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#Org.apache.camel.spi Classes and Interfaces - 97 results found.
AggregationRepositoryAccess to a repository to store aggregated exchanges to support pluggable implementations.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
AsyncProcessorAwaitManagerA manager to handle async routing engine, when Exchanges are being handed over from one thread to another, while the callee thread is blocked waiting for the other threads to complete, before it can continue.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
AsyncProcessorAwaitManager .AwaitThreadInformation about the thread and exchange that are inflight.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spi.AsyncProcessorAwaitManagerApache Camel
AsyncProcessorAwaitManager .StatisticsUtilization statistics of the this manager.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spi.AsyncProcessorAwaitManagerApache Camel
BindingRepresents a Binding or contract which can be applied to an Endpoint; such as ensuring that a particularInterfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
BreakpointBreakpoint are used by the Debugger API.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
Breakpoint .StateState of the breakpoint as either active or suspended.Classorg.apache.camel.spi.BreakpointApache Camel
BrowsableEndpointAn optional interface an Endpoint may choose to implement which allows it to expose a way of browsing the exchanges available.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
CamelContextNameStrategyStrategy for assigning name to a CamelContext.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
CamelContextTrackerA camel context creation tracker.Classorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
ClassResolverA class resolver for loading classes in a loosly coupled manner to cater for different platforms such as standalone, web container, j2ee container and OSGi platforms.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
ComponentResolverRepresents a resolver of components from a URI to be able to auto-load them using some discovery mechanism like DefaultComponentResolverInterfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
ConditionA condition to define when a given Exchange matches when is being routed.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
ContainerThe Container interface defines an object that can be used to customize all Camel CONTEXTS created.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
Container .InstanceThe Instance class holds a Container singleton.Classorg.apache.camel.spi.ContainerApache Camel
DataFormat used to marshal objects to and from streams such as Java Serialization or using JAXB2 to encode/decode objects using XMLInterfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
DataFormatResolverRepresents a resolver of data formats.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
DebuggerA debugger which allows tooling to attach breakpoints which is is being invoked when Exchanges is being routed.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
EndpointCompleterA helper interface used by the ComponentConfiguration.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
EndpointRegistryRegistry to cache endpoints in memory.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
EndpointStrategyEndpoint strategy with callback invoked when an Endpoint is about to be registered to the endpoint registry in CamelContext.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
EventFactoryFactory to create events that are emitted when such an event occur.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
EventNotifierNotifier to send events.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
ExceptionHandlerA Strategy pattern for handling exceptions; particularly in asynchronous processes such as consumers.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
ExchangeFormatterA plugin used to turn an Exchange into a String representation usually to be used for logging or tracing purposes.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
ExchangeIdempotentRepositoryAccess to a repository of Message IDs to implement the Idempotent Consumer pattern.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
ExecutorServiceManagerStrategy to create thread pools.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
ExecutorServiceStrategyStrategy to create thread pools.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
FactoryFinderFinder to find factories from the resource classpath, usually META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
FactoryFinderResolverInterfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
HasBindingAllows objects such as Endpoints to expose that they have a For example bean or cxf endpoints can expose the internal binding metadata at runtimeInterfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
HasIdA simple marker interface for an object which has a unique ID which is useful for referring to objects in REST or JMX style APIsInterfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
HeaderFilterStrategyInterface to allow plug-able implementation to filter header to and from Camel message.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
HeaderFilterStrategy .DirectionThe direction is either IN or OUT.Classorg.apache.camel.spi.HeaderFilterStrategyApache Camel
HeaderFilterStrategyAwareAn interface to represent an object which can make use of injected HeaderFilterStrategy.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
IdempotentRepositoryAccess to a repository of Message IDs to implement the Idempotent Consumer pattern.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
InflightRepositoryA repository which tracks in flight Exchanges.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
InflightRepository .InflightExchangeInformation about the inflight exchange.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spi.InflightRepositoryApache Camel
InjectorA pluggable strategy for creating and possibly dependency injecting objects which could be implemented using straight forward reflection or using SpringInterfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
InterceptStrategyThe purpose of this interface is to allow an implementation to wrap processors in a route with interceptors.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
LanguageInterfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
LanguageResolverInterfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
LifecycleStrategyStrategy for lifecycle notifications.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
ManagementAgentInterfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
ManagementAwareAn interface to represent an object being managed.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
ManagementMBeanAssemblerAn assembler to assemble a RequiredModelMBean which can be used to register the object in JMX.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
ManagementNameStrategyStrategy for assigning the name part of the ObjectName for a managed CamelContext.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
ManagementNamingStrategyStrategy for computing ObjectName names for the various beans that Camel register for management.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
