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#Javax.xml Classes and Interfaces - 941 results found.
AbstractMarshallerImplPartial default Marshaller implementation.Classjavax.xml.bind.helpersJava SE
AbstractUnmarshallerImplPartial default Unmarshaller implementation.Classjavax.xml.bind.helpersJava SE
AddressingFeatureAddressingFeature represents the use of WS-Addressing with either the SOAP SE
AttachmentMarshallerEnable JAXB marshalling to optimize storage of binary data.Classjavax.xml.bind.attachmentJava SE
AttachmentPartA single attachment to a SOAPMessage object.Classjavax.xml.soapJava SE
AttachmentUnmarshallerEnables JAXB unmarshalling of a root document containing optimized binary data formats.Classjavax.xml.bind.attachmentJava SE
AddressingFeature .ResponsesIf addressing is enabled, this property determines if endpoint requires the use of only anonymous responses, or only non-anonymous responses, or SE
AlgorithmMethodAn abstract representation of an algorithm defined in the XML Security specifications.Interfacejavax.xml.cryptoJava SE
AsyncHandlerThe AsyncHandler interface is implemented by clients that wish to receive callback notification of the completion ofInterfacejavax.xml.wsJava SE
AttributeAn interface that contains information about an SE
ActionThe Action annotation allows explicit association of a WS-Addressing Action message addressing property withClassjavax.xml.wsJava SE
AddressingThis annotation represents the use of WS-Addressing with either the SOAP SE
BinderEnable synchronization between XML infoset nodes and JAXB objects representing same XML document.Classjavax.xml.bindJava SE
BindingThe Binding interface is the base interface for JAX-WS protocol bindings.Interfacejavax.xml.wsJava SE
BindingProviderThe BindingProvider interface provides access to the protocol binding and associated context objects for request andInterfacejavax.xml.wsJava SE
BindingTypeThe BindingType annotation is used to specify the binding to use for a web serviceClassjavax.xml.wsJava SE
CatalogExceptionThe exception class handles errors that may happen while processing or usingSince:9See Also:Serialized FormClassjavax.xml.catalogJava SE
CatalogFeaturesThe CatalogFeatures holds a collection of features and properties.Classjavax.xml.catalogJava SE
CatalogFeatures .BuilderThe Builder class for building the CatalogFeatures object.Classjavax.xml.catalog.CatalogFeaturesJava SE
CatalogManagerThe Catalog Manager manages the creation of XML Catalogs and Catalog Resolvers.Classjavax.xml.catalogJava SE
CollapsedStringAdapterBuilt-in XmlAdapter to handle xs:token and its derived types.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotation.adaptersJava SE
CatalogFeatures .FeatureA Feature type as defined in the Catalog Features table.Classjavax.xml.catalog.CatalogFeaturesJava SE
C14NMethodParameterSpecA specification of algorithm parameters for a CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm.Interfacejavax.xml.crypto.dsig.specJava SE
CanonicalizationMethodA representation of the XML CanonicalizationMethod element as defined in theInterfacejavax.xml.crypto.dsigJava SE
CatalogThe Catalog class represents an entity Catalog as defined by XML Catalogs, OASIS Standard V1.Interfacejavax.xml.catalogJava SE
CatalogResolverA SAX EntityResolver that uses catalogs to resolve references.Interfacejavax.xml.catalogJava SE
CatalogUriResolverA JAXP URIResolver that uses catalogs to resolve references.Interfacejavax.xml.catalogJava SE
CharactersThis describes the interface to Characters SE
CommentAn interface for comment SE
DataBindingExceptionException that represents a failure in a JAXB operation.Classjavax.xml.bindJava SE
DatatypeConfigurationExceptionIndicates a serious configuration error.Classjavax.xml.datatypeJava SE
DatatypeConstantsUtility class to contain basic Datatype values as constants.Classjavax.xml.datatypeJava SE
DatatypeConstants .FieldType-safe enum class that represents six fields of the Duration class.Classjavax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConstantsJava SE
DatatypeConverter The javaType binding declaration can be used to customize the binding of an XML schema datatype to a Java datatype.Classjavax.xml.bindJava SE
DatatypeFactoryFactory that creates new javax.Classjavax.xml.datatypeJava SE
DefaultValidationEventHandler JAXB 1.Classjavax.xml.bind.helpersJava SE
DocumentBuilderDefines the API to obtain DOM Document instances from an XML document.Classjavax.xml.parsersJava SE
DocumentBuilderFactoryDefines a factory API that enables applications to obtain a parser that produces DOM object trees from XML documents.Classjavax.xml.parsersJava SE
DOMCryptoContextThis class provides a DOM-specific implementation of the XMLCryptoContext interface.Classjavax.xml.crypto.domJava SE
DOMResultActs as a holder for a transformation result tree in the form of a Document Object Model (DOM) tree.Classjavax.xml.transform.domJava SE
DOMSignContextA DOM-specific XMLSignContext.Classjavax.xml.crypto.dsig.domJava SE
DOMSourceActs as a holder for a transformation Source tree in the form of a Document Object Model (DOM) tree.Classjavax.xml.transform.domJava SE
DOMStructureA DOM-specific XMLStructure.Classjavax.xml.crypto.domJava SE
DOMValidateContextA DOM-specific XMLValidateContext.Classjavax.xml.crypto.dsig.domJava SE
DurationImmutable representation of a time span as defined in the W3C XML Schema 1.Classjavax.xml.datatypeJava SE
DataAn abstract representation of the result of dereferencing a URIReference or the input/output of subsequent Transforms.Interfacejavax.xml.cryptoJava SE
DatatypeConverterInterface The DatatypeConverterInterface is for JAXB provider use only.Interfacejavax.xml.bindJava SE
DetailA container for DetailEntry objects.Classjavax.xml.soapJava SE
DetailEntryThe content for a Detail object, giving details for a SOAPFault object.Interfacejavax.xml.soapJava SE
DigestMethodA representation of the XML DigestMethod element as W3C Recommendation for XML-Signature Syntax and Processing.Interfacejavax.xml.crypto.dsigJava SE
DigestMethodParameterSpecA specification of algorithm parameters for a DigestMethod algorithm.Interfacejavax.xml.crypto.dsig.specJava SE
DispatchThe Dispatch interface provides support for the dynamic invocation of a service endpoint operations.Interfacejavax.xml.wsJava SE
DomHandlerConverts an element (and its descendants) from/to DOM (or similar) representation.Interfacejavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
DOMLocatorIndicates the position of a node in a source DOM, intended primarily for error reporting.Interfacejavax.xml.transform.domJava SE
DOMURIReferenceA DOM-specific URIReference.Interfacejavax.xml.crypto.domJava SE
DTDThis is the top level interface for events dealing with SE
EndpointA Web service endpoint.Classjavax.xml.wsJava SE
EndpointContextEndpointContext allows multiple endpoints in an application to share any information.Classjavax.xml.wsJava SE
EndpointReferenceThis class represents an WS-Addressing EndpointReference which is a remote reference to a web service endpoint.Classjavax.xml.wsJava SE
EventReaderDelegateThis is the base class for deriving an XMLEventReader This class is designed to sit between an XMLEventReader and SE
ExcC14NParameterSpecParameters for the W3C Recommendation: Exclusive XML Canonicalization (C14N) algorithm.Classjavax.xml.crypto.dsig.specJava SE
ElementThis is an element marker interface.Interfacejavax.xml.bindJava SE
EndDocumentA marker interface for the end of the SE
EndElementAn interface for the end element SE
EntityDeclarationAn interface for handling Entity Declarations This interface is used to record and report unparsed entity SE
EntityReferenceAn interface for handling Entity SE
ErrorListenerTo provide customized error handling, implement this interface and use the setErrorListener method to register an instance of theInterfacejavax.xml.transformJava SE
EventFilterThis interface declares a simple filter interface that one can create to filter XMLEventReadersInterfacejavax.xml.streamJava SE
FactoryConfigurationErrorThrown when a problem with configuration with the Parser Factories exists.Classjavax.xml.parsersJava SE
FactoryConfigurationErrorAn error class for reporting factory configuration errors.Classjavax.xml.streamJava SE
FaultActionThe FaultAction annotation is used inside an Action annotation to allow an explicit association of a WS-AddressingClassjavax.xml.wsJava SE
HexBinaryAdapterXmlAdapter for xs:hexBinary.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotation.adaptersJava SE
HMACParameterSpec XML Signature HMAC Algorithm.Classjavax.xml.crypto.dsig.specJava SE
HolderHolds a value of type T.Classjavax.xml.wsJava SE
HttpContextHttpContext represents a mapping between the root URI path of a web service to a HttpHandler which is invoked to handle SE
HTTPExceptionThe HTTPException exception represents a Since there is no standard format for faults or SE
HttpExchangeThis class encapsulates a HTTP request received and a response to be generated in one SE
HttpHandlerA handler which is invoked to process HTTP SE
HandlerThe Handler interface is the base interface for JAX-WS SE
HandlerResolverHandlerResolver is an interface implemented by an application to get control over the handler SE
HTTPBindingThe HTTPBinding interface is an abstraction for the XML/HTTP SE
InvokerInvoker hides the detail of calling into application endpoint SE
JAXBClass that defines convenience methods for common, simple use of JAXB.Classjavax.xml.bindJava SE
JAXBContextThe JAXBContext class provides the client's entry point to the JAXB API.Classjavax.xml.bindJava SE
JAXBElementJAXB representation of an Xml Element.Classjavax.xml.bindJava SE
JAXBElement .GlobalScopeDesignates global scope for an xml element.Classjavax.xml.bind.JAXBElementJava SE
JAXBExceptionThis is the root exception class for all JAXB exceptions.Classjavax.xml.bindJava SE
JAXBIntrospectorProvide access to JAXB xml binding data for a JAXB object.Classjavax.xml.bindJava SE
JAXBPermissionThis class is for JAXB permissions.Classjavax.xml.bindJava SE
JAXBResultJAXP Result implementation that unmarshals a JAXB object.Classjavax.xml.bind.utilJava SE
JAXBSourceJAXP Source implementation that marshals a JAXB-generated object.Classjavax.xml.bind.utilJava SE
JAXBContextFactoryFactory that creates new JAXBContext instances.Interfacejavax.xml.bindJava SE
KeyInfoFactoryA factory for creating KeyInfo objects from scratch or for unmarshalling a KeyInfo object from a corresponding XMLClassjavax.xml.crypto.dsig.keyinfoJava SE
KeySelectorA selector that finds and returns a key using the data contained in a KeyInfo object.Classjavax.xml.cryptoJava SE
KeySelector .PurposeThe purpose of the key that is to be selected.Classjavax.xml.crypto.KeySelectorJava SE
KeySelectorExceptionIndicates an exceptional condition thrown by a KeySelector.Classjavax.xml.cryptoJava SE
KeyInfoA representation of the XML KeyInfo element as defined in W3C Recommendation for XML-Signature Syntax and Processing.Interfacejavax.xml.crypto.dsig.keyinfoJava SE
KeyNameA representation of the XML KeyName element as W3C Recommendation for XML-Signature Syntax and Processing.Interfacejavax.xml.crypto.dsig.keyinfoJava SE
KeySelectorResultThe result returned by the KeySelector.Interfacejavax.xml.cryptoJava SE
KeyValueA representation of the XML KeyValue element as defined W3C Recommendation for XML-Signature Syntax and Processing.Interfacejavax.xml.crypto.dsig.keyinfoJava SE
LocationProvides information on the location of an event.Interfacejavax.xml.streamJava SE
LogicalHandlerThe LogicalHandler extends Handler to provide typesafety for the message context SE
LogicalMessageThe LogicalMessage interface represents a protocol agnostic XML message and contains methods thatInterfacejavax.xml.wsJava SE
LogicalMessageContextThe LogicalMessageContext interface extends provide access to a the contained message as a protocol SE
MarshalExceptionThis exception indicates that an error has occurred while performing a marshal operation that the provider is unable to recover from.Classjavax.xml.bindJava SE
MarshalExceptionIndicates an exceptional condition that occurred during the XML marshalling or unmarshalling process.Classjavax.xml.cryptoJava SE
Marshaller .Listener Register an instance of an implementation of this class with a Marshaller to externally listen for marshal events.Classjavax.xml.bind.MarshallerJava SE
MessageFactoryA factory for creating SOAPMessage objects.Classjavax.xml.soapJava SE
MimeHeaderAn object that stores a MIME header name and its value.Classjavax.xml.soapJava SE
MimeHeadersA container for MimeHeader objects, which represent the MIME headers present in a MIME part of a message.Classjavax.xml.soapJava SE
MTOMFeatureThis feature represents the use of MTOM with a This feature can be used during the creation of SEI proxy, SE
MessageContext .ScopeProperty SE
ManifestA representation of the XML Manifest element as defined in W3C Recommendation for XML-Signature Syntax and Processing.Interfacejavax.xml.crypto.dsigJava SE
Marshaller The Marshaller class is responsible for governing the process of serializing Java content trees back into XML data.Interfacejavax.xml.bindJava SE
MessageContextThe interface MessageContext abstracts the message context that is processed by a handler in the SE
MTOMThis feature represents the use of MTOM with a This annotation MUST only be used in conjunction SE
NormalizedStringAdapterXmlAdapter to handle xs:normalizedString.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotation.adaptersJava SE
NoSuchMechanismExceptionThis exception is thrown when a particular XML mechanism is requested but is not available in the environment.Classjavax.xml.cryptoJava SE
