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#Org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter Classes and Interfaces - 45 results found.
BinaryComparatorA binary comparator which lexicographically compares against the specified byte array using Bytes.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
BinaryPrefixComparatorA comparator which compares against a specified byte array, but only compares up to the length of this byte array.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
BitComparatorA bit comparator which performs the specified bitwise operation on each of the bytes with the specified byte array.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
BitComparator .BitwiseOpClassorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.BitComparatorHBase
ColumnCountGetFilterSimple filter that returns first N columns on row only.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
ColumnPaginationFilterA filter, based on the ColumnCountGetFilter, takes two arguments: limit and offset.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
ColumnPrefixFilterThis filter is used for selecting only those keys with columns that matches a particular prefix.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
ColumnRangeFilterThis filter is used for selecting only those keys with columns that are between minColumn to maxColumn.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
CompareFilterThis is a generic filter to be used to filter by comparison.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
CompareFilter .CompareOpComparison operators.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.CompareFilterHBase
DependentColumnFilterA filter for adding inter-column timestamp matching Only cells with a correspondingly timestamped entry inClassorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
FamilyFilter This filter is used to filter based on the column family.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
FilterInterface for row and column filters directly applied within the regionserver.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
Filter .ReturnCodeReturn codes for filterValue().Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.FilterHBase
FilterList which will be evaluated with a specified boolean operator FilterList.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
FilterList .OperatorClassorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.FilterListHBase
FirstKeyOnlyFilterA filter that will only return the first KV from each row.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
FirstKeyValueMatchingQualifiersFilterThe filter looks for the given columns in KeyValue.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
FuzzyRowFilterThis is optimized version of a standard FuzzyRowFilter Filters data based on fuzzy row key.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
InclusiveStopFilterA Filter that stops after the given row.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
IncompatibleFilterExceptionUsed to indicate a filter incompatibilitySee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
InvalidRowFilterExceptionUsed to indicate an invalid RowFilter.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
KeyOnlyFilterA filter that will only return the key component of each KV (the value will be rewritten as empty).Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
MultipleColumnPrefixFilterThis filter is used for selecting only those keys with columns that matches a particular prefix.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
MultiRowRangeFilterFilter to support scan multiple row key ranges.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
MultiRowRangeFilter .RowRangeClassorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.MultiRowRangeFilterHBase
NullComparatorA binary comparator which lexicographically compares against the specified byte array using Bytes.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
PageFilter size.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
ParseConstantsParseConstants holds a bunch of constants related to parsing Filter Strings Used by ParseFilterClassorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
ParseFilterThis class allows a user to specify a filter via a string The string is parsed using the methods of this class andClassorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
PrefixFilterPass results that have same row prefix.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
QualifierFilterThis filter is used to filter based on the column qualifier.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
RandomRowFilterA filter that includes rows based on a chance.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
RegexStringComparatorThis comparator is for use with CompareFilter implementations, such as RowFilter, QualifierFilter, and ValueFilter, forClassorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
RegexStringComparator .EngineTypeClassorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.RegexStringComparatorHBase
RowFilterThis filter is used to filter based on the key.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
SingleColumnValueExcludeFilterA Filter that checks a single column value, but does not emit the tested column.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
SingleColumnValueFilterThis filter is used to filter cells based on value.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
SkipFilterA wrapper filter that filters an entire row if any of the Cell checks do For example, if all columns in a row represent weights of different things,Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
SubstringComparatorThis comparator is for use with SingleColumnValueFilter, for filtering based on the value of a given column.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
TimestampsFilterFilter that returns only cells whose timestamp (version) is in the specified list of timestamps (versions).Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
ValueFilterThis filter is used to filter based on column value.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase
WhileMatchFilterA wrapper filter that returns true from filterAllRemaining() as soon as the wrapped filters Filter.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.filterHBase