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AbsoluteError Class for absolute error loss calculation (for regression).Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.tree.lossApache Spark Spark Spark
AFTSurvivalRegression Fit a parametric survival regression model named accelerated failure time (AFT) model ( Spark
AFTSurvivalRegressionModel Model produced by Spark
Algo Enum to select the algorithm for the decision treeSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.apache.spark.mllib.tree.configurationApache Spark
ALS Alternating Least Squares (ALS) matrix Spark
ALSClassorg.apache.spark.mllib.recommendationApache Spark
ALS .Rating Rating class for better code Spark
ALS .Rating$ Spark
ALSModel Model fitted by Spark
AssociationRules Generates association rules from a RDD[FreqItemset[Item].Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.fpmApache Spark
AssociationRules .Rule An association rule between sets of items.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.fpm.AssociationRulesApache Spark
Attribute Abstract class for ML Spark
AttributeGroup Attributes that describe a vector ML Spark
AttributeType An enum-like type for attribute types: AttributeType$ Spark
Binarizer Binarize a column of continuous features given a Spark
BinaryAttribute A binary Spark
BinaryClassificationEvaluator Evaluator for binary classification, which expects two input columns: rawPrediction and Spark
BinaryClassificationMetricsEvaluator for binary classification.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.evaluationApache Spark
BinaryLogisticRegressionSummary Binary Logistic regression results for a given Spark
BinaryLogisticRegressionTrainingSummary Logistic regression training Spark
BinarySampleClass that represents the group and value of a sample.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.stat.testApache Spark
BisectingKMeansA bisecting k-means algorithm based on the paper "A comparison of document clustering techniques" by Steinbach, Karypis, and Kumar, with modification to fit Spark.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.clusteringApache Spark
BisectingKMeansModelClustering model produced by BisectingKMeans.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.clusteringApache Spark
BlockMatrixRepresents a distributed matrix in blocks of local matrices.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.distributedApache Spark
BooleanParam Specialized version of Param[Boolean] for Spark
BoostingStrategyConfiguration options for GradientBoostedTrees.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.tree.configurationApache Spark
Bucketizer Bucketizer maps a column of continuous features to a column of feature Spark
CategoricalSplit Split which tests a categorical Spark
ChiSqSelector Chi-Squared feature selection, which selects categorical features to use for predicting aSee Also:Serialized Spark
ChiSqSelectorClassorg.apache.spark.mllib.featureApache Spark Spark
ChiSqSelectorModelChi Squared selector model.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.featureApache Spark
ChiSqTestResultObject containing the test results for the chi-squared hypothesis test.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.stat.testApache Spark
ClassificationModel Model produced by a Spark
ClassificationModelRepresents a classification model that predicts to which of a set of categories an example belongs.Interfaceorg.apache.spark.mllib.classificationApache Spark
Classifier Single-label binary or multiclass Spark
ColumnPrunerUtility transformer for removing temporary columns from a Spark
ContinuousSplit Split which tests a continuous Spark
CoordinateMatrixClassorg.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.distributedApache Spark
CountVectorizer Extracts a vocabulary from document collections and generates a Spark
CountVectorizerModel Converts a text document to a sparse vector of token Spark
CrossValidator K-fold cross Spark
CrossValidatorModel Model from k-fold cross Spark
DataValidators A collection of methods used to validate data before applying ML algorithms.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.utilApache Spark
DCT A feature transformer that takes the 1D discrete cosine transform of a real Spark
DecisionTreeA class which implements a decision tree learning algorithm for classification and regression.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.treeApache Spark
DecisionTreeClassificationModel Decision tree model for Spark
DecisionTreeClassifier Decision tree learning algorithm for Spark
DecisionTreeModelDecision tree model for classification or regression.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.tree.modelApache Spark
DecisionTreeRegressionModel Decision tree model for Spark
DecisionTreeRegressor Decision tree learning algorithm It supports both continuous and categorical Spark
DefaultSourcelibsvm package implements Spark SQL data source API for loading LIBSVM data as Spark
DenseMatrixColumn-major dense matrix.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.linalgApache Spark
DenseVectorA dense vector represented by a value array.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.linalgApache Spark
DistributedLDAModel Distributed model fitted by Spark
DistributedLDAModelClassorg.apache.spark.mllib.clusteringApache Spark
DistributedMatrixRepresents a distributively stored matrix backed by one or more RDDs.Interfaceorg.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.distributedApache Spark