NotIdentifiableEventImplDefault implementation of the NotIdentifiableEvent interface.Classjavax.xml.bind.helpersJava SE
NameA representation of an XML name.Interfacejavax.xml.soapJava SE
NamespaceAn interface that contains information about a SE
NamespaceContextInterface for read only XML Namespace context processing.Interfacejavax.xml.namespaceJava SE
NodeA representation of a node (element) in an XML document.Interfacejavax.xml.soapJava SE
NodeSetDataAn abstract representation of a Data type containing a node-set.Interfacejavax.xml.cryptoJava SE
NotationDeclarationAn interface for handling Notation Declarations Receive notification of a notation declaration SE
NotIdentifiableEventThis event indicates that a problem was encountered resolving an ID/IDREF.Interfacejavax.xml.bindJava SE
OctetStreamDataA representation of a Data type containing an octet stream.Classjavax.xml.cryptoJava SE
OutputKeysProvides string constants that can be used to set output properties for a Transformer, or to retrieveClassjavax.xml.transformJava SE
ParseConversionEventImplDefault implementation of the ParseConversionEvent interface.Classjavax.xml.bind.helpersJava SE
ParserConfigurationExceptionIndicates a serious configuration error.Classjavax.xml.parsersJava SE
PrintConversionEventImplDefault implementation of the PrintConversionEvent interface.Classjavax.xml.bind.helpersJava SE
PropertyExceptionThis exception indicates that an error was encountered while getting or setting a property.Classjavax.xml.bindJava SE
ProtocolExceptionThe ProtocolException class is a base class for exceptions related to a specific protocol binding.Classjavax.xml.wsJava SE
ProviderService provider for ServiceDelegate SE
ParseConversionEventThis event indicates that a problem was encountered while converting a string from the XML data into a value of the target Java data type.Interfacejavax.xml.bindJava SE
PGPDataA representation of the XML PGPData element as defined in W3C Recommendation for XML-Signature Syntax and Processing.Interfacejavax.xml.crypto.dsig.keyinfoJava SE
PortInfoThe PortInfo interface is used by a HandlerResolver to query information SE
PrintConversionEventThis event indicates that a problem was encountered while converting data from the Java content tree into its lexical representation.Interfacejavax.xml.bindJava SE
ProcessingInstructionAn interface that describes the data found in processing SE
ProviderService endpoints may implement the Provider interface as a dynamic alternative to an SEI.Interfacejavax.xml.wsJava SE
QNameQName represents a qualified name as defined in the XML specifications: XML Schema Part2:Classjavax.xml.namespaceJava SE
RespectBindingFeatureThis feature clarifies the use of the wsdl:binding in a JAX-WS runtime.Classjavax.xml.wsJava SE
ReferenceA representation of the Reference element as defined in the W3C Recommendation for XML-Signature Syntax and Processing.Interfacejavax.xml.crypto.dsigJava SE
ResponseThe Response interface provides methods used to obtain the payload and context of a message sent in response to an operationInterfacejavax.xml.wsJava SE
ResultAn object that implements this interface contains the information needed to build a transformation result tree.Interfacejavax.xml.transformJava SE
RetrievalMethodA representation of the XML RetrievalMethod element as W3C Recommendation for XML-Signature Syntax and Processing.Interfacejavax.xml.crypto.dsig.keyinfoJava SE
RequestWrapperUsed to annotate methods in the Service Endpoint Interface with the request wrapper bean to be used at runtime.Classjavax.xml.wsJava SE
RespectBindingThis feature clarifies the use of the wsdl:binding in a JAX-WS runtime.Classjavax.xml.wsJava SE
ResponseWrapperUsed to annotate methods in the Service Endpoint Interface with the response wrapper bean to be used at runtime.Classjavax.xml.wsJava SE
SAAJMetaFactoryThe access point for the implementation classes of the factories defined in the SAAJ API.Classjavax.xml.soapJava SE
SAAJResultActs as a holder for the results of a JAXP transformation or a JAXB marshalling, in the form of a SAAJ tree.Classjavax.xml.soapJava SE
SAXParserDefines the API that wraps an XMLReader implementation class.Classjavax.xml.parsersJava SE
SAXParserFactoryDefines a factory API that enables applications to configure and obtain a SAX based parser to parse XML documents.Classjavax.xml.parsersJava SE
SAXResultActs as an holder for a transformation Result.Classjavax.xml.transform.saxJava SE
SAXSourceActs as an holder for SAX-style Source.Classjavax.xml.transform.saxJava SE
SAXTransformerFactoryThis class extends TransformerFactory to provide SAX-specific factory methods.Classjavax.xml.transform.saxJava SE
SchemaImmutable in-memory representation of grammar.Classjavax.xml.validationJava SE
SchemaFactoryFactory that creates Schema objects.Classjavax.xml.validationJava SE
SchemaFactoryConfigurationErrorThrown when a problem with configuration with the Schema Factories exists.Classjavax.xml.validationJava SE
SchemaFactoryLoaderFactory that creates SchemaFactory.Classjavax.xml.validationJava SE
SchemaOutputResolverControls where a JAXB implementation puts the generates An implementation of this abstract class has to be provided by the callingClassjavax.xml.bindJava SE
ServiceService objects provide the client view of a Web service.Classjavax.xml.wsJava SE
ServiceDelegateService delegates are used internally by Service objects to allow pluggability of JAX-WS SE
SOAPConnectionA point-to-point connection that a client can use for sending messages directly to a remote party (represented by a URL, for instance).Classjavax.xml.soapJava SE
SOAPConnectionFactoryA factory for creating SOAPConnection objects.Classjavax.xml.soapJava SE
SOAPElementFactorySOAPElementFactory is a factory for XML fragments that will eventually end up in the SOAP part.Classjavax.xml.soapJava SE
SOAPExceptionAn exception that signals that a SOAP exception has occurred.Classjavax.xml.soapJava SE
SOAPFactorySOAPFactory is a factory for creating various objects that exist in the SOAP XML tree.Classjavax.xml.soapJava SE
SOAPFaultExceptionThe SOAPFaultException exception represents a SOAP SE
SOAPMessageThe root class for all SOAP messages.Classjavax.xml.soapJava SE
SOAPPartThe container for the SOAP-specific portion of a SOAPMessage object.Classjavax.xml.soapJava SE
StAXResultActs as a holder for an XML Result in the form of a StAX writer,i.Classjavax.xml.transform.staxJava SE
StAXSourceActs as a holder for an XML Source in the form of a StAX reader,i.Classjavax.xml.transform.staxJava SE
StreamReaderDelegateThis is the base class for deriving an XMLStreamReader filter This class is designed to sit between an XMLStreamReader and SE
StreamResultActs as an holder for a transformation result, which may be XML, plain Text, HTML, or some other form of markup.Classjavax.xml.transform.streamJava SE
StreamSourceActs as an holder for a transformation Source in the form of a stream of XML markup.Classjavax.xml.transform.streamJava SE
Service .ModeThe orientation of a dynamic client or SE
SignatureMethodA representation of the XML SignatureMethod element W3C Recommendation for XML-Signature Syntax and Processing.Interfacejavax.xml.crypto.dsigJava SE
SignatureMethodParameterSpecA specification of algorithm parameters for an XML SignatureMethod algorithm.Interfacejavax.xml.crypto.dsig.specJava SE
SignaturePropertiesA representation of the XML SignatureProperties element as W3C Recommendation for XML-Signature Syntax and Processing.Interfacejavax.xml.crypto.dsigJava SE
SignaturePropertyA representation of the XML SignatureProperty element as W3C Recommendation for XML-Signature Syntax and Processing.Interfacejavax.xml.crypto.dsigJava SE
SignedInfoAn representation of the XML SignedInfo element as W3C Recommendation for XML-Signature Syntax and Processing.Interfacejavax.xml.crypto.dsigJava SE
SOAPBindingThe SOAPBinding interface is an abstraction SE
SOAPBodyAn object that represents the contents of the SOAP body element in a SOAP message.Interfacejavax.xml.soapJava SE
SOAPBodyElementA SOAPBodyElement object represents the contents in a SOAPBody object.Interfacejavax.xml.soapJava SE
SOAPConstantsThe definition of constants pertaining to the SOAP protocol.Interfacejavax.xml.soapJava SE
SOAPElementAn object representing an element of a SOAP message that is allowed but not specifically prescribed by a SOAP specification.Interfacejavax.xml.soapJava SE
SOAPEnvelopeThe container for the SOAPHeader and SOAPBody portions of a SOAPPart object.Interfacejavax.xml.soapJava SE
SOAPFaultAn element in the SOAPBody object that contains error and/or status information.Interfacejavax.xml.soapJava SE
SOAPFaultElementA representation of the contents in a SOAPFault object.Interfacejavax.xml.soapJava SE
SOAPHandlerThe SOAPHandler class extends Handler to provide typesafety for the message context parameter and add a SE
SOAPHeaderA representation of the SOAP header element.Interfacejavax.xml.soapJava SE
SOAPHeaderElementAn object representing the contents in the SOAP header part of the The immediate children of a SOAPHeader object canInterfacejavax.xml.soapJava SE
SOAPMessageContextThe interface SOAPMessageContext provides access to the SOAP message for either RPC request SE
SourceAn object that implements this interface contains the information needed to act as source input (XML source or transformation instructions).Interfacejavax.xml.transformJava SE
SourceLocatorThis interface is primarily for the purposes of reporting where an error occurred in the XML source or transformation instructions.Interfacejavax.xml.transformJava SE
StartDocumentAn interface for the start document SE
StartElementThe StartElement interface provides access to information about start SE
StreamFilterThis interface declares a simple filter interface that one can create to filter XMLStreamReadersInterfacejavax.xml.streamJava SE
ServiceModeUsed to indicate whether a Provider implementation wishes to work with entire protocol messages or just with protocol message payloads.Classjavax.xml.wsJava SE
TransformerAn instance of this abstract class can transform a source tree into a result tree.Classjavax.xml.transformJava SE
TransformerConfigurationExceptionIndicates a serious configuration error.Classjavax.xml.transformJava SE
TransformerExceptionThis class specifies an exceptional condition that occured during the transformation process.Classjavax.xml.transformJava SE
TransformerFactoryA TransformerFactory instance can be used to create The system property that determines which Factory implementationClassjavax.xml.transformJava SE
TransformerFactoryConfigurationErrorThrown when a problem with configuration with the Transformer Factories exists.Classjavax.xml.transformJava SE
TransformExceptionIndicates an exceptional condition that occurred while executing a transform algorithm.Classjavax.xml.crypto.dsigJava SE
TransformServiceA Service Provider Interface for transform and canonicalization algorithms.Classjavax.xml.crypto.dsigJava SE
TypeConstraintExceptionThis exception indicates that a violation of a dynamically checked type constraint was detected.Classjavax.xml.bindJava SE
TypeInfoProviderThis class provides access to the type information determined by ValidatorHandler.Classjavax.xml.validationJava SE
TemplatesAn object that implements this interface is the runtime representation of processed transformation instructions.Interfacejavax.xml.transformJava SE
TemplatesHandlerA SAX ContentHandler that may be used to process SAX parse events (parsing transformation instructions) into a Templates object.Interfacejavax.xml.transform.saxJava SE
TextA representation of a node whose value is text.Interfacejavax.xml.soapJava SE
TransformA representation of the XML Transform element as W3C Recommendation for XML-Signature Syntax and Processing.Interfacejavax.xml.crypto.dsigJava SE
TransformerHandlerA TransformerHandler listens for SAX ContentHandler parse events and transformsInterfacejavax.xml.transform.saxJava SE
TransformParameterSpecA specification of algorithm parameters for a Transform algorithm.Interfacejavax.xml.crypto.dsig.specJava SE
UnmarshalExceptionThis exception indicates that an error has occurred while performing an unmarshal operation that prevents the JAXB Provider from completingClassjavax.xml.bindJava SE
Unmarshaller .Listener Register an instance of an implementation of this class with Unmarshaller to externally listen for unmarshal events.Classjavax.xml.bind.UnmarshallerJava SE
URIReferenceExceptionIndicates an exceptional condition thrown while dereferencing a A URIReferenceException can contain a cause: anotherClassjavax.xml.cryptoJava SE
UnmarshallerThe Unmarshaller class governs the process of deserializing XML data into newly created Java content trees, optionally validating the XMLInterfacejavax.xml.bindJava SE
UnmarshallerHandlerUnmarshaller implemented as SAX ContentHandler.Interfacejavax.xml.bindJava SE
URIDereferencerA dereferencer of URIReferences.Interfacejavax.xml.cryptoJava SE
URIReferenceIdentifies a data object via a URI-Reference, as specified by Note that some subclasses may not have a type attributeInterfacejavax.xml.cryptoJava SE
URIResolverAn object that implements this interface that can be called by the processor to turn a URI used in document(), xsl:import, or xsl:include into a Source object.Interfacejavax.xml.transformJava SE
ValidationEventCollectorValidationEventHandler implementation that collects all events.Classjavax.xml.bind.utilJava SE
ValidationEventImplDefault implementation of the ValidationEvent interface.Classjavax.xml.bind.helpersJava SE
ValidationEventLocatorImplDefault implementation of the ValidationEventLocator interface.Classjavax.xml.bind.helpersJava SE
