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#Org.apache.commons.jelly Classes and Interfaces - 95 results found.
ArgTagAn argument to a NewTag or InvokeTag.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
ArgTagParentInterface for classes that support ArgTag children.Interfaceorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
AttributeRepresents the attribute definition used by dynamic tags, such as whether the attribute is required or any default values etc.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.implApache Commons
BaseClassLoaderTagAbstract base tag providing ClassLoader support.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
BaseJellyTestClassorg.apache.commons.jelly.testApache Commons
BeanSourceA tag which is associated with a JavaBean, such as a DynamicBeanTagVersion:$Revision: 155420 $Author:James StrachanInterfaceorg.apache.commons.jelly.implApache Commons
BreakExceptionBreakException is used to terminate loops such as and tags.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.implApache Commons
BreakTagClassorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
CaseTagA tag which conditionally evaluates its body if my value attribute equals my ancestorClassorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
CatchTagA tag which catches exceptions thrown by its body.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
ChooseTagA tag which conditionally evaluates its body based on some conditionVersion:$Revision: 155420 $Author:James StrachanClassorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
ClassLoaderUtilsA class to centralize the class loader management code.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.utilApache Commons
CollectionTagA tag which is capable of consuming objects, such as a tag such that nested objects will be added to the parent tag.Interfaceorg.apache.commons.jelly.implApache Commons
CommandLineParserUtility class to parse command line options using CLI.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.utilApache Commons
CompilableTagCompilable represents a Tag that is compilable.Interfaceorg.apache.commons.jellyApache Commons
CompositeExpressionCompositeExpression is a Composite expression made up of several Expression objects which are concatenated into a single String.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.expressionApache Commons
CompositeTextScriptBlockCompositeTextScriptBlock represents a text body of a a tag which contains expressions, so that whitespace trimmingClassorg.apache.commons.jelly.implApache Commons
ConstantExpressionConstantExpression represents a constant expression.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.expressionApache Commons
CoreTagLibraryThis is the core tag library for jelly and contains commonly This class could be generated by XDocletClassorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
DefaultNamespaceFilterXMLFilter that can provide a default namespace when one has not been declared by the XML document.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.parserApache Commons
DefaultTagA tag which conditionally evaluates its body if none of its preceeding sibling Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
DefaultTagFactoryDefaultTagFactory a default implementation of TagFactory which creates new instances of a given class.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.implApache Commons
DefaultTagLibraryResolverDefaultTagLibraryResolver is a default implemenation which attempts to interpret the URI as a String called 'jelly:className'Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.implApache Commons
DynaBeanTagSupportDynaBeanTag is a DynaTag implementation which uses a DynaBean to store its attribute values in.Classorg.apache.commons.jellyApache Commons
DynaTagDynaTag represents a Jelly custom tag which can take its attributes dynamically and store them in some data structure.Interfaceorg.apache.commons.jellyApache Commons
DynaTagSupportDynaTagSupport is an abstract base class for any DynaTag implementation to derive from.Classorg.apache.commons.jellyApache Commons
DynamicBeanTagThis tag is bound onto a Java Bean class.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.implApache Commons
DynamicDynaBeanTagThis tag is bound onto a DynaClass instance.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.implApache Commons
DynamicTagDynamicTag is a tag that is created from inside a Jelly script as a Jelly template and will invoke aClassorg.apache.commons.jelly.implApache Commons
DynamicTagLibraryDynamicTagLibrary represents a TagLibrary which gets created by running a Jelly script.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.implApache Commons
EmbeddedClassorg.apache.commons.jelly.implApache Commons
ExprTagA tag which evaluates an expressionVersion:$Revision: 155420 $Author:James StrachanClassorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
ExpressionExpression represents an arbitrary expression using some pluggable expression language.Interfaceorg.apache.commons.jelly.expressionApache Commons
ExpressionFactoryExpressionFactory is a factory of Expression objects.Interfaceorg.apache.commons.jelly.expressionApache Commons
ExpressionScriptExpressionScript outputs the value of an expression as text.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.implApache Commons
ExpressionSupport an abstract base class for Expression implementations which provides default implementations of some of theClassorg.apache.commons.jelly.expressionApache Commons
FileTagA tag that pipes its body to a file denoted by the name attribute or to an in memory String which is then output to a variable denoted by the var variable.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
ForEachTagIterates over a collection, iterator or an array of objects.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
ForEachTag .LoopStatusHolds the status of the loop.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.core.ForEachTagApache Commons
GetStaticTagA tag which can retrieve the value of a static field of a given class.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
IfTagA tag which conditionally evaluates its body based on some conditionVersion:$Revision: 155420 $Author:James StrachanClassorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
ImportTagImports another script.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
IncludeTagA tag which conditionally evaluates its body based on some conditionVersion:$Revision: 155420 $Author:James StrachanClassorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
InvokeStaticTagA Tag which can invoke a static method on a class, without an instance of the class being needed.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
InvokeTagA tag which calls a method in an object instantied by core:newVersion:$Revision: 155420 $Author:Rodney WaldhoffClassorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
JellyJelly is a helper class which is capable of running a Jelly script.Classorg.apache.commons.jellyApache Commons
JellyContextJellyContext represents the Jelly context.Classorg.apache.commons.jellyApache Commons
