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#Org.apache.oodt.cas.pge.writers Classes and Interfaces - 12 results found.
CsvConfigFileWriterCSV SciPgeConfigFileWriter which takes a comma separted list of Strings as the first index of the args and generates a CSV file fromClassorg.apache.oodt.cas.pge.writersApache OODT
DynamicConfigFileWriterAbstract interface for generating PGE config input files defining the input necessary to run the underlying PGE.Classorg.apache.oodt.cas.pge.writersApache OODT
ExternExtractorMetWriterClassorg.apache.oodt.cas.pge.writersApache OODT
FilenameExtractorWriterWrap CAS-Metadata's FilenameTokenMetExtractor as a CAS-PGE PcsMetFileWriter.Classorg.apache.oodt.cas.pge.writersApache OODT
MetadataKeyReplacerTemplateWriterSimple template based replacement writer, replaces $variables inside of a text file template with information computed by Apache OODT (e.Classorg.apache.oodt.cas.pge.writersApache OODT
MetadataListPcsMetFileWriterClassorg.apache.oodt.cas.pge.writers.metlistApache OODT
PcsMetFileWriterClassorg.apache.oodt.cas.pge.writersApache OODT
SciPgeConfigFileWriter Abstract interface for generating PGE config input files defining the input necessary to run the underlying PGEInterfaceorg.apache.oodt.cas.pge.writersApache OODT
TextConfigFileWriterText SciPgeConfigFileWriter which takes a template with envReplace metadata that gets dynamically filled out and written to a file.Classorg.apache.oodt.cas.pge.writersApache OODT
VelocityConfigFileWriterA PGE input file writer based on Apache Velocity and Paul Ramirez's need to make my code better.Classorg.apache.oodt.cas.pge.writersApache OODT
VelocityMetadataWrapper around CAS Metadata object to provide Velocity template semantics, e.Classorg.apache.oodt.cas.pge.writersApache OODT
XslTransformWriter XSL Transformation class which writes Science PGE config files based from the XML format of SerializableMetadataClassorg.apache.oodt.cas.pge.writers.xsltApache OODT