ValidationExceptionThis exception indicates that an error has occurred while performing a validate operation.Classjavax.xml.bindJava SE
ValidatorA processor that checks an XML document against Schema.Classjavax.xml.validationJava SE
ValidatorHandlerStreaming validator that works on SAX stream.Classjavax.xml.validationJava SE
ValidationEventThis event indicates that a problem was encountered while validating the incoming XML data during an unmarshal operation, while performingInterfacejavax.xml.bindJava SE
ValidationEventHandlerA basic event handler interface for validation errors.Interfacejavax.xml.bindJava SE
ValidationEventLocatorEncapsulate the location of a ValidationEvent.Interfacejavax.xml.bindJava SE
ValidatorAs of JAXB 2.Interfacejavax.xml.bindJava SE
W3CDomHandlerDomHandler implementation for W3C DOM (org.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
W3CEndpointReferenceThis class represents a W3C Addressing EndpointReferece which is a remote reference to a web service endpoint that supports SE
W3CEndpointReferenceBuilderThis class is used to build W3CEndpointReference SE
WebServiceExceptionThe WebServiceException class is the base exception class for all JAX-WS API runtime exceptions.Classjavax.xml.wsJava SE
WebServiceFeatureA WebServiceFeature is used to represent a feature that can be enabled or disabled for a web service.Classjavax.xml.wsJava SE
WebServicePermissionThis class defines web service permissions.Classjavax.xml.wsJava SE
WebServiceContextA WebServiceContext makes it possible for a web service endpoint implementation class to accessInterfacejavax.xml.wsJava SE
WebEndpointUsed to annotate the getPortName() methods of a generated service interface.Classjavax.xml.wsJava SE
WebFaultUsed to annotate service specific exception classes to customize to the local and namespace name of the fault element and the nameClassjavax.xml.wsJava SE
WebServiceClientUsed to annotate a generated service interface.Classjavax.xml.wsJava SE
WebServiceFeatureAnnotationAnnotation used to identify other annotations as a SE
WebServiceProviderUsed to annotate a Provider implementation class.Classjavax.xml.wsJava SE
WebServiceRefThe WebServiceRef annotation is used to define a reference to a web service andClassjavax.xml.wsJava SE
WebServiceRefsThe WebServiceRefs annotation allows multiple web service references to be declared at theClassjavax.xml.wsJava SE
XmlAdapterAdapts a Java type for custom marshaling.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotation.adaptersJava SE
XMLConstantsUtility class to contain basic XML values as constants.Classjavax.xmlJava SE
XmlElement .DEFAULTUsed in XmlElement.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementJava SE
XmlElementDecl .GLOBALUsed in XmlElementDecl.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementDeclJava SE
XmlElementRef .DEFAULTUsed in XmlElementRef.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementRefJava SE
XMLEventFactoryThis interface defines a utility class for creating instances ofSince:1.Classjavax.xml.streamJava SE
XMLGregorianCalendarRepresentation for W3C XML Schema 1.Classjavax.xml.datatypeJava SE
XMLInputFactoryDefines an abstract implementation of a factory for getting streams.Classjavax.xml.streamJava SE
XmlJavaTypeAdapter .DEFAULTUsed in XmlJavaTypeAdapter.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapterJava SE
XMLOutputFactoryDefines an abstract implementation of a factory for getting XMLEventWriters and XMLStreamWriters.Classjavax.xml.streamJava SE
XmlSchemaType .DEFAULTUsed in XmlSchemaType.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchemaTypeJava SE
XMLSignatureExceptionIndicates an exceptional condition that occurred during the XML signature generation or validation process.Classjavax.xml.crypto.dsigJava SE
XMLSignatureFactoryA factory for creating XMLSignature objects from scratch or for unmarshalling an XMLSignature object from a correspondingClassjavax.xml.crypto.dsigJava SE
XMLStreamExceptionThe base exception for unexpected processing errors.Classjavax.xml.streamJava SE
XmlType .DEFAULTUsed in XmlType.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlTypeJava SE
XPathConstantsClassjavax.xml.xpathJava SE
XPathExceptionXPathException represents a generic XPath exception.Classjavax.xml.xpathJava SE
XPathExpressionExceptionXPathExpressionException represents an error in an XPath expression.Classjavax.xml.xpathJava SE
XPathFactoryAn XPathFactory instance can be used to createSee newInstance(String uri) for lookup mechanism.Classjavax.xml.xpathJava SE
XPathFactoryConfigurationExceptionXPathFactoryConfigurationException represents a configuration error in a XPathFactory environment.Classjavax.xml.xpathJava SE
XPathFilter2ParameterSpecParameters for the W3C Recommendation XPath Filter 2.Classjavax.xml.crypto.dsig.specJava SE
XPathFilterParameterSpec XPath Filtering Transform Algorithm.Classjavax.xml.crypto.dsig.specJava SE
XPathFunctionExceptionXPathFunctionException represents an error with an XPath function.Classjavax.xml.xpathJava SE
XPathTypeThe XML Schema Definition of the XPath element as defined in the W3C Recommendation for XML-Signature XPath Filter 2.Classjavax.xml.crypto.dsig.specJava SE
XPathType .FilterRepresents the filter set operation.Classjavax.xml.crypto.dsig.spec.XPathTypeJava SE
XSLTTransformParameterSpec XSLT Transform Algorithm.Classjavax.xml.crypto.dsig.specJava SE
XmlAccessOrderUsed by XmlAccessorOrder to control the ordering of properties and fields in a JAXB bound class.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
XmlAccessTypeUsed by XmlAccessorType to control serialization of fields orSince:1.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
XmlNsFormEnumeration of XML Schema namespace qualifications.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
XPathEvaluationResult .XPathResultTypeXPathResultType represents possible return types of an XPath evaluation.Classjavax.xml.xpath.XPathEvaluationResultJava SE
X509DataA representation of the XML X509Data element as defined in W3C Recommendation for XML-Signature Syntax and Processing.Interfacejavax.xml.crypto.dsig.keyinfoJava SE
X509IssuerSerialA representation of the XML X509IssuerSerial element as W3C Recommendation for XML-Signature Syntax and Processing.Interfacejavax.xml.crypto.dsig.keyinfoJava SE
XMLCryptoContextContains common context information for XML cryptographic operations.Interfacejavax.xml.cryptoJava SE
XMLEventThis is the base event interface for handling markup SE
XMLEventAllocatorThis interface defines a class that allows a user to register a way to allocate events given an SE
XMLEventConsumerThis interface defines an event consumer SE
XMLEventReaderThis is the top level interface for parsing XML Events.Interfacejavax.xml.streamJava SE
XMLEventWriterThis is the top level interface for writing XML documents.Interfacejavax.xml.streamJava SE
XMLObjectA representation of the XML Object element as defined in W3C Recommendation for XML-Signature Syntax and Processing.Interfacejavax.xml.crypto.dsigJava SE
XMLReporterThis interface is used to report non-fatal errors.Interfacejavax.xml.streamJava SE
XMLResolverThis interface is used to resolve resources during an XML parse.Interfacejavax.xml.streamJava SE
XMLSignatureA representation of the XML Signature element as W3C Recommendation for XML-Signature Syntax and Processing.Interfacejavax.xml.crypto.dsigJava SE
XMLSignature .SignatureValueA representation of the XML SignatureValue element as W3C Recommendation for XML-Signature Syntax and Processing.Interfacejavax.xml.crypto.dsig.XMLSignatureJava SE
XMLSignContextContains context information for generating XML Signatures.Interfacejavax.xml.crypto.dsigJava SE
XMLStreamConstantsThis interface declares the constants used in this API.Interfacejavax.xml.streamJava SE
XMLStreamReaderThe XMLStreamReader interface allows forward, read-only access to XML.Interfacejavax.xml.streamJava SE
XMLStreamWriterThe XMLStreamWriter interface specifies how to write XML.Interfacejavax.xml.streamJava SE
XMLStructureA representation of an XML structure from any namespace.Interfacejavax.xml.cryptoJava SE
XMLValidateContextContains context information for validating XML Signatures.Interfacejavax.xml.crypto.dsigJava SE
XPathXPath provides access to the XPath evaluation environment and expressions.Interfacejavax.xml.xpathJava SE
XPathEvaluationResultThe XPathEvaluationResult interface represents the result of the evaluation of an XPath expression within the context of a particular node.Interfacejavax.xml.xpathJava SE
XPathExpressionXPathExpression provides access to compiled XPath expressions.Interfacejavax.xml.xpathJava SE
XPathFunctionXPathFunction provides access to XPath functions.Interfacejavax.xml.xpathJava SE
XPathFunctionResolverXPathFunctionResolver provides access to the set of user defined XPathFunctions.Interfacejavax.xml.xpathJava SE
XPathNodesXPathNodes represents a set of nodes selected by a location path as specified in XML Path Language (XPath)Interfacejavax.xml.xpathJava SE
XPathVariableResolverXPathVariableResolver provides access to the set of user defined XPath variables.Interfacejavax.xml.xpathJava SE
XmlAccessorOrder Controls the ordering of fields and properties in a class.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
XmlAccessorType Controls whether fields or Javabean properties are serialized by default.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
XmlAnyAttribute Maps a JavaBean property to a map of wildcard attributes.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
XmlAnyElementMaps a JavaBean property to XML infoset representation and/or JAXB element.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
XmlAttachmentRefMarks a field/property that its XML form is a uri reference to mime content.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
XmlAttribute Maps a JavaBean property to a XML attribute.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
XmlElementMaps a JavaBean property to a XML element derived from property name.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
XmlElementDeclMaps a factory method to a XML element.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
XmlElementRef Maps a JavaBean property to a XML element derived from property's type.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
XmlElementRefsMarks a property that refers to classes with XmlElement Compared to an element property (property with XmlElementClassjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
XmlElements A container for multiple @XmlElement annotations.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
XmlElementWrapperGenerates a wrapper element around XML representation.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
XmlEnum Maps an enum type Enum to XML representation.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
XmlEnumValueMaps an enum constant in Enum type to XML representation.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
XmlID Maps a JavaBean property to XML ID.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
XmlIDREF Maps a JavaBean property to XML IDREF.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
XmlInlineBinaryDataDisable consideration of XOP encoding for datatypes that are bound to base64-encoded binary data in XML.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
XmlJavaTypeAdapterUse an adapter that implements XmlAdapter for custom marshaling.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotation.adaptersJava SE
XmlJavaTypeAdapters A container for multiple @XmlJavaTypeAdapter annotations.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotation.adaptersJava SE
XmlListUsed to map a property to a list simple type.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
XmlMimeTypeAssociates the MIME type that controls the XML representation of the property.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
XmlMixed Annotate a JavaBean multi-valued property to support mixed content.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
XmlNs Associates a namespace prefix with a XML namespace URI.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
XmlRegistryMarks a class that has XmlElementDecls.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
XmlRootElementMaps a class or an enum type to an XML element.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
XmlSchema Maps a package name to a XML namespace.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
XmlSchemaTypeMaps a Java type to a simple schema built-in type.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
XmlSchemaTypes A container for multiple @XmlSchemaType annotations.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
XmlSeeAlsoInstructs JAXB to also bind other classes when binding this class.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
XmlTransient Prevents the mapping of a JavaBean property/type to XML representation.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
XmlType Maps a class or an enum type to a XML Schema type.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
XmlValue Enables mapping a class to a XML Schema complex type with a simpleContent or a XML Schema simple type.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava SE
AbstractMarshallerImplPartial default Marshaller implementation.Classjavax.xml.bind.helpersJava EE
AbstractUnmarshallerImplPartial default Unmarshaller implementation.Classjavax.xml.bind.helpersJava EE
ActionThe Action annotation allows explicit association of a WS-Addressing Action message addressing property with Classjavax.xml.wsJava EE
AddressingThis annotation represents the use of WS-Addressing with either the SOAP EE
