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#Org.faceless.pdf2.viewer2 Classes and Interfaces - 163 results found.
AboutCreate a simple "About" dialog displaying information about the PDFViewer and the runtime environment.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
AbstractRegionSelectorAn abstract superclass for any widgets that require a region to be selected.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
ActionHandlerA type of ViewerFeature that will run a PDFAction on a document, usually as a result of a link or button being clicked.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
ActiveWindowMenuA special feature to enable the list of open windows under the "Window" menu.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
AnnotationAddAn AbstractRegionSelector that allows new annotations to be added to the The following initialization parameters can be specified to configure this feature.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
AnnotationAddLineA feature that allows new line annotations to be drawn directly onto the PDF Page.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
AnnotationComponentFactoryA type of ViewerFeature that creates a JComponent to represent a PDFAnnotation on the page.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
AnnotationEllipseFactoryCreate annotations that handle Ellipse AnnotationShape objects.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
AnnotationLineFactoryCreate annotations that handle Line AnnotationShape objects.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
AnnotationLinkFactoryCreate annotations that handle AnnotationLink objects.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
AnnotationNoteFactory Create annotations that handle AnnotationNote objects The name of this feature is AnnotationNoteClassorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
AnnotationRectangleFactoryCreate annotations that handle Rectangle AnnotationShape objects.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
AnnotationSoundFactory Create annotations that handle AnnotationSound objects The name of this feature is AnnotationSoundClassorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
AnnotationStampFactoryCreate annotations that handle AnnotationStamp objects.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
AnnotationTextCalloutFactory Create annotations that handle AnnotationText objects with callouts.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
AnnotationTextFactory Create annotations that handle AnnotationText objects (without callouts).Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
AppleSupport This feature can be added to the viewer on Mac OS X for a more "Mac-like" interface.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
AppletCheckboxMenuItemA subclass of JCheckBoxMenuItem that disables menus and/or accelerator keys when the menu is applied in an AppletClassorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.utilBigFaceless
AppletMenuItemA subclass of JMenuItem that disables menus and/or accelerator keys when the menu is applied in an AppletClassorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.utilBigFaceless
AreaSelectionActionA type of feature that will perform an action on an area selected with the SelectArea feature.Interfaceorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
BackgroundSignatureVerifierThis feature will cause signatures in the PDF to be verified automatically when a PDF is loaded by the viewer, using a thread that runs transparently in the background.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
BackgroundTextExtractor This feature will cause text to be extracted automatically when a PDF is loaded by the viewer.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
BoundedDesktopManagerDesktopManager which ensures JInternalFrames cannot be dragged out of view.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.utilBigFaceless
CloseCreate a "File : Close" menu item to close the current document.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
ColorChoicePanelJPanel (and associated dialog) that can be used to select a colorSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.utilBigFaceless
ColorChoicePanel .ColorChoiceListenerPassed in to the ColorChoicePanel.Interfaceorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.utilBigFaceless
ContinuousPageViewThis Widget changes the DocumentViewport of the current DocumentPanel to a MultiPageDocumentViewport.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
CoordinatesCreates a JLabel which displays the total number of pages on the Toolbar.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
DialogPanelGeneral purpose Dialog with OK and (optionally) Cancel button and/or other buttons, intended to give a unified L&F to all dialogs in the viewerClassorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.utilBigFaceless
DocumentPanel A DocumentPanel is the basic component that displays a PDF, and may be instantiated on it's own or as part of a PDFViewer.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
DocumentPanelEventRepresents an event on a DocumentPanel indicating that document has changed somehow.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
DocumentPanelListenerA Listener that should be implemented by any objects wanting to be notified whenever a DocumentPanelEvent is raised.Interfaceorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
DocumentViewportA DocumentViewport displays a view of a PDF inside a DocumentPanel, although it can also be instantiated on it's own if required.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
DragAndDropA feature which will add the ability to drag and drop files into the PDFViewer in a standard way.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
DragScrollThis widget allows the document to be dragged and scrolled.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
DualPageDocumentViewportA DocumentViewport that displays two pages at a time.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
DualPageViewThis Widget changes the DocumentViewport of the current DocumentPanel to a DualPageDocumentViewport.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