DoubleArrayParam Specialized version of Param[Array[Double} for Spark
DoubleParam Specialized version of Param[Double] for Spark
ElementwiseProduct Outputs the Hadamard product ( Spark
ElementwiseProductOutputs the Hadamard product (i.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.featureApache Spark
EMLDAOptimizer Optimizer for EM algorithm which stores data + parameter graph, plus algorithm parameters.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.clusteringApache Spark
Entropy Class for calculating entropy during binary classification.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.tree.impurityApache Spark
Estimator Abstract class for estimators that fit models to data.Classorg.apache.spark.mlApache Spark
Evaluator Abstract class for evaluators that compute metrics from Spark
ExpectationSumClassorg.apache.spark.mllib.clusteringApache Spark
ExponentialGenerator Generates i.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.randomApache Spark
FeatureTypeEnum to describe whether a feature is "continuous" or "categorical"See Also:Serialized FormClassorg.apache.spark.mllib.tree.configurationApache Spark
FloatParam Specialized version of Param[Float] for Spark
FPGrowthA parallel FP-growth algorithm to mine frequent itemsets.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.fpmApache Spark
FPGrowth .FreqItemset param: items items in this itemset.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.fpm.FPGrowthApache Spark
FPGrowthModelModel trained by FPGrowth, which holds frequent itemsets.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.fpmApache Spark
GammaGenerator Generates i.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.randomApache Spark
GaussianMixtureThis class performs expectation maximization for multivariate Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs).Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.clusteringApache Spark
GaussianMixtureModelMultivariate Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) consisting of k Gaussians, where points are drawn from each Gaussian i=1.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.clusteringApache Spark
GBTClassificationModel Gradient-Boosted Trees (GBTs) model for Spark
GBTClassifier Gradient-Boosted Trees (GBTs) learning algorithm for Spark
GBTRegressionModel Gradient-Boosted Trees (GBTs) model for Spark
GBTRegressor Gradient-Boosted Trees (GBTs) learning algorithm for Spark
GeneralizedLinearAlgorithm GeneralizedLinearAlgorithm implements methods to train a Generalized Linear Model (GLM).Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.regressionApache Spark
GeneralizedLinearModel GeneralizedLinearModel (GLM) represents a model trained using GeneralizedLinearAlgorithm.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.regressionApache Spark
Gini Class for calculating the during binary classification.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.tree.impurityApache Spark
Gradient Class used to compute the gradient for a loss function, given a single data point.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.optimizationApache Spark
GradientBoostedTreesA class that implements Stochastic Gradient BoostingClassorg.apache.spark.mllib.treeApache Spark
GradientBoostedTreesModelRepresents a gradient boosted trees model.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.tree.modelApache Spark
GradientDescentClass used to solve an optimization problem using Gradient Descent.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.optimizationApache Spark
HashingTF Maps a sequence of terms to their term frequencies using the hashing Spark
HashingTFMaps a sequence of terms to their term frequencies using the hashing trick.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.featureApache Spark
HingeGradient Compute gradient and loss for a Hinge loss function, as used in SVM binary classification.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.optimizationApache Spark
Identifiable Trait for an object with an immutable unique ID that identifies itself and its Spark
IDF Compute the Inverse Document Frequency (IDF) given a collection of Spark
IDFInverse document frequency (IDF).Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.featureApache Spark
IDF .DocumentFrequencyAggregatorDocument frequency aggregator.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.feature.IDFApache Spark Spark
IDFModelRepresents an IDF model that can transform term frequency vectors.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.featureApache Spark
Impurity Trait for calculating information gain.Interfaceorg.apache.spark.mllib.tree.impurityApache Spark
IndexedRowRepresents a row of IndexedRowMatrix.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.distributedApache Spark
IndexedRowMatrixClassorg.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.distributedApache Spark Spark
InformationGainStats Information gain statistics for each split param: gain information gain valueClassorg.apache.spark.mllib.tree.modelApache Spark
IntArrayParam Specialized version of Param[Array[Int} for Spark
Interaction Implements the feature interaction Spark
InternalNode Internal Decision Tree Spark
IntParam Specialized version of Param[Int] for Spark Spark
IsotonicRegressionClassorg.apache.spark.mllib.regressionApache Spark