AddressingFeatureAddressingFeature represents the use of WS-Addressing with either the SOAP EE
AddressingFeature .ResponsesIf addressing is enabled, this property determines if endpoint requires the use of only anonymous responses, or only non-anonymous responses, or EE
AssociationA RegistryObject instance may be associated with zero or more RegistryObject instances.Interfacejavax.xml.registry.infomodelJava EE
AsyncHandlerThe AsyncHandler interface is implemented by clients that wish to receive callback notification of the completion ofInterfacejavax.xml.wsJava EE
AttachmentMarshallerEnable JAXB marshalling to optimize storage of binary data.Classjavax.xml.bind.attachmentJava EE
AttachmentPartA single attachment to a SOAPMessage object.Classjavax.xml.soapJava EE
AttachmentUnmarshallerEnables JAXB unmarshalling of a root document containing optimized binary data formats.Classjavax.xml.bind.attachmentJava EE
AuditableEventAuditableEvent instances provide a long term record of events that effect a change of state in a RegistryObject.Interfacejavax.xml.registry.infomodelJava EE
BigDecimalHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersJava EE
BigIntegerHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersJava EE
BinderEnable synchronization between XML infoset nodes and JAXB objects representing same XML document.Classjavax.xml.bindJava EE
BindingThe Binding interface is the base interface for JAX-WS protocol bindings.Interfacejavax.xml.wsJava EE
BindingProviderThe BindingProvider interface provides access to the protocol binding and associated context objects for request andInterfacejavax.xml.wsJava EE
BindingTypeThe BindingType annotation is used to specify the binding to use for a web serviceClassjavax.xml.wsJava EE
BooleanHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersJava EE
BooleanWrapperHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersJava EE
BulkResponseContains the response of a method in the API that performs a bulk operation and returns a bulk response.Interfacejavax.xml.registryJava EE
BusinessLifeCycleManagerThe BusinessLifeCycleManager interface, which is exposed by the Registry Service, implements the life cycle management functionality of the Registry as part of a business level API.Interfacejavax.xml.registryJava EE
BusinessQueryManagerThe BusinessQueryManager interface, which is exposed by the Registry Service, implements the business style query interface.Interfacejavax.xml.registryJava EE
ByteArrayHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersJava EE
ByteHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersJava EE
ByteWrapperHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersJava EE
CalendarHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersJava EE
CallThe javax.Interfacejavax.xml.rpcJava EE
CapabilityProfileProvides information about the capabilities of a JAXR provider.Interfacejavax.xml.registryJava EE
ClassificationThe Classification interface is used to classify RegistryObject instances.Interfacejavax.xml.registry.infomodelJava EE
ClassificationSchemeA ClassificationScheme instance represents a taxonomy that may be used to classify or categorize RegistryObject instances.Interfacejavax.xml.registry.infomodelJava EE
CollapsedStringAdapterBuilt-in XmlAdapter to handle xs:token and its derived types.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotation.adaptersJava EE
ConceptThe Concept interface is used to represent taxonomy elements and their structural relationship with each other in order to describe an internal taxonomy.Interfacejavax.xml.registry.infomodelJava EE
ConnectionThis class represents a connection between a JAXR client and aAuthor:Farrukh S.Interfacejavax.xml.registryJava EE
ConnectionFactoryThis is the abstract base class for factory classes for creating a JAXR connection.Classjavax.xml.registryJava EE
DataBindingExceptionException that represents a failure in a JAXB operation.Classjavax.xml.bindJava EE
DatatypeConverter The javaType binding declaration can be used to customize the binding of an XML schema datatype to a Java datatype.Classjavax.xml.bindJava EE
DatatypeConverterInterface The DatatypeConverterInterface is for JAXB provider use only.Interfacejavax.xml.bindJava EE
DeclarativeQueryManagerThis interface provides the ability to execute declarative queries (e.Interfacejavax.xml.registryJava EE
DefaultValidationEventHandler JAXB 1.Classjavax.xml.bind.helpersJava EE
DeleteExceptionA RegistryException that occurs during a delete action.Classjavax.xml.registryJava EE
DeserializationContextThe javax.Interfacejavax.xml.rpc.encodingJava EE
DeserializerThe javax.Interfacejavax.xml.rpc.encodingJava EE
DeserializerFactoryThe javax.Interfacejavax.xml.rpc.encodingJava EE
DetailA container for DetailEntry objects.Classjavax.xml.soapJava EE
DetailEntryThe content for a Detail object, giving details for a SOAPFault object.Interfacejavax.xml.soapJava EE
DispatchThe Dispatch interface provides support for the dynamic invocation of a service endpoint operations.Interfacejavax.xml.wsJava EE
DomHandlerConverts an element (and its descendants) from/to DOM (or similar) representation.Interfacejavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
DoubleHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersJava EE
DoubleWrapperHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersJava EE
ElementThis is an element marker interface.Interfacejavax.xml.bindJava EE
EmailAddressRepresents an email address.Interfacejavax.xml.registry.infomodelJava EE
EndpointA Web service endpoint.Classjavax.xml.wsJava EE
EndpointContextEndpointContext allows multiple endpoints in an application to share any information.Classjavax.xml.wsJava EE
EndpointReferenceThis class represents an WS-Addressing EndpointReference which is a remote reference to a web service endpoint.Classjavax.xml.wsJava EE
ExtensibleObjectAn ExtensibleObject is one that allows itself to be extended by utilizing dynamically added Slots that add arbitrary attributes to the object on a Interfacejavax.xml.registry.infomodelJava EE
ExternalIdentifierExternalIdentifier instances provide the additional identifier information to RegistryObjects such as DUNS number, Social Security Number, or an alias Interfacejavax.xml.registry.infomodelJava EE
ExternalLinkExternalLink instances model a named URI to content that may reside outside RegistryObject may be associated with any number of ExternalLinks to annotate Interfacejavax.xml.registry.infomodelJava EE
ExtrinsicObjectExtrinsicObjects provide metadata that describes submitted content whose type is not intrinsically known to the registry and therefore must be Interfacejavax.xml.registry.infomodelJava EE
FaultActionThe FaultAction annotation is used inside an Action annotation to allow an explicit association of a WS-Addressing Classjavax.xml.wsJava EE
FederatedConnectionRepresents a single logical connection to a federation or group of registry providers.Interfacejavax.xml.registryJava EE
FindExceptionA RegistryException that occurs during a find action.Classjavax.xml.registryJava EE
FindQualifierFindQualifier provides various constants that identify options that effect find method behavior.Interfacejavax.xml.registryJava EE
FloatHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersJava EE
FloatWrapperHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersJava EE
GenericHandlerThe javax.Classjavax.xml.rpc.handlerJava EE
HandlerThe javax.Interfacejavax.xml.rpc.handlerJava EE
HandlerThe Handler interface is the base interface for JAX-WS EE
HandlerChainThe javax.Interfacejavax.xml.rpc.handlerJava EE
HandlerInfoThe javax.Classjavax.xml.rpc.handlerJava EE
HandlerRegistryThe javax.Interfacejavax.xml.rpc.handlerJava EE
HandlerResolverHandlerResolver is an interface implemented by an application to get control over the handler EE
HexBinaryAdapterXmlAdapter for xs:hexBinary.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotation.adaptersJava EE
HolderThe java.Interfacejavax.xml.rpc.holdersJava EE
HolderHolds a value of type T.Classjavax.xml.wsJava EE
HTTPBindingThe HTTPBinding interface is an abstraction for the XML/HTTP EE
HttpContextHttpContext represents a mapping between the root URI path of a web service to a HttpHandler which is invoked to handle EE
HTTPExceptionThe HTTPException exception represents a Since there is no standard format for faults or EE
HttpExchangeThis class encapsulates a HTTP request received and a response to be generated in one EE
HttpHandlerA handler which is invoked to process HTTP EE
IntegerWrapperHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersJava EE
InternationalStringThis interface represents a String that has been internationalized into several Locales.Interfacejavax.xml.registry.infomodelJava EE
IntHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersJava EE
InvalidRequestExceptionThis exception is thrown when a JAXR client attempts to invoke an API method that is not valid for some reason.Classjavax.xml.registryJava EE
InvokerInvoker hides the detail of calling into application endpoint EE
JAXBClass that defines convenience methods for common, simple use of JAXB.Classjavax.xml.bindJava EE
JAXBContext The JAXBContext class provides the client's entry point to the JAXB API.Classjavax.xml.bindJava EE
JAXBElementJAXB representation of an Xml Element.Classjavax.xml.bindJava EE
JAXBElement .GlobalScopeDesignates global scope for an xml element.Classjavax.xml.bind.JAXBElementJava EE
JAXBExceptionThis is the root exception class for all JAXB exceptions.Classjavax.xml.bindJava EE
JAXBIntrospectorProvide access to JAXB xml binding data for a JAXB object.Classjavax.xml.bindJava EE
JAXBPermissionThis class is for JAXB permissions.Classjavax.xml.bindJava EE
JAXBResultJAXP Result implementation that unmarshals a JAXB object.Classjavax.xml.bind.utilJava EE
JAXBSourceJAXP Source implementation that marshals a JAXB-generated object.Classjavax.xml.bind.utilJava EE
JAXRExceptionSignals that a JAXR exception has occurred.Classjavax.xml.registryJava EE
JAXRPCExceptionThe javax.Classjavax.xml.rpcJava EE
JAXRResponseA JAXR requests' response.Interfacejavax.xml.registryJava EE
KeyRepresents a unique key that identifies a RegistryObject.Interfacejavax.xml.registry.infomodelJava EE
LifeCycleManagerThe LifeCycleManager interface is the main interface in the API for managing life cycle operations on objects defined by the information model.Interfacejavax.xml.registryJava EE
LocalizedStringThis interface is used as a simple wrapper interface that associates a String with its Locale.Interfacejavax.xml.registry.infomodelJava EE
LogicalHandlerThe LogicalHandler extends Handler to provide typesafety for the message context EE
LogicalMessageThe LogicalMessage interface represents a protocol agnostic XML message and contains methods thatInterfacejavax.xml.wsJava EE
LogicalMessageContextThe LogicalMessageContext interface extends provide access to a the contained message as a protocol EE
LongHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersJava EE
LongWrapperHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersJava EE
MarshalExceptionThis exception indicates that an error has occurred while performing a marshal operation that the provider is unable to recover from.Classjavax.xml.bindJava EE
Marshaller The Marshaller class is responsible for governing the process of serializing Java content trees back into XML data.Interfacejavax.xml.bindJava EE
Marshaller .Listener Register an instance of an implementation of this class with a Marshaller to externally listen for marshal events.Classjavax.xml.bind.MarshallerJava EE
MessageContextThe interface MessageContext abstracts the message context that is processed by a handler in the handleInterfacejavax.xml.rpc.handlerJava EE
MessageContextThe interface MessageContext abstracts the message context that is processed by a handler in the EE
MessageContext .ScopeProperty EE
MessageFactoryA factory for creating SOAPMessage objects.Classjavax.xml.soapJava EE
MimeHeaderAn object that stores a MIME header name and its value.Classjavax.xml.soapJava EE
MimeHeadersA container for MimeHeader objects, which represent the MIME headers present in a MIME part of a message.Classjavax.xml.soapJava EE
MTOMThis feature represents the use of MTOM with a This annotation MUST only be used in conjunction EE
MTOMFeatureThis feature represents the use of MTOM with a This feature can be used during the creation of SEI proxy, EE
NameA representation of an XML name.Interfacejavax.xml.soapJava EE
NamespaceConstantsConstants used in JAX-RPC for namespace prefixes and URIsVersion:1.Classjavax.xml.rpcJava EE
NodeA representation of a node (element) in an XML document.Interfacejavax.xml.soapJava EE
NormalizedStringAdapterXmlAdapter to handle xs:normalizedString.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotation.adaptersJava EE
NotIdentifiableEventThis event indicates that a problem was encountered resolving an ID/IDREF.Interfacejavax.xml.bindJava EE
NotIdentifiableEventImplDefault implementation of the NotIdentifiableEvent interface.Classjavax.xml.bind.helpersJava EE
ObjectHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersJava EE
OrganizationOrganization instances provide information on organizations such as a Submitting Organization.Interfacejavax.xml.registry.infomodelJava EE
ParameterModeThe javax.Classjavax.xml.rpcJava EE
ParseConversionEventThis event indicates that a problem was encountered while converting a string from the XML data into a value of the target Java data type.Interfacejavax.xml.bindJava EE
ParseConversionEventImplDefault implementation of the ParseConversionEvent interface.Classjavax.xml.bind.helpersJava EE
