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#Org.exist.fluent Classes and Interfaces - 35 results found.
AttributeBuilderAllows attributes to be added to, replaced in and removed from an existing element in the database.Classorg.exist.fluentExistDB
DatabaseThe global entry point to an embedded instance of the eXist database.Classorg.exist.fluentExistDB
DatabaseExceptionSignals all errors and failures related to database access.Classorg.exist.fluentExistDB
DataUtilsA bunch of static data conversion utility methods.Classorg.exist.fluentExistDB
DocumentA document from the database, either binary or XML.Classorg.exist.fluentExistDB
Document .EventAn event that concerns a document.Classorg.exist.fluentExistDB
Document .ListenerListener for events affecting documents.Interfaceorg.exist.fluentExistDB
Document .MetadataFacetThe metadata facet for this document.Classorg.exist.fluentExistDB
ElementBuilderA builder of DOM trees, meant to be either stand alone or be inserted into pre-existing ones.Classorg.exist.fluentExistDB
FolderA named collection of XML documents in the database.Classorg.exist.fluentExistDB
Folder .EventAn event that concerns a folder.Classorg.exist.fluentExistDB
Folder .ListenerListener for events affecting folders.Interfaceorg.exist.fluentExistDB
ItemAn XML item in the database.Classorg.exist.fluentExistDB
ItemListThe result of a query on the database, holding a collection of items.Classorg.exist.fluentExistDB
ListenerThe supertype for all listeners on database documents and folders.Interfaceorg.exist.fluentExistDB
Listener .EventThe superclass for all database events.Classorg.exist.fluentExistDB
ListenerManagerInternal class not for public use; needs to be public due to external instantiation requirements.Classorg.exist.fluentExistDB
ListenerManager .TriggerDispatcherA centralized trigger listener for eXist that dispatches back to the singleton ListenerManager.Classorg.exist.fluentExistDB
NameAn actual or virtual name for a document, augmented with instructions for processing in case of duplication.Classorg.exist.fluentExistDB
NamedResourceA named resource in the contents tree of the database: either a folder or a document.Classorg.exist.fluentExistDB
NamedResource .MetadataFacetThe metadata facet of a named resource.Classorg.exist.fluentExistDB
NamespaceMapA map of short keys to namespace uris that can be cascaded.Classorg.exist.fluentExistDB
NodeA node in the database.Classorg.exist.fluentExistDB
QNameA qualified name, consisting of a namespace and a local name.Classorg.exist.fluentExistDB
QueryServiceProvides facilities for performing queries on a database.Classorg.exist.fluentExistDB
QueryService .QueryAnalysisAn access point for running various analyses on a query.Classorg.exist.fluentExistDB
QueryService .QueryAnalysis .CardinalityThe enumeration of recognized cardinalities for parameter and return types.Classorg.exist.fluentExistDB
QueryService .StatisticsClassorg.exist.fluentExistDB
QueryService .Statistics .EntryPerformance counters for a single query.Classorg.exist.fluentExistDB
ResourceA database object that can be further queried.Classorg.exist.fluentExistDB
SourceA source of data to be loaded into the database, distinguishing between XML documents and other (binary) documents.Classorg.exist.fluentExistDB
Source .BlobA source of binary data to be loaded into the database.Classorg.exist.fluentExistDB
Source .XMLA source of XML data to be loaded into the database.Classorg.exist.fluentExistDB
Triggerenum Triggerextends EnumAn action being undertaken on the database, used to characterize an event.Classorg.exist.fluentExistDB
XMLDocumentAn XML document from the database.Classorg.exist.fluentExistDB