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#Org.apache.log4j.xml Classes and Interfaces - 7 results found.
Name | Description | Type | Package | Framework |
DOMConfigurator | Use this class to initialize the log4j environment using a DOM tree. | Class | org.apache.log4j.xml | Apache Log4j |
Log4jEntityResolver | An EntityResolver specifically designed to return log4j. | Class | org.apache.log4j.xml | Apache Log4j |
SAXErrorHandler | | Class | org.apache.log4j.xml | Apache Log4j |
UnrecognizedElementHandler | When implemented by an object configured by DOMConfigurator, the handle method will be called when an unrecognized child | Interface | org.apache.log4j.xml | Apache Log4j |
XMLLayout | The output of the XMLLayout consists of a series of log4j:event elements as defined in the log4j. | Class | org.apache.log4j.xml | Apache Log4j |
XMLSample | This example code shows how to read an XML based configuration file using a DOM parser. | Class | org.apache.log4j.xml.examples | Apache Log4j |
DOMConfigurator | | Class | org.apache.log4j.xml | SLF4J |