PersonNameRepresents a person's name.Interfacejavax.xml.registry.infomodelJava EE
PortInfoThe PortInfo interface is used by a HandlerResolver to query information EE
PostalAddressPostalAddress is a simple re-usable entity class that defines attributes of a postal Address.Interfacejavax.xml.registry.infomodelJava EE
PrintConversionEventThis event indicates that a problem was encountered while converting data from the Java content tree into its lexical representation.Interfacejavax.xml.bindJava EE
PrintConversionEventImplDefault implementation of the PrintConversionEvent interface.Classjavax.xml.bind.helpersJava EE
PropertyExceptionThis exception indicates that an error was encountered while getting or setting a property.Classjavax.xml.bindJava EE
ProtocolExceptionThe ProtocolException class is a base class for exceptions related to a specific protocol binding.Classjavax.xml.wsJava EE
ProviderService endpoints may implement the Provider interface as a dynamic alternative to an SEI.Interfacejavax.xml.wsJava EE EE
QNameHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersJava EE
QueryThe Query interface encapsulates a query in a declarative query language.Interfacejavax.xml.registryJava EE
QueryManagerThis is the common base interface for all QueryManagers in the API.Interfacejavax.xml.registryJava EE
RegistryEntryThe RegistryEntry interface is a base interface for interfaces in the model that require additional metadata beyond what is provided by the RegistryObject interface.Interfacejavax.xml.registry.infomodelJava EE
RegistryExceptionThis is the common base class for all Exceptions that are detected on the registry provider side rather than the JAXR client side.Classjavax.xml.registryJava EE
RegistryObjectThe RegistryObject class is an abstract base class used by most classes in the model.Interfacejavax.xml.registry.infomodelJava EE
RegistryPackageRegistryPackage instances are RegistryEntries that group logically related RegistryEntries together.Interfacejavax.xml.registry.infomodelJava EE
RegistryServiceThis is the principal interface implemented by a JAXR provider.Interfacejavax.xml.registryJava EE
RequestWrapperUsed to annotate methods in the Service Endpoint Interface with the request wrapper bean to be used at runtime.Classjavax.xml.wsJava EE
RespectBindingThis feature clarifies the use of the wsdl:binding in a JAX-WS runtime.Classjavax.xml.wsJava EE
RespectBindingFeatureThis feature clarifies the use of the wsdl:binding in a JAX-WS runtime.Classjavax.xml.wsJava EE
ResponseThe Response interface provides methods used to obtain the payload and context of a message sent in response to an operationInterfacejavax.xml.wsJava EE
ResponseWrapperUsed to annotate methods in the Service Endpoint Interface with the response wrapper bean to be used at runtime.Classjavax.xml.wsJava EE
SAAJMetaFactoryThe access point for the implementation classes of the factories defined in the SAAJ API.Classjavax.xml.soapJava EE
SAAJResultActs as a holder for the results of a JAXP transformation or a JAXB marshalling, in the form of a SAAJ tree.Classjavax.xml.soapJava EE
SaveExceptionA RegistryException that occurs during a save action.Classjavax.xml.registryJava EE
SchemaOutputResolverControls where a JAXB implementation puts the generates An implementation of this abstract class has to be provided by the callingClassjavax.xml.bindJava EE
SerializationContextThe javax.Interfacejavax.xml.rpc.encodingJava EE
SerializerThe javax.Interfacejavax.xml.rpc.encodingJava EE
SerializerFactoryThe javax.Interfacejavax.xml.rpc.encodingJava EE
ServiceService instances are RegistryObjects that provide information on services (for example, web services) offered by an Organization.Interfacejavax.xml.registry.infomodelJava EE
ServiceService class acts as a factory of the following: Dynamic proxy for the target service endpoint.Interfacejavax.xml.rpcJava EE
ServiceService objects provide the client view of a Web service.Classjavax.xml.wsJava EE
Service .ModeThe orientation of a dynamic client or EE
ServiceBindingServiceBinding instances are RegistryObjects that represent technical information on a specific way to access a specific interface offered by a Service instance.Interfacejavax.xml.registry.infomodelJava EE
ServiceDelegateService delegates are used internally by Service objects to allow pluggability of JAX-WS EE
ServiceExceptionThe javax.Classjavax.xml.rpcJava EE
ServiceFactoryThe javax.Classjavax.xml.rpcJava EE
ServiceLifecycleThe javax.Interfacejavax.xml.rpc.serverJava EE
ServiceModeUsed to indicate whether a Provider implementation wishes to work with entire protocol messages or just with protocol message payloads.Classjavax.xml.wsJava EE
ServletEndpointContextThe ServletEndpointContext provides an endpoint context maintained by the underlying servlet container basedInterfacejavax.xml.rpc.serverJava EE
ShortHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersJava EE
ShortWrapperHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersJava EE
SlotSlot instances provide a dynamic way to add arbitrary attributes to RegistryObject instances.Interfacejavax.xml.registry.infomodelJava EE EE
SOAPBodyAn object that represents the contents of the SOAP body element in a SOAP message.Interfacejavax.xml.soapJava EE
SOAPBodyElementA SOAPBodyElement object represents the contents in a SOAPBody object.Interfacejavax.xml.soapJava EE
SOAPConnectionA point-to-point connection that a client can use for sending messages directly to a remote party (represented by a URL, for instance).Classjavax.xml.soapJava EE
SOAPConnectionFactoryA factory for creating SOAPConnection objects.Classjavax.xml.soapJava EE
SOAPConstantsThe definition of constants pertaining to the SOAP protocol.Interfacejavax.xml.soapJava EE
SOAPElementAn object representing an element of a SOAP message that is allowed but not specifically prescribed by a SOAP specification.Interfacejavax.xml.soapJava EE
SOAPElementFactorySOAPElementFactory is a factory for XML fragments that will eventually end up in the SOAP part.Classjavax.xml.soapJava EE
SOAPEnvelopeThe container for the SOAPHeader and SOAPBody portions of a SOAPPart object.Interfacejavax.xml.soapJava EE
SOAPExceptionAn exception that signals that a SOAP exception has occurred.Classjavax.xml.soapJava EE
SOAPFactorySOAPFactory is a factory for creating various objects that exist in the SOAP XML tree.Classjavax.xml.soapJava EE
SOAPFaultAn element in the SOAPBody object that contains error and/or status information.Interfacejavax.xml.soapJava EE
SOAPFaultElementA representation of the contents in a SOAPFault object.Interfacejavax.xml.soapJava EE
SOAPFaultExceptionThe SOAPFaultException exception represents a The message part in the SOAP fault maps to the contents ofClassjavax.xml.rpc.soapJava EE
SOAPFaultExceptionThe SOAPFaultException exception represents a SOAP EE
SOAPHandlerThe SOAPHandler class extends Handler to provide typesafety for the message context parameter and add a EE
SOAPHeaderA representation of the SOAP header element.Interfacejavax.xml.soapJava EE
SOAPHeaderElementAn object representing the contents in the SOAP header part of the The immediate children of a SOAPHeader object canInterfacejavax.xml.soapJava EE
SOAPMessageThe root class for all SOAP messages.Classjavax.xml.soapJava EE
SOAPMessageContextThe interface javax.Interfacejavax.xml.rpc.handler.soapJava EE
SOAPMessageContextThe interface SOAPMessageContext provides access to the SOAP message for either RPC request or EE
SOAPPartThe container for the SOAP-specific portion of a SOAPMessage object.Classjavax.xml.soapJava EE
SpecificationLinkA SpecificationLink provides the linkage between a ServiceBinding and one of its technical specifications that describes how to use the service using the ServiceBinding.Interfacejavax.xml.registry.infomodelJava EE
StringHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersJava EE
StubThe interface javax.Interfacejavax.xml.rpcJava EE
TelephoneNumberA simple re-usable entity class that defines attributes of a telephone number.Interfacejavax.xml.registry.infomodelJava EE
TextA representation of a node whose value is text.Interfacejavax.xml.soapJava EE
TypeConstraintExceptionThis exception indicates that a violation of a dynamically checked type constraint was detected.Classjavax.xml.bindJava EE
TypeMappingThe javax.Interfacejavax.xml.rpc.encodingJava EE
TypeMappingRegistryThe interface javax.Interfacejavax.xml.rpc.encodingJava EE
UnexpectedObjectExceptionThis exception is thrown when the JAXR provider finds a Object that is out-of-place or of the wrong type within the context of a user request.Classjavax.xml.registryJava EE
UnmarshalExceptionThis exception indicates that an error has occurred while performing an unmarshal operation that prevents the JAXB Provider from completingClassjavax.xml.bindJava EE
UnmarshallerThe Unmarshaller class governs the process of deserializing XML data into newly created Java content trees, optionally validating the XML Interfacejavax.xml.bindJava EE
Unmarshaller .Listener Register an instance of an implementation of this class with Unmarshaller to externally listen for unmarshal events.Classjavax.xml.bind.UnmarshallerJava EE
UnmarshallerHandlerUnmarshaller implemented as SAX ContentHandler.Interfacejavax.xml.bindJava EE
UnsupportedCapabilityExceptionThis exception must be thrown when a JAXR client attempts to invoke an API method that is not supported by the capability profile that is supported by theClassjavax.xml.registryJava EE
URIValidatorDefines common behavior expected of any class that validates URIs.Interfacejavax.xml.registry.infomodelJava EE
UserUser instances are RegistryObjects that are used to provide information about registered users within the registry.Interfacejavax.xml.registry.infomodelJava EE
ValidationEventThis event indicates that a problem was encountered while validating the incoming XML data during an unmarshal operation, while performing Interfacejavax.xml.bindJava EE
ValidationEventCollectorValidationEventHandler implementation that collects all events.Classjavax.xml.bind.utilJava EE
ValidationEventHandlerA basic event handler interface for validation errors.Interfacejavax.xml.bindJava EE
ValidationEventImplDefault implementation of the ValidationEvent interface.Classjavax.xml.bind.helpersJava EE
ValidationEventLocatorEncapsulate the location of a ValidationEvent.Interfacejavax.xml.bindJava EE
ValidationEventLocatorImplDefault implementation of the ValidationEventLocator interface.Classjavax.xml.bind.helpersJava EE
ValidationExceptionThis exception indicates that an error has occurred while performing a validate operation.Classjavax.xml.bindJava EE
ValidatorAs of JAXB 2.Interfacejavax.xml.bindJava EE
VersionableThe Versionable interface defines the behavior common to classes that are capable of creating versions of their instances.Interfacejavax.xml.registry.infomodelJava EE
W3CDomHandlerDomHandler implementation for W3C DOM (org.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
W3CEndpointReferenceThis class represents a W3C Addressing EndpointReferece which is a remote reference to a web service endpoint that supports EE
W3CEndpointReferenceBuilderThis class is used to build W3CEndpointReference EE
WebEndpointUsed to annotate the getPortName() methods of a generated service interface.Classjavax.xml.wsJava EE
WebFaultUsed to annotate service specific exception classes to customize to the local and namespace name of the fault element and the nameClassjavax.xml.wsJava EE
WebServiceClientUsed to annotate a generated service interface.Classjavax.xml.wsJava EE
WebServiceContextA WebServiceContext makes it possible for a web service endpoint implementation class to accessInterfacejavax.xml.wsJava EE
WebServiceExceptionThe WebServiceException class is the base exception class for all JAX-WS API runtime exceptions.Classjavax.xml.wsJava EE
WebServiceFeatureA WebServiceFeature is used to represent a feature that can be enabled or disabled for a web service.Classjavax.xml.wsJava EE
WebServiceFeatureAnnotationAnnotation used to identify other annotations as a EE
WebServicePermissionThis class defines web service permissions.Classjavax.xml.wsJava EE
WebServiceProviderUsed to annotate a Provider implementation class.Classjavax.xml.wsJava EE
WebServiceRefThe WebServiceRef annotation is used to define a reference to a web service andClassjavax.xml.wsJava EE
WebServiceRefsThe WebServiceRefs annotation allows multiple web service references to be declared at theClassjavax.xml.wsJava EE
XmlAccessOrderUsed by XmlAccessorOrder to control the ordering of properties and fields in a JAXB bound class.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
XmlAccessorOrder Controls the ordering of fields and properties in a class.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
XmlAccessorType Controls whether fields or Javabean properties are serialized by default.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
XmlAccessTypeUsed by XmlAccessorType to control serialization of fields orSince:JAXB2.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
XmlAdapterAdapts a Java type for custom marshaling.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotation.adaptersJava EE
XmlAnyAttribute Maps a JavaBean property to a map of wildcard attributes.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
XmlAnyElementMaps a JavaBean property to XML infoset representation and/or JAXB element.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
XmlAttachmentRefMarks a field/property that its XML form is a uri reference to mime content.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
XmlAttribute Maps a JavaBean property to a XML attribute.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
