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#Java.sql Classes and Interfaces - 55 results found.
ArrayThe mapping in the Java programming language for the SQL type By default, an Array value is a transaction-durationInterfacejava.sqlJava SE
BatchUpdateExceptionThe subclass of SQLException thrown when an error occurs during a batch update operation.Classjava.sqlJava SE
BlobInterfacejava.sqlJava SE
ClientInfoStatusenum ClientInfoStatusEnumeration for status of the reason that a property could not be setClassjava.sqlJava SE
CallableStatementThe interface used to execute SQL stored procedures.Interfacejava.sqlJava SE
ClobInterfacejava.sqlJava SE
ConnectionA connection (session) with a specific database.Interfacejava.sqlJava SE
ConnectionBuilderA builder created from a DataSource object, used to establish a connection to the database that theInterfacejava.sqlJava SE
DataTruncationAn exception thrown as a DataTruncation exception (on writes) or reported as aClassjava.sqlJava SE
DateA thin wrapper around a millisecond value that allows JDBC to identify this as an SQL DATE value.Classjava.sqlJava SE
DriverManagerThe basic service for managing a set of JDBC drivers.Classjava.sqlJava SE
DriverPropertyInfoDriver properties for making a connection.Classjava.sqlJava SE
DatabaseMetaDataComprehensive information about the database as a whole.Interfacejava.sqlJava SE
DriverThe interface that every driver class must implement.Interfacejava.sqlJava SE
DriverActionAn interface that must be implemented when a Driver wants to be notified by DriverManager.Interfacejava.sqlJava SE
JDBCTypeDefines the constants that are used to identify generic SQL types, called JDBC types.Classjava.sqlJava SE
NClobInterfacejava.sqlJava SE
PseudoColumnUsageenum PseudoColumnUsageEnumeration for pseudo/hidden column usage.Classjava.sqlJava SE
ParameterMetaDataAn object that can be used to get information about the types and properties for each parameter marker in aInterfacejava.sqlJava SE
PreparedStatementAn object that represents a precompiled SQL statement.Interfacejava.sqlJava SE
RowIdLifetimeEnumeration for RowId life-time values.Classjava.sqlJava SE
RefThe mapping in the Java programming language of an SQL REF value, which is a reference to an SQL structured type value in the database.Interfacejava.sqlJava SE
ResultSetA table of data representing a database result set, which is usually generated by executing a statement that queries the database.Interfacejava.sqlJava SE
ResultSetMetaDataAn object that can be used to get information about the types and properties of the columns in a ResultSet object.Interfacejava.sqlJava SE
RowIdThe representation (mapping) in the Java programming language of an SQL ROWID value.Interfacejava.sqlJava SE
SQLClientInfoExceptionThe subclass of SQLException is thrown when one or more client info properties could not be set on a Connection.Classjava.sqlJava SE
SQLDataExceptionThe subclass of SQLException thrown when the SQLState class value is '22', or under vendor-specified conditions.Classjava.sqlJava SE
SQLExceptionAn exception that provides information on a database access error or other errors.Classjava.sqlJava SE
SQLFeatureNotSupportedExceptionThe subclass of SQLException thrown when the SQLState class value is '0A' ( the value is 'zero' A).Classjava.sqlJava SE
SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationExceptionThe subclass of SQLException thrown when the SQLState class value is '23', or under vendor-specified conditions.Classjava.sqlJava SE
SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecExceptionThe subclass of SQLException thrown when the SQLState class value is '28', or under vendor-specified conditions.Classjava.sqlJava SE
SQLNonTransientConnectionExceptionThe subclass of SQLException thrown for the SQLState class value '08', or under vendor-specified conditions.Classjava.sqlJava SE
SQLNonTransientExceptionThe subclass of SQLException thrown when an instance where a retry of the same operation would fail unless the cause of the SQLExceptionClassjava.sqlJava SE
SQLPermissionThe permission for which the SecurityManager will check when code that is running an application with aClassjava.sqlJava SE
SQLRecoverableExceptionThe subclass of SQLException thrown in situations where a previously failed operation might be able to succeed if the application performsClassjava.sqlJava SE
SQLSyntaxErrorExceptionThe subclass of SQLException thrown when the SQLState class value is '42', or under vendor-specified conditions.Classjava.sqlJava SE
SQLTimeoutExceptionThe subclass of SQLException thrown when the timeout specified by Statement.Classjava.sqlJava SE
SQLTransactionRollbackExceptionThe subclass of SQLException thrown when the SQLState class value is '40', or under vendor-specified conditions.Classjava.sqlJava SE
SQLTransientConnectionExceptionThe subclass of SQLException for the SQLState class value '08', or under vendor-specified conditions.Classjava.sqlJava SE
SQLTransientExceptionThe subclass of SQLException is thrown in situations where a previously failed operation might be able to succeed when the operation isClassjava.sqlJava SE
SQLWarningAn exception that provides information on database access warnings.Classjava.sqlJava SE
SavepointThe representation of a savepoint, which is a point within the current transaction that can be referenced from theInterfacejava.sqlJava SE
ShardingKeyInterface used to indicate that this object represents a Sharding Key.Interfacejava.sqlJava SE
ShardingKeyBuilderA builder created from a DataSource or XADataSource object, used to create a ShardingKey with sub-keys of supported data types.Interfacejava.sqlJava SE
SQLDataThe interface used for the custom mapping of an SQL user-defined type (UDT) to a class in the Java programming language.Interfacejava.sqlJava SE
SQLInputAn input stream that contains a stream of values representing an instance of an SQL structured type or an SQL distinct type.Interfacejava.sqlJava SE
SQLOutputThe output stream for writing the attributes of a user-defined type back to the database.Interfacejava.sqlJava SE
SQLTypeAn object that is used to identify a generic SQL type, called a JDBC type or a vendor specific data type.Interfacejava.sqlJava SE
SQLXMLThe mapping in the JavaTM programming language for the SQL XML type.Interfacejava.sqlJava SE
StatementThe object used for executing a static SQL statement and returning the results it produces.Interfacejava.sqlJava SE
StructThe standard mapping in the Java programming language for an SQL structured type.Interfacejava.sqlJava SE
TimeA thin wrapper around the java.Classjava.sqlJava SE
TimestampA thin wrapper around java.Classjava.sqlJava SE
TypesThe class that defines the constants that are used to identify generic SQL types, called JDBC types.Classjava.sqlJava SE
WrapperInterface for JDBC classes which provide the ability to retrieve the delegate instance when the instance in question is in fact a proxy class.Interfacejava.sqlJava SE