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#Net.phys2d.raw.collide Classes and Interfaces - 21 results found.
BoxBoxColliderThe implementation of box to box collision.Classnet.phys2d.raw.collidePhys2D
BoxCircleColliderA collider for boxes hitting circles.Classnet.phys2d.raw.collidePhys2D
CircleBoxColliderA collider for circles hitting boxes, Circle = BodyA, Box = BodyB The create() method is used as a factory incase this class shouldClassnet.phys2d.raw.collidePhys2D
CircleCircleColliderA collider for circle 2 circle collisions The create() method is used as a factory just in case this Classnet.phys2d.raw.collidePhys2D
CollideA static utility for resolve the collision between shapes TODO: make this nonstatic to allow a user to provide his/her own factoryClassnet.phys2d.rawPhys2D
ColliderThe description of any geometry collision resolver.Interfacenet.phys2d.raw.collidePhys2D
ColliderFactoryA collider factory to create colliders for arbitrary bodies, or actually their shapes.Classnet.phys2d.raw.collidePhys2D
ColliderUnavailableExceptionAn exception that is thrown by the ColliderFactory when no suitable collider has been found.Classnet.phys2d.raw.collidePhys2D
EdgeSweep two polygons.Classnet.phys2d.raw.collidePhys2D
FeaturePairAn identifier for a pair of edges between two bodies.Classnet.phys2d.raw.collidePhys2D
IntersectionClass representing a single intersection.Classnet.phys2d.raw.collidePhys2D
IntersectionGathererThis is a very important class for collision detection between polygons for several reasons:Classnet.phys2d.raw.collidePhys2D
LineBoxColliderThe logic for checking lines against boxesConstructor SummaryLineBoxCollider()Classnet.phys2d.raw.collidePhys2D
LineCircleColliderCollision routines betwene a circle and a line.Classnet.phys2d.raw.collidePhys2D
LineLineColliderCollides two lines with oneanother.Classnet.phys2d.raw.collidePhys2D
LinePolygonColliderCollider for a Line and a Convex Polygon.Classnet.phys2d.raw.collidePhys2D
PenetrationSweepThis class will, given an intersection pair (an ingoing and outgoing intersection), calculate the penetration depth.Classnet.phys2d.raw.collidePhys2D
PolygonBoxColliderCollide a Convex Polygon with a Box.Classnet.phys2d.raw.collidePhys2D
PolygonCircleColliderCollide a circle with a convex polygonConstructor SummaryPolygonCircleCollider()Classnet.phys2d.raw.collidePhys2D
PolygonPolygonColliderCollision detection functions for colliding two polygons.Classnet.phys2d.raw.collidePhys2D
SwapColliderA collider wrapper that swaps the collision result of the collider.Classnet.phys2d.raw.collidePhys2D