ManagementObjectStrategyStrategy for creating the managed object for the various beans Camel register for management.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
ManagementStrategyStrategy for management.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
ModelJAXBContextFactoryFactory to abstract the creation of the Model's JAXBContext.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
NamespaceAwareRepresents an object which is aware of the namespaces in which its used such as XPath and XQuery type expressions so that the current namespace context can be injectedInterfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
NodeIdFactoryFactory to generate unique ids for model nodes.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
OptimisticLockingAggregationRepositoryA specialized AggregationRepository which also supports optimistic locking.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
OptimisticLockingAggregationRepository .OptimisticLockingExceptionException used by an AggregationRepository to indicate that an optimistic update error has occurred and that the operation should be retried by the caller.Classorg.apache.camel.spi.OptimisticLockingAggregationRepositoryApache Camel
PackageScanClassResolverA resolver that can find resources based on package scanning.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
PackageScanFilterFilter that can be used with the PackageScanClassResolver resolver.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
PolicyA strategy capable of applying interceptors to a processor.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
PollingConsumerPollStrategyStrategy for a PollingConsumer when polling an Endpoint.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
ProcessorFactoryA factory to create Processor based on the definition.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
RecoverableAggregationRepositoryA specialized AggregationRepository which also supports recovery.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
RegistryRepresents a service registry which may be implemented via a Spring ApplicationContext, via JNDI, a simple Map or the OSGi Service RegistryInterfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
RestConfigurationConfiguration use by RestConsumerFactory for Camel components to support the Camel rest DSL.Classorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
RestConfiguration .RestBindingModeClassorg.apache.camel.spi.RestConfigurationApache Camel
RestConfiguration .RestHostNameResolverClassorg.apache.camel.spi.RestConfigurationApache Camel
RestConsumerFactoryInterfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
RestRegistryA registry of all REST services running within the CamelContext which have been defined and created using the Rest DSL.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
RestRegistry .RestServiceInterfaceorg.apache.camel.spi.RestRegistryApache Camel
RouteContextInterfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
RoutePolicyPolicy for a Route which allows controlling the route at runtime.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
RoutePolicyFactoryA factory to create RoutePolicy and assign to routes automatic.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
RouteStartupOrderInformation about a route to be started where we want to control the order in which they are started by CamelContext.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
RuntimeEndpointRegistryA registry which listen for runtime usage of Endpoint during routing in Camel.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
ScheduledPollConsumerSchedulerA pluggable scheduler for ScheduledPollConsumer consumers.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
ServicePoolA service pool is like a connection pool but can pool any kind of objects.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
ShutdownAwareAllows Consumer to fine grained control on shutdown which mostly have to cater for in-memory based components.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
ShutdownPreparedAllows a Service to prepare for shutdown.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
ShutdownStrategyPluggable shutdown strategy executed during shutdown of routes.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
StreamCachingStrategyStrategy for using stream caching.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
StreamCachingStrategy .SpoolRuleRule for determine if stream caching should be spooled to disk or kept in-memory.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spi.StreamCachingStrategyApache Camel
StreamCachingStrategy .SpoolUsedHeapMemoryLimitUsed for selecting if the memory limit is committed or maximum heap memory setting.Classorg.apache.camel.spi.StreamCachingStrategyApache Camel
StreamCachingStrategy .StatisticsUtilization statistics of stream caching.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spi.StreamCachingStrategyApache Camel
SubUnitOfWorkA sub unit of work is a way of implement sub-transactions in Camel routing.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
SubUnitOfWorkCallbackTo allow unit of work for the UnitOfWork while processing a number of Exchanges.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
SynchronizationProvides a hook for custom Processor or Component instances to respond to completed or failed processing of an Exchange rather like Spring'sInterfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
SynchronizationRouteAwareAn extended Synchronization which is route aware.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
SynchronizationVetoableA vetoable Synchronization.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
ThreadPoolFactoryCreates ExecutorService and ScheduledExecutorService objects that work with a thread pool for a given ThreadPoolProfile and ThreadFactory.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
ThreadPoolProfileA profile which defines thread pool settings.Classorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
TracedRouteNodesTracing information used by TraceInterceptor so we can trace the exact route path a given Exchange has been processed.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
TypeConverterAwareAn interface for an object which is interested in being injected with the root TypeConverter such as for implementing a fallback type converterInterfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
TypeConverterLoaderA pluggable strategy to load type converters into a TypeConverterRegistry from some kind of mechanism.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
TypeConverterRegistryRegistry for type converters.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
TypeConverterRegistry .StatisticsUtilization statistics of the this registry.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spi.TypeConverterRegistryApache Camel
UnitOfWorkAn object representing the unit of work processing an Exchange which allows the use of Synchronization hooks.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
UnitOfWorkFactoryFactory to create UnitOfWork.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel
UuidGeneratorGenerator to generate UUID strings.Interfaceorg.apache.camel.spiApache Camel