EditMenuThis features adds an "Edit" menu to the application, which provides a familiar interface for those components allowing cut, copy, paste and text selection in theClassorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
EmbeddedFilePanelCreate a SidePanel that will display a list of embedded files in the PDF.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
ExporterA type of ViewerFeature which allows PDF's to be saved in a variety of formats.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
FormBarCodeWidgetFactoryCreate annotations to handle WidgetAnnotation objects belonging to a FormBarCode.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
FormBlankSignatureWidgetFactoryCreate annotations to handle WidgetAnnotation objects belonging to unsigned FormSignature fields.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
FormButtonWidgetFactoryCreate annotations to handle WidgetAnnotation objects belonging to a FormButton.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
FormChoiceWidgetFactoryCreate annotations to handle WidgetAnnotation objects belonging to a FormChoice.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
FormImportDataActionHandlerCreate an action handler to deal with "FormImportData" PDFAction.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
FormRadioButtonWidgetFactoryCreate annotations to handle WidgetAnnotation objects belonging to FormRadioButton and FormCheckbox objects.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
FormResetActionHandlerCreate a handler to handler "FormReset" actions.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
FormSignedSignatureWidgetFactoryCreate annotations to handle WidgetAnnotation objects belonging to signed FormSignature fields.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
FormSubmitActionHandlerCreate a handler to handler "FormSubmit" actions.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
FormTextWidgetFactoryCreate annotations to handle WidgetAnnotation objects belonging to a FormText.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
FullScreenModeCreate a menu item that will display the Document in "Full Screen" mode.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
GenericNamedActionHandlerCreate an action handler to handle "Named" actions.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
GoToActionHandlerCreate an action handler for "GoTo" actions and the named actions that move between The name of this feature is GoToActionHandlerClassorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
HighlightSelectionActionA MarkupSelectionAction that will create an Highlight AnnotationMarkup on the selected text.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
ImageImporterA subclass of Importer that allows bitmap images to be converted to PDF documents and loaded directly into the PDFViewer.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
Importer A type of ViewerFeature which takes care of loading a PDF file into a PDFViewer.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
InfoCreate a button and menu item to display information about the PDF.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
InvisiblySignDocument Creates a new, invisible FormSignature field and then sign it.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
JSManager Handles the Events - primarily JavaScript events - raised during the lifetime of the viewer.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
KeyStoreAliasListA JList that displays a list of aliases from a KeyStore managed by a KeyStoreManagerSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.utilBigFaceless
KeyStoreManager This class is a wrapper around a KeyStore, providing high-level management functions and the ability to load and save the KeyStore, selecting the file viaClassorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
KeyStoreSignatureProvider A SignatureProvider that signs and verifies signatures from a KeyStoreManager (ie from a local KeyStore.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
KeyStoreTrustManager This class makes working with SSL connections easier, by prompting the user when an invalid certificate is encountered.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.utilBigFaceless
LinearizedSupportA class which handles all the support for Linearized document loaded by a DocumentPanel.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
LongRunningTaskThe superclass for Importer and Exporter, this general class representsClassorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.utilBigFaceless
ManageIdentitiesCreate a button that opens a dialog to manage digital identities.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
MarkupSelectionActionA TextSelectionAction that will create an AnnotationMarkup of the specified type onClassorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
MenusA special feature to enable the Menubar.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
MultiPageDocumentViewportA DocumentViewport that displays all the pages of a PDF in one column (or row) in the viewport.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
MultiWindowA special feature to enable internal frames inside the viewer.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
NetworkSaveCreate a button that will submit a PDF to a network URL.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
NullDocumentViewportA DocumentViewport that doesn't display anything.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
OpenCreate a button and menu item to load a document from the filesystem.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
OpenRecentThis feature adds a most-recently-used menu listing the n most recently opened documents.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
OutlinePanelCreate a SidePanel that will display the document bookmarks, as returned by PDF.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
PageFirstCreate a button to jump to the first page.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
PageLastCreate a button to jump to the last page.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
PageNextCreate a button to jump to the next page.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
PageNumberCreate a widget that displays the current page number, and allows the user to enter a new pagenumber for display.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