JellyExceptionJellyException is the root of all Jelly exceptions.Classorg.apache.commons.jellyApache Commons
JellyServletServlet for handling display of Jelly-fied XML files.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.servletApache Commons
JellyServletContextClassorg.apache.commons.jelly.servletApache Commons
JellyTagThe root Jelly tag which should be evaluated firstVersion:$Revision: 155420 $Author:James StrachanClassorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
JellyTagExceptionA JellyTagException is an exception generated by a TagVersion:$Revision: 155420 $Author:Morgan DelagrangeSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.apache.commons.jellyApache Commons
JexlExpression expression which fully supports the Expression Language in JSTL and JSP along with some extra features like object method invocation.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.expression.jexlApache Commons
JexlExpressionFactoryRepresents a factory of Jexl expression which fully supports the Expression Language in JSTL and JSP.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.expression.jexlApache Commons
LocationAwareLocationAware represents a Tag or Exception which is location aware.Interfaceorg.apache.commons.jellyApache Commons
MapTagSupportMapTag is a DynaTag implementation which uses a Map to store its attribute values in.Classorg.apache.commons.jellyApache Commons
MissingAttributeExceptionJellyException is the root of all Jelly exceptions.Classorg.apache.commons.jellyApache Commons
MuteTagA tag which executes its body but passing no output.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
NamespaceAwareTagNamespaceAwareTag represents a Jelly custom tag which needs to be aware of the XML Namespace context in which it is used.Interfaceorg.apache.commons.jellyApache Commons
NestedRuntimeExceptionA RuntimeException which is nested to preserve stack traces.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.utilApache Commons
NewTagA tag which creates a new object of the given typeVersion:$Revision: 155420 $Author:James StrachanClassorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
OtherwiseTagThe otherwise block of a choose/when/otherwise group of tagsVersion:$Revision: 155420 $Author:James StrachanClassorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
ParseTagParses the output of this tags body or of a given String as a Jelly script then either outputting the Script as a variable or executing the script.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
RemoveTagA tag which removes the variable of the given name from the current variable scope.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
ResourcesProvides locale-neutral access to string resources.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.tagsApache Commons
SafeContentHandlerEnsures that only one start and end document event is passed onto the underlying ContentHandler.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.utilApache Commons
ScopeTagA tag which creates a new child variable scope for its body.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
ScriptScript represents a Jelly script.Interfaceorg.apache.commons.jellyApache Commons
ScriptBlockScriptBlock a block of scripts.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.implApache Commons
SetPropertiesTagA tag which sets the bean properties on the given bean.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
SetTagA tag which sets a variable from the result of an expressionVersion:$Revision: 155420 $Author:James StrachanClassorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
StaticTagStaticTag represents a static XML element which echos itself to XMLOutput when it is invoked.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.implApache Commons
StaticTagScriptStaticTagScript is a script that evaluates a StaticTag, a piece of static XML though its attributes or element content may contain dynamic expressions.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.implApache Commons
SwitchTagExecutes the child tag whose value equals my on attribute.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
TagTag represents a Jelly custom tag.Interfaceorg.apache.commons.jellyApache Commons
TagFactoryTagFactory represents a Factory of Tag instances.Interfaceorg.apache.commons.jelly.implApache Commons
TagLibraryTaglib represents the metadata for a Jelly custom tag library.Classorg.apache.commons.jellyApache Commons
TagLibraryResolverTagLibraryResolver represents an object capable of resolving a URI to a TagLibrary instance.Interfaceorg.apache.commons.jelly.implApache Commons
TagScriptTagScript is a Script that evaluates a custom tag.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.implApache Commons
TagSupportTagSupport an abstract base class which is useful to inherit from if developing your own tag.Classorg.apache.commons.jellyApache Commons
TagUtilsContains static methods to help tag developers.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.utilApache Commons
TextScriptTextScript outputs some static text.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.implApache Commons
ThreadTagA tag that spawns the contained script in a separate threadAuthor:Vinay ChandranClassorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
UseBeanTagA tag which instantiates an instance of the given class and then sets the properties on the bean.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
UseListTagA tag which creates a List implementation and optionally adds all of the elements identified by the items attribute.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
WhenTagA tag which conditionally evaluates its body based on some conditionVersion:$Revision: 155420 $Author:James StrachanClassorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
WhileTagA tag which performs an iteration while the result of an expression is true.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
WhitespaceTagA simple tag used to preserve whitespace inside its bodyVersion:$Revision: 155420 $Author:James StrachanClassorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.coreApache Commons
XMLOutputXMLOutput is used to output XML events in a SAX-like manner.Classorg.apache.commons.jellyApache Commons
XMLParserXMLParser parses the XML Jelly format.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.parserApache Commons
XPathComparatorCompares xml nodes by extracting the value at xpath andVersion:$Id: XPathComparator.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.xpathApache Commons
XPathComparator .XPathSortExceptionMy own runtime exception in case something goes wrong with sort.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.xpath.XPathComparatorApache Commons
XPathExpressionAn expression which returns an XPath object.Classorg.apache.commons.jelly.expression.xpathApache Commons
XPathSourceA tag which is capable of producing a source of XPath context objects such as Interfaceorg.apache.commons.jelly.xpathApache Commons
XPathTagSupportAn abstract base class useful for implementation inheritenceVersion:$Revision: 155420 $Author:James StrachanClassorg.apache.commons.jelly.xpathApache Commons