XmlElementMaps a JavaBean property to a XML element derived from property name.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
XmlElement .DEFAULTUsed in XmlElement.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementJava EE
XmlElementDeclMaps a factory method to a XML element.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
XmlElementDecl .GLOBALUsed in XmlElementDecl.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementDeclJava EE
XmlElementRef Maps a JavaBean property to a XML element derived from property's type.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
XmlElementRef .DEFAULTUsed in XmlElementRef.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementRefJava EE
XmlElementRefsMarks a property that refers to classes with XmlElement Compared to an element property (property with XmlElementClassjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
XmlElements A container for multiple @XmlElement annotations.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
XmlElementWrapperGenerates a wrapper element around XML representation.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
XmlEnum Maps an enum type Enum to XML representation.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
XmlEnumValueMaps an enum constant in Enum type to XML representation.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
XmlID Maps a JavaBean property to XML ID.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
XmlIDREF Maps a JavaBean property to XML IDREF.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
XmlInlineBinaryDataDisable consideration of XOP encoding for datatypes that are bound to base64-encoded binary data in XML.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
XmlJavaTypeAdapterUse an adapter that implements XmlAdapter for custom marshaling.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotation.adaptersJava EE
XmlJavaTypeAdapter .DEFAULTUsed in XmlJavaTypeAdapter.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapterJava EE
XmlJavaTypeAdapters A container for multiple @XmlJavaTypeAdapter annotations.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotation.adaptersJava EE
XmlListUsed to map a property to a list simple type.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
XmlMimeTypeAssociates the MIME type that controls the XML representation of the property.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
XmlMixed Annotate a JavaBean multi-valued property to support mixed content.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
XmlNs Associates a namespace prefix with a XML namespace URI.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
XmlNsFormEnumeration of XML Schema namespace qualifications.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
XmlRegistryMarks a class that has XmlElementDecls.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
XmlRootElementMaps a class or an enum type to an XML element.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
XmlSchema Maps a package name to a XML namespace.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
XmlSchemaTypeMaps a Java type to a simple schema built-in type.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
XmlSchemaType .DEFAULTUsed in XmlSchemaType.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchemaTypeJava EE
XmlSchemaTypes A container for multiple @XmlSchemaType annotations.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
XmlSeeAlsoInstructs JAXB to also bind other classes when binding this class.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
XmlTransient Prevents the mapping of a JavaBean property/type to XML representation.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
XmlType Maps a class or an enum type to a XML Schema type.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
XMLTypeConstants for common XML Schema and SOAP 1.Classjavax.xml.rpc.encodingJava EE
XmlType .DEFAULTUsed in XmlType.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlTypeJava EE
XmlValue Enables mapping a class to a XML Schema complex type with a simpleContent or a XML Schema simple type.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationJava EE
AttributeFields inherited from interface Xerces
CharactersFields inherited from interface Xerces
CommentFields inherited from interface Xerces
DatatypeConfigurationExceptionIndicates a serious configuration error.Classjavax.xml.datatypeApache Xerces
DatatypeConstantsUtility class to contain basic Datatype values as constants.Classjavax.xml.datatypeApache Xerces
DatatypeConstants .FieldType-safe enum class that represents six fields of the Duration class.Classjavax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConstantsApache Xerces
DatatypeFactoryFactory that creates new javax.Classjavax.xml.datatypeApache Xerces
DocumentBuilderDefines the API to obtain DOM Document instances from an XML document.Classjavax.xml.parsersApache Xerces
DocumentBuilderFactoryDefines a factory API that enables applications to obtain a parser that produces DOM object trees from XML documents.Classjavax.xml.parsersApache Xerces
DOMLocatorIndicates the position of a node in a source DOM, intended primarily for error reporting.Interfacejavax.xml.transform.domApache Xerces
DOMResultActs as a holder for a transformation result tree in the form of a Document Object Model (DOM) tree.Classjavax.xml.transform.domApache Xerces
DOMSourceActs as a holder for a transformation Source tree in the form of a Document Object Model (DOM) tree.Classjavax.xml.transform.domApache Xerces
DTDFields inherited from interface Xerces
DurationImmutable representation of a time span as defined in the W3C XML Schema 1.Classjavax.xml.datatypeApache Xerces
EndDocumentFields inherited from interface Xerces
EndElementFields inherited from interface Xerces
EntityDeclarationFields inherited from interface Xerces
EntityReferenceFields inherited from interface Xerces
ErrorListenerTo provide customized error handling, implement this interface and use the setErrorListener method to register an instance of theInterfacejavax.xml.transformApache Xerces Xerces
FactoryConfigurationErrorThrown when a problem with configuration with the Parser Factories exists.Classjavax.xml.parsersApache Xerces
FactoryConfigurationErrorSee Also:Serialized FormConstructor SummaryFactoryConfigurationError()Classjavax.xml.streamApache Xerces
LocationInterfacejavax.xml.streamApache Xerces
NamespaceFields inherited from interface Xerces
NamespaceContextInterface for read only XML Namespace context processing.Interfacejavax.xml.namespaceApache Xerces
NotationDeclarationFields inherited from interface Xerces
OutputKeysProvides string constants that can be used to set output properties for a Transformer, or to retrieveClassjavax.xml.transformApache Xerces
ParserConfigurationExceptionIndicates a serious configuration error.Classjavax.xml.parsersApache Xerces
ProcessingInstructionFields inherited from interface Xerces
QNameQName represents a qualified name as defined in the XML specifications: XML Schema Part2:Classjavax.xml.namespaceApache Xerces
ResultAn object that implements this interface contains the information needed to build a transformation result tree.Interfacejavax.xml.transformApache Xerces
SAXParserDefines the API that wraps an XMLReader implementation class.Classjavax.xml.parsersApache Xerces
SAXParserFactoryDefines a factory API that enables applications to configure and obtain a SAX based parser to parse XML documents.Classjavax.xml.parsersApache Xerces
SAXResultActs as an holder for a transformation Result.Classjavax.xml.transform.saxApache Xerces
SAXSourceActs as an holder for SAX-style Source.Classjavax.xml.transform.saxApache Xerces
SAXTransformerFactoryThis class extends TransformerFactory to provide SAX-specific factory methods.Classjavax.xml.transform.saxApache Xerces
SchemaImmutable in-memory representation of grammar.Classjavax.xml.validationApache Xerces
SchemaFactoryFactory that creates Schema objects.Classjavax.xml.validationApache Xerces
SchemaFactoryLoaderThis class was removed from JAXP 1.Classjavax.xml.validationApache Xerces
SourceAn object that implements this interface contains the information needed to act as source input (XML source or transformation instructions).Interfacejavax.xml.transformApache Xerces
SourceLocatorThis interface is primarily for the purposes of reporting where an error occurred in the XML source or transformation instructions.Interfacejavax.xml.transformApache Xerces
StartDocumentFields inherited from interface Xerces
StartElementFields inherited from interface Xerces
StAXResultClassjavax.xml.transform.staxApache Xerces
StAXSourceClassjavax.xml.transform.staxApache Xerces
StreamFilterInterfacejavax.xml.streamApache Xerces
StreamReaderDelegateFields inherited from interface Xerces
StreamResultActs as an holder for a transformation result, which may be XML, plain Text, HTML, or some other form of markup.Classjavax.xml.transform.streamApache Xerces
StreamSourceActs as an holder for a transformation Source in the form of a stream of XML markup.Classjavax.xml.transform.streamApache Xerces
TemplatesAn object that implements this interface is the runtime representation of processed transformation instructions.Interfacejavax.xml.transformApache Xerces
TemplatesHandlerA SAX ContentHandler that may be used to process SAX parse events (parsing transformation instructions) into a Templates object.Interfacejavax.xml.transform.saxApache Xerces
TransformerAn instance of this abstract class can transform a source tree into a result tree.Classjavax.xml.transformApache Xerces
TransformerConfigurationExceptionIndicates a serious configuration error.Classjavax.xml.transformApache Xerces
TransformerExceptionThis class specifies an exceptional condition that occurred during the transformation process.Classjavax.xml.transformApache Xerces
TransformerFactoryA TransformerFactory instance can be used to create The system property that determines which Factory implementationClassjavax.xml.transformApache Xerces
TransformerFactoryConfigurationErrorThrown when a problem with configuration with the Transformer Factories exists.Classjavax.xml.transformApache Xerces
TransformerHandlerA TransformerHandler listens for SAX ContentHandler parse events and transformsInterfacejavax.xml.transform.saxApache Xerces
TypeInfoProviderThis class provides access to the type information determined by ValidatorHandler.Classjavax.xml.validationApache Xerces
URIResolverAn object that implements this interface that can be called by the processor to turn a URI used in document(), xsl:import, or xsl:include into a Source object.Interfacejavax.xml.transformApache Xerces
ValidatorA processor that checks an XML document against Schema.Classjavax.xml.validationApache Xerces
ValidatorHandlerStreaming validator that works on SAX stream.Classjavax.xml.validationApache Xerces
XMLConstantsUtility class to contain basic XML values as constants.Classjavax.xmlApache Xerces
XMLEventFields inherited from interface Xerces Xerces Xerces
XMLEventFactoryClassjavax.xml.streamApache Xerces
XMLEventReaderInterfacejavax.xml.streamApache Xerces
XMLEventWriterInterfacejavax.xml.streamApache Xerces
XMLGregorianCalendarRepresentation for W3C XML Schema 1.Classjavax.xml.datatypeApache Xerces
XMLInputFactoryClassjavax.xml.streamApache Xerces
XMLOutputFactoryClassjavax.xml.streamApache Xerces
XMLReporterInterfacejavax.xml.streamApache Xerces
XMLResolverInterfacejavax.xml.streamApache Xerces
XMLStreamConstantsInterfacejavax.xml.streamApache Xerces
XMLStreamExceptionClassjavax.xml.streamApache Xerces
XMLStreamReaderFields inherited from interface javax.Interfacejavax.xml.streamApache Xerces
XMLStreamWriterInterfacejavax.xml.streamApache Xerces
XPathXPath provides access to the XPath evaluation environment and expressions.Interfacejavax.xml.xpathApache Xerces
XPathConstantsClassjavax.xml.xpathApache Xerces
XPathExceptionXPathException represents a generic XPath exception.Classjavax.xml.xpathApache Xerces
XPathExpressionXPathExpression provides access to compiled XPath expressions.Interfacejavax.xml.xpathApache Xerces
XPathExpressionExceptionXPathExpressionException represents an error in an XPath expression.Classjavax.xml.xpathApache Xerces
XPathFactoryAn XPathFactory instance can be used to createSee newInstance(String uri) for lookup mechanism.Classjavax.xml.xpathApache Xerces
XPathFactoryConfigurationExceptionXPathFactoryConfigurationException represents a configuration error in a XPathFactory environment.Classjavax.xml.xpathApache Xerces
XPathFunctionXPathFunction provides access to XPath functions.Interfacejavax.xml.xpathApache Xerces
XPathFunctionExceptionXPathFunctionException represents an error with an XPath function.Classjavax.xml.xpathApache Xerces
XPathFunctionResolverXPathFunctionResolver provides access to the set of user defined XPathFunctions.Interfacejavax.xml.xpathApache Xerces
XPathVariableResolverXPathVariableResolver provides access to the set of user defined XPath variables.Interfacejavax.xml.xpathApache Xerces
AttachmentPartA single attachment to a SOAPMessage object.Classjavax.xml.soapApache Axis
BigDecimalHolderHolder for BigDecimals.Classjavax.xml.rpc.holdersApache Axis
BigIntegerHolderHolder for BigIntegers.Classjavax.xml.rpc.holdersApache Axis
BooleanHolderHolder for booleans.Classjavax.xml.rpc.holdersApache Axis
BooleanWrapperHolderHolder for Booleans.Classjavax.xml.rpc.holdersApache Axis
ByteArrayHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersApache Axis
ByteHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersApache Axis
ByteWrapperHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersApache Axis
