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AbstractInterruptibleChannelBase implementation class for interruptible channels.Classjava.nio.channels.spiJava SE
AbstractSelectableChannelBase implementation class for selectable channels.Classjava.nio.channels.spiJava SE
AbstractSelectionKeyBase implementation class for selection keys.Classjava.nio.channels.spiJava SE
AbstractSelectorBase implementation class for selectors.Classjava.nio.channels.spiJava SE
AcceptPendingExceptionUnchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to initiate an accept operation on a channel and a previous accept operation has not completed.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
AlreadyBoundExceptionUnchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to bind the socket a network oriented channel that is already bound.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
AlreadyConnectedExceptionUnchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to connect a SocketChannel that is already connected.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
AsynchronousChannelGroupA grouping of asynchronous channels for the purpose of resource sharing.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
AsynchronousChannelProviderService-provider class for asynchronous channels.Classjava.nio.channels.spiJava SE
AsynchronousCloseExceptionChecked exception received by a thread when another thread closes the channel or the part of the channel upon which it is blocked in an I/OClassjava.nio.channelsJava SE
AsynchronousFileChannelAn asynchronous channel for reading, writing, and manipulating a file.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
AsynchronousServerSocketChannelAn asynchronous channel for stream-oriented listening sockets.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
AsynchronousSocketChannelAn asynchronous channel for stream-oriented connecting sockets.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
AsynchronousByteChannelAn asynchronous channel that can read and write bytes.Interfacejava.nio.channelsJava SE
AsynchronousChannelA channel that supports asynchronous I/O operations.Interfacejava.nio.channelsJava SE
ByteChannelA channel that can read and write bytes.Interfacejava.nio.channelsJava SE
CancelledKeyExceptionUnchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to use a selection key that is no longer valid.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
ChannelsUtility methods for channels and streams.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
CharacterCodingExceptionChecked exception thrown when a character encoding or decoding error occurs.Classjava.nio.charsetJava SE
CharBuffer This class defines four categories of operations upon Absolute and relative get andClassjava.nioJava SE
CharsetA named mapping between sequences of sixteen-bit Unicode code units and sequences of bytes.Classjava.nio.charsetJava SE
CharsetDecoderAn engine that can transform a sequence of bytes in a specific charset into a sequence of sixteen-bit Unicode characters.Classjava.nio.charsetJava SE
CharsetEncoderAn engine that can transform a sequence of sixteen-bit Unicode characters into a sequence of bytes in a specific charset.Classjava.nio.charsetJava SE
CharsetProviderCharset service-provider class.Classjava.nio.charset.spiJava SE
ClosedByInterruptExceptionChecked exception received by a thread when another thread interrupts it while it is blocked in an I/O operation upon a channel.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
ClosedChannelExceptionChecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to invoke or complete an I/O operation upon channel that is closed, or at least closed to thatClassjava.nio.channelsJava SE
ClosedSelectorExceptionUnchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to invoke an I/O operation upon a closed selector.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
CoderMalfunctionErrorError thrown when the decodeLoop method of a CharsetDecoder, or the encodeLoop method of a CharsetEncoder, throws an unexpectedClassjava.nio.charsetJava SE
CoderResultA description of the result state of a coder.Classjava.nio.charsetJava SE
CodingErrorActionA typesafe enumeration for coding-error actions.Classjava.nio.charsetJava SE
ConnectionPendingExceptionUnchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to connect a SocketChannel for which a non-blocking connection operation is already inSince:1.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
ChannelA nexus for I/O operations.Interfacejava.nio.channelsJava SE
CompletionHandlerA handler for consuming the result of an asynchronous I/O operation.Interfacejava.nio.channelsJava SE
DatagramChannelA selectable channel for datagram-oriented sockets.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
FileChannelA channel for reading, writing, mapping, and manipulating a file.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
FileChannel .MapModeA typesafe enumeration for file-mapping modes.Classjava.nio.channels.FileChannelJava SE
FileLockA token representing a lock on a region of a file.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
FileLockInterruptionExceptionChecked exception received by a thread when another thread interrupts it while it is waiting to acquire a file lock.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
GatheringByteChannelA channel that can write bytes from a sequence of buffers.Interfacejava.nio.channelsJava SE
IllegalBlockingModeExceptionUnchecked exception thrown when a blocking-mode-specific operation is invoked upon a channel in the incorrect blocking mode.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
IllegalChannelGroupExceptionUnchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to open a channel in a group that was not created by the same provider.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
IllegalCharsetNameExceptionUnchecked exception thrown when a string that is not a legal charset name is used as such.Classjava.nio.charsetJava SE
IllegalSelectorExceptionUnchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to register a channel with a selector that was not created by the provider that created theClassjava.nio.channelsJava SE
InterruptedByTimeoutExceptionChecked exception received by a thread when a timeout elapses before an asynchronous operation completes.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
InterruptibleChannelA channel that can be asynchronously closed and interrupted.Interfacejava.nio.channelsJava SE
MalformedInputExceptionChecked exception thrown when an input byte sequence is not legal for given charset, or an input character sequence is not a legal sixteen-bit UnicodeClassjava.nio.charsetJava SE
MembershipKeyA token representing the membership of an Internet Protocol (IP) multicast A membership key may represent a membership to receive all datagrams sentClassjava.nio.channelsJava SE
MulticastChannelA network channel that supports Internet Protocol (IP) multicasting.Interfacejava.nio.channelsJava SE
NoConnectionPendingExceptionUnchecked exception thrown when the finishConnect method of a SocketChannel is invoked without first successfully invoking its connect method.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
NonReadableChannelExceptionUnchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to read from a channel that was not originally opened for reading.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
NonWritableChannelExceptionUnchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to write to a channel that was not originally opened for writing.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
NotYetBoundExceptionUnchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to invoke an I/O operation upon a server socket channel that is not yet bound.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
NotYetConnectedExceptionUnchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to invoke an I/O operation upon a socket channel that is not yet connected.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
NetworkChannelA channel to a network socket.Interfacejava.nio.channelsJava SE
OverlappingFileLockExceptionUnchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to acquire a lock on a region of a file that overlaps a region already locked by the same JavaClassjava.nio.channelsJava SE
PipeA pair of channels that implements a unidirectional pipe.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
Pipe .SinkChannelA channel representing the writable end of a Pipe.Classjava.nio.channels.PipeJava SE
Pipe .SourceChannelA channel representing the readable end of a Pipe.Classjava.nio.channels.PipeJava SE
ReadPendingExceptionUnchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to read from an asynchronous socket channel and a previous read has not completed.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
ReadableByteChannelA channel that can read bytes.Interfacejava.nio.channelsJava SE
SelectableChannelA channel that can be multiplexed via a Selector.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
SelectionKeyA token representing the registration of a SelectableChannel with a A selection key is created each time a channel is registered with aClassjava.nio.channelsJava SE
SelectorA multiplexor of SelectableChannel objects.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
SelectorProviderService-provider class for selectors and selectable channels.Classjava.nio.channels.spiJava SE
ServerSocketChannelA selectable channel for stream-oriented listening sockets.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
ShutdownChannelGroupExceptionUnchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to construct a channel in a group that is shutdown or the completion handler for an I/O operation Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
SocketChannelA selectable channel for stream-oriented connecting sockets.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
StandardCharsetsConstant definitions for the standard Charsets.Classjava.nio.charsetJava SE
ScatteringByteChannelA channel that can read bytes into a sequence of buffers.Interfacejava.nio.channelsJava SE
SeekableByteChannelA byte channel that maintains a current position and allows the position to be changed.Interfacejava.nio.channelsJava SE
UnmappableCharacterExceptionChecked exception thrown when an input character (or byte) sequence is valid but cannot be mapped to an output byte (or character)Classjava.nio.charsetJava SE
UnresolvedAddressExceptionUnchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to invoke a network operation upon an unresolved socket address.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
UnsupportedAddressTypeExceptionUnchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to bind or connect to a socket address of a type that is not supported.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
UnsupportedCharsetExceptionUnchecked exception thrown when no support is available for a requested charset.Classjava.nio.charsetJava SE
WritePendingExceptionUnchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to write to an asynchronous socket channel and a previous write has not completed.Classjava.nio.channelsJava SE
WritableByteChannelA channel that can write bytes.Interfacejava.nio.channelsJava SE
AbstractInterruptibleChannelBase implementation class for interruptible channels.Classnio.channels.spiCode Trails
AbstractPollArrayWrapperClassnio.chCode Trails