IsotonicRegressionModel Model fitted by Spark
IsotonicRegressionModelRegression model for isotonic regression.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.regressionApache Spark
JavaParams Java-friendly wrapper for Spark
KernelDensityKernel density estimation.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.statApache Spark Spark Spark
KMeansK-means clustering with support for multiple parallel runs and a k-means++ like initialization mode (the k-meansalgorithm by Bahmani et al).Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.clusteringApache Spark
KMeansDataGenerator Generate test data for KMeans.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.utilApache Spark
KMeansModel Model fitted by Spark
KMeansModelA clustering model for K-means.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.clusteringApache Spark
KolmogorovSmirnovTestResult Object containing the test results for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.stat.testApache Spark
L1Updater Updater for L1 regularized problems.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.optimizationApache Spark
LabelConverterLabel to vector Spark
LabeledPointClass that represents the features and labels of a data point.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.regressionApache Spark
LassoModelRegression model trained using Lasso.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.regressionApache Spark
LassoWithSGDTrain a regression model with L1-regularization using Stochastic Gradient Descent.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.regressionApache Spark
LBFGS Class used to solve an optimization problem using Limited-memory BFGS.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.optimizationApache Spark
LDA Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), a topic model designed for text Spark
LDALatent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), a topic model designed for text documents.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.clusteringApache Spark
LDAModel Model fitted by Spark
LDAModelLatent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.clusteringApache Spark
LDAOptimizer An LDAOptimizer specifies which optimization/learning/inference algorithm to use, and it can hold optimizer-specific parameters for users to set.Interfaceorg.apache.spark.mllib.clusteringApache Spark
LeafNode Decision tree leaf Spark
LeastSquaresAggregatorLeastSquaresAggregator computes the gradient and loss for a Least-squared loss function, as used in linear regression for samples in sparse or dense vector in a online Spark
LeastSquaresCostFunLeastSquaresCostFun implements Breeze's DiffFunction[T] for Least Squares Spark
LeastSquaresGradient Compute gradient and loss for a Least-squared loss function, as used in linear regression.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.optimizationApache Spark
LinearDataGenerator Generate sample data used for Linear Data.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.utilApache Spark
LinearRegression The learning objective is to minimize the squared error, with Spark
LinearRegressionModel Model produced by Spark
LinearRegressionModelRegression model trained using LinearRegression.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.regressionApache Spark Spark Spark
LinearRegressionWithSGDTrain a linear regression model with no regularization using Stochastic Gradient Descent.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.regressionApache Spark
Loader Trait for classes which can load models and transformers from files.Interfaceorg.apache.spark.mllib.utilApache Spark
LocalLDAModel Local (non-distributed) model fitted by Spark
LocalLDAModel This model stores only the inferred topics.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.clusteringApache Spark
LogisticAggregatorLogisticAggregator computes the gradient and loss for binary logistic loss function, as used in binary classification for instances in sparse or dense vector in a online Spark
LogisticCostFunLogisticCostFun implements Breeze's DiffFunction[T] for a multinomial logistic loss function, as used in multi-class classification (it is also used in binary logistic regression) Spark
LogisticGradient Compute gradient and loss for a multinomial logistic loss function, as used in multi-class classification (it is also used in binary logistic regression).Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.optimizationApache Spark
LogisticRegression Logistic Spark
LogisticRegressionDataGenerator Generate test data for LogisticRegression.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.utilApache Spark
LogisticRegressionModel Model produced by Spark
LogisticRegressionModelClassification model trained using Multinomial/Binary Logistic Regression.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.classificationApache Spark
LogisticRegressionSummaryAbstraction for Logistic Regression Results for a given Spark
LogisticRegressionTrainingSummaryAbstraction for multinomial Logistic Regression Training Spark
LogisticRegressionWithLBFGSTrain a classification model for Multinomial/Binary Logistic Regression using Limited-memory BFGS.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.classificationApache Spark
LogisticRegressionWithSGDTrain a classification model for Binary Logistic Regression using Stochastic Gradient Descent.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.classificationApache Spark