CalendarHolderHolder for Calendars.Classjavax.xml.rpc.holdersApache Axis
CallThe javax.Interfacejavax.xml.rpcApache Axis
DeserializationContextThe javax.Interfacejavax.xml.rpc.encodingApache Axis
DeserializerThe javax.Interfacejavax.xml.rpc.encodingApache Axis
DeserializerFactoryThe javax.Interfacejavax.xml.rpc.encodingApache Axis
DetailA container for DetailEntry objects.Classjavax.xml.soapApache Axis
DetailEntryThe content for a Detail object, giving details for a SOAPFault object.Interfacejavax.xml.soapApache Axis
DoubleHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersApache Axis
DoubleWrapperHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersApache Axis
EndpointAn opaque representation of an application endpoint.Classjavax.xml.messagingApache Axis
FloatHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersApache Axis
FloatWrapperHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersApache Axis
GenericHandlerThe javax.Classjavax.xml.rpc.handlerApache Axis
HandlerThe javax.Interfacejavax.xml.rpc.handlerApache Axis
HandlerChainThe javax.Interfacejavax.xml.rpc.handlerApache Axis
HandlerInfoThe javax.Classjavax.xml.rpc.handlerApache Axis
HandlerRegistryThe javax.Interfacejavax.xml.rpc.handlerApache Axis
IntegerWrapperHolderHolder for Integers.Classjavax.xml.rpc.holdersApache Axis
IntHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersApache Axis
JAXRPCExceptionThe javax.Classjavax.xml.rpcApache Axis
LongHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersApache Axis
LongWrapperHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersApache Axis
MessageContextThe interface MessageContext abstracts the message context that is processed by a handler in the handleInterfacejavax.xml.rpc.handlerApache Axis
MessageFactoryA factory for creating SOAPMessage objects.Classjavax.xml.soapApache Axis
MimeHeaderAn object that stores a MIME header name and its value.Classjavax.xml.soapApache Axis
MimeHeadersA container for MimeHeader objects, which represent the MIME headers present in a MIME part of aClassjavax.xml.soapApache Axis
NameA representation of an XML name.Interfacejavax.xml.soapApache Axis
NamespaceConstantsConstants used in JAX-RPC for namespace prefixes and URIs.Classjavax.xml.rpcApache Axis
NodeA representation of a node (element) in a DOM representation of an XML document that provides some tree manipulation methods.Interfacejavax.xml.soapApache Axis
ObjectHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersApache Axis
ParameterModeThe javax.Classjavax.xml.rpcApache Axis
QNameQName class represents the value of a qualified name as specified in XMLClassjavax.xml.namespaceApache Axis
QNameHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersApache Axis
SerializationContextThe javax.Interfacejavax.xml.rpc.encodingApache Axis
SerializerThe javax.Interfacejavax.xml.rpc.encodingApache Axis
SerializerFactoryThe javax.Interfacejavax.xml.rpc.encodingApache Axis
ServiceService class acts as a factory of the following: Dynamic proxy for the target service endpoint.Interfacejavax.xml.rpcApache Axis
ServiceExceptionThe javax.Classjavax.xml.rpcApache Axis
ServiceFactoryThe javax.Classjavax.xml.rpcApache Axis
ServiceLifecycleThe javax.Interfacejavax.xml.rpc.serverApache Axis
ServletEndpointContextThe ServletEndpointContext provides an endpoint context maintained by the underlying servlet container basedInterfacejavax.xml.rpc.serverApache Axis
ShortHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersApache Axis
ShortWrapperHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersApache Axis
SOAPBodyAn object that represents the contents of the SOAP body element in a SOAP message.Interfacejavax.xml.soapApache Axis
SOAPBodyElementA SOAPBodyElement object represents the contents in a SOAPBody object.Interfacejavax.xml.soapApache Axis
SOAPConnectionA point-to-point connection that a client can use for sending messages directly to a remote party (represented by a URL, for instance).Classjavax.xml.soapApache Axis
SOAPConnectionFactoryA factory for creating SOAPConnection objects.Classjavax.xml.soapApache Axis
SOAPConstantsThe definition of constants pertaining to the SOAP 1.Interfacejavax.xml.soapApache Axis
SOAPElementAn object representing the contents in a SOAPBody object, the contents in a SOAPHeaderInterfacejavax.xml.soapApache Axis
SOAPElementFactorySOAPElementFactory is a factory for XML fragments that will eventually end up in the SOAP part.Classjavax.xml.soapApache Axis
SOAPEnvelopeThe container for the SOAPHeader and SOAPBody portions of a SOAPPart object.Interfacejavax.xml.soapApache Axis
SOAPExceptionAn exception that signals that a SOAP exception has occurred.Classjavax.xml.soapApache Axis
SOAPFactorySOAPFactory is a factory for creating various objects that exist in the SOAP XML tree.Classjavax.xml.soapApache Axis
SOAPFaultAn element in the SOAPBody object that contains error and/or status information.Interfacejavax.xml.soapApache Axis
SOAPFaultElementA representation of the contents in a SOAPFault object.Interfacejavax.xml.soapApache Axis
SOAPFaultExceptionThe SOAPFaultException exception represents a The message part in the SOAP fault maps to the contents ofClassjavax.xml.rpc.soapApache Axis
SOAPHeaderA representation of the SOAP header element.Interfacejavax.xml.soapApache Axis
SOAPHeaderElementAn object representing the contents in the SOAP header part of the SOAP envelope.Interfacejavax.xml.soapApache Axis
SOAPMessageThe root class for all SOAP messages.Classjavax.xml.soapApache Axis
SOAPMessageContextThe interface javax.Interfacejavax.xml.rpc.handler.soapApache Axis
SOAPPartThe container for the SOAP-specific portion of a SOAPMessage object.Classjavax.xml.soapApache Axis
StringHolderClassjavax.xml.rpc.holdersApache Axis
StubThe interface javax.Interfacejavax.xml.rpcApache Axis
TextA representation of a node whose value is text.Interfacejavax.xml.soapApache Axis
TypeMappingThe javax.Interfacejavax.xml.rpc.encodingApache Axis
TypeMappingRegistryThe interface javax.Interfacejavax.xml.rpc.encodingApache Axis
URLEndpointA special case of the Endpoint class used for simple applications that want to communicate directly with another SOAP-based application in a point-to-point fashion instead of going through a messaging provider.Classjavax.xml.messagingApache Axis
XMLTypeConstants representing XML Types.Classjavax.xml.rpc.encodingApache Axis
AbstractMarshallerImplPartial default Marshaller implementation.Classjavax.xml.bind.helpersEclipseLink
AbstractUnmarshallerImplPartial default Unmarshaller implementation.Classjavax.xml.bind.helpersEclipseLink
AttachmentMarshallerEnable JAXB marshalling to optimize storage of binary data.Classjavax.xml.bind.attachmentEclipseLink
AttachmentUnmarshallerEnables JAXB unmarshalling of a root document containing optimized binary data formats.Classjavax.xml.bind.attachmentEclipseLink
BinderEnable synchronization between XML infoset nodes and JAXB objects representing same XML document.Classjavax.xml.bindEclipseLink
CollapsedStringAdapterBuilt-in XmlAdapter to handle xs:token and its derived types.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotation.adaptersEclipseLink
DataBindingExceptionException that represents a failure in a JAXB operation.Classjavax.xml.bindEclipseLink
DatatypeConverter The javaType binding declaration can be used to customize the binding of an XML schema datatype to a Java datatype.Classjavax.xml.bindEclipseLink
DatatypeConverterInterface The DatatypeConverterInterface is for JAXB provider use only.Interfacejavax.xml.bindEclipseLink
DefaultValidationEventHandler JAXB 1.Classjavax.xml.bind.helpersEclipseLink
DomHandlerConverts an element (and its descendants) from/to DOM (or similar) representation.Interfacejavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
ElementThis is an element marker interface.Interfacejavax.xml.bindEclipseLink
HexBinaryAdapterXmlAdapter for xs:hexBinary.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotation.adaptersEclipseLink
JAXBClass that defines convenience methods for common, simple use of JAXB.Classjavax.xml.bindEclipseLink
JAXBContext The JAXBContext class provides the client's entry point to the JAXB API.Classjavax.xml.bindEclipseLink
JAXBElementJAXB representation of an Xml Element.Classjavax.xml.bindEclipseLink
JAXBElement .GlobalScopeDesignates global scope for an xml element.Classjavax.xml.bindEclipseLink
JAXBExceptionThis is the root exception class for all JAXB exceptions.Classjavax.xml.bindEclipseLink
JAXBIntrospectorProvide access to JAXB xml binding data for a JAXB object.Classjavax.xml.bindEclipseLink
JAXBPermissionThis class is for JAXB permissions.Classjavax.xml.bindEclipseLink
JAXBResultJAXP Result implementation that unmarshals a JAXB object.Classjavax.xml.bind.utilEclipseLink
JAXBSourceJAXP Source implementation that marshals a JAXB-generated object.Classjavax.xml.bind.utilEclipseLink
MarshalExceptionThis exception indicates that an error has occurred while performing a marshal operation that the provider is unable to recover from.Classjavax.xml.bindEclipseLink
Marshaller The Marshaller class is responsible for governing the process of serializing Java content trees back into XML data.Interfacejavax.xml.bindEclipseLink
Marshaller .Listener Register an instance of an implementation of this class with a Marshaller to externally listen for marshal events.Classjavax.xml.bindEclipseLink
NormalizedStringAdapterXmlAdapter to handle xs:normalizedString.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotation.adaptersEclipseLink
NotIdentifiableEventThis event indicates that a problem was encountered resolving an ID/IDREF.Interfacejavax.xml.bindEclipseLink
NotIdentifiableEventImplDefault implementation of the NotIdentifiableEvent interface.Classjavax.xml.bind.helpersEclipseLink
ParseConversionEventThis event indicates that a problem was encountered while converting a string from the XML data into a value of the target Java data type.Interfacejavax.xml.bindEclipseLink
ParseConversionEventImplDefault implementation of the ParseConversionEvent interface.Classjavax.xml.bind.helpersEclipseLink
PrintConversionEventThis event indicates that a problem was encountered while converting data from the Java content tree into its lexical representation.Interfacejavax.xml.bindEclipseLink
PrintConversionEventImplDefault implementation of the PrintConversionEvent interface.Classjavax.xml.bind.helpersEclipseLink
PropertyExceptionThis exception indicates that an error was encountered while getting or setting a property.Classjavax.xml.bindEclipseLink
SchemaOutputResolverControls where a JAXB implementation puts the generates An implementation of this abstract class has to be provided by the callingClassjavax.xml.bindEclipseLink
TypeConstraintExceptionThis exception indicates that a violation of a dynamically checked type constraint was detected.Classjavax.xml.bindEclipseLink
UnmarshalExceptionThis exception indicates that an error has occurred while performing an unmarshal operation that prevents the JAXB Provider from completingClassjavax.xml.bindEclipseLink
UnmarshallerThe Unmarshaller class governs the process of deserializing XML data into newly created Java content trees, optionally validating the XML Interfacejavax.xml.bindEclipseLink
Unmarshaller .Listener Register an instance of an implementation of this class with Unmarshaller to externally listen for unmarshal events.Classjavax.xml.bindEclipseLink
UnmarshallerHandlerUnmarshaller implemented as SAX ContentHandler.Interfacejavax.xml.bindEclipseLink
ValidationEventThis event indicates that a problem was encountered while validating the incoming XML data during an unmarshal operation, while performing Interfacejavax.xml.bindEclipseLink
ValidationEventCollectorValidationEventHandler implementation that collects all events.Classjavax.xml.bind.utilEclipseLink
ValidationEventHandlerA basic event handler interface for validation errors.Interfacejavax.xml.bindEclipseLink
ValidationEventImplDefault implementation of the ValidationEvent interface.Classjavax.xml.bind.helpersEclipseLink
ValidationEventLocatorEncapsulate the location of a ValidationEvent.Interfacejavax.xml.bindEclipseLink
ValidationEventLocatorImplDefault implementation of the ValidationEventLocator interface.Classjavax.xml.bind.helpersEclipseLink
ValidationExceptionThis exception indicates that an error has occurred while performing a validate operation.Classjavax.xml.bindEclipseLink
ValidatorAs of JAXB 2.Interfacejavax.xml.bindEclipseLink
W3CDomHandlerDomHandler implementation for W3C DOM (org.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlAccessOrderUsed by XmlAccessorOrder to control the ordering of properties and fields in a JAXB bound class.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlAccessorOrder Controls the ordering of fields and properties in a class.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlAccessorType Controls whether fields or Javabean properties are serialized by default.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlAccessTypeUsed by XmlAccessorType to control serialization of fields orSee Also:XmlAccessorTypeAuthor:Sekhar Vajjhala, Sun Microsystems, Inc.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlAdapterAdapts a Java type for custom marshaling.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotation.adaptersEclipseLink