PagePanel The PagePanel class is the lowest-level class for rendering a PDFPage as a JPanel.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
PagePanelEventRepresents an event on a PagePanel indicating that document has changed somehow.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
PagePanelInteractionEventRepresents an interaction (currently only mouse) event on a PagePanel.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
PagePanelInteractionListenerA listener that should be implemented by any objects wanting to be notified whenever a PagePanelInteractionEvent is raised.Interfaceorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
PagePanelListenerA listener that should be implemented by any objects wanting to be notified whenever a PagePanelEvent is raised.Interfaceorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
PagePreviousCreate a button that jumps to the previous page.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
PasswordPromptEncryptionHandlerAn extension of the StandardEncryptionHandler that will pop up a password dialog to request the password if necessary.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
PDFBackgroundTaskThis interface should be implemented by any features in the Viewer that run in a background thread.Interfaceorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
PDFExporterA subclass of Exporter that handles exporting a PDF as a PDF file.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
PDFImporter A subclass of Importer that allows PDF files to be loaded into the viewer.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
PDFTool This class is a utility class which does many of the common tasks required on PDFs - joining them, completing forms, converting to bitmap images or viewing them.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
PDFViewerThe PDFViewer class is a simple Swing PDF viewer application.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
PDFViewerAppletAn applet wrapping the PDFViewer.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
PrintCreate a button that opens a print dialog.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
PromptingAuthenticatorA simple Authenticator which will prompt the user to enter the required name and password with a Swing dialog.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.utilBigFaceless
PropertyParserA Utility class for parsing particular Strings into particular types of object.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.utilBigFaceless
PublicKeyPromptEncryptionHandlerAn extension of the PublicKeyEncryptionHandler that will pop up a dialog allowing the user to select a KeyStore to select a private key fromClassorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
QuitCreate a menu item that will quit the application - ie.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
RedactSelectionActionA TextSelectionAction that will redact the selected area of the PDF using the Redactor class.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
RemoteSignatureProvider A SignatureProvider that allows digital signatures to applied using the RemoteSignatureHandlerFactory class.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
RichTextTransferHandler A TransferHandler that can copy/paste RichText.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.utilBigFaceless
RichTextTransferHandler .RichTransferableTransferable class that can transfer Rich-Text as plain, RTF or HTML.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.utilBigFaceless
RotateAntiClockwiseCreate a button that will rotate the page 90 degrees anticlockwise.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
RotateClockwiseCreate a button that will rotate the page 90 degrees clockwise.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
Save Create a button that will allow the PDF to be saved to disk.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
SaveAsCreate a button that will open a dialog allowing the PDF to be saved to disk.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
SearchFieldCreate a widget that displays a Search field in the Toolbar.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
SearchPanelCreates a SidePanel that displays search results.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
SearchPanel .FieldA subclass of JTextField customized for searching - it has a setProgress() method to report the progress of the search,Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
SearchPanel .ResultsThis class is the SidePanel returned by the parent factory, and represents the search results panel.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
SelectAreaAn AbstractRegionSelector that allows a rectangular to be selected for PDF operations.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
ShowConsole Create a menu item to display the JavaScript Console The name of this feature is ShowConsoleClassorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
ShowHideActionHandlerHandles the "ShowWidget" and "HideWidget" types of PDFAction.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
SidePanelRepresents a side-panel in a DocumentPanel.Interfaceorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
SidePanelFactoryA type of ViewerFeature that creates SidePanel objects.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
SignatureCapture A feature which can be used to capture a handwritten signature on a Smartphone (iPhone, iPad or Android).Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
SignaturePanelCreate a SidePanel that will display a list of Digital Signatures in the PDF.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
SignatureProvider A ViewerFeature that acts as a service provider for applying Digital Signatures.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
SinglePageDocumentViewportA type of DocumentViewport that displays a single page.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
SinglePageViewThis Widget changes the DocumentViewport of the current DocumentPanel to a SinglePageDocumentViewport.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
SoundActionHandlerCreate a handler to handler "Sound" actions.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
