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#Org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer Classes and Interfaces - 16 results found.
KafkaConsumerA Kafka client that consumes records from a Kafka cluster.Classorg.apache.kafka.clients.consumerApache Kafka
InvalidOffsetExceptionThrown when the offset for a set of partitions is invalid (either undefined or out of range), and no reset policy has been configured.Classorg.apache.kafka.clients.consumerApache Kafka
ConsumerRecordsA container that holds the list ConsumerRecord per partition for a particular topic.Classorg.apache.kafka.clients.consumerApache Kafka
ConsumerRecordA key/value pair to be received from Kafka.Classorg.apache.kafka.clients.consumerApache Kafka
ConsumerRebalanceListenerA callback interface that the user can implement to trigger custom actions when the set of partitions assigned to the This is applicable when the consumer is having Kafka auto-manage group membership.Interfaceorg.apache.kafka.clients.consumerApache Kafka
ConsumerConfigClassorg.apache.kafka.clients.consumerApache Kafka
ConsumerInterfaceorg.apache.kafka.clients.consumerApache Kafka
CommitFailedExceptionThis exception is raised when an offset commit with KafkaConsumer.Classorg.apache.kafka.clients.consumerApache Kafka
MockConsumerA mock of the Consumer interface you can use for testing code that uses Kafka.Classorg.apache.kafka.clients.consumerApache Kafka
NoOffsetForPartitionExceptionIndicates that there is no stored offset for a partition and no defined offsetSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.apache.kafka.clients.consumerApache Kafka
OffsetAndMetadataThe Kafka offset commit API allows users to provide additional metadata (in the form of a string) when an offset is committed.Classorg.apache.kafka.clients.consumerApache Kafka
OffsetCommitCallbackA callback interface that the user can implement to trigger custom actions when a commit request completes.Interfaceorg.apache.kafka.clients.consumerApache Kafka
OffsetOutOfRangeExceptionNo reset policy has been defined, and the offsets for these partitions are either larger or smaller than the range of offsets the server has for the given partition.Classorg.apache.kafka.clients.consumerApache Kafka
OffsetResetStrategyenum OffsetResetStrategyEnum Constant SummaryClassorg.apache.kafka.clients.consumerApache Kafka
RangeAssignorThe range assignor works on a per-topic basis.Classorg.apache.kafka.clients.consumerApache Kafka
RoundRobinAssignorThe roundrobin assignor lays out all the available partitions and all the available consumers.Classorg.apache.kafka.clients.consumerApache Kafka