AbstractPollSelectorImplClassnio.chCode Trails
AbstractSelectableChannelBase implementation class for selectable channels.Classnio.channels.spiCode Trails
AbstractSelectionKeyBase implementation class for selection keys.Classnio.channels.spiCode Trails
AbstractSelectorBase implementation class for selectors.Classnio.channels.spiCode Trails
AcceptPendingExceptionUnchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to initiate an accept operation on a channel and a previous accept operation has not completed.Classnio.channelsCode Trails
AllocatedNativeObjectClassnio.chCode Trails
AlreadyBoundExceptionUnchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to bind the socket a network oriented channel that is already bound.Classnio.channelsCode Trails
AlreadyConnectedExceptionUnchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to connect a SocketChannel that is already connected.Classnio.channelsCode Trails
AsynchronousByteChannelAn asynchronous channel that can read and write bytes.Interfacenio.channelsCode Trails
AsynchronousChannelA channel that supports asynchronous I/O operations.Interfacenio.channelsCode Trails
AsynchronousChannelGroupA grouping of asynchronous channels for the purpose of resource sharing.Classnio.channelsCode Trails
AsynchronousChannelGroupImplClassnio.chCode Trails
AsynchronousChannelProviderService-provider class for asynchronous channels.Classnio.channels.spiCode Trails
AsynchronousChannelProvider .ProviderHolderClassnio.channels.spi.AsynchronousChannelProviderCode Trails
AsynchronousCloseExceptionChecked exception received by a thread when another thread closes the channel or the part of the channel upon which it is blocked in an I/OClassnio.channelsCode Trails
AsynchronousFileChannelAn asynchronous channel for reading, writing, and manipulating a file.Classnio.channelsCode Trails
AsynchronousFileChannelImplClassnio.chCode Trails
AsynchronousServerSocketChannelAn asynchronous channel for stream-oriented listening sockets.Classnio.channelsCode Trails
AsynchronousServerSocketChannelImplClassnio.chCode Trails
AsynchronousServerSocketChannelImpl Trails
AsynchronousSocketChannelAn asynchronous channel for stream-oriented connecting sockets.Classnio.channelsCode Trails
AsynchronousSocketChannelImplClassnio.chCode Trails
AsynchronousSocketChannelImpl Trails
BsdAsynchronousChannelProviderClassnio.chCode Trails
ByteChannelA channel that can read and write bytes.Interfacenio.channelsCode Trails
CancellableInterfacenio.chCode Trails
CancelledKeyExceptionUnchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to use a selection key that is no longer valid.Classnio.channelsCode Trails
ChannelA nexus for I/O operations.Interfacenio.channelsCode Trails
ChannelInputStreamThis class is defined here rather than in java.Classnio.chCode Trails
ChannelsUtility methods for channels and streams.Classnio.channelsCode Trails
Channels .ReadableByteChannelImplClassnio.channels.ChannelsCode Trails
Channels .WritableByteChannelImplClassnio.channels.ChannelsCode Trails
CharacterCodingExceptionChecked exception thrown when a character encoding or decoding error occurs.Classnio.charsetCode Trails
CharBuffer This class defines four categories of operations upon Absolute and relative get andClassnioCode Trails
CharsetA named mapping between sequences of sixteen-bit Unicode code units and sequences of bytes.Classnio.charsetCode Trails
CharsetDecoderAn engine that can transform a sequence of bytes in a specific charset into a sequence of sixteen-bit Unicode characters.Classnio.charsetCode Trails
CharsetEncoderAn engine that can transform a sequence of sixteen-bit Unicode characters into a sequence of bytes in a specific charset.Classnio.charsetCode Trails
CharsetProviderCharset service-provider class.Classnio.charset.spiCode Trails
ClosedByInterruptExceptionChecked exception received by a thread when another thread interrupts it while it is blocked in an I/O operation upon a channel.Classnio.channelsCode Trails
ClosedChannelExceptionChecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to invoke or complete an I/O operation upon channel that is closed, or at least closed to thatClassnio.channelsCode Trails
ClosedSelectorExceptionUnchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to invoke an I/O operation upon a closed selector.Classnio.channelsCode Trails
CoderMalfunctionErrorError thrown when the decodeLoop method of a CharsetDecoder, or the encodeLoop method of a CharsetEncoder, throws an unexpectedClassnio.charsetCode Trails
CoderResultA description of the result state of a coder.Classnio.charsetCode Trails
CoderResult .CacheClassnio.charset.CoderResultCode Trails
CodingErrorActionA typesafe enumeration for coding-error actions.Classnio.charsetCode Trails
CompletedFutureClassnio.chCode Trails
CompletionHandlerA handler for consuming the result of an asynchronous I/O operation.Interfacenio.channelsCode Trails
ConnectionPendingExceptionUnchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to connect a SocketChannel for which a non-blocking connection operation is already inSince:1.Classnio.channelsCode Trails
DatagramChannelA selectable channel for datagram-oriented sockets.Classnio.channelsCode Trails
DatagramChannelImplClassnio.chCode Trails
DatagramChannelImpl Trails
DatagramDispatcherClassnio.chCode Trails
DatagramSocketAdaptorClassnio.chCode Trails
DefaultAsynchronousChannelProviderClassnio.chCode Trails
DefaultSelectorProviderClassnio.chCode Trails
DevPollArrayWrapperClassnio.chCode Trails
DevPollSelectorImplClassnio.chCode Trails
DevPollSelectorProviderClassnio.chCode Trails
CharsetDecoderUtilClasscom.liferay.portal.kernel.nio.charsetLiferay Portal
CharsetEncoderUtilClasscom.liferay.portal.kernel.nio.charsetLiferay Portal