LogLoss Class for log loss calculation (for classification).Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.tree.lossApache Spark
LogNormalGenerator Generates i.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.randomApache Spark
LongParam Specialized version of Param[Long] for Spark
Loss Trait for adding "pluggable" loss functions for the gradient boosting algorithm.Interfaceorg.apache.spark.mllib.tree.lossApache Spark
LossesClassorg.apache.spark.mllib.tree.lossApache Spark
MatricesFactory methods for Matrix.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.linalgApache Spark
MatrixTrait for a local matrix.Interfaceorg.apache.spark.mllib.linalgApache Spark
MatrixEntryRepresents an entry in an distributed matrix.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.distributedApache Spark
MatrixFactorizationModelModel representing the result of matrix factorization.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.recommendationApache Spark
MFDataGenerator Generate RDD(s) containing data for Matrix Factorization.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.utilApache Spark
MinMaxScaler Rescale each feature individually to a common range [min, max] linearly using column summary statistics, which is also known as min-max normalization or Spark Spark
MLPairRDDFunctionsMachine learning specific Pair RDD functions.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.rddApache Spark
MLReadableTrait for objects that provide Spark
MLReaderAbstract class for utility classes that can load ML Spark
MLUtilsHelper methods to load, save and pre-process data used in ML Lib.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.utilApache Spark
MLWritableTrait for classes that provide Spark
MLWriterAbstract class for utility classes that can save ML Spark
Model A fitted model, i.Classorg.apache.spark.mlApache Spark
MulticlassClassificationEvaluator Evaluator for multiclass classification, which expects two input columns: score and Spark
MulticlassMetrics Evaluator for multiclass classification.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.evaluationApache Spark
MultilabelMetricsEvaluator for multilabel classification.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.evaluationApache Spark
MultilayerPerceptronClassificationModel Classification model based on the Multilayer Spark
MultilayerPerceptronClassifier Classifier trainer based on the Multilayer Spark
MultivariateGaussian This class provides basic functionality for a Multivariate Gaussian (Normal) Distribution.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.stat.distributionApache Spark
MultivariateOnlineSummarizer MultivariateOnlineSummarizer implements MultivariateStatisticalSummary to compute the mean, variance, minimum, maximum, counts, and nonzero counts for instances in sparse or dense vectorClassorg.apache.spark.mllib.statApache Spark
MultivariateStatisticalSummaryTrait for multivariate statistical summary of a data matrix.Interfaceorg.apache.spark.mllib.statApache Spark
NaiveBayes Naive Bayes Spark
NaiveBayesClassorg.apache.spark.mllib.classificationApache Spark
NaiveBayesModel Model produced by NaiveBayes param: pi log of class priors, whose dimension is C (number of classes) Spark
NaiveBayesModelModel for Naive Bayes Classifiers.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.classificationApache Spark
NGram A feature transformer that converts the input array of strings into an array of Spark
Node Decision tree node Spark
Node Node in a decision tree.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.tree.modelApache Spark
NominalAttribute A nominal Spark
Normalizer Normalize a vector to have unit norm using the given Spark
NormalizerNormalizes samples individually to unit L^p^ norm For any 1 <= p < Double.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.featureApache Spark
NumericAttribute A numeric attribute with optional summary Spark
OneHotEncoder A one-hot encoder that maps a column of category indices to a column of binary vectors, with at most a single one-value per row that indicates the input category Spark
OneVsRest Reduction of Multiclass Classification to Binary Spark
OneVsRestModel Model produced by Spark
OnlineLDAOptimizer An online optimizer for LDA.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.clusteringApache Spark
Optimizer Trait for optimization problem solvers.Interfaceorg.apache.spark.mllib.optimizationApache Spark
Param A param with self-contained documentation and optionally default Spark
ParamGridBuilder Builder for a param grid used in grid search-based model Spark
ParamMap A param to value Spark
ParamPair A param and its Spark Spark
ParamValidators Factory methods for common validation functions for Spark
PCA PCA trains a model to project vectors to a low-dimensional space using Spark
PCAA feature transformer that projects vectors to a low-dimensional space using PCA.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.featureApache Spark Spark
PCAModelModel fitted by PCA that can project vectors to a low-dimensional space using PCA.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.featureApache Spark
Pipeline A simple pipeline, which acts as an estimator.Classorg.apache.spark.mlApache Spark
PipelineModel Represents a fitted pipeline.Classorg.apache.spark.mlApache Spark
PipelineStage A stage in a pipeline, either an Estimator or a Transformer.Classorg.apache.spark.mlApache Spark
