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#Org.geotools.coverage.processing.operation Classes and Interfaces - 37 results found.
AbsoluteComputes the mathematical absolute value of each sample value.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
AddCreate a new coverage as the sum of two source coverages by doing pixel by pixel addition: result[0][0] = source0[0][0] + source1[0][0]Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
AddConstAdds constants (one for each band) to every sample values of the source coverage.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
AffineThis operation is simply a wrapper for the JAI Affine operationSince:12.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
BandMergeOperationJAI subclass used for executing the "Merge" of multiple coverages into a single coverage with multiple bands.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
BandMerge .TransformList "getTransformationList" returns a List of the AffineTransformations to use for backward mapping the destination pixels into each sourceAuthor:Nicola Lagomarsini, GeoSolutions S.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operation.BandMergeGeoTools
ConvolveComputes each output sample by multiplying elements of a kernel with the samples surrounding a particular source sample.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
CropThe crop operation is responsible for selecting geographic subarea of the source coverage.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
DivideByConstDivides every sample values of the source coverage by constants (one for each band).Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
ExpTakes the exponential of the sample values of a coverage.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
ExtremaThis operation simply wraps JAI Extrema operations described by ExtremaDescriptor inside a GeoTools operation in order to make itClassorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
FilteredSubsampleThis operation is simply a wrapper for the JAI FilteredSubsample operation which allows me to arbitrarly scale a rendered image while smoothing it out.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
GridCoverage2DRIAA RenderedImage that provides values coming from a source GridCoverage2D, with a backing grid addressable as the target GridCoverage2D.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
Histogram* This operation simply wraps JAI Histogram operations described by HistogramDescriptor inside a GeoTools operation in order to make itClassorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
InterpolateSpecifies the interpolation type to be used to interpolate values for points which fall between grid cells.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
InvertInverts the sample values of a coverage.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
LogTakes the natural logarithm of the sample values of a coverage.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
MaxFilterFor each position of the mask, replaces the center pixel by the maximum of the pixel values covered by the mask.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
MedianFilterFor each position of the mask, replaces the center pixel by the median of the pixel values covered by the mask.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
MinFilterFor each position of the mask, replaces the center pixel by the minimum of the pixel values covered by the mask.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
MosaicThis operation does a mosaic of multiple GridCoverage2Ds.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
Mosaic .GridGeometryPolicyClassorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operation.MosaicGeoTools
Mosaic .ParamsA block of parameters for a GridCoverage2D processed by the Mosaic operation.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operation.MosaicGeoTools
MultiplyCreate a new coverage as the multiplication of two source coverages by doing pixel by pixel result[0][0] = source0[0][0] * source1[0][0]Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
MultiplyConstMultiplies every sample values of the source coverage by constants (one for each band).Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
Operation2DAn operation working on GridCoverage2D sources.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processingGeoTools
OperationJAIWraps a JAI's OperationDescriptor for interoperability with Java Advanced Imaging.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processingGeoTools
OperationJAI .ParametersA block of parameters for a GridCoverage2D processed by a OperationJAI.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.OperationJAIGeoTools
OperationsConvenience, type-safe, methods for applying some common operations on coverage objects.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processingGeoTools
ResampleResample a grid coverage using a different grid geometry.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
RescaleMaps the sample values of a coverage from one range to another range.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
ScaleThis operation is simply a wrapper for the JAI scale operation which allows me to arbitrarily scale and translate a rendered image.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
SelectSampleDimensionChooses N sample dimensions from a grid coverage and copies their sample data to the destination grid coverage in the orderClassorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
SubsampleAverageThis operation is simply a wrapper for the JAI SubsampleAverage operation which allows me to arbitrarily scale a rendered image while smoothing it out.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
SubtractConstSubtracts constants (one for each band) from every sample values of the source coverage.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
SubtractFromConstSubtracts every sample values of the source coverage from constants (one for each band).Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
WarpThis operation is simply a wrapper for the JAI Warp operationSince:9.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools