceij.guiImageJ
RoiPropertiesDisplays a dialog that allows the user to specify ROI properties such as color and line width.Classij.guiImageJ
SaveChangesDialogA modal dialog box with a one line message and "Don't Save", "Cancel" and "Save" buttons.Classij.guiImageJ
ScrollbarWithLabelThis class, based on Joachim Walter's Image5D package, adds "c", "z" labels and play-pause icons (T) to the stack and hyperstacks dimension sliders.Classij.guiImageJ
ShapeRoiA subclass of ij.Classij.guiImageJ
StackWindowThis class is an extended ImageWindow that displays stacks and hyperstacks.Classij.guiImageJ
TextRoiThis class is a rectangular ROI containing text.Classij.guiImageJ
TrimmedButtonThis is an extended Button class used to reduce the width of the HUGE buttons on Mac OS X.Classij.guiImageJ
WaitForUserDialogThis is a non-modal dialog box used to ask the user to perform some task while a macro or plugin is running.Classij.guiImageJ
WandThis class implements ImageJ's wand (tracing) tool.Classij.guiImageJ
YesNoCancelDialogA modal dialog box with a one line message and "Yes", "No" and "Cancel" buttons.Classij.guiImageJ