PMMLExportable Export model to the PMML format Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML) is an XML-based file formatInterfaceorg.apache.spark.mllib.pmmlApache Spark
PoissonGenerator Generates i.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.randomApache Spark
PolynomialExpansion Perform feature expansion in a polynomial Spark
PowerIterationClusteringClassorg.apache.spark.mllib.clusteringApache Spark
PowerIterationClustering .Assignment param: cluster assigned cluster idSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.PowerIterationClusteringApache Spark
PowerIterationClustering .Assignment$Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.PowerIterationClusteringApache Spark
PowerIterationClusteringModelModel produced by PowerIterationClustering.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.clusteringApache Spark
PredictPredicted value for a node param: predict predicted valueClassorg.apache.spark.mllib.tree.modelApache Spark
PredictionModel Abstraction for a model for prediction tasks (regression and classification).Classorg.apache.spark.mlApache Spark
Predictor Abstraction for prediction problems (regression and classification).Classorg.apache.spark.mlApache Spark
PrefixSpan A parallel PrefixSpan algorithm to mine frequent sequential patterns.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.fpmApache Spark
PrefixSpan .FreqSequenceRepresents a frequence sequence.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.fpm.PrefixSpanApache Spark
PrefixSpanModelModel fitted by PrefixSpan param: freqSequences frequent sequencesClassorg.apache.spark.mllib.fpmApache Spark
ProbabilisticClassificationModel Model produced by a Spark
ProbabilisticClassifier Single-label binary or multiclass classifier which can output class conditional Spark
QRDecompositionClassorg.apache.spark.mllib.linalgApache Spark
QuantileDiscretizer QuantileDiscretizer takes a column with continuous features and outputs a column with binned categorical Spark
QuantileStrategyEnum for selecting the quantile calculation strategySee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.apache.spark.mllib.tree.configurationApache Spark
RandomDataGenerator Trait for random data generators that generate i.Interfaceorg.apache.spark.mllib.randomApache Spark
RandomForestA class that implements a Random Forest learning algorithm for classification and regression.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.treeApache Spark
RandomForestClassificationModel Random Forest model for Spark
RandomForestClassifier Random Forest learning algorithm for It supports both binary and multiclass labels, as well as both continuous and Spark
RandomForestModelRepresents a random forest model.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.tree.modelApache Spark
RandomForestRegressionModel Random Forest model for Spark
RandomForestRegressor Random Forest learning algorithm for Spark
RandomRDDsGenerator methods for creating RDDs comprised of i.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.randomApache Spark
RankingMetrics Evaluator for ranking algorithms.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.evaluationApache Spark
RatingA more compact class to represent a rating than Tuple3[Int, Int, Double].Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.recommendationApache Spark
RDDFunctionsMachine learning specific RDD functions.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.rddApache Spark
RegexTokenizer A regex based tokenizer that extracts tokens either by using the provided regex pattern to split the text (default) or repeatedly matching the regex (if gaps is false) Spark
RegressionEvaluator Evaluator for regression, which expects two input columns: prediction and Spark
RegressionMetricsEvaluator for regression.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.evaluationApache Spark
RegressionModel Model produced by a Spark
RegressionModelInterfaceorg.apache.spark.mllib.regressionApache Spark
RFormula Implements the transforms required for fitting a dataset against an R model Spark
RFormulaModel A fitted Spark
RidgeRegressionModelRegression model trained using RidgeRegression.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.regressionApache Spark
RidgeRegressionWithSGDTrain a regression model with L2-regularization using Stochastic Gradient Descent.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.regressionApache Spark
RowMatrixRepresents a row-oriented distributed Matrix with no meaningful row indices.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.distributedApache Spark
Saveable Trait for models and transformers which may be saved as files.Interfaceorg.apache.spark.mllib.utilApache Spark
SimpleUpdater A simple updater for gradient descent *without* any regularization.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.optimizationApache Spark
SingularValueDecompositionRepresents singular value decomposition (SVD) factors.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.linalgApache Spark
SparseMatrixColumn-major sparse matrix.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.linalgApache Spark
SparseVectorA sparse vector represented by an index array and an value array.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.linalgApache Spark
Split Interface for a "Split," which specifies a test made at a decision tree node to choose the left or right Spark
