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#Org.apache.solr.hadoop Classes and Interfaces - 29 results found.
DataInputInputStreamAn InputStream that wraps a DataInput.Classorg.apache.solr.hadoopApache Solr Lucene
DataOutputOutputStreamOutputStream implementation that wraps a DataOutput.Classorg.apache.solr.hadoopApache Solr Lucene
HdfsFileFieldNamesSolr field names for metadata of an HDFS file.Interfaceorg.apache.solr.hadoopApache Solr Lucene
HeartBeaterThis class runs a background thread that once every 60 seconds checks to see if a progress report is needed.Classorg.apache.solr.hadoopApache Solr Lucene
LineRandomizerMapperMR Mapper that randomizing a list of URLs.Classorg.apache.solr.hadoopApache Solr Lucene
LineRandomizerReducerMR Reducer that randomizing a list of URLs.Classorg.apache.solr.hadoopApache Solr Lucene
MapReduceIndexerToolPublic API for a MapReduce batch job driver that creates a set of Solr index shards from a set of input files and writes the indexes into HDFS, in a flexible, scalable and fault-tolerant manner.Classorg.apache.solr.hadoopApache Solr Lucene
MorphlineCountersenum MorphlineCountersEnum Constant SummaryClassorg.apache.solr.hadoop.morphlineApache Solr Lucene
MorphlineMapperThis class takes the input files, extracts the relevant content, transforms it and hands SolrInputDocuments to a set of reducers.Classorg.apache.solr.hadoop.morphlineApache Solr Lucene
MorphlineMapRunnerInternal helper for MorphlineMapper and dryRun mode; This API is for *INTERNAL* use only and should not be considered public.Classorg.apache.solr.hadoop.morphlineApache Solr Lucene
NoChangeUpdateConflictResolverUpdateConflictResolver implementation that returns the solr documents in the same order as they are received on input, i.Classorg.apache.solr.hadoop.dedupApache Solr Lucene
PathArgumentTypeArgumentType subclass for HDFS Path type, using fluent style API.Classorg.apache.solr.hadoopApache Solr Lucene
PathPartsClassorg.apache.solr.hadoopApache Solr Lucene
RejectingUpdateConflictResolverUpdateConflictResolver implementation that rejects multiple documents with the same key with an exception.Classorg.apache.solr.hadoop.dedupApache Solr Lucene
RetainMostRecentUpdateConflictResolverUpdateConflictResolver implementation that ignores all but the most recent document version, based on a configurable numeric Solr field, which defaultsClassorg.apache.solr.hadoop.dedupApache Solr Lucene
SolrCloudPartitionerMapReduce partitioner that partitions the Mapper output such that each SolrInputDocument gets sent to the SolrCloud shard that it would have beenClassorg.apache.solr.hadoopApache Solr Lucene
SolrCountersClassorg.apache.solr.hadoopApache Solr Lucene
SolrInputDocumentComparatorDefault mechanism of determining which of two Solr documents with the same key is the more recent version.Classorg.apache.solr.hadoop.dedupApache Solr Lucene
SolrInputDocumentComparator .TimeStampComparatorClassorg.apache.solr.hadoop.dedup.SolrInputDocumentComparatorApache Solr Lucene
SolrInputDocumentWritableClassorg.apache.solr.hadoopApache Solr Lucene
SolrMapperClassorg.apache.solr.hadoopApache Solr Lucene
SolrOutputFormatClassorg.apache.solr.hadoopApache Solr Lucene
SolrReducerThis class loads the mapper's SolrInputDocuments into one EmbeddedSolrServer per reducer.Classorg.apache.solr.hadoopApache Solr Lucene
SortingUpdateConflictResolverUpdateConflictResolver implementation that orders colliding updates ascending from least recent to most recent (partial) update, based on a configurableClassorg.apache.solr.hadoop.dedupApache Solr Lucene
TreeMergeMapperFor the meat see TreeMergeOutputFormat.Classorg.apache.solr.hadoopApache Solr Lucene
TreeMergeOutputFormatClassorg.apache.solr.hadoopApache Solr Lucene
UnbufferedDataInputInputStreamClassorg.apache.solr.hadoopApache Solr Lucene
UpdateConflictResolverInterface that enables deduplication and ordering of a series of document updates for the same unique document key.Interfaceorg.apache.solr.hadoop.dedupApache Solr Lucene
UtilsClassorg.apache.solr.hadoopApache Solr Lucene