SplashScreenCreate a splash screen which displays an "About" dialog when the PDFViewer is first displayed.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
StrikeOutSelectionActionA MarkupSelectionAction that will create an StrikeOut AnnotationMarkup on the selected text.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
TextCopyActionA TextSelectionAction that will copy the selected text to the The name of this feature is TextCopyActionClassorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
TextExporterA subclass of Exporter that handles saving a PDF as a Text file.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
TextSelectionThis class is a transparent panel which is laid overtop of the PagePanel.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
TextSelection .RangeA Range represents a selected range of PageExtractor.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
TextSelection .RangeListA RangeList is a read-only list of Range objects.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
TextSelectionActionA type of feature that works with the TextTool feature.Interfaceorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
TextTool This widget allows text to be selected from the DocumentViewport.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
ThumbnailCutActionStore the currently selected pages in the thumbnail panel for a subsequent move operation.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
ThumbnailDeleteActionThis feature will allow pages to be deleted via the ThumbnailPanel.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
ThumbnailExtractActionThis feature will allow pages to be extracted to a new Document via the ThumbnailPanel.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
ThumbnailPanel Creates a SidePanel that displays the page thumbnails.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
ThumbnailPanel .SinglePagePanel A JPanel representing a single page image.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
ThumbnailPanel .ThumbnailSelectionActionThis interface should be implemented by any ViewerFeature that should be available as an action on the ThumbnailPanel.Interfaceorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
ThumbnailPanel .ThumbnailSidePanelThis type of SidePanel is returned from a call to ThumbnailPanel.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
ThumbnailPanel .View This class is the JPanel containing all the thumbnails.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
ThumbnailPasteActionMoves the pages that have previously been stored with a cut operation to before the currently selected page in the thumbnail panel, and clears theClassorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
TIFFExporterA subclass of Exporter that handles saving a PDF as The name of this feature is TIFFExporterClassorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
ToggleViewerWidgetAn subclass of ViewerWidget which causes the widget to be toggled on or off, rather than simply pushed.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
ToolbarDisablingA special feature that creates a menu option allowing the user to enable or disable toolbars.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
ToolbarFloatingA special feature that allows the toolbars to float or not.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
ToolbarsA special feature that creates the toolbars in the PDFViewer.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
TotalPagesCreates a JLabel which displays the total number of pages on the Toolbar.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
UnderlineSelectionActionA MarkupSelectionAction that will create an Underline AnnotationMarkup on the selected text.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
UndoThis features adds an "Undo" and "Redo" entry to the Edit menu, which interfaces with the DocumentPanel.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
URLActionHandlerCreate an action handler for "URL" actions, which will attempt to open a URL in the system web The name of this feature is URLActionHandlerClassorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
UtilA utility class that handles localized Strings, display of error messages and so on.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
ViewerEventAn event which is raised by the Viewer when a ViewerWidget is activated.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
ViewerFeatureThe ViewerFeature class can be used to control the various features of the PDFViewer, such as widgets, side panels, annotations and action handlers.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
ViewerWidget A type of ViewerFeature that adds a "widget" to a PDFViewer.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2BigFaceless
WarningNotifier This feature can be used to hook into the logging subsystem and display warnings which would be sent to Log4J or the java.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
X509UtilThis class contains one method used by the KeyStoreManager class to create new X.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.utilBigFaceless
XFAA class which suppressed warnings about missing XFA support in the PDF Viewer when JavaScript is supported.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
ZoomFitCreates a button/menu item which zooms the Document to fit the current viewport.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
ZoomFitHeightCreates a menu item which zooms the Document to fit it's height the current viewport.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
ZoomFitWidthCreates a button/menu button which zooms the Document to fit the width to the current viewport.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
ZoomInCreates a button which will zoom the document in to the next level.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
ZoomLevelCreate a widget which displays the current zoom level, and allows the user to edit it to set the zoom level.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
ZoomOutCreate a button which zooms the document out to the next level.Classorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless
ZoomSelection Creates a button which will zoom the document to a selected region The name of this feature is ZoomSelectionClassorg.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.featureBigFaceless