XmlAnyAttribute Maps a JavaBean property to a map of wildcard attributes.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlAnyElementMaps a JavaBean property to XML infoset representation and/or JAXB element.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlAttachmentRefMarks a field/property that its XML form is a uri reference to mime content.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlAttribute Maps a JavaBean property to a XML attribute.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlElementMaps a JavaBean property to a XML element derived from property name.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlElement .DEFAULTUsed in XmlElement.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlElementDeclMaps a factory method to a XML element.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlElementDecl .GLOBALUsed in XmlElementDecl.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlElementRef Maps a JavaBean property to a XML element derived from property's type.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlElementRef .DEFAULTUsed in XmlElementRef.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlElementRefsMarks a property that refers to classes with XmlElement Compared to an element property (property with XmlElementClassjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlElements A container for multiple @XmlElement annotations.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlElementWrapperGenerates a wrapper element around XML representation.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlEnum Maps an enum type Enum to XML representation.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlEnumValueMaps an enum constant in Enum type to XML representation.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlID Maps a JavaBean property to XML ID.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlIDREF Maps a JavaBean property to XML IDREF.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlInlineBinaryDataDisable consideration of XOP encoding for datatypes that are bound to base64-encoded binary data in XML.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlJavaTypeAdapterUse an adapter that implements XmlAdapter for custom marshaling.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotation.adaptersEclipseLink
XmlJavaTypeAdapter .DEFAULTUsed in XmlJavaTypeAdapter.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotation.adaptersEclipseLink
XmlJavaTypeAdapters A container for multiple @XmlJavaTypeAdapter annotations.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotation.adaptersEclipseLink
XmlListUsed to map a property to a list simple type.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlMimeTypeAssociates the MIME type that controls the XML representation of the property.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlMixed Annotate a JavaBean multi-valued property to support mixed content.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlNs Associates a namespace prefix with a XML namespace URI.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlNsFormEnumeration of XML Schema namespace qualifications.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlRootElementMaps a class or an enum type to an XML element.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlSchema Maps a package name to a XML namespace.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlSchemaTypeMaps a Java type to a simple schema built-in type.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlSchemaType .DEFAULTUsed in XmlSchemaType.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlSchemaTypes A container for multiple @XmlSchemaType annotations.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlSeeAlsoInstructs JAXB to also bind other classes when binding this class.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlTransient Prevents the mapping of a JavaBean property/type to XML representation.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlType Maps a class or an enum type to a XML Schema type.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlType .DEFAULTUsed in XmlType.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
XmlValue Enables mapping a class to a XML Schema complex type with a simpleContent or a XML Schema simple type.Classjavax.xml.bind.annotationEclipseLink
DOMLocatorIndicates the position of a node in a source DOM, intended primarily for error reporting.Interfacejavax.xml.transform.domJaxP
DOMResultActs as a holder for a transformation result tree in the form of a Document Object Model (DOM) tree.Classjavax.xml.transform.domJaxP
DOMSourceActs as a holder for a transformation Source tree in the form of a Document Object Model (DOM) tree.Classjavax.xml.transform.domJaxP
DatatypeConfigurationExceptionIndicates a serious configuration error.Classjavax.xml.datatypeJaxP
DatatypeConstantsUtility class to contain basic Datatype values as constants.Classjavax.xml.datatypeJaxP
DatatypeConstants .FieldType-safe enum class that represents six fields of the Duration class.Classjavax.xml.datatypeJaxP
DatatypeFactoryFactory that creates new javax.Classjavax.xml.datatypeJaxP
DocumentBuilderDefines the API to obtain DOM Document instances from an XML document.Classjavax.xml.parsersJaxP
DocumentBuilderFactoryDefines a factory API that enables applications to obtain a parser that produces DOM object trees from XML documents.Classjavax.xml.parsersJaxP
DurationImmutable representation of a time span as defined in the W3C XML Schema 1.Classjavax.xml.datatypeJaxP
ErrorListenerTo provide customized error handling, implement this interface and use the setErrorListener method to register an instance of theInterfacejavax.xml.transformJaxP
FactoryConfigurationErrorThrown when a problem with configuration with the Parser Factories exists.Classjavax.xml.parsersJaxP
NamespaceContextInterface for read only XML Namespace context processing.Interfacejavax.xml.namespaceJaxP
OutputKeysProvides string constants that can be used to set output properties for a Transformer, or to retrieveClassjavax.xml.transformJaxP
ParserConfigurationExceptionIndicates a serious configuration error.Classjavax.xml.parsersJaxP
QNameQName represents a qualified name as defined in the XML specifications: XML Schema Part2:Classjavax.xml.namespaceJaxP
ResultAn object that implements this interface contains the information needed to build a transformation result tree.Interfacejavax.xml.transformJaxP
SAXParserDefines the API that wraps an XMLReader implementation class.Classjavax.xml.parsersJaxP
SAXParserFactoryDefines a factory API that enables applications to configure and obtain a SAX based parser to parse XML documents.Classjavax.xml.parsersJaxP
SAXResultActs as an holder for a transformation Result.Classjavax.xml.transform.saxJaxP
SAXSourceActs as an holder for SAX-style Source.Classjavax.xml.transform.saxJaxP
SAXTransformerFactoryThis class extends TransformerFactory to provide SAX-specific factory methods.Classjavax.xml.transform.saxJaxP
SchemaImmutable in-memory representation of grammar.Classjavax.xml.validationJaxP
SchemaFactoryFactory that creates Schema objects.Classjavax.xml.validationJaxP
SourceAn object that implements this interface contains the information needed to act as source input (XML source or transformation instructions).Interfacejavax.xml.transformJaxP
SourceLocatorThis interface is primarily for the purposes of reporting where an error occurred in the XML source or transformation instructions.Interfacejavax.xml.transformJaxP
StreamResultActs as an holder for a transformation result, which may be XML, plain Text, HTML, or some other form of markup.Classjavax.xml.transform.streamJaxP
StreamSourceActs as an holder for a transformation Source in the form of a stream of XML markup.Classjavax.xml.transform.streamJaxP
TemplatesAn object that implements this interface is the runtime representation of processed transformation instructions.Interfacejavax.xml.transformJaxP
TemplatesHandlerA SAX ContentHandler that may be used to process SAX parse events (parsing transformation instructions) into a Templates object.Interfacejavax.xml.transform.saxJaxP
TransformerAn instance of this abstract class can transform a source tree into a result tree.Classjavax.xml.transformJaxP
TransformerConfigurationExceptionIndicates a serious configuration error.Classjavax.xml.transformJaxP
TransformerExceptionThis class specifies an exceptional condition that occured during the transformation process.Classjavax.xml.transformJaxP
TransformerFactoryA TransformerFactory instance can be used to create The system property that determines which Factory implementationClassjavax.xml.transformJaxP
TransformerFactoryConfigurationErrorThrown when a problem with configuration with the Transformer Factories exists.Classjavax.xml.transformJaxP
TransformerHandlerA TransformerHandler listens for SAX ContentHandler parse events and transformsInterfacejavax.xml.transform.saxJaxP
TypeInfoProviderThis class provides access to the type information determined by ValidatorHandler.Classjavax.xml.validationJaxP
URIResolverAn object that implements this interface that can be called by the processor to turn a URI used in document(), xsl:import, or xsl:include into a Source object.Interfacejavax.xml.transformJaxP
ValidatorA processor that checks an XML document against Schema.Classjavax.xml.validationJaxP
ValidatorHandlerStreaming validator that works on SAX stream.Classjavax.xml.validationJaxP
XMLConstantsUtility class to contain basic XML values as constants.Classjavax.xmlJaxP
XMLGregorianCalendarRepresentation for W3C XML Schema 1.Classjavax.xml.datatypeJaxP
XPathXPath provides access to the XPath evaluation environment and expressions.Interfacejavax.xml.xpathJaxP
XPathExceptionXPathException represents a generic XPath exception.Classjavax.xml.xpathJaxP
XPathExpressionXPathExpression provides access to compiled XPath expressions.Interfacejavax.xml.xpathJaxP
XPathExpressionExceptionXPathExpressionException represents an error in an XPath expression.Classjavax.xml.xpathJaxP
XPathFactoryAn XPathFactory instance can be used to createSee newInstance(String uri) for lookup mechanism.Classjavax.xml.xpathJaxP
XPathFactoryConfigurationExceptionXPathFactoryConfigurationException represents a configuration error in a XPathFactory environment.Classjavax.xml.xpathJaxP
XPathFunctionXPathFunction provides access to XPath functions.Interfacejavax.xml.xpathJaxP
XPathFunctionExceptionXPathFunctionException represents an error with an XPath function.Classjavax.xml.xpathJaxP
XPathFunctionResolverXPathFunctionResolver provides access to the set of user defined XPathFunctions.Interfacejavax.xml.xpathJaxP
XPathVariableResolverXPathVariableResolver provides access to the set of user defined XPath variables.Interfacejavax.xml.xpathJaxP
ConnectionPoolXQDataSourceA factory for PooledXQConnection objects.Interfacejavax.xml.xqueryXQuery
PooledXQConnectionAn object that provides hooks for connection pool management.Interfacejavax.xml.xqueryXQuery
XQCancelledExceptionXQCancelledException is an exception to indicate that the current XQuery processing is cancelled by the application through aClassjavax.xml.xqueryXQuery
XQConnectionA connection (session) with a specific XQuery engine.Interfacejavax.xml.xqueryXQuery
XQConnectionEventAn event object that provides information about the source of a connection-related event.Classjavax.xml.xqueryXQuery
XQConnectionEventListenerAn object that registers to be notified of events generated by a PooledXQConnection object.Interfacejavax.xml.xqueryXQuery
XQConstantsXQConstants class provides constants that can be used in the XQJ API.Classjavax.xml.xqueryXQuery
XQDataFactoryThis interface represents a factory to obtain sequences, item objects and types.Interfacejavax.xml.xqueryXQuery
XQDataSourceAn XQDataSource is a factory for XQConnection objects.Interfacejavax.xml.xqueryXQuery
XQDynamicContextXQDynamicContext provides access to the dynamic context as defined in Dynamic Context, XQuery 1.Interfacejavax.xml.xqueryXQuery
XQExceptionAn exception that provides information on XQJ, XQuery or other errors reported by an XQJ implementation.Classjavax.xml.xqueryXQuery
XQExpressionThis interface describes the execute immediate functionality for expressions.Interfacejavax.xml.xqueryXQuery
XQItemThis interface represents an item in the XDM.Interfacejavax.xml.xqueryXQuery
XQItemAccessorThis interface represents a common interface for accessing the values of All the get functions raise an exception if the underlying sequence object Interfacejavax.xml.xqueryXQuery
XQItemTypeThe XQItemType interface represents an item type as defined in XQuery 1.Interfacejavax.xml.xqueryXQuery
XQMetaDataXQMetaData interface provides information about the data source, in various aspects, such as the product name and version identification,Interfacejavax.xml.xqueryXQuery
XQPreparedExpressionThis interface describes an expression that can be prepared for multiple subsequent executions.Interfacejavax.xml.xqueryXQuery
XQQueryExceptionAn exception that provides information on errors occurring during the evaluation of an xquery.Classjavax.xml.xqueryXQuery
XQResultItemThis interface represents an immutable item object obtained from an XQResultSequence using the getItem method.Interfacejavax.xml.xqueryXQuery
XQResultSequenceThis interface represents a sequence of items obtained as a result of evaluation XQuery expressions.Interfacejavax.xml.xqueryXQuery
XQSequenceThis interface represents a sequence of items as defined in the XDM.Interfacejavax.xml.xqueryXQuery
XQSequenceTypeThe XQSequenceType interface represents a sequence type as XQuery 1.Interfacejavax.xml.xqueryXQuery
XQStackTraceElementThis class represents a frame in a stack trace, akin to the java.Classjavax.xml.xqueryXQuery
XQStackTraceVariableThis class represents the list of variables and their valuesSee Also:XQStackTraceElement, Classjavax.xml.xqueryXQuery
XQStaticContextAn XQStaticContext represents default values for various XQuery Static Context Components.Interfacejavax.xml.xqueryXQuery