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#Org.checkerframework.common.aliasing Classes and Interfaces - 9 results found.
AliasingCheckerAliasing type system -- used to identify expressions that definitely haveSee the Checker Framework Manual:Aliasing CheckerClassorg.checkerframework.common.aliasingChecker
AliasingTransferType refinement is treated in the usual way, except that at (pseudo-)assignments the RHS may lose its type refinement, before the LHS isClassorg.checkerframework.common.aliasingChecker
AliasingVisitorThis visitor ensures that every constructor whose result is annotated as @Unique does not leak aliases.Classorg.checkerframework.common.aliasingChecker
LeakedToResultThis annotation is used on a formal parameter to indicate that the parameter may be returned, but it is not otherwise leaked.Classorg.checkerframework.common.aliasing.qualChecker
MaybeLeakedTemporary type qualifier: This is the default type qualifier for the Leaked hierarchy.Classorg.checkerframework.common.aliasing.qualChecker
NonLeakedThis annotation is used on a formal parameter to indicate that the parameter is not leaked (stored in a location that couldClassorg.checkerframework.common.aliasing.qualChecker
UniqueAn expression with this type has no aliases.Classorg.checkerframework.common.aliasing.qualChecker