Split Split applied to a feature param: feature feature indexClassorg.apache.spark.mllib.tree.modelApache Spark
SQLTransformer Implements the transformations which are defined by SQL Spark
SquaredError Class for squared error loss calculation.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.tree.lossApache Spark
SquaredL2Updater Updater for L2 regularized problems.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.optimizationApache Spark
StandardNormalGenerator Generates i.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.randomApache Spark
StandardScaler Standardizes features by removing the mean and scaling to unit variance using column summary statistics on the samples in the training Spark
StandardScalerStandardizes features by removing the mean and scaling to unit std using column summary statistics on the samples in the training set.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.featureApache Spark Spark
StandardScalerModelRepresents a StandardScaler model that can transform vectors.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.featureApache Spark
StatisticsClassorg.apache.spark.mllib.statApache Spark
StopWordsRemover A feature transformer that filters out stop words from Spark
StrategyStores all the configuration options for tree construction param: algo Learning goal.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.tree.configurationApache Spark
StreamingKMeansStreamingKMeans provides methods for configuring a streaming k-means analysis, training the model on streaming,Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.clusteringApache Spark
StreamingKMeansModelStreamingKMeansModel extends MLlib's KMeansModel for streaming algorithms, so it can keep track of a continuously updated weightClassorg.apache.spark.mllib.clusteringApache Spark
StreamingLinearAlgorithm StreamingLinearAlgorithm implements methods for continuously training a generalized linear model model on streaming data,Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.regressionApache Spark
StreamingLinearRegressionWithSGDTrain or predict a linear regression model on streaming data.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.regressionApache Spark
StreamingLogisticRegressionWithSGDTrain or predict a logistic regression model on streaming data.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.classificationApache Spark
StreamingTestClassorg.apache.spark.mllib.stat.testApache Spark
StringArrayParam Specialized version of Param[Array[String} for Spark
StringIndexer A label indexer that maps a string column of labels to an ML column of label Spark
StringIndexerModel Model fitted by Spark
SVMDataGenerator Generate sample data used for SVM.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.utilApache Spark
SVMModelModel for Support Vector Machines (SVMs).Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.classificationApache Spark
SVMWithSGDTrain a Support Vector Machine (SVM) using Stochastic Gradient Descent.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.classificationApache Spark
TestResultTrait for hypothesis test results.Interfaceorg.apache.spark.mllib.stat.testApache Spark
Tokenizer A tokenizer that converts the input string to lowercase and then splits it by white Spark
TrainValidationSplit Validation for hyper-parameter Spark
TrainValidationSplitModel Model from train validation Spark
Transformer Abstract class for transformers that transform one dataset into another.Classorg.apache.spark.mlApache Spark
UnaryTransformer Abstract class for transformers that take one input column, apply transformation, and output the result as a new column.Classorg.apache.spark.mlApache Spark
UniformGenerator Generates i.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.randomApache Spark
UnresolvedAttribute An unresolved Spark
Updater Class used to perform steps (weight update) using Gradient Descent methods.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.optimizationApache Spark
Variance Class for calculating variance during regressionSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.apache.spark.mllib.tree.impurityApache Spark
VectorRepresents a numeric vector, whose index type is Int and value type is Double.Interfaceorg.apache.spark.mllib.linalgApache Spark
VectorAssembler A feature transformer that merges multiple columns into a vector Spark
VectorAttributeRewriterUtility transformer that rewrites Vector attribute names via prefix Spark
VectorIndexer Class for indexing categorical feature columns in a dataset of Spark
VectorIndexerModel Transform categorical features to use 0-based indices instead of their original Spark
VectorsClassorg.apache.spark.mllib.linalgApache Spark
VectorSlicer This class takes a feature vector and outputs a new feature vector with a subarray of the The subset of features can be specified with either indices (setIndices()) Spark
VectorTransformerInterfaceorg.apache.spark.mllib.featureApache Spark
VectorUDT:: AlphaComponent :: User-defined type for Vector which allows easy interaction with SQLClassorg.apache.spark.mllib.linalgApache Spark
VocabWordClassorg.apache.spark.mllib.featureApache Spark
WeibullGenerator Generates i.Classorg.apache.spark.mllib.randomApache Spark
Word2Vec Word2Vec trains a model of Map(String, Vector), Spark
Word2VecClassorg.apache.spark.mllib.featureApache Spark
Word2VecModel Model fitted by Spark
Word2VecModelClassorg.apache.spark.mllib.featureApache Spark